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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1040 on: September 26, 2016, 08:46:25 PM »
Emails, oops. 

And is it me or is the list of questions coming right from Soros or what?

I think these old formats are stupid, playing by media and prog rules is stupid.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1041 on: September 26, 2016, 08:48:12 PM »
Oh God, gun-grabber Hitlery hatin' on firearms again.  Yes, taking guns out of lawful hands...will save lives...banger thug muzzie terrorist others though.
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1042 on: September 27, 2016, 07:26:36 AM »
I finally got tired of having an opinion...this first so-called "debate" was yet again another DemoProg-Media Complex's to the point where the media cannot hide it anymore and the sheeple wandering the streets are senseless to it.  But intelligent people know a sham when they see one.  I made a passing comment that the media slid Hildabeast the questions and right from the get-go that was clear as crystal.  And even with that advantage and having an ally as a choreographer the best the crazy old lady could do (judging from the post-production chatter) is a push.  If Trump polishes his game, tightens his jabs and hits key knockout punches he could wipe the floor with this loser.  Hildabeast on the other hand cannot possibly improve...there simply is no room for it and she can only go down.  But you can bet your bottom dollar that in the "townhall" format the potted plants and matching questions are going to be an emot-a-thon and Trump is going to have to come up with clever strategies to turn the tables and put the blame where it belongs for all of our ills - progs and their disasterous policies.  Reviving the Reagan Mantra of "are you better off now than 8 years ago?" might be ripe for deployment...because so very very few are.

Anyway, in the interesting news department...

Ted Cruz praises Trump, sounds warning on Clinton. mention if Beck fell off the wagon...

[img width=598height=800][/img]

Lester Holt - The Third Debater - No questions on E-mailgate, Benghazi, Clinton Money Laundering Operation (the so-called "Foundation"), none of it!

And yeah, Donald knows a dick in a bag when he sees one...

Yeah, set your dirty ass back down, jackwagon!   ::cool::

And yeah...every time that cackling creature cracked her beak...

And WTF is this?

Programmable med dispenser?  Wireless antenna to operate the cyborg?

Anyway, all that advantage, and in many quarters Hildabeast was seen to have been beaten like a drum...

Drudge has it 82-18% Trump, which I guess we can say the "high end".  Heh.

Slime has it Trump too though -

CNBC has it 66-34% Trump

And people are keying on specific things here and there, but when you lie constantly and are not held accountable by the DemoProg-Media Complex, well, it is beyond a target rich environment...but this one is quite a doozie -

Yup, being non-cooperative (not to mention dishonest!) for 11 hours over your own treason and a resume-enhancer to be proud of.

How effing sick, evil and twisted is that?  Off the charts, that's what!

And via WRSA...being who I am I cannot help but get a chuckle out of this...

Seriously though...the above should always be everyone's Plan A, everything else is Plan B or lower!!!
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1043 on: September 27, 2016, 10:57:16 AM »
I just picked up some more AR mags from Wise Tactical.  Currently 5% off and free shipping with discount code WISE5. 

I was actually somewhat surprised that she came right out and attacked "assault weapons" rather than the usual obfuscation behind their new euphemism of "gun safety."  I was surprised because gun control has been a losing issue for them over the last 20 years.  They're so fond of saying this or that issue is "settled" well this is one instance where it really is settled -- people consistently reject attacks on their 2nd Amendment rights.  So I am glad the drugged up banshee did it.

I think Trump was also operating under the assumption that the more she is allowed to talk, the more she alienates people.  This has even been studied.  People have a lower opinion of her the more they hear her talk.

These debates are bogus anyway.  I wish a Republican candidate would just call them what they are: televised ambushes setup in advance by the "moderator" and the DNC.  The good news is the debates have little influence unless one candidate just royally screws up.  The independents have been breaking strongly in Trump's favor and I don't think that is going to change.
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1044 on: September 27, 2016, 11:38:08 AM »
Yeah.  I think that nails-on-the-chalkboard effect of that perpetual-lie-machine does more to swing people to Trump as much as anything...there simply is no other explanation to account for the movement from Clinton to Trump when Clinton is spending millions in blatant lie-filled ads where Trump has yet to even mount a campaign in the airwaves.

And if wife of rapist Clinton wants to try to become Gun Salescreature of the Month for September, October and November, fine with me, but nothing beyond that please.

And yeah, they had her medicated to the point of zombification, but I think they put some Prozac in that mix too and had it pumping into her via that delivery device stashed in her back...that smarmy frozen-faced crooked smile has "drugged" written all over it too.

And even with debates set up by conspirators...that was the best she could do?   ::hysterical::

And that edict out to the little Goebbels at prog-infested "FactCheck.Org" to get to work experienced some...difficulties.

Heh!  I so hope it was the Russians!  But whoever...thanks...these a-holes never saw a prog lie or a non-prog truth their entire life! 

And good news for Hillary...and actually every old/fat/lazy/stupid/near-ADA clown out there -

Sitting on luggage (or documents you'll shred later)...the pinnacle in societal evolution!   ::laughonfloor::
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1045 on: September 28, 2016, 07:39:31 AM »

Oh  ::cussing::  hide the decline!   ::hysterical::

And the hilarity keeps rolling...

“My message today … is to Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton’s manager,” she said. “You know, I’m 61 years old. I’ve been out of the closet for 40 years. And Mr. Mook is a gay person, just like me. …

“And it’s really flooring the hell out of me that he’s supporting a woman that took money from these countries, from these countries that would take him and his friends or his lover or his partner and throw them off a building and kill them,” she said.

“I’m floored over this,” the woman added. “I had my suspicions that he was, watching him, but before I come out on anybody I had to reup on him and he is (gay). What a freaking disgrace.”

DeplorableCorgiGirl, also known as @DebraMax on Twitter, donned a Trump for President 2016 shirt in the video. She explained that she lived through the worst of the aids epidemic and believes threats and acts of terrorism from radical Islamists that support Clinton present a far scarier situation.

Clinton poster girl of fatties-done-wrong by Donald..."Ms. Piggy"...not so poster-worthy as she may be unless you're talking "wanted poster"!

Clintonite college Prof caught stealing Trump signs -

Heh, now that's class!   ::hysterical::

And Hillary is already losing interest among black voters...if she is losing gays and fatties...well, that's got to really sting!   ::laughonfloor::
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1046 on: September 29, 2016, 07:39:34 AM »
Sowell throws in for Trump...though I don't recall him being a radical #NeverTrump member.

In other news...

Trump was right in the debate about "Stop & Frisk" and Clinton and Lester Holt wrong -

Mr. Trump invoked stop and frisk as a way to “take the gun away from criminals” in high-crime areas and protect the innocent. That provoked Mr. Holt, who said that “stop and frisk was ruled unconstitutional in New York.” Mr. Trump then noted that the ruling in the case came from a “very against police judge” who later had the case taken away from her. Mrs. Clinton then echoed Mr. Holt.

Here’s what really happened. The federal judge in the stop-and-frisk case was Shira Scheindlin, a notorious police critic whose behavior got her taken off the case by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. The appellate court put it this way:

“Upon review of the record in these cases, we conclude that the District Judge ran afoul of the Code of Conduct for United States Judges . . . and that the appearance of impartiality surrounding this litigation was compromised by the District Judge’s improper application of the Court’s ‘related case rule’ . . . and by a series of media interviews and public statements purporting to respond publicly to criticism of the District Court.”

The court then remanded the case to another judge who would not present an appearance of bias against the police. In a follow-up opinion, the appellate judges cited a New Yorker interview with Judge Scheindlin that included a quote from a former law clerk saying “what you have to remember about the judge is that she thinks cops lie.”

This is an extraordinary rebuke by a higher court and raises doubts that the merits of her ruling would have held up on appeal. As Rudolph Giuliani makes clear nearby, the judge’s ruling of unconstitutionality applied only to stop and frisk as it was practiced in New York at the time. Such police search tactics have long been upheld by higher courts.

In the end, the clock ran out on Mayor Mike Bloomberg, and new Mayor Bill de Blasio chose not to appeal. We rate Mr. Trump’s claim true and unfairly second-guessed by a moderator who didn’t give the viewing public all the facts.

Should bang her with that next go-around.

Oh, and important to keep that witch's playbook in mind at all times!

Oh, and...

7.  Accuse your opponents of being guilty of the crimes and sins you've committed and continue to commit.

Demons, they are consistent in their depravity as they are persistent.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1047 on: September 29, 2016, 11:40:16 AM »
I finally got tired of having an opinion...this first so-called "debate" was yet again another DemoProg-Media Complex's to the point where the media cannot hide it anymore and the sheeple wandering the streets are senseless to it.  But intelligent people know a sham when they see one.  I made a passing comment that the media slid Hildabeast the questions and right from the get-go that was clear as crystal.  And even with that advantage and having an ally as a choreographer the best the crazy old lady could do (judging from the post-production chatter) is a push.  If Trump polishes his game, tightens his jabs and hits key knockout punches he could wipe the floor with this loser.  Hildabeast on the other hand cannot possibly improve...there simply is no room for it and she can only go down.  But you can bet your bottom dollar that in the "townhall" format the potted plants and matching questions are going to be an emot-a-thon and Trump is going to have to come up with clever strategies to turn the tables and put the blame where it belongs for all of our ills - progs and their disasterous policies.  Reviving the Reagan Mantra of "are you better off now than 8 years ago?" might be ripe for deployment...because so very very few are.

Anyway, in the interesting news department...

Ted Cruz praises Trump, sounds warning on Clinton. mention if Beck fell off the wagon...

[img width=598height=800][/img]

Lester Holt - The Third Debater - No questions on E-mailgate, Benghazi, Clinton Money Laundering Operation (the so-called "Foundation"), none of it!

And yeah, Donald knows a dick in a bag when he sees one...

Yeah, set your dirty ass back down, jackwagon!   ::cool::

And yeah...every time that cackling creature cracked her beak...

And WTF is this?

Programmable med dispenser?  Wireless antenna to operate the cyborg?

Anyway, all that advantage, and in many quarters Hildabeast was seen to have been beaten like a drum...

Drudge has it 82-18% Trump, which I guess we can say the "high end".  Heh.

Slime has it Trump too though -

CNBC has it 66-34% Trump

And people are keying on specific things here and there, but when you lie constantly and are not held accountable by the DemoProg-Media Complex, well, it is beyond a target rich environment...but this one is quite a doozie -

Yup, being non-cooperative (not to mention dishonest!) for 11 hours over your own treason and a resume-enhancer to be proud of.

How effing sick, evil and twisted is that?  Off the charts, that's what!

And via WRSA...being who I am I cannot help but get a chuckle out of this...

Seriously though...the above should always be everyone's Plan A, everything else is Plan B or lower!!!

Sorry, but that large lump is nothing more than an extremely large boil. Old, sick people get them.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1048 on: September 29, 2016, 11:47:52 AM »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1049 on: September 30, 2016, 07:24:53 AM »
The Hollyweirdo's are really going apeshat this cycle, eh?  I mean I haven't seen them this deranged since Booosh and Palin!

You know what that tells me?  Yeah, McCain & Romney weren't scary Conservative, which is the same as saying not Conservative.  And they are not fearing Trump because he is Conservative (though on some issues he is or can be) is because he is a wrecking ball, he'll rollback some Progressive gains and prevent them from advancing their demonic agenda under Clinton, which the batshyt social/religious wars and controlling SCOTUS is probably preeminent in their dark desires.

Another reason to smile...let the wrecking ball swing!   ::whoohoo::

And Hey-Zeus, Maria y Jose...has Trump got to throw this anchor around the Hildabests neck!

In swipe at Trump, Clinton names Merkel as her favorite world leader...Democratic candidate praises ‘extraordinary’ German chancellor.

Politico...   ::)

Only a legitimate douchenozzle could describe this as both a "swipe" at Trump and an example of anything resembling an "extraordinary" leader...

Merkel has trampled the rights of all Europeans, not just the Germans she nominally represents...she's forced everybody in the EU to take hoards of murderous death-cultists intent upon beating, raping and murdering the citizens they are being dumped upon...their bank is about to go tits up...she played no small part in driving the British out of the EU and others are wanting to join the exodus rather than commit suicide with Merkel...and Hillary Clinton chooses this spawn of Stasi as a leader worth emulating?

Man, she is just as suicidal as Merkel and it cannot go unmentioned!

Another point Trump was right about...

Bush cleared the decks for his successor...Obama campaigned on bailing on Iraq and was intent on keeping it was his regime that pulled out, his regime that gave a date-certain, his regime that created the vacuum that ISIS exploited...his regime that admitted no fault in word but admitted fault in action when they had to "surge"...

But Lester the Third Debater and Official Goebbels Rep charged with covering Clinton's ample ass and fatter lies joined in the bashing of Trump.

Liars lie, constantly and remorselessly.

I really want to smash their faces in with their own limbs...oh gosh, was that out loud?  Yeah, too bad...

On the cheating front, well, business as usually, just getting more fevered -

January.  Sure, we believe them...


Arise and vote for Der Clinton...then, back to the grave!

Nothing to see, move along...

« Last Edit: September 30, 2016, 07:59:20 AM by Libertas »
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1050 on: September 30, 2016, 08:46:13 AM »
This is good, Trump releases "Ten Inconvenient Truths About The Clinton Foundation"...

The Summary List -

FACT ONE – There Are Major Overlaps Between Clinton’s Campaign Donors And Her Foundation Donors, Raising Ethical Red Flags

FACT TWO – Several Major Clinton Foundation Donations Came From Companies Lobbying The Federal Government

FACT THREE – The Clinton Foundation Accepted Millions From Foreign Governments

FACT FOUR – The Clinton Foundation Accepted Millions From Other Foreign Sources While Clinton Served As Secretary Of State

FACT FIVE – Last Week The Clinton Foundation Announced They Wouldn’t Take Foreign Or Corporate Money If Clinton Is Elected, But Other Charities Still Will Be Allowed To

FACT SIX – The FBI Wanted To Open An Investigation Into The Clinton Foundation, But The Effort Was Scuttled By The Obama Administration

FACT SEVEN – Clinton’s Chief Of Staff At State Had A Deep And Simultaneous Involvement In The Clinton Foundation

FACT EIGHT – Sidney Blumenthal Collected $10,000 A Month From The Clinton Foundation While Providing Libyan Intelligence To Clinton

FACT NINE – The Clinton Foundation Failed To Disclose $26.4 Million In Speaking Honoraria While Clinton Was Secretary Of State

FACT TEN – Since 2003, The Clinton Foundation Has Spent More Than $50 Million On Travel

For Morons - The Clinton Foundation is a money-laundering racket designed to collect fees for access and favors from domestic and foreign fat cats, cronies and sundry low-life shatbags in order to fund the presidential candidacy of the most corrupt candidate in American history and is protected by fellow travellers in the Obama Regime like FBI Director Comey and the entire Democrat-Media Complex.

Got it?

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1051 on: September 30, 2016, 12:02:19 PM »
The more Clinton talks...

 ::saywhat::   ::laughonfloor::

It really isn't that hard...the middle class is that segment of society progressive's like you have been lying to and stealing from and punishing for decades...because it was made up of mostly white folks with a work ethic that made sh*t work in this nation...

And Hillary cannot even manufacture a short answer long on bullsh*t!

Keep yammering, fool!

« Last Edit: September 30, 2016, 12:06:04 PM by Libertas »
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1052 on: October 02, 2016, 07:51:25 PM »
BLM terrorists vandalize Trump International in DC...

...Trump should shame Clinton into denouncing them...but yeah, that's like the Devil reprimanding a demon for doing something evil, and Trump can use that line too, it will work and cut off any "...but..." BS sputtered by the Succubus in the next debate.

And this was good...

...Alex should make good and pay up.

And Dingy Harry hasn't been outed as the source...

...but who cares, this is a non-story.  I'd let out a lot of rope...make it taking the slack out at once more dramatic.

Oh, and grill the Hildabeast over illegals too, bring up these stories and remind people Clinton won't to crap to stop it and in fact will double-down on the stupidity!

And keep hitting her...while she's distracted maybe this will provide the next round of sport -

...looks like the Clinton Plumbers / PPT members delayed the release, but as we all know..."you can't stop the signal"...
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1053 on: October 03, 2016, 12:14:51 PM » stupid C*** covering for another stupid c*** with a classic "lesser of evil" rationalization..., covering for an adulterous/rapist cool because Hillary will keep uterus's free of men?


OK, and this...

..."honest and trustworthy"?!

Seriously, how does this idiot say this crap and not burst out laughing wickedly?


...nah nah nah nah nah!

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1054 on: October 05, 2016, 07:29:43 AM »
Didn't watch this latest Democrat-Media Complex set up...pretty much went according to Democrat-Media Complex collusion...

Douchebag Kaine gets to act like a clown and spout jibberish and talk over Pence...

And partisan Democrat whore "moderator" Elaine Quijano openly became the second Democrat, filibusterer...joining in on the Pence pounding...

And yup, typical media f**kweasels aren't held accountable and dumbass GOP candidates walk right into the trap yet again...glad I missed this latest fraud...

And yup, my opinion that Trump blew it by picking an establishment marshmallow is confirmed...I would have preferred a Palin type that wouldn't have let either Democrat asswipe get away with this typical behavior...

It is skull-stomping time...pattycake time is for gutless wonders...


Next up?  The stacked, racked, and packed Townhall ambush of Trump.

I think I'll be sorting my sock drawer that night...and maybe cleaning a bangstick I found at the bottom of the lake...

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1055 on: October 05, 2016, 11:23:36 AM »

I wonder if they crawled out long enough to watch batshyt Timmy go bobblehead?
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1056 on: October 05, 2016, 10:08:24 PM »
I hear Hildabeast is in her crypt again...gathering her dark forces together for the next staged Democrat-Media Complex ambush...reading the not-released-to-candidates questions and getting the right potted plants in place and working out the timing for the Third Debater to jump in.

And in other news...


Yeah, get a couple more millennials out of their basement lairs...and turn off more people by a factor of 3:1!   ::laughonfloor::

This is good...

...nice lame comeback, wow...what a wit!   ::rolllaughing::

I'm sure women who have been legitimately assaulted by a predator are fine with that response!

But hey, she won't learn the next of Bill's new accusers for a while yet...while she is tucked away in her crypt Bill can go wild.

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« Last Edit: October 06, 2016, 07:25:10 AM by Libertas »
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1058 on: October 06, 2016, 10:03:09 AM »
I hear Hildabeast is in her crypt again...gathering her dark forces together for the next staged Democrat-Media Complex ambush...

So does she have to sleep in the corrupted soil of her ancient homeland in order to rejuvenate?  The MSM are like the gypsy minions loyal to Dracula, protecting her while she sleeps in her coffin.

Tim Kaine is like Renfield.
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1059 on: October 06, 2016, 11:45:54 AM »
I hear Hildabeast is in her crypt again...gathering her dark forces together for the next staged Democrat-Media Complex ambush...

So does she have to sleep in the corrupted soil of her ancient homeland in order to rejuvenate?  The MSM are like the gypsy minions loyal to Dracula, protecting her while she sleeps in her coffin.

Tim Kaine is like Renfield.

And that fugly troll will eat your babies!

And that bat-eared freak is still just a minor demon compared to Smegyn's ticket-topper!

Trump is mean! - Smegyn Kelly, Hillary Fan-girl and Fellow appeaser of serial-rapist Bill Clinton.

Yeah...rot in Hell, toots!   ::vafancoul::
« Last Edit: October 06, 2016, 11:59:01 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.