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Offline Predator Don

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1240 on: November 09, 2016, 08:43:51 AM »
I almost want to go li9sten to Beck.....almost.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1241 on: November 09, 2016, 08:54:56 AM »
My US House District with Emmer (6th) was never threatened...nice to see Paulsen beat progtard Bonoff in 5th and radio host Jason Lewis beat libtard Craig in 2nd...there has to be a recount in the 8th since the DMC is declaring it for the prog and there is only 2,000 separating them...can't tell me those Iron Range progs didn't cheat somewhere!

Rep in WI and Sen Johnson win so that stays in friendly hands...and WI went for Trump while Minnie barely went for Clintoon...look at Hennepin , Ramsey and St Louis County fraud and I bet that could be changed!

What the bleep is going on in LA Senate race Alan? 

And people cannot tell me that NC Gov race isn't being messed with gobs of fraudulent activity!!!
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1242 on: November 09, 2016, 08:58:57 AM »
I almost want to go li9sten to Beck.....almost.


No, Dear God...don't do it, Don!  Don't do it!

The few chuckles at the weeping may be interrupted by typically moronic gibberish!
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1243 on: November 09, 2016, 09:57:17 AM »
Took my after lunch walk, to the bay, around the golf course that surrounds a 500 year old walled city, around Manila Cathedral (hosting a Cardinal since the 1500's) and back, all in weather which the dew point has dropped noticeably in the past couple of weeks down into the mid to upper 60's.  All to come home to Trump being at 95%+ chances of winning.  And achieving a new post smoking weight low.

Best.  Walk.  Ever.



Congrats Todd, and to all of us, we held strong.
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1244 on: November 09, 2016, 10:00:14 AM »
And people cannot tell me that NC Gov race isn't being messed with gobs of fraudulent activity!!!

You got that right.  The Human Rights Campaign, fronted by NC AG Roy Cooper, beat the living crap out of McCrory over HB2 -- as though keeping men out of women's showers, dressing rooms and bathrooms is barbaric and medieval and beyond the pale.

Cooper claimed victory last night, but, as there is only a 4+k difference in the votes, plus counting of provisional ballots, it'll be about ten days yet until we know the official result.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Glock32

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1245 on: November 09, 2016, 10:28:54 AM »
And people cannot tell me that NC Gov race isn't being messed with gobs of fraudulent activity!!!

You got that right.  The Human Rights Campaign, fronted by NC AG Roy Cooper, beat the living crap out of McCrory over HB2 -- as though keeping men out of women's showers, dressing rooms and bathrooms is barbaric and medieval and beyond the pale.

Cooper claimed victory last night, but, as there is only a 4+k difference in the votes, plus counting of provisional ballots, it'll be about ten days yet until we know the official result.

Additionally, they extended voting hours in Durham because of "a software error."  And for those outside NC, Durham is a rather dark town.
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Offline Glock32

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1246 on: November 09, 2016, 06:59:17 PM »
We have a unique opportunity with Trump.  He is a ballsy enough guy who doesn't care about the criticisms hurled at him, and that means he might be capable of doing things Republicans never do: deal lasting damage to the institutional Left.  Since Reagan every time we manage to get a Republican in the White House or in control of Congress, they are always content to plot a straight course without rocking the boat.  The liberals, on the other hand, know how to capitalize on their political victories.

It is time we do the same.  His presidency must make the Left howl in pain.  The first and best way to do that is to use the multiple Supreme Court appointments he will be making to nominate young originalists to the court.  This should apply to lower court appointments too.  He should make good on his promise to pursue an Amendment enacting term limits on Congress.  Congress will not be on board with that, but I think the mood of the country will not tolerate self-interested congressmen pushing back on it.  He needs to also make tangible progress on the illegal immigration issue.  I think a starting point for that is to begin aggressive investigation and punishment of businesses that hire them.

What are your thoughts?  What can a Trump Presidency do that will deal actual damage to the Left?
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1247 on: November 09, 2016, 07:10:36 PM »
1. Stop funding waste, like anything climate control related, common core, putrid art, etc, etc.
    Next .......
I'm entitled (to be cranky).

Offline Pablo de Fleurs

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1248 on: November 09, 2016, 07:20:02 PM »
I couldn't help but notice that Hillary, twice in her concession speech, and Bam-Bam, in his reaction to the election, called our country a "Constitutional Democracy" or "our Democracy"...

...which, I guess, is part of the problem. And I believe that corps-men, everywhere, agree with my observation.
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Offline John Florida

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1249 on: November 09, 2016, 07:22:39 PM »
We have a unique opportunity with Trump.  He is a ballsy enough guy who doesn't care about the criticisms hurled at him, and that means he might be capable of doing things Republicans never do: deal lasting damage to the institutional Left.  Since Reagan every time we manage to get a Republican in the White House or in control of Congress, they are always content to plot a straight course without rocking the boat.  The liberals, on the other hand, know how to capitalize on their political victories.

It is time we do the same.  His presidency must make the Left howl in pain.  The first and best way to do that is to use the multiple Supreme Court appointments he will be making to nominate young originalists to the court.  This should apply to lower court appointments too.  He should make good on his promise to pursue an Amendment enacting term limits on Congress.  Congress will not be on board with that, but I think the mood of the country will not tolerate self-interested congressmen pushing back on it.  He needs to also make tangible progress on the illegal immigration issue.  I think a starting point for that is to begin aggressive investigation and punishment of businesses that hire them.

What are your thoughts?  What can a Trump Presidency do that will deal actual damage to the Left?

   Put everything that Obongo signed into law and regulation and decrees in a pile on the front of the White House lawn and burn it all in one minute just to get the ball started.  Put a collar on the Bureau of land management and the environazzis  and bust up those offices one and for all and the dept. of education and burn down the building.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1250 on: November 10, 2016, 07:26:42 AM »
These always open a wants vs needs can of worms...and it is a can of worms because primarily as a result of feckless E-GOP clowns too eager to compromise to the left and too unwilling to fight for anything necessary...the wants and needs have merged...what needs to be done is now necessary/imperative or you might as well just hurl yourself from the highest rooftop...and in those terms should Trump present things to Congress and the people...there is no more "we can survive with ________ in place", we have arrived to "we cannot survive with ______ in place, period" there is no more can-kicking, no more procrastination, no more backscratching and backsliding...we have arrived at the "it is this, or we die" moment.  He will have to campaign directly to the people to get the pubbies to bring forward his agenda, those pant-pissing pansies won't move an inch unless they are forced to...enacting his agenda has to be put in terms that directly correlate to their continued survival...and he may have to carry through with some finely targeted ritual sacrifices to prove the point.

SCOTUS/lower courts, term-limits, cracking down on illegal immigration on all fronts, sensible energy policies, ending all the silly bans and moratoriums, repealing in sweeping meat-cleaver style a host of antiquated and ridiculous regulation to free up private enterprise (which can be done without moonbats going on a eco-binge or OWS...all you have to do is drop the hammer on people that act like the Federal government and turn rivers orange or fleece retirees and investors in ponzi schemes ala Corzine!)...reduce departments and their scope so that eventually they can be killed off easily (probably too much to hope for to wipe out from the get-go even though that is what would be ideal)...EPA, BLM...basically the shrinking of Federal overreach has to end, Congress has to take it's oversight more seriously and the plethora of agencies and subsidiaries needs to have their milk soured...the Fed must be tamed...Fed/Treas are one and the same, and the revolving door with the big capital banks has to be reigned in, this is the one industry that should be heavily regulated, at least at the top echelon...the rest of the banking world feeds off the crumbs the insiders dispense, it is time the obvious insanity around residential & commercial lending and student loans be returned to sound credit policies and the government mandated everybody-qualifies BS has to end, if some people cannot qualify then they need to remedy that situation the way people always have - work, savings, investment...the FEC has to go, they are useless political hacks and there is nothing there that cannot be handled by the courts on a case by case basis...the Feds must divest themselves of landholdings, they have all they require for military and other facilities, the time must end where they hold vast tracks simply to control them and deny them to others, it is un-American and it must end...we must take steps to remove ourselves from NATO, those idiots are fully capable of handling their own security, that they are unwilling is not our problem...we need to reach out to nations we should be reaching out too (India, Philippines for example) and we should be more stern with others (Saudi Arabia, Venezuela) and there is more opportunity than not to find joint cooperation with nations we've ignored/pissed off (Russia) or been unreasonably hostile to (Israel)...Climate change BS, TPP, Keystone, all those have to be reversed...general housecleaning of agencies and departments of statists, perhaps a change in how positions are staffed/reviewed...the war against religion (specifically Christian!) needs to end and that part of the 1st Amendment restored!

Perhaps the most difficult rotten nut to crack of them all - the press.  I don't think there is an easy fix here.  They are incapable/unwilling/unable/unqualified to police themselves...any kind of government agency oversight will be prone to political whim and chicanery...any effort to re-write 1st Amendment rights is (not unjustly) going to encounter great resistance, nor do I think it necessary.  I think the best route to go is to enact strict libel and slander statutes specifically targeting rogue "press" that hurl accusations without proof toward people...the bomb throwers and gratuitous demonizers must be brought to heel and made to understand that the "freedom of the press" is not an open license to lie, cheat, defame or falsely accuse someone unjustly.

Plus, all restrictive anti-gun laws should be obliterated...another one likely to be difficult...but at least I would like to see some measures taken to roll back things...and one item of particular note is anything smacking of a government gun registry...those checks should be local, LEO's can ask to review purchases locally but there should be no database on pure privacy issue alone!  The slightest existence of one is an undermining of the 2nd and 4th Amendments! 

The 10th Amendment needs a new birth of freedom, there is a host of issues the states and municipalities can do better than the federal government, including healthcare (ObamaCare forced states to end [often effective and financially responsible] state run health plans).

There should be an eye towards efforts with downstream benefits that both hamper future meddling into our liberty and possibly make escape from tyranny more unhindered...kinda ties into my desire to see states and municipalities become more self sufficient...there more it is seen the people can do more themselves than need to federal government the better.

Anyway, off the top of my head that is what I have...I'm sure I missed dozens of things and need to break what I do have down into constituent parts...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1251 on: November 10, 2016, 11:14:53 AM »

What are your thoughts?  What can a Trump Presidency do that will deal actual damage to the Left?

Well there is the high road and the low road.  Since Barry decided it was okay for a President to decide which laws would be enforced and which would not,  he can simply REFUSE to  follow or enforce some laws, and have his AG selectively prosecute the liberals as they have done to us.   It really depends on if you think healing is possible ( it isn't because Liberals suffer from diabolical narcissism for which there is no cure other than death)

But assuming one takes the high road..  Hillary and others in the DNC who have committed crimes are prosecuted. If Obama comes out and pardons them,  then dig up proof of his non-citizenship and null and void his entire presidency. But without indictments the FBI's legitimacy cannot be restored.
Many agencies will be in full rebellion, and Trump will have to be willing to simply fire, destaff or defund them till they fall in line.

Education is huge- there are so many citizens who simply do not understand how the government is supposed to work. A massive public education campaign is needed - both for adults, and children. The Left would go ape over it, but their opposition would be instructive to that squishy middle who can think, but chooses not to .  We could start with this :  and more Schoolhouse Rock type videos. Something needs to be done to counter the anti-american understanding of government, and to promote the idea that Freedom is the foundation of respect.  We really have to hound them so that they can no longer lie and have to state their beliefs and goals in the open.

The integrity of the voting system needs to be assured - All votes must have a paper trail - that can be validated by the voter before he leaves the polls. All voters must have their fingers dyed to prevent moving people from poll to poll. All voters must present a government ID - and you may not collect welfare without obtaining that government ID - ensuring that the "disenfranchised minorites" all have one.  Regulations requiring regular purges of voter rolls should be required and enforced by draconian penalties- such purges to occur 6 months before each election to allow adequate time to deal with any errors. -- Those purged from the rolls must be notified at whatever address they registered under and given a form to protest their removal. If proven a legitimate voter they can be reinstated, and a tally kept. If the number of valid people removed exceeds  10% ( pick a number) the AG must, by law, investigate.  Legal challenges by law cannot interfere with the process or get an injunction  till they are won in court.  Conviction for Voter Fraud  eliminates your right to vote, and strips you of any and all government benefits, including SSI. All polling and counting processes will be under video surveillance and that footage will be made available to the public immediately or within 24 hours of the count being finalized.

I personally would want to see the Justices in the Supreme Court who decided that a tax is a penalty be impeached and removed. Or Use Kelo, or use Citizen's united,  or Same Sex Marriage.  They have not upheld the constitution - they have re-written it and the laws. They are corrupt partisans and they need to be removed.

Trump should also mush for Amendments that would - if nothing else - force debate on the topics that need to be discussed.

Term limits is one.

But also-

A constitutional Amendment that requires every judge to render an individual opinion, and  a requirement to vote on if they should be retained  during non-presidential election years.  A vote to remove should probably have to exceed 60%  to be valid.

A Constitutional Amendment that allows 1/4 of the state legislatures  to repeal a Federal Law.  If the Constitution is binding based on 3/4 agreement, then 1/4 disagreement is non-binding and eliminates the enforcement or application of  any Federal rule or Statute in that state once 1/4 have passed it.  The statue remains in effect in any state that does not nullify the law. This will server to enforce federalism even when Others think they can implement a winner takes all regulation.

A Constitutional Amendment that  Allows legal Succession of any state as long as they take on a percentage of debit proportional to their average congressional representation over the last 50 years.

A Constitutional Amendment that allows the people to nominate senators,  which define the pool  State legislators can pick from for appointment to the Senate. This should remove the worries about nepotism, but return the Senate to being a body  that represents State interests.

A constitutional Amendment that simply Clarifies American Principles.  It wouldn't ever pass,  but again would force the conversation that the libtards refuse to have.  The Amendment would assert that the individual is sovereign and retains all rights  and decisions that do not PHYSICALLY  harm others , that  informed consent to government powers is the only legitimate form of government,  that all laws must be applied equally to all people, and that Judges are responsible for interpreting the constitution according Blackstone's laws  because an agreement is only valid and honestly interpreted according to the understanding of those who signed it. Specifically state that the Common Good cannot be used an as excuse to violate the rights of individuals rights, and only those powers the people explicitly apporve are granted to the federal government.

Make the liberals go on record that they oppose these things. Make them say WHY.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1252 on: November 10, 2016, 12:35:25 PM »
Love the secession amendment line with my focus on downstream benefits!   ::thumbsup::  Strike now too while the topic is hot in libiot minds too, California...remove Federal assets and let idiots flush it for all I they would take a fat chunk of the debt with them!

« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 07:13:19 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Pablo de Fleurs

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1253 on: November 10, 2016, 04:24:56 PM »
Good article that I'm sharing with my 2 college attending children, whose professors have been coming into the classroom apologizing for the election results in smug fashion. I've instructed them to remain silent in the classroom (to avoid getting bullied or beat-up) and, if pressed for an answer, say "It seems to me that the citizens of the heartland reacted to a lousy economy & rejected a ruling oligarchy."
This will be my response to fellow Christians who voted for Hillary. If the conversation steers towards "unity" - my response will be "No, it's time to Conquer, Fortify & Domesticate...with the Hammer of Thor!"

Trumping the Elites
The American people said “no” to oligarchy and ruling classes.
Joel Kotkin | November 9, 2016

She had it all—the pliant media, the tech oligarchs, Wall Street, the property moguls, the academics, and the all-around “smart people.” What Hillary Clinton didn’t have was flyover country, the economic “leftovers,” the small towns, the unhipstered suburbs, and other unfashionable places. As Thomas Frank has noted, Democrats have gone “from being the party of Decatur to the party of Martha’s Vineyard.” No surprise, then, that working- and middle-class voters went for Donald Trump and helped him break through in states—Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa—that have usually gone blue in recent presidential elections.

Trump seized on the widespread sense that American life was destined to get worse from generation to generation. Americans wanted opportunity for the next generation, not a managed decline. Democrats—and I was one for over 40 years—once offered this to the working and middle classes that have now deserted the party.

More than anything, the Trump vote says “no” to oligarchies and ruling classes that not only hoard their wealth but also are convinced that they are morally superior. Trump may be as ostentatious as anyone in flaunting his own wealth, but compared with his garishness, the hypocrisy of the elites is infinitely worse. It’s one thing to be told that decline and future stagnation are your lot by, say, selfless monks wearing hair shirts or tough party cadres who live, like the pre-revolutionary Bolsheviks, with the common people. It’s quite another, when the message comes from trustafarians writing for the New York Times or people who fly their own planes and own numerous homes.

Concern about climate change galvanized the elites—Wall Street, Hollywood, Silicon Valley—but left Main Street cold. Wall Street placed its bets on Clinton and, like many blocs within the new “progressive” constituency, reacted with shock that the American people hadn’t bought in to their investment.

The map tells all. Clinton won by large margins in the Northeast and on the West Coast, and in states—Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada—where Trump’s intemperate comments roused Latino voters. But outside of Illinois, a whole swath of the country, from the hills of Appalachia to the fringes of the Rockies, went solidly for Trump.

Why would that be? Start with basic economics. The economy in the nation’s interior relies on producing things—an endeavor that the coasts have largely abandoned. Energy, manufacturing, and agriculture still define these economies, and employ many white-collar as well as blue-collar workers. If you live in Texas and Oklahoma, “decarbonization” is a much less attractive concept than it might seem in Manhattan or San Francisco. Trump swept the areas that keep the lights on and the motors turning—Ohio, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Texas, Wyoming, Idaho, Louisiana, and especially West Virginia, where he won by a remarkable 68 to 27 margin.

Among other things, the media missed the fact that the middle of the country and the South continue to gain population. The “blue” model, for the most part, expels people, while, in contrast, the “red” one appeals, particularly to middle- and working-class families. Texas and Florida are now our second and third most-populous states. Once the pacesetter, New York is a mere shadow of itself as a determiner of elections, and California, no longer growing quicker than the rest of the country, has perched itself on the Left fringe, with obvious bad ramifications—high housing and energy bills, depressed blue-collar sectors—for middle-aged, middle-class families.

In contrast, Trump’s America presents an alternative model, which honors small enterprise, allows housing to meet demand, and does not see the United States as part of a global system to be managed. That there are xenophobic, and even racist, elements in the Trumpian ranks is undeniable—but for most Americans, the true “deplorables” have been the self-appointed regulators and financial masters who seem determined to halt their upward progress, and that of their children. If our governing elites want to know how Trump happened, they need only look in the mirror.
2 Timothy 1:7
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1254 on: November 11, 2016, 07:15:29 AM »
I have only yet begun to schlong the Establishment!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1255 on: November 11, 2016, 08:42:40 AM »
And yeah...while the Trump Derangement Syndrome rages (idiots here in Minnie walked out onto I-94 off Riverside) and snowflakes across the nation have meltdowns and chant hatred of whitey and flyover country...and progtards in Oregon joining their California ilk in calling for secession (Please, make my century!)...Team Clinton of "respect the results of the election" fame...has militant operatives calling for an Electoral College nullification effort to reverse the election results.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1256 on: November 13, 2016, 09:46:16 AM »
And we are now on night number four. We are beyond tantrum and crybaby territory now.

I'm told my mother suggested that Trump supporters would be doing the same thing if we lost. 4 Nights of stupid and meaningless protesting/ blocking highways  and rioting? No. Because we have no need to signal our virtue to other mindless herd members.  'member  when the liberals went  batsh*t crazy and would just never shut the f**k up under Bush?  Yeah! I 'member that!

They are never going to leave us in peace. They will harass us using the government or they will harass us from the sidelines, but they will harass no matter what. a Bully has to bully.  Really if you had the stomach for it, one should go down there and infiltrate them, and suggest to them that they would be more productive DOS attacking the government,  sabotaging roads, bridges and other city infrastructure. Maybe show them how. I am a little worried that Conservatives think having Trump in charge -  a New York Liberal of the 80's -  makes the government safe or no longer the enemy. It still is.  Trump can work from the inside to change that - and maybe he might, but as of 11/13/2016  Obama is still in changed and nothing has changed other than now you are likely to be harassed and attacked by a liberal  mob during your day to day activities as well as Obama's govt.

You see people who are really afraid of fascists in the government don't congregate in protest because it makes it easy to massacre or round them up.  Maybe these cowards are only in the streets because Obama is in charge at the moment. But I suspect even more fun will occur on inauguration night. Convervatives would never have been so stupid.  A Hillary win would have just convinced a lot more people that there was no path to a peaceful political solution. (Infowars claims they will providing evidence of voter fraud in at least five of the states Hillary won. And if the election system isn't fixed by Trump within the first  year,  you know the midterms will still be rigged. )

Gun sales would have tripled. A lot more people would begin refusing services to liberals, more still would finally go Galt  or simply refuse to file taxes. Even more would simply ex-pat. You might have begin to see more politically motivated  assassinations.   I don't think we would even move to the sabotage the infrastructure phase beyond DOS attacks on the government itself. It will take a forced confrontation over guns or food confiscation to bring the rural vs. city conflict into full flower.

Its really a question of what Soros Globalist NWO conspiracy INC thinks its next best move is.  They obviously feel that pushing these riots every night is good for them - which means they think they can cow us with demonstrations tat their street thugs will pull you form your car if you speak up, or they are really hoping to foment something larger.  (Sorry Soros, you are dealing with cowards)  Or maybe its just to try and make a President Trump look weak or give him something else to worry about other than concentrating at the task at hand.  However, since we are 3 months before the election that latter device seems premature. These riots make Obama and Hillary seem weak. Obama - via his press secretary, have suggested that  peaceful demonstration over this issue is just fine, and ave asked for unity. They ignored the fact these demonstrations are NOT peaceful. The media of course describes them as "largely peaceful" After all , only a few people are being injured or shot.   (what would the media report if a single person was shot at a Tea Party Rally?)  The end game may very well be to incite a war now. Soros is providing the organization for these riots, but I suspect the participants are volunteers not paid actors.  They question is why now?  oping to get calls for Martial laws in those cities? Make tings to desperate within the urban enclave that the people are willing to fight those evil racist rural folk?

The game is  not over yet folks.  Stay frosty.


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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1257 on: November 13, 2016, 11:09:56 AM »
Why has Soros not been hit with RICO?  He is at the top of a command and control organization responsible for violence and damage to property.  It is not speculative.  We know that his various foundations and "charities" are paying common thugs to be....common thugs.  They are organizing and transporting mobs of them from place to place.

That son of a bitch needs to be prosecuted.
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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1258 on: November 14, 2016, 07:27:48 AM »
Some people think they are beyond prosecution...for those people sometimes you have to pray for long distance justice.  ;)
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2016 Races...If Anybody Cares...
« Reply #1259 on: November 15, 2016, 07:58:38 AM »
Team Clinton Loser is terrorizing Electors to switch their vote.

Various lists of electors to call were floated around the internet.

One was put out by the account, @VoteHillary2016. The admin on the account is Steve Rosinski, a former advanceman for Clinton/Gore and a rabid Clinton proponent. Here’s a shot of him with Hillary.

The @VoteHillary2016 account doxed all the electors in a spreadsheet on Twitter (including the ones where it would be illegal) and encouraged people to call the electors, listing their addresses and their contact information.
Thus someone associated with the Hillary Clinton campaign was encouraging breaking the law to overturn the election results and throw the election to Hillary, and doxing electors on Twitter.

Once it was pointed out to @VoteHillary2016 that this was illegal, he deleted his tweet and wiped his Twitter profile so one wouldn’t see the connection to the campaign.

Yup, that's Prog's for ya...and behavior like this was written by Clinton's.

I bet a vice-grips would work wonders on Mr ShornScrotum there, eh?
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.