Author Topic: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...  (Read 205812 times)

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #640 on: March 14, 2016, 06:34:08 AM »
This is an interesting read. Cruz has a better shot than even I thought, if Trump can be held below 1237, and preferably held below 1050, which is achievable.
“My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together.

“However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
Phil Robertson an elder in the church of Christ

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #641 on: March 14, 2016, 07:50:25 AM »
Numbers fantasies always amuse me...soon though time compression will render fantasies is with most fantasies the idea is more entertaining than the reality...

I like SMOD, I favored SMOD long ago, nobody can argue they are more egalitarian or more consistent than SMOD.

But, I think SMOD is also a tease...will probably just sail past and show us his dark side in salute as we are left to our own fate...

I can only hope if Trump is the nominee he wins the general and acts like SMOD for four years...

That at least might have some benefit...

And there is the entertainment factor...  The Left thought it so swell and in-your-face to stick us with Stymie...I have to admit that a certain perverse right-back-at-ya element is not the least bit attractive... terms of the end-game I don't think it matters much...people should do whatever trips their trigger...

But yes, I agree with Pan...all the Hitler/Stalin crap has to end...bad enough I have to hear that mindlessly spewed by hollow-headed progs...time for a refresher on Reagan's 11th Commandment...
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline warpmine

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #642 on: March 14, 2016, 09:13:48 AM »
Numbers fantasies always amuse me...soon though time compression will render fantasies is with most fantasies the idea is more entertaining than the reality...

I like SMOD, I favored SMOD long ago, nobody can argue they are more egalitarian or more consistent than SMOD.

But, I think SMOD is also a tease...will probably just sail past and show us his dark side in salute as we are left to our own fate...

I can only hope if Trump is the nominee he wins the general and acts like SMOD for four years...

That at least might have some benefit...

And there is the entertainment factor...  The Left thought it so swell and in-your-face to stick us with Stymie...I have to admit that a certain perverse right-back-at-ya element is not the least bit attractive... terms of the end-game I don't think it matters much...people should do whatever trips their trigger...

But yes, I agree with Pan...all the Hitler/Stalin crap has to end...bad enough I have to hear that mindlessly spewed by hollow-headed progs...time for a refresher on Reagan's 11th Commandment...
I to wouldn't mind the stick into he eyes of the progs tat stuck us with the Kenyan but am only partially convinced he would carry out what we would like to see done...prosecutions of current regime personel. I'm getting older as we all are and I'm no where close to having a an egg to retire on. If I must suffer seven years of disaster I want to see them suffer the same fate or worse.

On the other hand, I have to consider my children and I want them to inherit the Liberty that was taken from me by the socialists in the last century. I trust Cruz to take us down that path a bit more than Dancing around the issues Don Trump and his vague answers to the nation's illness. Liberty must be the focus of any future administration or we'll be right back in chains as we are now. If people cannot understand the loss of Liberty is directly proportionate to economic prosperity then we are finished. Yes, I know, we are finished already.
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #643 on: March 14, 2016, 09:17:11 AM »
What must happen is a revolution or civil war destroying the left and their oligarch right or we'll repeat everything within the next cycle. ::laserkill::
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #644 on: March 14, 2016, 09:33:48 AM »
I am soooo tired of hearing "that I can tell you" when he told me nothing in the first place. Just vague stuff. Yes, he TOTALLY has the "Okay, he's not Hillary" vote locked up if it comes to it. I just hope it does not come to it. He leaves me with an uneasy feeling in my gut.

They all leave me feeling that way. I don't trust any of them. It's just that there are some constants in this that you can count on. You can count on bernie being an imbecile. You can count of hildebeast being a crook. You can count on all of the pubbies (sans Trump) being sellouts. And you can count on Trump being a disappointment.

There are no good choices - only a series of increasingly bad ones.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #645 on: March 14, 2016, 11:41:27 AM »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Predator Don

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #646 on: March 14, 2016, 01:11:42 PM »
At least this election cycle is bringing everything out in the open. The democratic party is nothing like the days of Kennedy and the republicans are nothing like the days of RR. The only difference is the dem supporters are a bunch of stupidity and don't understand how their party has changed. At least, on the surface, conservatives may be waking up.

I wish I thought Cruz could make a difference.....I think he would be destroyed by the hildabeast. At least Trump won't be destroyed because he will fight back and fight dirty. Heck, I've always wanted a candidate who would play on their level. I have it and while my principles make me cringe, I believe it is our only hope of winning an election.....Then lets hope Trump lives up to the rhetoric.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #647 on: March 14, 2016, 09:52:27 PM »
Not funny, the Trump > Hitler/Trump > Stalin implications.  Hadn't you had enough of that crap coming from the Left about GW Bush?

. “A lot of my pals are #NeverTrump. Their arguments are sound, and don’t look to me to argue that they should vote for a Dem-donating, vulgar liar with Consistency Deficit Disorder other than to say I will if he’s the nominee because he’s better than the evil Democrats. But this Nazi-slur crap has to stop. If you really think a substantial portion of the conservative-leaning segment of the American people are active fascists, then you may as well give up now. And I refuse to get the sads when a dude in a John Deere cap who probably got shot at in Fallujah smacks some commie creep who crashes a Trump rally to set fire to Old Glory.”

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #648 on: March 14, 2016, 10:16:21 PM »
'Zackly what I'm saying.

Thanks, W.
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"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #649 on: March 15, 2016, 07:34:55 AM »
Some turd-sucking foreign rag posted more Hitler/Mussolini crap about Trump, won't give the Progtards the satisfaction of posting their hate-fueled dreck.  Suffice it to say I've had more than a belly-full of their lies. 

And is always the case, we only find out after the fact just how active Obama's ilk are neck deep in the Chitcago affair, and I would suspect the shot-callers in this century-run Prog hell-hole were purposely endangering their own troops by allowing such an uncoordinated presence...Prog Poohbah's from O'Bunghole on down wanted mayhem, wanted lawlessness and wanted to gin up racial hatred, and blame it on Trump and racist whites, period.  It is the only meme allowed in state-run media.

And I hope Gov. Moonbeam isn't talking out his ass as usual, this time I hope the idiot means it, we might just keep more illegals in that sh*thole and away from the rest of us!

And if this has any truth to it at all, then the Establishment really is in full-blown panic mode.  But I suspect it is an isolated event at best.  Even if Cruz went on a run it would be hard to catch Trump, and the Establishments only hope is to get delegates to flip and kick off the real bloodbath.

And who knew the Mariana's were so overrun with white racists? I bet state-run media doesn't even mention it.

And it's not like Mr Cruz isn't avoiding dirty tricks...his campaign lawyer has just been exposed as the man behind the Citizen Super PAC's attack ad comparing Trump to Hitler.  So once again, a nominal conservative and somebody we thought was one of us has to resort to DemonRat style dirt.  Maybe that's why some Establishment types like him?

Cleveland might just be ground zero of the Great Reckoning.

Fine with me, I'm not getting any younger...
« Last Edit: March 15, 2016, 07:49:55 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #651 on: March 15, 2016, 09:02:14 AM »

  Glenn Reynolds says " I’ve got nothing in particular against Rubio except that he let Chuck Schumer snooker him on immigration, but I keep hearing what a great candidate he is, and he keeps sucking in the actual votes."

Yeah, being Snookered is enough. Add to that jumping on the eGOPs call to blame Trump for his rallies being attacked.

"I wouldn’t say Mr. Trump is responsible for the events of tonight," said Rubio, "but he is most certainly, in other events, has in the past used some pretty rough language, saying in the good old days we used to beat these people up, or I’ll pay your legal bills if you rough them up. So I think he bears some responsibility for the general tone."

He isn't responsible for 1000s of leftists disrupting  his event, but he is responsible for his "tone" which incites 1000s of leftists to disrupt the event. 

and then add this assertion that Trump "beats up" hecklers..

But , but, but Rubio is the second Coming of Ronald Reagan.

’ve always believed, going back to Reagan, that a true conservative could still win in our liberal culture and simultaneously persuade and teach non-conservatives that conservatism was the best philosophy to bring about human flourishing.

Reagan was tough and a populist but, paradoxically, he was conciliatory and cosmopolitan (the toughness was reserved for adversaries, not the public). He won over Americans by the force of his charm, and then persuaded them that his philosophy was correct. He was utterly decent, utterly defensible and utterly likable.

Why did this matter? You’ve got to understand that for my entire life, conservatism has had a bad rap. The perception has that we are mean, evil, or even racist. That’s not who I am, and that’s not what the conservatism I grew up with is. And that’s not who Reagan was, either. And I’ve always believed that dispelling this myth about the “evil, racist, Republican” was at least one of the important functions of a conservatism that wanted to grow..... Rubio, like Reagan, has the potential to not just win the election, but also to win the argument. He has the rhetorical chops and eloquence to teach Americans why conservatives are not defined by the negative stereotypes.

No. Moron. The left controls the Journalistic establishment- and far more now than they did with Reagan.  You will ALWAYS be portrayed as mean, evil and racist - NO MATTER WHAT THE TRUTH IS, because the Left has given up even trying to maintaining  the appearance they are reasonable people concerned with the truth. If you could resurrect Regan and run him now, he could probably win the nomination. Maybe even the Presidency. And YOU and HE would still be called mean, evil, racist, and stupid. There is no argument to win because the left won't engage the argument. And the 40%  in the middle just want to get back to watching Cat videos and Kardashian  rump. They don't care about the argument either. We do not need another eloquent quisling to pretend to be conservative.

Meanwhile Allahpundit is whining that if Trump controls the party then it might be destroyed!

What he says here about a “reckoning” for pro-Trump conservatives is something I hear all the time from righties on social media, incidentally. “We’re making a list!” they cry, naming all of the so-called movement conservatives who have embraced their inner nationalist this year and clambered aboard the Trump train. Fantasies of recriminations against the traitors will keep you warm on those cold, solitary nights in the wilderness, but are they realistic? David Frum warns righties that if they’re thinking Trump will merely “borrow” the GOP this fall and then return it after he loses, they’re delusional.......A member of the RNC’s Rules Committee is already circulating a letter suggesting, contra all available evidence, that delegates are not bound on the first ballot and haven’t been in 40 years. The price of stealing the nomination from Trump after he’s supposedly clinched it would be sky high. It would delegitimize the RNC; it would vindicate Trumpists’ criticism that the establishment is corrupt and that the system is rigged; it would certainly doom the GOP’s chances in the general election as millions of Trump fans decide to stay home or vote third-party in protest;

and Frum says

A “true conservative” independent race for president may offer anti-Trump Republicans a way to vote their consciences without endorsing Hillary Clinton. But it may also expose “true conservatism” as a smaller factor in U.S. presidential politics than it’s been regarded as since the advent of the Tea Party.

Someone needs to send these guys a copy of the memo. The death of the GOP is what is desired.  Trump is SMOD. He is the destroyer  chosen to annihilate the lefty supporting group of quisling collaborators and traitors that is the eGOP.  Trump isn't being embraced because of his "nationalist"  message (there is a message?) but because he is NOT eGOP. He is establishment Democrat! - and if that doesn't destroy the party I don't know what will. And it needs to be destroyed , because we can't move forward without an organization that stands for traditional American values (rule of law, individual liberty, limited govt)  to hold the line on Capitol Hill.  It will probably come too late, or not at all, but for those holding out ope for a political solution, the dead of the eGOP is the only way forward. I may not be a Frum "True Conservative" -because I don't believe capitulation to the enemy is a virtue- but given the last 20 years of history,  that is what the  eGOP represents'. What - in their own minds, do the eGOP they think they stand for?

Vote GOP because we aren't racist! Vote GOP because sometimes we kinda sorta old the line on liberty when it isn't politically inconvenient or too much work. Vote GOP because sometimes we shake our finger and say tisk tisk at the blatant lies and cheating of the Democrats without actually, you know, doing anything to prosecute them for it.


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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #652 on: March 15, 2016, 09:47:52 AM »

There is a reason why polls repeatedly show Donald Trump producing the highest negative reactions of any candidate of either party. Yet the small hard core of Trump supporters seem oblivious to his antics, his recklessness and his all-consuming ego.

Some of these supporters may simply not be paying careful attention. But there have also been some very knowledgeable and intellectually talented people who have backed Trump. Sometimes it takes a high IQ to evade the obvious.

What does Trump offer his supporters that makes them so willing to overlook so much? He boldly articulates the resentment and anger they feel at having been betrayed by smug elites in general and the Republican establishment in particular.

Charismatic leaders who articulated the just grievances of the people have often risen to power on the basis of that talent alone. And those who put them in power have often paid a catastrophic price afterwards. That story was repeated in countries around the world in the 20th century.

Will that story be repeated in America in the 21st century? The vote on March 15, 2016 may give us a clue.

I think this is MOST of the reason you see the NAZI references popping up in regards to Trump. It is a fact that Hitler rose to power in this way.. and Trump is using rhetoric blaming immigrants for the nations problems so kinda sorta but not very much like Hitler with the Jews.   Jews weren't disobeying German laws and invading Germany illegally ( and they would have been fools to do so in that era)

Could Trump , using immigration as a cover,  implement a system of "papers please" gestapo checkpoints? Could he build a SS squad of "immigration enforcement" Nationwide and make midnight door busting raids to round up illegal immigrants a "normal thing"? Could this then morph - under Trump or a Future leader, into a system for repressing Americans in general - that anyone with a "drop of immigrant" in them being targeted as impure Americans ?  I think that is very unlikely. I do not think it impossible.

Hitler had Mien Kampf  - it was published in 1925/1926. As a German Citizen, you would have known, if you ad read it, just where Hitler intended to go with Germany.

Trump too has published books.
What do they say?

Mostly its how to make deals and make money. Some self affirmation. A couple of political plans Here is a nice summary
A confused mix of Liberals and conservative, which is what one would get if one were simply trying to get elected, if one's principles were about getting ahead and not right and wrong. And Yes, I think that is the focus of Trump's life --.  Hitler actually cared very little about economics in Germany. Trump I think would care more.  As narcissistic as Trump is, I don't think he would become another Hitler. But power corrupts. I can't say its impossible.

Point is, you are seeing the NAZI references, as unhelpful as they are, because of what could happen in these circumstances - because of historical echos - not because there is real evidence it will happen. I agree with Sowell, that Trump isn't serious enough or principled enough for the job, but  we have pretty poor choices. I don't even know that I could vote for Cruz now that he jumped on the blame Donald for exercising his 1st Amendment  Rights  with Bad Tone bandwagon. Obviously free speech isn't understood by Cruz either.

SMOD 2106

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #653 on: March 15, 2016, 10:53:16 AM »
Nationalism is the only thing that can save the West at this point.  In my mind, nationalism trumps (pardon the irresistible pun) all other considerations.  The alternative is that we will be subsumed under the Third World, and at that point arguments over conservative bona fides will be nothing more than esoteric hypotheticals.

I do not want to end up like South Africa or Brazil, countries with a small elite that maintain enclaves of advanced civilization but only against a much larger Third World backdrop.
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #654 on: March 15, 2016, 11:26:16 AM »
The Progs and the Establishment enablers infesting the GOP and corporate America would ensure our future looks much worse than South Africa or Brazil!  Neither of them are (as yet) prostrating themselves before Islaminal filth and other unassimilating trash bent upon a parasitical conquest of the host!  We are on track for a cultural civil war that will make the breakup of Yugoslavia look like a picnic!  (Mostly because unlike other nations we have highly armed citizens not willing to be made the slaves of these savages)  Our only hope is to stem the influx of invaders and begin the expulsion starting with the most undesirable and radical elements.

To do otherwise is resigning to servitude and suicide.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #655 on: March 16, 2016, 07:00:10 AM »
Trump sweeps FL, IL, NC and Kasich takes OH, Rubio folds after FL loss, dealing the final blow to the E-GOP and the Bloody Bitch of Benghazi knocks The Bern into the ditch.

There you have it people...Trump vs Clinton...

At least it looks that way going into Cleveland...

PS-Get used to seeing plenty of full-frontal Prog in the general election...

« Last Edit: March 16, 2016, 07:37:58 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #656 on: March 16, 2016, 10:00:13 AM »
And now there are numbers to back up my assertions. Over 50% of this years GOP primary voters were NOT registered republicans last year.  

WE have complained about the ratchet effect - where the Statist push something in  and then the eGOP holds the Status Quo until the anger wanes and everyone goes back to playing Candy Crush.  It was obvious that the eGOP was not going to be able to deliver on that promise, and that someone like Cruz would win the nomination ( and I think without Trump there, Cruz would have won given what we have seen - but enough of bizarro world.)   The TPTB couldn't have that..  so got Trump in to be the foil.  Trump is in with these same elitist circles. He has the ego to want to do it, the connections that could control him somewhat, and basically all they need is someone who isn't going to do squat to change anything - especially not Obamacare.  I think Trump  - who supported single payer until this election cycle - and who says its still a good idea for Scotland - just not America-- will do very little to affect the new Cloward-Piven nail in the economy. Trump is absorbing all of the anger Obama generated - ON both sides so he can ratchet this.

 And then there was the [ulr=]deliberate creation of an entire generation of precious self-righteous activist  snowflakes who value convenience above all else [/url]  to the point where washing a cereal bowl is too hard.  70%  weren't even asked to do chores as kids. An army of stupid, entitled SJWs eager to virtue signal, desperate to feel like they belong, driven by ego, and pathetically incapable of taking care of themselves.  Socialism is the only sort of system they can exist in. The only system that will allow them to survive (not thrive)  without a whole lot of effort - without actually doing a lot of work- a system where they can become "cool" by saying the right things and supporting the right "leaders"  Yes folks, they got their Hitler  youth generation, just add propaganda and State sponsored accountability. There  is a reason this cohort is baking Sanders. There is a reason they are attacking rallies like good little SS troops. They were BRED for that purpose.  They are the left's bulwark against any preference cascade to the right.

 I can't find any hard data, but you can bet that these Crossover Primary votes are OLDER democrats ( and the video serves as anecdotal evidence of this assertion) -- the Old School kind that have voted Democrat since the 60s and haven't taken a hard look at their party in 50 years - till the Obama disaster has forced them too. They do value freedom and gun ownership etc, and are just no waking up to the reality that the Democrats don't as the mask the Dems have been wearing has just fallen away more and more over the past 10 years.

IF they can hold the status quo for another 8 years , and arrange for boomer deaths via Obamacare/Medicaid  death panels. Or via a WMD that targets old and sick. A 1918 Flu virus would do the trick. The Left is back in charge with a dependent army ready to do their bidding without most of the  boomers around- and probably just for the promise of canceling their student loans. And so the only Americans left are Generation X and Y - and half of those are Liberal.

If the economy had another 30 years in it  America would be full socialist and without a fight. I don't think it does - but the elites seem to be betting on a "hide the decline"  re branding of the falling standard of living as the new normal.(Tiny House! Tiny House!)  Readjusting  expectations. Avoiding a sudden and catastrophic monetary  collapse. Letting in massive wave of Immigration so there are people to actually do the work the millennials won't/can't  do.

The question, as always, is if they come for the guns and if so, when? Are we too old and too few to fight the wave of young barbarians they plan to  deliberately unleash upon us?  IN the end of course they loose, because  socialists ALWAYS loose. Reality always wins. . Poverty is spread equally,  but with the millennials bred to it, it probably won't bother them.  As long as everyone gets the new iPhone at the same time, there will be peace. It will probably be the one tech  industry that survives ( with government backing and control of course - its too powerful as a big brother surveillance tool and as bread and circus fodder) .

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #657 on: March 16, 2016, 12:05:53 PM »
So are you saying the E-GOP had a hand in getting Democrats to come and vote in GOP primaries or not?  It has been their position for some time that a candidate that can best appeal to the broadest range is the most desirable kind of voter and they are convinced that only an Establishment candidate is even capable of pulling that trick off, not some big shot shoot-from-the-hip populist and certainly not some pain-in-the-ass principled conservative cowboy!  That this champion turned out to be an outsider nominally beyond their direct reach and not one of their favored chosen like the legacy (Bush) or Plan B (Rubio) who have failed in epic fashion is not the Democrats fault, it is not our is the E-GOP's fault, period.

And lets face it, as E-GOPer's have been ramming down our throats for 32 years..."This is the best we can do, there is nobody else...what are you going to do instead, vote for Hillary or some loser write-in without a chance?  Hold your nose and pull the lever for the GOP!"

And now after decades of excuses, broken promises and outright lies...the E-GOP's mantra is finally 100% true...this is the best they can do.

Been saying it quite a while now...our salvation is not through peaceful political means...the system is too polluted, corrupted and outright broken...there is no restoration of Liberty or Law, no return to Founding Principles and the God-given rights bestowed to us by Our Creator to be had from these latter day tyrants, fools and jesters.

Time to end it, you cannot mend it.  Time to end childish ways and accept reality.

Reality is coming...

And I have no fear of aging old army of bed-wetting millenials...paper-pushing bureaucrats or any statist goon...

Plan accordingly and rejoice...the Reckoning draws near!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #658 on: March 16, 2016, 01:01:38 PM »

There is a reason why polls repeatedly show Donald Trump producing the highest negative reactions of any candidate of either party. Yet the small hard core of Trump supporters seem oblivious to his antics, his recklessness and his all-consuming ego.

Some of these supporters may simply not be paying careful attention. But there have also been some very knowledgeable and intellectually talented people who have backed Trump. Sometimes it takes a high IQ to evade the obvious.

What does Trump offer his supporters that makes them so willing to overlook so much? He boldly articulates the resentment and anger they feel at having been betrayed by smug elites in general and the Republican establishment in particular.

Charismatic leaders who articulated the just grievances of the people have often risen to power on the basis of that talent alone. And those who put them in power have often paid a catastrophic price afterwards. That story was repeated in countries around the world in the 20th century.

Will that story be repeated in America in the 21st century? The vote on March 15, 2016 may give us a clue.

I think this is MOST of the reason you see the NAZI references popping up in regards to Trump. It is a fact that Hitler rose to power in this way.. and Trump is using rhetoric blaming immigrants for the nations problems so kinda sorta but not very much like Hitler with the Jews.   Jews weren't disobeying German laws and invading Germany illegally ( and they would have been fools to do so in that era)

Could Trump , using immigration as a cover,  implement a system of "papers please" gestapo checkpoints? Could he build a SS squad of "immigration enforcement" Nationwide and make midnight door busting raids to round up illegal immigrants a "normal thing"? Could this then morph - under Trump or a Future leader, into a system for repressing Americans in general - that anyone with a "drop of immigrant" in them being targeted as impure Americans ?  I think that is very unlikely. I do not think it impossible.

Hitler had Mien Kampf  - it was published in 1925/1926. As a German Citizen, you would have known, if you ad read it, just where Hitler intended to go with Germany.

Trump too has published books.
What do they say?

Mostly its how to make deals and make money. Some self affirmation. A couple of political plans Here is a nice summary
A confused mix of Liberals and conservative, which is what one would get if one were simply trying to get elected, if one's principles were about getting ahead and not right and wrong. And Yes, I think that is the focus of Trump's life --.  Hitler actually cared very little about economics in Germany. Trump I think would care more.  As narcissistic as Trump is, I don't think he would become another Hitler. But power corrupts. I can't say its impossible.

Point is, you are seeing the NAZI references, as unhelpful as they are, because of what could happen in these circumstances - because of historical echos - not because there is real evidence it will happen. I agree with Sowell, that Trump isn't serious enough or principled enough for the job, but  we have pretty poor choices. I don't even know that I could vote for Cruz now that he jumped on the blame Donald for exercising his 1st Amendment  Rights  with Bad Tone bandwagon. Obviously free speech isn't understood by Cruz either.

SMOD 2106

If you changed just a few words.....If Trump built a conservative squad......Used the Constitution as cover.....checking for democratic papers.....blaming them for the nations issues.....and anyone with a drop of democrat in them were sent to the concentration camps known as states who have dem leadership. I'm all in.

And lets say Trump DID all those things.....still a hell of a lot better than liberal "leadership".
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #659 on: March 16, 2016, 01:27:23 PM »
So are you saying the E-GOP had a hand in getting Democrats to come and vote in GOP primaries or not?

I don't believe that, no.  I think the elite  Cabal of Powers that be,  that  runs both parties,  wanted Trump ( a life long left leaning elitist ) to run because no eGOP stooge could get the ratchet effect accomplished as desired, and the civil war as proceeding in the GOP  would result in a Cruz or a Carson being nominated. Trump was sent in to spoil that scenario and ensure a left-leaning, controllable,  status-quo maintainer was on the ballot against Hillary. (no, Bernie Sanders will not be the Democratic Nominee, and no Hillary will not be prosecuted by the Obama Justice Dept. He will instead hand her a Presidential   Pardon on Obama's  way out the door - if she is a good girl and obeys her daddy. ) 

And lets face it, as E-GOPer's have been ramming down our throats for 32 years..."This is the best we can do, there is nobody else...what are you going to do instead, vote for Hillary or some loser write-in without a chance?  Hold your nose and pull the lever for the GOP!"

And now after decades of excuses, broken promises and outright lies...the E-GOP's mantra is finally 100% true...this is the best they can do.

Only they didn't do it. The Statists gave us Trump  - which granted is only possible via  GOP's complete  loss of credibility. I don't think the eGOP want Trump, because they understand they are being dealt off the table and handed their hats.  The Statist Powers that Be need a party to pretend to oppose them, to maintain the illusion of a two party system with choices  and a veneer of legitimacy, while also letting the society vent a little steam --- and since the current set of eGOP stooges couldn't get it done, they took matters into their own hands. The GOP is not the stupid party. They behave stupidly because it is their JOB to do so.

If Trump wins it will probably buy them another 8 years of kick the can. The economic situation might even improve ( by improve I mean, not get continually worse)  )  and we all get 8 years older, and they get 8 years more entrenched, while the anger and anxiety  burns off, so they can apply the leftward ratchet again without a full on civil war. 

There is much that could throw that plan into disarray - A North Korean Nuke, An Iranian Nuke, a Chinese invasion of Japan, A Join Russian/ISIS invasion of Europe or simply a real viable alternative to the dollar and economic collapse.  But very little of it will be under control of the powers that be.

Yes there will be a reckoning. I am just getting less hopeful of a good outcome. No one really wants the war -, just as no one wants the collapse of the dollar. But the longer either is delayed the worse things will become.