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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1120 on: October 19, 2016, 12:18:08 AM »
The good news is the Russian ICBMs will be targeting Washington DC, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco first.  Leftists turning into radioactive vapor.  I can't pretend that isn't a gratifying fantasy.

Yeah, I have been doing some research on what size warheads are headed our way .. annd playing with nukemap with the results.

while the article talks about deterrence, that assumes Obama would use the weapons. I think Putin could easily gamble the pussy wouldn't retaliate. After all,  he hates America, why kill good commies over it?

Russia has an array of strategic modernization programs underway. It has launched the first three of what are planned to be eight Borey-class ballistic missile submarines, which carry the new Bulava SLBM. Russia is also deploying the SS-27 Topol-M ICBM and its multiple-warhead variant, the RS-24 Yars, and plans to begin deployment of the RS-26 ICBM in 2016...

Defense spending crashed, and the Russian military bought little in the way of new strategic weapons in the 1990s and early 2000s. Many missiles, such as the SS-18 and SS-19 ICBMs—which today still carry about one-half of Russia’s deployed strategic warheads—have reached and passed their service warranty dates.

so according to this site,  we have:

Bulava ( SS-N-32)  - The missile is expected to carry 10 MIRV warheads, with a yield of 100-160 kT, to a maximum distance of 8,300 km. The missile would likely carry decoys and according to Russian officials, the missile’s RV’s are capable of in-flight maneuverability and re-targeting to out maneuver any enemy defense.6 The RVs have an expected accuracy around 250 to 300 m CEP

SS-27/RS-24 YARS -  The SS-27’s RV is capable of making evasive maneuvers as it approaches its target. It likely also carries countermeasures and decoys to decrease the chances of interception by missile defenses. The missile is shielded against radiation, electromagnetic interference and physical disturbance; whilst previous missiles could be disabled by detonating a nuclear warhead within ten kilometers. It is reported to typically be equipped with a 550 kT yield nuclear warhead; however, there an unconfirmed report suggest a yield of 1 MT has been achieved, as well as the placement of up to six MIRV warheads. It uses a Post-Boost Vehicle (PBV) system to deploy its warhead(s) using a digital inertial navigation system with a GLOSNASS (equivalent to Global Position Satellite) receiver.  In 2016, Russia has 18 road-mobile SS-27 launchers deployed, along with 60 more deployed in fixed silos.

And the older, shelf life may not be so good stuff

ss-18  - he Mod 5 and Mod 6 entered into service in 1988, only the Mod 6 remains operational as of 2016 The Mod 5 contained a single re-entry vehicle with an 8 MT warhead and an accuracy of 500 m CEP, with a range is 16,000 km.The Mod 6 has 10 MIRV, with each warhead having a 500-750 kT yield and an accuracy of 500 m CEP. The range is 11,000 km. It uses two tiers on its instrument section to house its 10 MIRVs. 11 The Mod 5 and Mod 6 both received improved protection against nuclear warhead effects, improved decoys and penetration aids, increased MIRV coverage, and a rapid re-targeting capability. The remaining SS-18 Mod 6s are expected to remain in service until its successor, the SS-X-30 (RS-28 Sarmat), becomes operational

ss-19 - The USSR began deployment of the Mod 3 in 1980. By 1983 all deployed SS-19 Mod 1 and 2 missiles were of the Mod 3 variety. The Mod 2 had a throw weight of 4,350 kg made up of six MIRVed warheads, with a nuclear yield between 550 to 750 kT. Like the previous Mods, the Mod 3 had a maximum range of 10,000 km with a somewhat reduced, but more reliable accuracy 900 m CEP.

As you can see, a realistic number for a bomb is 100-800KT. Maybe 1 Megaton at the most.  A 1 Megaton bomb will give you 3rd degree burns for a 13 mile radius  - break windows at a 10 mile radius , and dose you at 25 REM or more to a 2 mile radius. TWO MILES.  Beyond that and you probably won't even get sick from the exposure. (now  longer term exposure via fallout is another matter. If you are down wind you could experience 1000 REM an hour if you don't move your butt quick ) And it all depends on how high they detonate. Higher up and there won't be appreciable fallout ( but still plenty of damage)  A low burst at around 400 meter actually reduces damage. It just creates a nice long lasting airborne  cloud  of radioactive dust that can be spread for miles. 

Those stories we got drilled into us as kids  about 50 Megaton bombs wit 300 mile diameter kill zones.. were just that. BS Stories - probably made up by liberals to undermine America against the soviets. The cost/weight/destruction ratio means you get the most bang for the buck between 100KT and 1 Megaton. Yes they made bigger bombs - and detonated them up to 50 Megatons. Your average ICBM payload, however, is around 6 x 500 KT warheads.

 Plug those numbers into NukeMap and you will see that even if deployed in triplets - supposedly overlapping somewhat to create a firestorm ( use the wood burns ring under advanced in nuke map) you are still looking at destruction diameters of about 30-50 miles. Not 300.

Its not good. But you really don't have to be too far away to have a reasonable chance of surviving the initial blast, and Putin can decide if there will be major local  fallout or not.

played some more...

These are 1 megaton warheads - spaced  so that the "setting fire to wood" rings touch. Blue is glass breaking. Green is harmful radiation dosage 25 REM ( from initial burst)  Approximate damage diameter  - 30-50  miles.

So stop worrying. Learn to love the bomb.

« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 08:54:03 AM by Weisshaupt »

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1121 on: October 19, 2016, 12:26:26 PM »
I knew a lot more about Cold War arsenals...after the Soviets fell I worried less about big strikes and instead worried over suitcase nukes and material being sold to crazies so staving scientists could make a buck...

With nuclear weapons "close enough" is often good enough...but with anything it depends upon the viciousness of the foe and how intent/likely they are act...what yield and spread are used...ground burst or air burst or anything in between or conditions...

Anyway...I am far more worried about what the Establishment assholes are up to more than I am worried about most outsiders...if the assclowns running things here are sane all should be relatively fine and we are back to worrying about the batshyt crazy wildcards...but we have idiots here giving the batshyt crazy wildcards a run for their money and it's making other players rightfully nervous, so who knows wtf will happen...

Remember, if the other side isn't aware of your doomsday device...
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1122 on: October 20, 2016, 08:31:19 AM »
Ready for Hillary -

So, how bad with the fraud be this time around?

I mean the fraud and corruption is already running hot...and the head of the snake cannot operate without a TP...

...people think this trash won't lie, cheat and steal on a level unprecedented even by latter day standards?

Man, except for the Pubbies having the ticket upside down in 2008 it feels a lot like 2008...

And to think somebody who belongs behind bars is just going to be awarded a position she will abuse like no other..., that is just sick sorry and sad...

...and the puppetmaster gets another one to control...

Sure would be nice if people actually saw a real benefit to sending a message to the Establishment and overwhelm the cheating and fraud...but I don't know...I think it is going to be especially rank...

And, once again I am greatly disappointed the succubus didn't stroke out and fall over dead...but they got her so pumped full of drugs she could already be dead and it will take months for it to manifest itself...

And people today are too stupid to see anything that makes sense and instead enjoy being lied to, so that is the other piece here that cannot be understated.

And the presstitutes...their perfidy has never been more great than it is now!!!

Won't forget, won't quarter, no mercy...ever!

So, the era of the ballot box is over...

So it's down to the last box...

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1123 on: October 20, 2016, 11:29:06 AM »
“It’s been a year and now we’ve finished our last debate and I’m feeling relieved and very grateful,” Clinton said.

“But I just wanted to come back and say hello. Some of you have been on the trail the whole time. No more debates.

“No more naps,” she said as her face cringed.

After taking a couple questions, she was asked about the Project Veritas videos appearing to show Democratic National Committee operatives bragging about triggering violence at Donald Trump rallies.

“I know nothing about this. I can’t deal with every one of his conspiracy theories but I hope you all have something to eat, something to drink on the way back to New York!” she told the reporters.

Three minutes after her Q & A started, it was over.

Wow, some rank POTUS material there...but with Obama setting a new low it takes a Clinton, eh?

The nap is the new golf...or passing out...whatever...same thing in this creatures case...

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1124 on: October 20, 2016, 11:38:12 AM »
Good read!

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

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Cry Havoc!
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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1125 on: October 21, 2016, 07:58:05 AM »
The George Soros Diebold voting machines...

Cheating made easy peasey lemon squeezy!
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1127 on: October 24, 2016, 08:09:20 AM »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1128 on: October 24, 2016, 04:06:37 PM »
via instapundit

Link corrected:

Okay, this is where Team Fake Pearl Clutch jumps in and whines about my “dangerous talk” and about how I have no “honor” because I won’t submit in advance to another establishment okie-doke. Yeah, sure, whatever – and the emperor caught pneumonia because the little kid pointed out that he wasn’t wearing any clothes, not because he was walking around with his junk in the wind. The system is manifestly rigged – even Heap Big Chief Warren used to say so until a memo informed her that this meme is now inconvenient – so spare me your sanctimonious crap about our sacred system. Our loyalty is properly only to the Constitution, not a perversion of it. Just because you hold office under Article I, II, or III doesn’t mean we still owe you respect or deference when you treat your obligations to the People like a teenage Thai boy at one of Raymond Burr’s Halloween parties. We owe the system nothing. Nada. Zip. Instead, the system owes us fairness and honesty, and without them it has no right to our default acceptance of its results. That acceptance must be earned. This means that the system must aggressively police its own integrity, and this year it has utterly failed to do so. The most important thing in a democratic republic, the keystone that holds it together and ensures the peaceful transition of power, is the ability for a loser to accept a loss. We used to be able to fight out our political differences and, if we came up short, shrug and say, “Well, next time we’ll convince a majority.” We could move on, confident that the playing field had been level, that we had been heard, and that we had lost fair and square. "Not anymore. Trump’s wrong about a lot, but he’s not wrong about this. He may very well lose, but it won’t be fair and square. And Trump is not the problem for saying so......

Then there is electoral integrity. We’ve seen numerous investigations of voter fraud and no one cares. We have one party refusing to clear voter rolls of ineligible voters, while also on a quest to ensure that no one need prove his identity to vote. Sure, Democrats have good reason to believe their voters are too lazy and/or stupid to obtain ID cards, but we all know why they really oppose voter ID: it makes it harder to cheat. And then there’s Project Veritas. We have a Democrat party operative and the husband of a sitting Democrat congressbeing caught on tape proving Democrat catspaws paid to cause violence at a Trump rally, violence which the media covered and blamed on Trump to damaging effect. And this guy went to the White House hundreds of times and frequently met with President Faily McWorsethancarter. Hey Pearl Clutchers, read that again and tell me how this isn’t a thousand times worse than Watergate. Then tell me how this is getting only a millionth of the outrage and coverage if the system isn’t rigged.  So we’re supposed to take it on faith that the votes are going to be counted fairly? Uh huh, sure. If you think Trump is somehow morally obligated to preemptively give up his right to challenge the result after that, you can kiss his hanging chad. And then there’s the corruption of the rule of law. Trump was right – Hillary should not even be running because if we had a single justice system – instead of one for the powerful and connected and another for everyone else – her unhealthy carcass would be in federal prison. That’s not hyperbole – that’s literal truth understood by anyone who worked with classified materials and/or actually passed a bar exam. Then there is the IRS persecution of conservative organizations that has gone totally unpunished. And, of course, the Wikileaks treasure trove has shown that the Democrats simply ignore the law in their campaigns, secure in the knowledge that they will never be held accountable while their opponents will see a weaponized FBI and DOJ turned upon them.

The system is rigged.

It would be nice to be able to say, “Well, she won fair and square.” But that’s not going to happen. My gut says that a majority of people will vote for her, but I live in Los Angeles and a lot of people around here are libfascist half-wits, so maybe my perspective is skewed. Maybe the polls are right – you know, the super scientific ones putting the race somewhere between Felonia von Pantsuit up 12 and Trump up 3. But this election won’t be “fair” in any sense of the word. The media has put not just its thumb but its bloated behind on the scale. All of us have not been heard, much less been respected. How can we trust the votes will be counted fairly when clearly documented admissions of election tampering get a mere shrug if they aren’t ignored entirely? Sorry (not sorry), but like Trump, I refuse to be a good little boy and politely agree in advance to accept whatever the ruling class chooses to do without protest or complaint. You want us to respect and honor what you say are the results of the election? Start by respecting and honoring us. Is this dangerous talk? Hell yes – but the danger doesn’t come from us pointing out the corruption. The danger is the corruption. I walked through wrecked villages in the aftermath of a civil war, so I sure as hell don’t need your lessons about what lies at the bottom of the slippery slope your ruling class is tobogganing down. I know – and as my new book predicts, it’s really bad. But the solution isn’t to try to shut us up when we dare point out the truth – nor will it work. As the hep kids say, we are now hella woke. The solution is to demand the system do its damn job and root out corruption and earn back the default acceptance we would love nothing more than to be able to offer again, confident that the system is unrigged. Too bad if our refusal to simply acquiesce to your scam is inconvenient.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 05:26:01 PM by Weisshaupt »

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1129 on: October 24, 2016, 04:37:18 PM »
Someone wrote that as a review for the camera?  Just making sure I'm understanding.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1130 on: October 24, 2016, 05:24:50 PM »
Someone wrote that as a review for the camera?  Just making sure I'm understanding.

Arrgh. I'll go fix it. Darn copy and paste gets sticky sometimes

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1131 on: October 24, 2016, 07:22:38 PM »

    Only half of Republicans would accept Clinton, the Democratic nominee, as their president. And if she wins, nearly 70 percent said it would be because of illegal voting or vote rigging, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday. Conversely, seven out of 10 Democrats said they would accept a Trump victory and less than 50 percent would attribute it to illegal voting or vote rigging, the poll showed. For example, nearly eight out of 10 Republicans are concerned about the accuracy of the final vote count. And though generally they believe they will be able to cast their ballot, only six out of 10 are confident their vote will be counted accurately.

And the libtards have no clue whats going to hit them because the MSM refuses to cover the facts.
Michelle had some facebook "friend" post some meme with Trumps' supporters being portrayed as hillbillies and lamenting they can't be deported. I told her to post that cracked article, point out that her pose was simple mean-spirited stereotyping of people she didn't agree with, And then use Pan's tag line..if everything you say about me is true, that just makes your problem bigger doesn't it,  then ask  her what she would want to do with the deplorables - since deportation isn't an option, and suggest she look into  concentration camps

Nothing pisses a facebook friend faster than pointing out they are guilty of the same behavior they pretend to be against.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1132 on: October 24, 2016, 08:04:42 PM »
Good; use the tag line.  For the ones that think at all, it gives 'em something to think about.

"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1133 on: October 25, 2016, 07:09:11 AM »
Think, heh!  Funny!  They emote.  They are told what to think and they emote.

Let's see how well emoting works for them when the shat hits the fan and the state is nowhere to protect them, to feed give the slightest frack what happens to them.

God, this is going to be epic, yes?
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1134 on: October 25, 2016, 07:38:26 AM »
Chiefette Liz "Redbottom" Warren admits Clinton women are nasty!

Wow, Princess Fauxchahontas and Cackling Clinton actually think this is a winner of an idea? 

Embrace your inner nastiness, nasties!
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1135 on: October 25, 2016, 10:06:25 AM »
And Thomas Sowell arrives to the point his comment thread was weeks ago

Painful as it may be to realize that we are reduced to considering the impeachability of a presidential candidate, that is a reality that will not go away, just because we don't like it.

How impeachable is Hillary Clinton? Since she would be "the first woman President," any criticism of her, much less any impeachment, would bring loud howls from the media across the country that ugly sexist bias was behind any opposition to anything she did -- no matter how awful. Hillary in the White House would have a blank check, and she would not hesitate to use it.

Donald Trump has no such exemption. Neither the media nor Congressional Republicans would automatically spring to his defense if he overstepped the line. His impeachability may be his most important asset in a year of painful choices.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1136 on: October 25, 2016, 04:44:25 PM »

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1137 on: October 26, 2016, 08:10:48 AM »
Cerebus for Trump, heh!

Hey look, more cheatin', this time in Dallas -

...must be Soros machines, "officials" don't seem too concerned, apparently all is well, everything is awesome!
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1138 on: October 26, 2016, 08:12:38 AM »
I might blow this up and paste it around town... would be like rubbing a turd in a progs nose, yes?   :D
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1139 on: October 26, 2016, 09:29:39 AM »
Blow what up?

Kudos to Andrew Klavan for reminding me this existed.