Author Topic: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...  (Read 205752 times)

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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #40 on: April 03, 2014, 07:19:19 AM »
Yeah that is pure delusion. If W. wanted a pretext to invade Iraq he could have just used the existing No Fly Zones. Fabricating a breach of the cease fire would have been a lot easier than a terrorist attack in NYC.  Plus W. does not hate America.  He would not have allowed something like that to happen knowingly.  For all his faults, I never had reason to believe he had an axe to grind with this country.  Unlike the current occupier.

The current Occupier is about nothing other than grinding axes and hating America!
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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #41 on: April 07, 2014, 06:58:30 AM »
And this would-be occupier of the White House would NOT be much better than the crap sitting there right now!

Anybody arguing otherwise is a fool!!!

ETA - To assist in proving the latter...

Schumer did say that Bush “would be a lot better” than some of the other Republicans who may run for president in 2016.
Schumer, appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” was asked if Jeb Bush’s liberal views on immigration were good for the Republican Party.
He’s showing where people are at. Most people are for immigration reform. Most Republicans, you know, they’re in the ‘vote no, pray yes’ caucus.  They’d like it to pass, as long as they don’t have to vote for it.”
“So, Chuck Schumer endorsing Jeb Bush — at least for the Republican primary,” host Joe Scarborough joked.
“He’d be a lot better than some of them,” Schumer responded, laughing.

I rest my case.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2014, 06:57:14 AM by Libertas »
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #42 on: April 18, 2014, 11:34:23 AM »
More news for the MFM to sweep under for the Bloody Bitch of Benghazi...

...oh and Filthy Harry Reid ensnared too!

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #43 on: April 28, 2014, 07:11:40 AM »
Totally and completely vomit-inducing drivel, if you can stand it...

That deserves the   ::doublebird::
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Offline AmericanPatriot

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #44 on: April 28, 2014, 07:44:11 AM »
And Rand Paul has gone complete sell out with his full endorsement of Susan Collins (who is running unopposed)

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #45 on: April 28, 2014, 07:56:59 AM »
Nothing but disappointment on every horizon...   ::facepalm::
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Offline richb

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #46 on: April 28, 2014, 02:28:29 PM »
Nothing but disappointment on every horizon...   ::facepalm::

I don't know how they manage to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory every time,  but they do (ok, I do know how they do it).   

I don't know how we will survive 8 years of President Hillary Clinton..............but as of now,  she is still the front runner by far.   I don't see anyone challenging her at the primary,  Old Joe doesn't count,  his campaign will fall apart in a second if he is stupid enough to try. 

Chicago politics seems to have been transplanted successfully to DC.   The Democrats only club like Chicago city government.  Aldermen that aren't Democrat? zero.    Now Democrat presidents can be as terrible as they want to be,  but they won't have to worry about losing the White House.     Don't believe me?   Obama's second term,  you ask someone thirty years ago if anyone thought Carter had a chance in h@ll at getting a second term.   Even Democrats knew he was going to lose.    In 2012 the best Republicans could do was tie with Barry at the polls,  which means you lose.    There are no major candidates for 2016 that does any better with Hillary,  in fact many do much worse.    Benghazi has not dented her in any meaningful way,  Democrat voters will not care about that, in fact many Democrat voters won't even know ANYTHING ABOUT IT.

It gets worse too.   Supreme court justices will continue to retire or die.   That means more liberals on the high court.   That may be even worse then a Democrat White House.   The heartburn from that goes on decades.  That means even if Republicans had all the statehouses and the House and Senate it won't matter much,  all rule will move to the courts and 1600 Pennsylvania.   Presidents will never leave major cities,  as they won't need any other votes from flyover country. 

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #47 on: April 28, 2014, 04:21:10 PM »
I kept believing that time isn't on their side, that mathematical reality would surely assert itself, but I don't even know anymore. Hell, maybe they can just keep printing fake money. It looks like there's no end to the suck.

It's especially sad for a civilization to willfully kill itself. It would be better to lose on the fields of battle to a worthy enemy.
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Offline AlanS

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #48 on: April 28, 2014, 04:56:25 PM »
It looks like there's no end to the suck.

Basic economics says the suck will end.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #49 on: April 28, 2014, 05:23:47 PM »
[Don't believe me?   Obama's second term,  you ask someone thirty years ago if anyone thought Carter had a chance in h@ll at getting a second term.   Even Democrats knew he was going to lose.    In 2012 the best Republicans could do was tie with Barry at the polls,  which means you lose.

The Democrat machine has gotten far more organized about cheating. You know damn well that they have lists of people who they can count on not to vote, that they now vote for. All they have to do is run through the list of registered voters and see who consistently doesn't show up - which is why they work so hard on getting everyone registered.  Then they vote for that person - usually by mail and early voting ( another reason they are such fans of that program-- because otherwise you have to send people through the lines multiple times and/or bus them to multiple places and its far more difficult to pull off)   

Add that to the fact that the GOP is deliberately choosing candidate their base cannot support ( McCain and Romney) and so are suppressing the turn out that way.  It will be even worse this election - because the GOP isn't even pretending to represent us and have pretty much exposed themselves to be lying lefist big-govt statists who are in no way different than the Dems.  A third party is pretty much the only option here, and that isn't going to arrive for at least another two cycles if history is any guide. 

Traditional Americans will not regain the Senate this year and will not win the Presidency in 2016.

I kept believing that time isn't on their side, that mathematical reality would surely assert itself, but I don't even know anymore. Hell, maybe they can just keep printing fake money. It looks like there's no end to the suck.

It has only lasted this long because the costs of abandoning the Status Quo are perceived to be too high and too disruptive..  but with war looming and the Western Civilization  slide continuing, at some point that will no longer be the case.   We already see the shift to the Yuan and other forms of currency ( gold)  beginning. We already see the Geo-political situation and extension of American power eroding, and Russia and China becoming more influential. ( I don't know if those in the Ukraine really want to be under Russian Hegemony,  but the writing is on the wall that the United States cannot and will not protect them from it)   You see China asserting control over Japanese Islands, the Middle East  turning their eyes to direct trade and protection alliances  with  Russia and others   and a general shift in allegiances and allies  all over the world.

The sheer number of events that could cause a sudden and  final collapse of this house of cards is simply too great to list -- CDS defaults in America, Japan and Europe , War In the Middle East resulting in rapid shifts of allegiances and trade and the end of the Petro-Dollar, War between China and Japan forcing a Japanese currency collapse,  Outright economic retaliation on the part of Russia or China simply selling their US Treasury Holdings, a Civil war and open rebellion within the United States, and so on..

I doubt there is anyone left with a brain  who thinks the Dollar is a solid currency, or even that its a "safe haven"  in comparison with other options.. but so many have so much invested that they will milk it as long as they can, and get as much as they can, before the inevitable occurs.  That means TPTB invested in the dollar are going to use every tool and every trick they can to slow roll the collapse ( which I would argue has ALREADY OCCURRED and has been ongoing since late 2007.)  If they succeed, and somehow mitigate the possibilities that would result in sudden and catastrophic collapse of the dollar   the United States will simply continue to sink into a 3rd World economy.  As we sink, the world will gradually abandon the dollar, and those foreign dollars will be used to loot the United States of natural resources as the Chinese, Russians and other nations buy mines, oil fields, farm land and factories. Along with those dollars coming home to roost the Fed will continue print new money to keep housing and stock markets rising ( as they did in Wiemar Germany) - Stock indexes and housing prices will set new records, as wages lag and the National Debt grows ever bigger.  Food will become 90%  of everyone's budget,  housing and other bills will be paid on a "when possible basis"  -  starvation and crime will be rampant, and corruption and bribery the standard method of "paying taxes" and dealing with govt officials. The government will be forced  into ever more draconian efforts to control prices, wages and consumption and will suspend property rights, seize assets, implement agenda 21  etc, - and will either succeed in killing the dissenting patriots and establishing a Police State, or will fail and the US will balkanize and descend into Civil War. At this point we discover if Alex Jones is right , and some sort illuminati group decides its a lost  cause, been milked for all its worth,m  and implement a full scale extermination of the United States via biological or Chemical WMD, Neutron Bomb or EMP attack, so its resources can be taken and distributed to the interested powers. Or they may simply let it fall apart and let us stew in our own Juices as China and Russia solidify economic and military dominance for the next century.

If a sudden collapse is avoided, this process could well take another 10 years.  Maybe even 20 years  but I doubt it.  I suspect it will be mostly over by the time Hillary leaves office.. which I suspect she will do via a bullet. However, if we aren't forcefully exterminated or successfully imprisoned in a police state,  the Fed will loose effectiveness and power,  and some areas of the country will re-establish freedom and limited govt in the vacuum ( I suspect Utah will become Deseret, and WY, MT, ID, CO, Kansas and portions of surrounding states form another coalition - which may extend as far as TX, but I suspect the East and West and Gulf  Coasts     will respectively  become protectorates of Russia, China, and a BRICS country alliance ( similar to NATO)   Without Seaports the land locked liberty loving nations will not become dominant factors in the world again.

 Thank you Freedom hating, self-righteous Democrats and your pathological need to put narcissistic sociopaths in control  so you can act as if you are in Kindergarten.  But as this happening you can bet these same morons will blame us - claim we made it happen, because we predicted  what would happen based on a basic knowledge of history. May each and every one suffer greatly and find no respite from the chaos they have unleashed upon us.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #50 on: April 29, 2014, 07:28:28 AM »
Agreed, the suck will continue until it can go on no longer as a result of a shooting war, economic war or its own critical mass.

Planning for and trying to survive the unimaginable is all we can do, everything else is time-filler, little better than entertainment.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #51 on: May 02, 2014, 06:55:04 AM »
Is the E-GOP pathetically predictable or what?

Well, since they only respond to prodding...all that is needed is to let them waste money on this dead horse and then before any damage can be done leak all sorts of allegations against him that cause the handlers and bag men to cut bait and find a new puppet...

We can at least drain these hacks of resources!
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #52 on: May 02, 2014, 09:13:30 AM »
I believe there's one thing we can all agree on; America is in trouble. Not trouble like there's too many (no-work) jobs in DC, or the trains can't seem to run on time. America is in for the fight of her life. There's not a whole lot of difference in the way she is today, and the way she was back in the 1700's. The difference is that now, she is in the process of being taken down from the inside rather than from outside invaders. I don't believe I'm naive', or a conspiracy nut, when I see what OUR government has morphed into... and what I see is scary... scary as hell! There's a lot of old guys, like me, who're willing to, once again step up and fight these bastards. I took the oath at 17 and as far as I'm concerned, it still applies. I pray daily that it doesn't come to that, that never again does brother have to fight against brother, or father against son.
Now, to the topic at hand. I do believe Cruz can, should, and will run in 16, regardless of how much mud they sling at him. He has proven himself to be a patriot and a leader. The democrat party is bleeding in their shoes, praying that lightening strikes the man down, because they know no one that they can field, can beat Ted Cruz. It's almost as if he is destined to be the next President. America needs a "George Washington" as a leader. A man who understands what the founders intended her to be and can illustrate that intent in so many ways. Oh, and Ted having a big set of... cowboy boots, doesn't hurt.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #53 on: May 12, 2014, 06:48:50 AM »
It is too easy to call bullshyt on this pronouncement!

Sen. Marco Rubio: Yes, I’m Ready to be President

« Last Edit: May 12, 2014, 07:38:41 AM by Libertas »
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Offline AmericanPatriot

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #54 on: May 12, 2014, 08:33:38 AM »
Just another RINO neo con.
He's going to have to fight it out with Santorum for the Neocon vote

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #55 on: May 12, 2014, 08:36:30 AM »
Just another RINO neo con.
He's going to have to fight it out with Santorum for the Neocon vote

That'll be a like a drag-queen slap-fest...   ::slapfight::

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #56 on: May 12, 2014, 09:06:41 AM »
Santorum will get the evangelical vote.
Like them, he's big on government enforced morality

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #57 on: May 12, 2014, 11:38:23 AM »
I guess this asshat Bloomberg is positioning to be selected as someones Veep in 2016...Hillary or Jeb...what effing difference does it make?


Oh, and Mr. Stupid Ex-Mayor?  What people expected her to do is a) answer the f**king phone when it rings at 3am and b) save American lives when they are under attack!...Oh, and c) Stop arming Muzzie terrorists!!!

So stick your "cheap politics" up your statist crack and die already!!!

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #58 on: May 13, 2014, 06:34:03 AM »
Another one for the "it takes one to know one" files...or is it the "pot meets kettle" files?

The Butthead is looking more and more like Jabba every day...while Hitlery is looking more witchy by the second...

Wish they would both just fall off the Earth...   ::praying::

ETA - Oh, and can someone explain this piece to me?  I thought we had both a woman and a homo in place already?   ::whatgives::

« Last Edit: May 13, 2014, 08:05:07 AM by Libertas »
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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.