Author Topic: The Left is Too Smart to Fail  (Read 2260 times)

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Offline Glock32

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The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« on: December 26, 2013, 01:03:51 PM »
This article from Sultan Knish kind of ties into another thread about Obama's impenetrable narcissism, and goes further by explaining that the real narcissism is on the part of his acolytes. An excellent analysis of the aptly titled "too smart to fail" conceit of the modern liberal.

The infrastructure of manufactured intelligence has become a truly impressive thing. Today as never before there is an industry dedicated, not to educating people, but to making them feel smart. From paradigm shifting TED talks to paradigm to books by thought leaders and documentaries by change agents that transform your view of the world, manufactured intelligence has become its own culture.

Manufactured intelligence is the smarmy quality that oozes out of a New York Times column by Thomas Friedman, Maureen Dowd, Frank Bruni and the rest of the gang who tell you nothing meaningful while dazzling you with references to international locations, political events and pop culture, tying together absurdities into one synergistic web of nonsense that feels meaningful.

There's a reason that there's a Tom Friedman article generator online. But it could just as easily be a New York Times article generator that sums up the hollowness of the buzzword-fed crowd that is always hungry to reaffirm the illusion of its own intelligence.

We all know that George W. Bush was a moron. And we all know that Obama is a genius. We have been told by Valerie Jarrett, by his media lapdogs and even by the great man himself that he is just too smart to do his job. And it's reasonable that a genius would be bored by the tedious tasks involved in running the most powerful nation on earth.

But what is "smart" anyway? What makes Obama a genius? It's not his IQ. It's probably not his grades or we would have seen them already. It's that like so many of the thought leaders and TED talkers, he makes his supporters feel smart. The perception of intelligence is really a reflection.


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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2013, 02:26:12 PM »
.......he makes his supporters feel smart.

It's easy to feel superior to a can of worms.
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Offline whimsicalmamapig

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2013, 03:41:12 PM »
this article is good to the point, but there needs to be a plan on how to neutralize several generations of these "deadheads" who are assertive, affirmed of their own greatness and convinced that the future of mankind and mother earth rests in their hands (via the epa and socialized everything).

there is no humility in their mind's concept. they are true believers in themselves and their ability to save us all. How do you dissuade them from their appointed task?  they are fanatics who do not realize that their cause is a lie.

to save this country, dare I say this world, there must be found a solution to these creatures. they have been bred to ruin all but their own true beliefs and they lack the cognisant  skills to debate and reevaluate their beliefs.

depending on an apocalypse to clear the earth of their ilk is not the best action plan.  real ideas as to how to neutralize these liberty-zombies is what fails the conservative side of the political spectrum. there would not have been such an outcry about Phil Robertson if there were not a majority of America who knows these liberals for what they are and would follow anyone who laid down a plan to eliminate them from our midst, surely there is enough brain power on the right that can conceive of a plan of action
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Offline BigAlSouth

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2013, 05:39:03 PM »
Another troubling sign of the times is found in the Bizarro Liberal World where there is no reason for any further debate. Man-made Global Warming is a fact, not subject to debate. CO2 emissions are the reason for the elevated temps. Capitalism is evil.

My greatest fear is that Progressives, if and when they become the governing majority, (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) will be all so happy to use force to silence their enemies. They already have tried. Look at the corruption of the IRS where to speak out against this regime results in an immediate audit. Or worse.
The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living
are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.
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Offline warpmine

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2013, 05:57:52 PM »
this article is good to the point, but there needs to be a plan on how to neutralize several generations of these "deadheads" who are assertive, affirmed of their own greatness and convinced that the future of mankind and mother earth rests in their hands (via the epa and socialized everything).

there is no humility in their mind's concept. they are true believers in themselves and their ability to save us all. How do you dissuade them from their appointed task?  they are fanatics who do not realize that their cause is a lie.

to save this country, dare I say this world, there must be found a solution to these creatures. they have been bred to ruin all but their own true beliefs and they lack the cognisant  skills to debate and reevaluate their beliefs.

depending on an apocalypse to clear the earth of their ilk is not the best action plan.  real ideas as to how to neutralize these liberty-zombies is what fails the conservative side of the political spectrum. there would not have been such an outcry about Phil Robertson if there were not a majority of America who knows these liberals for what they are and would follow anyone who laid down a plan to eliminate them from our midst, surely there is enough brain power on the right that can conceive of a plan of action
Sorry, but you don't hold a polite conversation with roaches, you hire an exterminator and proceed to eradicate them. It's the only way. These roaches are hard nose thick skull high density types with something rather obnoxious that tells them not to debate the merits of anything you or I say but instead ridicule us for our beliefs. I say fine and dandy, you've had your chance to do it peacefully and you chose poorly, it's time to meet your god, Satan.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2013, 07:03:17 PM »
this article is good to the point, but there needs to be a plan on how to neutralize several generations of these "deadheads" who are assertive, affirmed of their own greatness and convinced that the future of mankind and mother earth rests in their hands (via the epa and socialized everything).

there is no humility in their mind's concept. they are true believers in themselves and their ability to save us all. How do you dissuade them from their appointed task?  they are fanatics who do not realize that their cause is a lie.

to save this country, dare I say this world, there must be found a solution to these creatures. they have been bred to ruin all but their own true beliefs and they lack the cognisant  skills to debate and reevaluate their beliefs.

depending on an apocalypse to clear the earth of their ilk is not the best action plan.  real ideas as to how to neutralize these liberty-zombies is what fails the conservative side of the political spectrum. there would not have been such an outcry about Phil Robertson if there were not a majority of America who knows these liberals for what they are and would follow anyone who laid down a plan to eliminate them from our midst, surely there is enough brain power on the right that can conceive of a plan of action
Sorry, but you don't hold a polite conversation with roaches, you hire an exterminator and proceed to eradicate them. It's the only way. These roaches are hard nose thick skull high density types with something rather obnoxious that tells them not to debate the merits of anything you or I say but instead ridicule us for our beliefs. I say fine and dandy, you've had your chance to do it peacefully and you chose poorly, it's time to meet your god, Satan.

Ditto.  The "solution" is abrupt, sudden blunt trauma to anyone who suggests that the government's power, and ultimately guns it wields  be used to do ANYTHING but protect the rights of an individual.  There is NO QUESTION AT ALL that the left will use those guns to eradicate unlike minded thinkers the second they feel they might succeed at such an effort, and given their apparent hubris, they are very likely to not even consider the question of if they will succeed before making the attempt.  The night that happens, is the night that every lefty  I know will get their due.

Offline OldSailor

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2013, 07:22:55 PM »
We all know that George W. Bush was a moron. And we all know that Obama is a genius. We have been told by Valerie Jarrett, by his media lapdogs and even by the great man himself that he is just too smart to do his job. And it's reasonable that a genius would be bored by the tedious tasks involved in running the most powerful nation on earth.

But what is "smart" anyway? What makes Obama a genius? It's not his IQ. It's probably not his grades or we would have seen them already. It's that like so many of the thought leaders and TED talkers, he makes his supporters feel smart. The perception of intelligence is really a reflection.

"In it's most basic form the right to keep and bear arms is nothing less than the right to maintain the means of one's own self-defense. If a man chooses not to arm himself, that is his choice and right. It is NOT his right to force his choice upon me." - Me

Offline whimsicalmamapig

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2013, 08:28:11 PM »
I could go along with the blunt force trauma scenario if it were to become a reality, but I can't seem to find any evidence on the horizon.

Dreams of a retribution coming forth out of our American body politic are hard to imagine and while I am always heartened by mass public responses of the likes of chic-filet and duck dynasty, they always seem to fall a little short and are based on small pieces of the larger problem.

Why can we not see the same uprising based on the truly great atrocities committed against our constitution daily. Is our population so uninformed?  Or are our leaders so jaded as to not stir the type of righteous response
that can be so easily created about a GQ article.

It mystifies me that the right is so apathetic about what is truly important yet get's its back up about a chicken sandwich maker.
Democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
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Offline Glock32

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2013, 09:41:23 PM »
It's coming because you cannot continue printing fake money and expecting your own people, much less the world at large, to continue pretending it has value. It's coming because you cannot continue to strategically make this and that client demographic wards of the state in exchange for their votes, all while expecting an ever dwindling non-client demographic to keep doing all the work.

It's that, or nothing. There's not going to be some intellectual renaissance where this barnyard of humanity suddenly begins an earnest study of Hayek and Buckley. Too many decades have already passed with an apres moi, la deluge mentality -- so the deluge it is then. And at this point the deluge is decidedly preferable anyway.
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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2013, 09:54:16 PM »
warpmine is right; they've had at least three decades -- thirty years -- to listen to reason, to our pointing out the error of their ways via live demonstrations of reality and what their persistant wrongheadedness has wrought, and to naught.  Further discussion is not only pointless, now we're openly mocked.  Done and done.

Why can we not see the same uprising based on the truly great atrocities committed against our constitution daily. Is our population so uninformed?  Or are our leaders so jaded as to not stir the type of righteous response
that can be so easily created about a GQ article.

Declaration of Independence:  "... accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
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"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline OldSailor

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #10 on: December 27, 2013, 05:47:53 AM »

Sorry, but you don't hold a polite conversation with roaches, you hire an exterminator and proceed to eradicate them. It's the only way. These roaches are hard nose thick skull high density types with something rather obnoxious that tells them not to debate the merits of anything you or I say but instead ridicule us for our beliefs. I say fine and dandy, you've had your chance to do it peacefully and you chose poorly, it's time to meet your god, Satan.

Unfortunately a popular uprising against the regime ain't gonna happen UNTIL it shows its hand by committing multiple attrocities like Waco TX writ large and by then it will probably be too late unless the armed forces refuse orders to move against the population. 

Even then too many would sit on the sidelines and not even cheer until the shooting was done.  Then they'd cheer the winner, whoever that would be.
"In it's most basic form the right to keep and bear arms is nothing less than the right to maintain the means of one's own self-defense. If a man chooses not to arm himself, that is his choice and right. It is NOT his right to force his choice upon me." - Me

Offline BigAlSouth

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2013, 07:11:01 AM »
My greatest fear? The US military, purged of an honest and freedom loving officer corps, is more than happy to fire on their fellow citizens.

Can't happen? History says otherwise. Force was used against the WWI veterans who assembled in Washington to try to cash their bonus. (See: ) We know this story, we have discussed it here previously.

The leaders of the Army who crushed the former veterans reads like a Who's Who of WWII heroes.
The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living
are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend; the friend of my enemy is, well, he is just a dumbass.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2013, 10:02:58 AM »

Unfortunately a popular uprising against the regime ain't gonna happen UNTIL it shows its hand by committing multiple attrocities like Waco TX writ large and by then it will probably be too late unless the armed forces refuse orders to move against the population.

"Popular Uprising"? No there will not be a "popular uprising"  It will be the same 3-10%  who fought in and supported the Revolutionary war. As yes, that is enough.

 Even with a 100% loyal army, Washington has limited resources.  IF just 3% of the population decides to resist (as they did in the revolutionary war)  that is still 9.3 Million people - scattered through the country side.. that is going to give us roughly equal numbers to current LE and Military  And to BigAlSouths Point, our vets won't be sitting half-starved in a camp across from the Pentagon where they can be picked off, they will be among those same  9 million people and able to organize and train them. The Bonus army didn't expect an attack, and both  tactically and strategically  it would be foolish of us to provide them with a concentrated target like that.

 Assuming the great Eye of Sauron in the NSA knows who their enemies are,  I doubt they have an accurate knowledge of which 9 Million people are the problem, so their grab, detain, re-educate and liquidate list is likely to be at least double that number.  Then there is the massive expense of mobilizing the entire army, and any foreign troops they think they can bring in under the guise of "UN Peacekeepers" - and if you start going from house to house,  word is going to get out, and before long your 20 man SWAT team is met by 100 snipers , concealed, on their own turf, and probably better trained in the the of their weapons. Fuel and food for the troops  and their drones etc, will become a Achilles heel, because no where is behind your line.  They can establish "Green Zones"  like they did in Iraq, but where are they bringing the supplies in from?

And you know they won't have a 100% loyal army. there will be patriots working with in the ranks, sabotaging information, vehicles, and running munitions and arms to the resistance.  Meanwhile the city vs. rural war starts in earnest, for 85% of our enemy lives on those festering hives. .  Bridges are destroyed, water and fuel pipelines sabotaged, electric lines cut, railways hampered, concrete and other items thrown into sewers to damage those lines and shut down the machinery at the processing plants.  IEDs hamper trucking.    And then further Federal resources are diverted to dealing with food riots, sanitation and suffering in the cities, and fewer can be spared to come farmhouse to farmhouse - and the Resistance has yet to kill a single citizen.. at least directly.  Every failure because a failure of the Fed to protect - a failure of the fed to fix the problems.  The Bridge Sitting Monkeys expect Government to be a Parent- a God really, and when it doesn't come through they feel betrayed Maybe not enough to resist, but perhaps enough that they don't feel inclined to fight us either.  They become part of that great mass of morons who will cheer no matter which side wins. They think Food comes for the store, electricity from the wall, and money from Obama's Stash and they will finally feel the full smack of reality.  A lot of them will just go to bed and never get up when they realize their iDevice will never work again.

Its not a foregone conclusion that the Fed would win such a conflict if the Fed doesn't use WMDs.  If they go on a wide spread Nuclear,  Chemical or biological attack of the Countryside,  they then risk the chance of poisoning the lands they need to survive afterwards, or killing the people with the skills needed to make it all work.  That isn't to say they won't but its still a very risky endeavor for them.

And in the end, its the Fed on the clock. They can kick this can as many times as they want,  and each day we are able to earn fiat and turn it into preps makes us more ready for them, not less.  Each day allows them to do the same, but thugs don't fight without pay, and when the dollar collapses,  they only pay the Fed can offer is rape and pillaging-  The rule of law is obviously dead that this point, so all of the old grievances come to the fore.  IN some places you will get race wars, and you will get dominant groups. Some places will be dominated by Patriots, others by Patriot groups gone despotic , others by Black Gangs, others by  Hispanic gangs, and still others by Federal Forces who rape and pillage to maintain power and therefore become "The postman" like Militias with little allegiance to Washington.  If the Fed doesn't have control by the time the dollar looses its Reserve Status (be that a slow or a fast process)  then it will never have it.  Most of the fighting will be in the cities, because the fuel and material to move a large group to the rural areas to raid will be ever harder to come by and the journey ever more dangerous. (and the leftards will be vindicated in that more guns = more  gun violence :)  The low hanging fruit will be the "gang next door"  for a while, and those left  in the cities will still have to contend with poor sanitation and the disease that entails.
In this environment, Overall production falls.  Less food. Less Fuel - ans it is largely  the patriots in charge of the rural areas where that production takes place.
Again, there isn't really a need to gather en mass to fight the enemy. We simply kick him back into play when he comes our way.  We supply our own.  And we wait it out as the kill circles in the cities grow ever larger.

In summary, any attempt by the fed to subjugate by force is very likely to end in a real hot Civil war and eventually balkaniztion of the United States - which is fact my be the goal.

The other alternative is they simply keep kicking the can, and watching the power slip from their fingers as the dollar looses value on the world stage, and then you are Argentina.  Corruption is common, Bribes are common,  crime is common,  but some semblance of production and rule of law continues. They pass more and more laws and more and more laws are ignored for lack of enforcement.  Govt jobs are just sinecures that provide an overflowing supply of bribes as income.    We become fully  3rd world - and this is  sadly, the best case scenario at this point.

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2013, 02:49:16 PM »
What a great voice he had!

Beautiful Dreamer
“My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together.

“However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
Phil Robertson an elder in the church of Christ

Offline OldSailor

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2013, 05:49:37 PM »
My greatest fear? The US military, purged of an honest and freedom loving officer corps, is more than happy to fire on their fellow citizens.

Can't happen? History says otherwise. Force was used against the WWI veterans who assembled in Washington to try to cash their bonus. (See: ) We know this story, we have discussed it here previously.

The leaders of the Army who crushed the former veterans reads like a Who's Who of WWII heroes.

My thoughts exactly.  My fears exactly.
"In it's most basic form the right to keep and bear arms is nothing less than the right to maintain the means of one's own self-defense. If a man chooses not to arm himself, that is his choice and right. It is NOT his right to force his choice upon me." - Me

Offline OldSailor

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2013, 06:01:16 PM »
And to BigAlSouths Point, our vets won't be sitting half-starved in a camp across from the Pentagon where they can be picked off, they will be among those same  9 million people and able to organize and train them. The Bonus army didn't expect an attack, and both  tactically and strategically  it would be foolish of us to provide them with a concentrated target like that.


And I did read your entire post shipmate.  Let me digest it for a while before I reply further.
"In it's most basic form the right to keep and bear arms is nothing less than the right to maintain the means of one's own self-defense. If a man chooses not to arm himself, that is his choice and right. It is NOT his right to force his choice upon me." - Me

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #16 on: December 30, 2013, 08:02:54 AM »
It's easy to tell apart fake intelligence from the real thing. Manufactured intelligence fakes "smart" by playing word games. It constantly invents new terms to provide the enlightened elites with a secret language of Newspeak buzzwords that mean less than the words they are replacing. The buzzwords, Thought Leader and Change Agent, quickly take on cultist overtones and become ways of describing how the group's leaders would like to use power, than anything about the world that they describe.

The bubble head in Minnesota who went on a tropical vacation while her MinnSure website burned, described herself as a Thought Leader.

Funny how that always works.

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Re: The Left is Too Smart to Fail
« Reply #17 on: December 30, 2013, 06:04:35 PM »
It's easy to tell apart fake intelligence from the real thing. Manufactured intelligence fakes "smart" by playing word games. It constantly invents new terms to provide the enlightened elites with a secret language of Newspeak buzzwords that mean less than the words they are replacing. The buzzwords, Thought Leader and Change Agent, quickly take on cultist overtones and become ways of describing how the group's leaders would like to use power, than anything about the world that they describe.

The bubble head in Minnesota who went on a tropical vacation while her MinnSure website burned, described herself as a Thought Leader.

Funny how that always works.

And our problem is compounded by the fact that there seems to be an endless supply of Thought Leaders to replace them when they fall.

 ::facepalm::   ::pullhair::   ::asskicking::
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.