Author Topic: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...  (Read 205776 times)

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #681 on: March 21, 2016, 03:24:45 PM »
If you changed just a few words.....If Trump built a conservative squad......Used the Constitution as cover.....checking for democratic papers.....blaming them for the nations issues.....and anyone with a drop of democrat in them were sent to the concentration camps known as states who have dem leadership. I'm all in.

And lets say Trump DID all those things.....still a hell of a lot better than liberal "leadership".

Sure. Do you actually see Trump doing those things - for either side?
 I don't. He isn't a true believer in anything but his own awesomeness.
He will hold, by and large, the Status Quo.  Better than Liberal leadership  e will probably be. That may be the worst thing for us at this point. If the Statists outlast us,  they win.  In 30 years this country will be demographically theirs, with a population ready to disarm and accept their yokes...a population like that in Europe...  and like Europe is today - we would become ripe for a full on invasion from foreign powers outside the Statist elite's control.

Actually....I meant if Trump didn't do any.....It would be better than liberal leadership.  I don't think he will hold completely to the status quo. I believe he will attempt to get all the money held outside the USA in house. I think he will work on the tax code. I think he will ( at least) reduce the dept of education, finance, kick muslims out of NASA, strengthen our armed forces, work on the fence and a few other agendas which directly affect his ego. I have no illusions over social issues, obamacare, etc.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

Offline warpmine

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #682 on: March 21, 2016, 04:38:53 PM »
Holy sh*t! I went to sleep in liberty and work up in the land of Trump. Trump this and Trump that. Trump can do no wrong. He's a reformer after seeing the light and 45 plus years on and supporting of the DemonRat plantation but he says he had a conversion and damn it you folks seem to believe him and in him which is sorry to say quite scary. ::cussing:: What the hell happened?

Conspiracy everywhere. My father once told me to only believe half what you see and half what you hear and it seems some of my friends have forgotten that little proverb and thrown themselves before a man that is as crooked and evil as the Pharisees that sought to kill our Savior.

Apparently nobody cares who this guy is  or what he "might" do as long as "we" send him on his mission to destroy the GOP. Inconsequential will be the results of his insane rantings, his childlike obsessions with Meghan Kelly on Twitter, his 20 year stalking of a female reporter or attacks anyone that dares to question his real motives or policies.

So you want to trade one narcissist for another?
Troubling is that you all know history better than I and can't see the parallels to 80 years ago in central Europe. Does killing the GOP party at any cost mean more to you than your liberty, your families or your souls. Listen to the way this guy talks in platitudes with no definitive plan of action whatsoever which is exactly what we have now with Obama. Two peas in a pod they are, both never being tied down with a controversial vote with Obama voting present and Trump never running for anything. Is it logical to expect Trump to behave as one that cares for you and me after his life as an uncaring buffoon that supported everybody on the left that advocated for expanding government control over our lives? I say absolutely not. ::thinking::
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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #683 on: March 22, 2016, 07:03:49 AM »
Remember what the Establishment always told Conservatives who said this when they were fed up with Establishment losers getting the nomination?

I think we all do...little Lindsey must have forgot, eh?

Oh yeah, when it was election after election of Establishment losers we were always expected to be loyal soldiers and hold our noses to pull the lever for their guy.  And we always did.

So when the shoe is on the other foot, it's all take-our-ball-and-go-home from the Establishment.  Regardless of what you think about any of these candidates, one thing that's clear is that you're witnessing the dissolution of a political party.  It's losing its legitimacy because it has forfeit its purpose for existing.  People want real choice, not illusory choice.  And for a long time now the GOP has offered little more than illusory choice.

Yup, and I cannot lie and say hearing them scream, no matter the source of their angst, is an unpleasant sound.  Nope, I just can bring myself to GAFF about their misery.  They own 100% of it.

And on that theme I see Trump supporters not being shy about throwing this out -

That's got to sting a little...
« Last Edit: March 22, 2016, 08:17:46 AM by Libertas »
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #684 on: March 22, 2016, 07:05:12 AM »
Wherein I Comment On “Electoral Politics” – It’s Professional Wrestling Without the Wrestling

More Ann B. You are warned

This is my shocked face.


To me that is the most perfect comment to an Ann B rant like this I have witnessed yet!

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #685 on: March 22, 2016, 07:14:52 AM »
Holy sh*t! I went to sleep in liberty and work up in the land of Trump. Trump this and Trump that. Trump can do no wrong. He's a reformer after seeing the light and 45 plus years on and supporting of the DemonRat plantation but he says he had a conversion and damn it you folks seem to believe him and in him which is sorry to say quite scary. ::cussing:: What the hell happened?

Conspiracy everywhere. My father once told me to only believe half what you see and half what you hear and it seems some of my friends have forgotten that little proverb and thrown themselves before a man that is as crooked and evil as the Pharisees that sought to kill our Savior.

Apparently nobody cares who this guy is  or what he "might" do as long as "we" send him on his mission to destroy the GOP. Inconsequential will be the results of his insane rantings, his childlike obsessions with Meghan Kelly on Twitter, his 20 year stalking of a female reporter or attacks anyone that dares to question his real motives or policies.

So you want to trade one narcissist for another?
Troubling is that you all know history better than I and can't see the parallels to 80 years ago in central Europe. Does killing the GOP party at any cost mean more to you than your liberty, your families or your souls. Listen to the way this guy talks in platitudes with no definitive plan of action whatsoever which is exactly what we have now with Obama. Two peas in a pod they are, both never being tied down with a controversial vote with Obama voting present and Trump never running for anything. Is it logical to expect Trump to behave as one that cares for you and me after his life as an uncaring buffoon that supported everybody on the left that advocated for expanding government control over our lives? I say absolutely not. ::thinking::

Relax Warp, deep breaths...I am not sure where this Land of Trump thing came from but OK let's pass on that for now, let's all focus on what matters...and here's one big hint - it isn't latter day politics.

Your perspective will change once you realize politics do not matter any more, sure it's fun to debate and yeah stuff goes on to set our rage on fire and sure it is enjoyable watching the Establishment-dominated GOP get hoisted on its own petard, but at the end of the day we can only have a measure of control over one thing - us.  I think we here all know preparing for the end game is more important than what happens in the interim.  I am not trying to sound defeatist about the present, which quite frankly is screwed nine ways to Sunday, but I am imploring people to plan for the implosion and come out the other side intact.  We are going to need all hands on deck to rebuild our world once the dust settles and the fires are extinguished.

I want you to be there.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #686 on: March 22, 2016, 07:31:09 AM »
In the news...more Establishment hacks or DeomProg operatives?  Well, what difference does it make?

Invade a Pro-Israel event and start waving the Nazi crap again in Jewish faces...

Now that's class!

Just like a white prog dressing as a KKK ass-clown and taunting a black dude...

If Trump is pissing these clowns off...

Bill Ayers, BLM, other fellow travelers in the Prog camp, Obama, Clinton... people seriously think they would be behaving the slightest bit different if it was Ted Cruz, or anybody else?

Whatever, people forget who the real enemy is and forget who shields them...

I say poke 'em all in the eye, harder.  But hey, maybe I am alone in that sentiment...
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #687 on: March 22, 2016, 07:48:03 AM »
And this basically is the E-GOP donors admitting the POTUS stakes are over and they are turning their attention and money to securing as many Establishment stooges as possible in Congress... least until it comes to Cleveland and something unusual happens.

Man, are these interesting times or what?  Can't say it is boring though, eh?
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #688 on: March 22, 2016, 08:23:32 AM »

My take?  Looks pretty moderate to me, that is a mix of hawks and if not doves middling creatures.  If you were OK with W probably OK with this, looks like Team W without the nation building.  And getting out of NATO etc not a bad idea to me.  Shouldn't be any more free-lunches for supposed allies...
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Online ToddF

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #689 on: March 22, 2016, 08:47:07 AM »
How to stop Trump?  How about showing America how hawt it's first lady could be?

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #690 on: March 22, 2016, 08:51:06 AM »

Troubling is that you all know history better than I and can't see the parallels to 80 years ago in central Europe. Does killing the GOP party at any cost mean more to you than your liberty, your families or your souls.

I think we see the parallels in that yes this is the same sort of election, and its the same sort of insane populism and desire for a "strong man to fix it"  in play.  But a parallel  isn't a destiny. I don't see anything in Trump's history that leads me to believe he is the next Hitler, or that a Trump Presidency will lead to a Third Reich, Concentration Camps and Genocide. But sure, a Third Reich is in the cards from this point forward - and we know a Democrat will try to take us there for sure. Trump probably won't. But lets say he does.. its going to be pretty much the same outcome. This election doesn't matter. If its bugging you. Tune out. After all its just a show, you should really just relax.

And as Libertas suggested - we have ALREADY  lost our liberty and our country. What is important now is saving our families and our souls.  The Democrat   is actually more likely to go full Stalin and start a Civil War - far more likely than Trump - and a Civil war fought sooner is more likely to have our desired outcome - as there are more liberty loving people alive now and able to fight than there will be in 10 years, and the Deep Big Brother State isn't quite ready for that war yet.  Close, but I would rather that we weren't fighting Terminators in the field  and insect size drones with poison , in a money less society, in which every device you own ( which is your money)  listens and watches, and who knows what other Tech they will have in 10 years.

SMOD vs. Cthulhu and the fix is probably in for Hillary in the general election anyway. Really at this point all you have to so is watch the road for Fedcoats.  Until then plant your garden. Raise your meat. Keep your head down and your powder dry.  Maybe set out a lawn chair and pop some popcorn. The dramatic fall of a large civilization doesn't happen that often, so you might was well observe it. But until the war starts ( if it starts)  there is nothing to do but prep. And if the war doesn't start, the Fed is eventually effectively repealed by its lack of money. We are still an armed society, and as a result, you will get Wild West rules and Frontier Justice in the end. Not the best outcome, but places without the right to bear arms end up back in the Feudal system which in my opinion is worse. 

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #691 on: March 22, 2016, 09:39:38 AM »
What Libertas and Weisshaupt said.  Besides ....

... as long as "we" send him on his mission to destroy the GOP.

... "we" didn't and don't have to send him, he's "self-sending".  Anyway, I voted for Cruz.
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"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Predator Don

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #692 on: March 22, 2016, 12:37:35 PM »
If Cruz becomes the nominee,,,,,,,He will be soundly defeated. First, he won't fight back, viciously. Second, The establishment won't give him money.

Since I also believe the fix is in, a conservative would need to garner enough votes to overwhelm a fix. With all the obstacles in front of Cruz, from his own party, the media......He will be drawn and quartered. The left will claim THE great victory, a change in attitude within the country.

I under no illusion with Trump. But if by some miracle he accomplished shutting down the DOE, DOEDucation, build a wall, revamp the tax code, rid us of ethanol, save NASA or better yet, allow the gov't to shut down for months....I would consider it a victory.

I KNOW what Hillary is going to my healthcare, target my business, target my guns, my flag, my freedom. Screw that.

Bottom line for me is Cruz can't win but Trump can. I want to win. I'll worry about my principles later.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #693 on: March 22, 2016, 02:19:30 PM »
Holy sh*t! I went to sleep in liberty and work up in the land of Trump. Trump this and Trump that. Trump can do no wrong. He's a reformer after seeing the light and 45 plus years on and supporting of the DemonRat plantation but he says he had a conversion and damn it you folks seem to believe him and in him which is sorry to say quite scary. ::cussing:: What the hell happened?

Warpmine, Please do not misinterpret my remarks - a substantial part of what I say comes in the form of blowing off steam at the idiocy of it all. And the rest comes not so much in advocacy of any particular candidate (my "champion (Walker) ceded the field long ago) but in recognition of the lay of the land.

I believe that Trump is the inevitable candidate - and next president - not because he's the best or the most popular, or the richest, or the meanest but because he played his hand better than any of the others. He correctly guessed the prevailing sentiment in America and effectively tapped into that sentiment. Hell, I've been referring to him as SMOD for cripe's sake!

What we have here is...failure to communicate.

And what we have here is commonly known as a clusterfvck. We have country"men" who not only like the terrible things Ødungo has done to us - they want to double-down on them. We are once again witness to the existential threat that is islam and there is virtually no one in "leadership" that is competent to respond. One half of America is sponging off the other half and far far too many see this as not only acceptable but desirable. We're eating our own seed-corn and complaining about nothing new on the boob-toob.

Is Trump going to fix it? Can it be fixed? Probably not. My personal belief is that we've crossed the Rubicon and there ain't no going back.

I grieve for those of you who have families. This has to be a frightful time to be raising kids. I think that the exhortations that "things are bad and they're going to get worse" is not meant to encourage us to go home and slit our wrists, but to construct plans for tomorrow. I've always said, "hope for the best/plan for the worst" and I believe it.

Me late brother used to say "it all comes out in the spoon" which was his dark and defeatist way of declining to take responsibility for his lot in life. I loved him dearly but he was a loser. I accept responsibility for a lot of stuff - even a bunch that I have no control over. I seriously doubt that my participation (or lack thereof) in this election cycle amounts to a spit in the ocean but I accept responsibility to do what I can. And the foremost thing on my agenda is crushing dhimmicrats. If I can do so and advance the cause of conservatism then I'll see that as a bonus. But my primary objective is to rout every damned dhimmi that I can. That's what my heart and my brain tells me to do.

Just like yours is telling you.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #694 on: March 22, 2016, 04:01:35 PM »
In addition to echoing all the points from Libertas, Soup, and Don I will add that, for me, I am fine with shameless populism and pandering in this election, if it can put into office someone who even might act on some of the things he's said.  None are bigger in my book than getting control over who and how many are coming into this country.  If we don't get that under control, then there is no future for us in the country our own ancestors built.

Is Trump the real life version of President Camacho from Idiocracy?  Maybe.  But those are also the very traits that might draw in just enough of America's room temperature IQ voting base.  The ideologues of the Democratic party never cared that their political power was bought through shameless pandering to morons.  They set about to implement their agenda all the same.  I'm ready for our side to try it.  It's a desperate act, yes.  And these are desperate times.  The Republican Party just reeks of Loser, and that has to change.  Somebody with balls and bravado has to change it.
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #695 on: March 22, 2016, 10:04:14 PM »

Troubling is that you all know history better than I and can't see the parallels to 80 years ago in central Europe. Does killing the GOP party at any cost mean more to you than your liberty, your families or your souls.

I think we see the parallels in that yes this is the same sort of election, and its the same sort of insane populism and desire for a "strong man to fix it"  in play.  But a parallel  isn't a destiny. I don't see anything in Trump's history that leads me to believe he is the next Hitler, or that a Trump Presidency will lead to a Third Reich, Concentration Camps and Genocide. But sure, a Third Reich is in the cards from this point forward - and we know a Democrat will try to take us there for sure. Trump probably won't. But lets say he does.. its going to be pretty much the same outcome. This election doesn't matter. If its bugging you. Tune out. After all its just a show, you should really just relax.

And as Libertas suggested - we have ALREADY  lost our liberty and our country. What is important now is saving our families and our souls.  The Democrat   is actually more likely to go full Stalin and start a Civil War - far more likely than Trump - and a Civil war fought sooner is more likely to have our desired outcome - as there are more liberty loving people alive now and able to fight than there will be in 10 years, and the Deep Big Brother State isn't quite ready for that war yet.  Close, but I would rather that we weren't fighting Terminators in the field  and insect size drones with poison , in a money less society, in which every device you own ( which is your money)  listens and watches, and who knows what other Tech they will have in 10 years.

SMOD vs. Cthulhu and the fix is probably in for Hillary in the general election anyway. Really at this point all you have to so is watch the road for Fedcoats.  Until then plant your garden. Raise your meat. Keep your head down and your powder dry.  Maybe set out a lawn chair and pop some popcorn. The dramatic fall of a large civilization doesn't happen that often, so you might was well observe it. But until the war starts ( if it starts)  there is nothing to do but prep. And if the war doesn't start, the Fed is eventually effectively repealed by its lack of money. We are still an armed society, and as a result, you will get Wild West rules and Frontier Justice in the end. Not the best outcome, but places without the right to bear arms end up back in the Feudal system which in my opinion is worse.
Never claimed the man was Hitler or genocidal but fascist...absolutely. I'm still under the belief he's a coward that hides from his opposition through lawyers and twitter.
The man is nothing short of a nut, just not Hitler.

I agree regarding the DemonRats going Stalin and welcome the action knowing full well the hostilities it will bring possibly the civil war we so desperately need.
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #696 on: March 22, 2016, 10:05:40 PM »
Latter day America, the "Why the hell not?" phase. It sucks but hey, if someone hands you a sh*t sandwich with one hand and a hand grenade with the other, use them both.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline warpmine

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #697 on: March 22, 2016, 10:09:55 PM »
Holy sh*t! I went to sleep in liberty and work up in the land of Trump. Trump this and Trump that. Trump can do no wrong. He's a reformer after seeing the light and 45 plus years on and supporting of the DemonRat plantation but he says he had a conversion and damn it you folks seem to believe him and in him which is sorry to say quite scary. ::cussing:: What the hell happened?

Warpmine, Please do not misinterpret my remarks - a substantial part of what I say comes in the form of blowing off steam at the idiocy of it all. And the rest comes not so much in advocacy of any particular candidate (my "champion (Walker) ceded the field long ago) but in recognition of the lay of the land.

I believe that Trump is the inevitable candidate - and next president - not because he's the best or the most popular, or the richest, or the meanest but because he played his hand better than any of the others. He correctly guessed the prevailing sentiment in America and effectively tapped into that sentiment. Hell, I've been referring to him as SMOD for cripe's sake!

What we have here is...failure to communicate.

And what we have here is commonly known as a clusterfvck. We have country"men" who not only like the terrible things Ødungo has done to us - they want to double-down on them. We are once again witness to the existential threat that is islam and there is virtually no one in "leadership" that is competent to respond. One half of America is sponging off the other half and far far too many see this as not only acceptable but desirable. We're eating our own seed-corn and complaining about nothing new on the boob-toob.

Is Trump going to fix it? Can it be fixed? Probably not. My personal belief is that we've crossed the Rubicon and there ain't no going back.

I grieve for those of you who have families. This has to be a frightful time to be raising kids. I think that the exhortations that "things are bad and they're going to get worse" is not meant to encourage us to go home and slit our wrists, but to construct plans for tomorrow. I've always said, "hope for the best/plan for the worst" and I believe it.

Me late brother used to say "it all comes out in the spoon" which was his dark and defeatist way of declining to take responsibility for his lot in life. I loved him dearly but he was a loser. I accept responsibility for a lot of stuff - even a bunch that I have no control over. I seriously doubt that my participation (or lack thereof) in this election cycle amounts to a spit in the ocean but I accept responsibility to do what I can. And the foremost thing on my agenda is crushing dhimmicrats. If I can do so and advance the cause of conservatism then I'll see that as a bonus. But my primary objective is to rout every damned dhimmi that I can. That's what my heart and my brain tells me to do.

Just like yours is telling you.
We've waited generations to get a POTUS candidate that reveres the Constitution as much as the Founders did and so we're going to throw it all out the window for a popularist progressive? Good grief!

Last time Trump opened that Bible of his was probably when he want toe peak who signed it or for that matter to see if his name was mentioned somewhere inside. ::hysterical::

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #698 on: March 22, 2016, 10:15:22 PM »
OK that last quip is funny!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #699 on: March 23, 2016, 07:39:34 AM »
Two articles...

If the Progs think Trump is coming off crazy on the Muzzie threat...compared to the other crazies mentioned in this article...then I am stark raving nuts by their definition.  Oohh, gosh, can't tell ya how that wounds me.



And this one, looks like Obama's BLM Stormtroopers doing this crap...

...and this is supposed to what, get whitey to dump Trump?  Well, if you like taking orders from this ilk, go for it, don't bother me none.

And if Beck wasn't a big enough negative for Cruz outside the 13th Tribe Stronghold...well, y'all will love this...

And while we're talking about idiots like Senior Arbusto, have to throw in this pantywaist...

The cry of the soon to be extinct Establishment Dodo.

Please, let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Better yet, because of preemptive treachery, perhaps being tossed out would be more fitting, eh?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2016, 07:57:19 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.