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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #80 on: June 26, 2011, 08:23:46 PM »
Drudge is being naughty again, listing a bunch of stories together  ::popcorn::

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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #81 on: June 27, 2011, 08:04:44 AM »
He's doing good work, nobody in the MFM gives a hoot about feral youth gone wild...unless they can blame whitey for it.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.


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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #82 on: June 27, 2011, 11:19:48 AM »

A WOMAN'S leg was broken and several other people were injured Saturday night when a large group of teens accosted pedestrians in Spring Garden, police and witnesses said.
Guendelsberger, who remained hospitalized with a broken leg

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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #83 on: June 27, 2011, 11:53:18 AM »
No mention of race at all.  So they are implying it was black on black or white on white...well no, they would have mentioned whitey even if white on white, and especially if it was white on it must have been black on white, right?

The  ::cussing:: MFM sucks pig nuts!
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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #84 on: June 28, 2011, 05:27:45 AM »
Crazy bitch goes OFF on bus driver

Smile hag, you're an interweb star.

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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #85 on: June 28, 2011, 09:34:53 PM »
Was that trash in Chicago too?


Here's a follow up to the Chicago Memorial Day beach melee cover up...

Think the police give a damn about you?  Think Chicago politicians like Rahm and the rest of the Chicago thogocracy give a damn about you?

People with any brains left need to GTFO, now!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.


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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #86 on: June 29, 2011, 05:31:48 AM »
I think we all can agree black racism has been going on for quite sometime now, and has been studiously ignored, at best, by the media, or turned into de facto white racism due to 'white flight' from neighborhoods where black crime has gone ignored out of fear of such reporting being called racist or somesuch nonsense.

Long Island once offered the prospect of suburbia for the middle class escaping from the City.  This story is about Roosevelt, LI from the '70's, but I can assure you it is far worse today.  The mall called Roosevelt Field has had racial incidents in the recent past, with robberies and murders by black perpetrators not uncommon.  But I believe it is because of the common nature of such crime, it goes unreported.  And forget about reporting black racism.  That's a story that will never be reported as it cerainly does not fit the agenda driven, multi-culti PC narrative being foisted upon us by our political (including the educrats) and media elites.


I grew up on the border of a town called Roosevelt, on Long Island, my parents moved my family there when I was a toddler, in the 1970s. It was a nice neighborhood with all different kinds of people and everyone got along well for a few years after we got there, but then it started going bad fast. There was a cute little park that we'd play at nearby, but by the time I was 7 or 8 years old, it was no longer safe for white children to go there because of the mobs of racist black teenage thugs who hung out there who would scream obscenities, threaten and even physically attack anyone who wasn't black. It became a defacto "black only" park.

Kids were regularly "jumped" while just trying to walk home and I don't know a single family on my block who had a child who didn't get their bike stolen and/or get beat up by black teen-aged thugs at least once. When I was in third grade, a brick came crashing through my living room window on Halloween night. It had missed hitting my mother's head by only a few inches as she had been reading on our couch there. She saw a gang of about a dozen black kids running away. About a year later, our replacement window was damaged when someone shot a bullet through it. Luckily, nobody was in the room at the time, because we learned to stay away from our windows at night. One year, we held a block party with all the families working together to provide a nice fun time for our little community, things went great until the late afternoon when a large mob of black teen-aged thugs showed up and started attacking people. We never had another block party again.

I saw a car burning across the street from my house one night, it would be the first of many that I saw over the years in that neighborhood. The rear window had been broken by a Molotov cocktail. These events never made the news.

Houses and cars were routinely robbed, my brother even caught a guy in our attached garage trying to gain access to the rest of my house where the rest of my family was sleeping. Luckily, with the help of my German Shepard, my brother was able to chase the bad guy away before he could do whatever it is that he had intended. One of my neighbors had a work van filled with tools that got robbed every few days, despite my neighbor investing in all kinds of lights an alarms. He got so frustrated that he began parking his van with the sliding side door mashed up against the concrete retaining wall in his driveway to make it more difficult for the criminals to get his equipment out. Eventually, like many of my neighbors, he got sick of it and moved away.

As folks moved away, the local media screamed about "white flight" and deemed it "racist" when, in fact, the people who left did so out of self preservation because they were tired of being victimized and seeing it be ignored by the authorities, community leaders and the media. There was racism, all right, but it was black racism and black on white crime which caused people to do whatever they could to get away from it for their own survival and the safety of their children.

When I was 19, I made the mistake of walking home alone. I ended up getting severely beaten by a gang of black thugs who screamed how a white girl "didn't belong" in the neighborhood where I had been living for over 15 years at the time. Now, I need to tell you that this did not make me hate black people, and I still don't hate black people, as a matter of fact, I'd probably been raped or killed but for the fact that two other black men happened to be passing by and saw what was happening. They rescued me and carry/walked me the half a block I needed to go to get home. While I did not suffer broken bones, my nose had been bloodied and my left eye was swollen shut & purple while my right eye was bruised up also. My lips were busted up and the whole left side of my face was swollen to about twice the size of the right. I had very long hair and the bastards had busted a bottle on my head and used a piece of broken glass to lop off a big chunk of my hair right on top, requiring me to comb all the hair from one side of my head over to try to conceal it. It took a full year for my face to look normal again, and even months after that I had a big lump from a calcium deposit in my left cheekbone. I still have vision problems in my left eye from the attack nearly twenty years ago.

One night, when I was about 22, a friend drove me home after I had worked a night shift at a bar. It had snowed and he needed to park a bit further from the curb than normal because of the snowbanks. There was still plenty of room to pass, as it was a fairly wide street, but as mt friend walked me to my house, a drunken angry black man drove down my street and he stopped his car and started screaming racist epithets and saying that "You crackers don't belong here" (in the neighborhood where I'd lived most of my life) while demanding that my friend move his car. The drunken angry black man then pulled out a gun and pointed it at my friend's face. I ran to my house screaming, my brother came out and managed to talk the guy out of shooting my friend and eventually the cops came. It turned out that the drunken angry gun pointing creep was an off-duty cop from a neighboring town, so nothing came of it.

The above are only small samples of the black racism that I experienced and witnessed, but one thing that was a constant during the years that I lived in my old neighborhood was that it was taboo to talk abut black racism, because "black people can't be racist" (or sometimes you'd hear the stupid term "reverse racism"), that nobody in a position of authority would do a damned thing to stop it, and that this sort of stuff never made the news.

Mine was one of the last families to escape the neighborhood, and while I was leaving all of my friends behind, I was delighted to be starting a new life someplace where it would be far less likely that I'd become a crime victim simply for being the "wrong" color. They called it white flight, they said it was racist, but what it was would be better defined as survival. My neighbors and I loved our homes, we never would have left it it hadn't become so dangerous to stay.

Black racism is just as real as other kinds of racism and just as evil, but it is even more dangerous than the others because few will even acknowledge that it exists, much less do something about it. That needs to change, although it will be an uphill battle when you've got race hustling grievance mongers like Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder undermining any attempts to see justice served for victims of hate crimes if they aren't in his preferred demographic and fellow race hustling grievance mongers like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson aiding in cover-ups and suppression of any honest conversation of the matter with the MSM following in lockstep. The whitewashing of black racism needs to stop - NOW.


The same link above directed one to here, a sober column by a well-known black professor of economics at George Mason University.

America's new racists
June 24, 2011 4:32 PM
Walter E. Williams

The late South African economist William Hutt, in his 1964 book, "The Economics of the Colour Bar," said that one of the supreme tragedies of the human condition is that those who have been the victims of injustices and oppression "can often be observed to be inflicting not dissimilar injustices upon other races."

Born in 1936, I've lived through some of our openly racist history, which has included racist insults, beatings and lynchings. Tuskegee Institute records show that between the years 1880 and 1951, 3,437 blacks and 1,293 whites were lynched. I recall my cousin's and my being chased out of Fishtown and Grays Ferry, two predominantly Irish Philadelphia neighborhoods, in the 1940s, not stopping until we reached a predominantly black North or South Philly neighborhood.

Today all that has changed. Most racist assaults are committed by blacks. What's worse is there're blacks, still alive, who lived through the times of lynching, Jim Crow laws and open racism who remain silent in the face of it.

Last year, four black Skidmore College students yelled racial slurs while they beat up a white man because he was dining with a black man. Skidmore College's first response was to offer counseling to one of the black students charged with the crime. In 2009, a black Columbia University professor assaulted a white woman during a heated argument about race relations. According to interviews and court records obtained and reported by Denver's ABC affiliate (12/4/2009), black gangs roamed downtown Denver verbally venting their hatred for white victims before assaulting and robbing them during a four-month crime wave. Earlier this year, two black girls beat a white girl at a McDonald's, and the victim suffered a seizure. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel ordered an emergency shutdown of the beaches in Chicago because mobs of blacks were terrorizing families. According to the NBC affiliate there (6/8/2011), a gang of black teens stormed a city bus, attacked white victims and ran off with their belongings.

Racist black attacks are not only against whites but also against Asians. In San Francisco, five blacks beat an 83-year-old Chinese man to death. They threw a 57-year-old woman off a train platform. Two black Oakland teenagers assaulted a 59-year-old Chinese man; the punching knocked him to the ground, killing him. At Philly's South Philadelphia High School, Asian students report that black students routinely pelt them with food and beat, punch and kick them in school hallways and bathrooms as they hurl racial epithets such as "Hey, Chinese!" and "Yo, Dragon Ball!" The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund charged the School District of Philadelphia with "deliberate indifference" toward black victimization of Asian students.

In many of these brutal attacks, the news media make no mention of the race of the perpetrators. If it were white racist gangs randomly attacking blacks, the mainstream media would have no hesitation reporting the race of the perps. Editors for the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times and the Chicago Tribune admitted to deliberately censoring information about black crime for political reasons. Chicago Tribune Editor Gerould Kern recently said that the paper's reason for censorship was to "guard against subjecting an entire group of people to suspicion."

These racist attacks can, at least in part, be attributed to the black elite, who have a vested interest in racial paranoia. And that includes a president who has spent years aligned with people who have promoted racial grievance and polarization and appointed an attorney general who's accused us of being "a nation of cowards" on matters of race and has refused to prosecute black thugs who gathered at a Philadelphia voting site in blatant violation of federal voter intimidation laws. Tragically, black youngsters -- who are seething with resentments, refusing to accept educational and other opportunities unknown to blacks yesteryear -- will turn out to be the larger victims in the long run.

Black silence in the face of black racism has to be one of the biggest betrayals of the civil rights struggle that included black and white Americans.
Were these recent spate of attacks reported honestly and without bias, non-blacks would be doing some rioting and creating some mayhem of their own.  They just wouldn't take it out on regular folks, but would find the hideous politicians and race-baiters deliberately 'hiding such social decline' and acquaint them with the theory of 'rope, tree . . . some assembly required'.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 05:36:25 AM by RickZ »

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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #87 on: June 29, 2011, 07:35:12 AM »
"have a vested interest in racial paranoia"

This is exactly what the race pimps like Jackson & Sharpton thrive upon!  Unless it dies it will be SSDD forever.

"Black silence in the face of black racism has to be one of the biggest betrayals of the civil rights struggle that included black and white Americans."

True, but the paranoia fostered by the race pimps in and out of government means they are not and are likely not to ever accept the truth of that fact.

They got themselves into this crap and they'll have to get themselves out, I have no vested interest in being attacked by ignorant people by being right, since I am white they wouldn't believe me anyway.  Hell, they don't even believe people like Walter Williams or anybody else who successfully made the exodus into reality!
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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #88 on: June 29, 2011, 12:32:44 PM »
Saturday night in Philly was obviously a busy one for these mobs.

Mob of 100 youths rob and assault restaurant patrons in Philadelphia on Saturday night.
A similar flash mob attack occurred last year in the same area.

Maria tucked away her phone and wallet, which had been sitting on the table.

She grew up in Brazil, she said, and was more street-smart than her cousin.

Before she could tell Cecilia to put her cell phone away, another teen reached through the window and snatched it.

Maria ran out after him.

She was on the sidewalk, starting to scream “thief,” she said, when someone from behind punched her in the jaw.

She said she turned, jaw throbbing, to see the girl who had hit her standing with five other teens. “What are you going to do?” she said the girl who had punched her yelled.

The teens were laughing, she said. “They were fearless. It seemed like they weren’t taking anything serious.”

Maria ran into another restaurant and called 911.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #89 on: June 29, 2011, 02:46:01 PM »
On another (unnamed) site I commented on similar discussion that was taking place. Someone replied to my admittedly glib one-liner with a one-liner of his own. With it he reminded me that complex problems can't honestly or adequately be dealt with with simplistic slogans.

Since the left only has slogans in their toolkit they have been largely AWOL in regards to recent events.

What I believe is that we (as a country) are bearing the rotten fruit of almost two generations of the imposition of multiculturalism. "Diversity is our strength" - how many times have you heard that stupid canard? It isn't trendy or stylish to say but homogeneity is our strength. There ain't a damned thing wrong with celebrating your ancestral roots or trying to keep it alive but that isn't America. And that shouldn't be American.

The black experience in America has been one of great adversity. It hasn't been easy for them as a race. But this country has taken huge steps to improve their lot in life and - until recently - conditions and opportunities have improved for those who choose to take part.

A curious aberration to The American Experience came into existence in the last century and has yet to work itself out. Many blacks found their way to affluence - either through sports or music or art. Instead of "living the dream" in any normal, healthy fashion, they instead chose decadent, self-indulgent, and self-destructive lifestyles. And became twisted icons for success itself.

I can understand the reluctance of a black kid wanting to emulate Bill Gates, but instead of Bill Cosby they lower themselves to the likes of a true piece of sh!t Calvin Broadus, better known as snoopy dog. Growing up I learned what things were required to become successful. Some I embraced - some I did not. The degree of my success in life can directly be attributed to the choices I made. Affirmative Action notwithstanding, Blacks are no more immune than the rest of us. If they seek success they need to adopt the trappings of successful people. The snoopy dogs are the absurd and obscene exceptions to the rule.

The problem is that too few - of any race or circumstance -  are willing to work for it. They expect it to be handed to them on a silver platter. I've got news for them - the dhimmicrats hawked the silver. It's all gone. In its place they've been offering slogans, platitudes, and other lies.

So, increasingly we see the consequences of the unfulfilled expectations of the Entitlement Class.

It's best viewed from a distance.

Don't get any on ya...

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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #90 on: June 29, 2011, 02:53:30 PM »
A curious aberration to The American Experience came into existence in the last century and has yet to work itself out. Many blacks found their way to affluence - either through sports or music or art. Instead of "living the dream" in any normal, healthy fashion, they instead chose decadent, self-indulgent, and self-destructive lifestyles. And became twisted icons for success itself.

I can understand the reluctance of a black kid wanting to emulate Bill Gates, but instead of Bill Cosby they lower themselves to the likes of a true piece of sh!t Calvin Broadus, better known as snoopy dog.

It's a shameful waste of human capital, is what it is.  Every one of these people has an innate talent or skill that could be turned to productivity, creativity and right living.  The initial corruption of their morals has almost ruled that out from jump.

I didn't always take the Right Path either, Soup.  Thank God I married up.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #91 on: June 29, 2011, 05:32:11 PM »
A curious aberration to The American Experience came into existence in the last century and has yet to work itself out. Many blacks found their way to affluence - either through sports or music or art. Instead of "living the dream" in any normal, healthy fashion, they instead chose decadent, self-indulgent, and self-destructive lifestyles. And became twisted icons for success itself.

I can understand the reluctance of a black kid wanting to emulate Bill Gates, but instead of Bill Cosby they lower themselves to the likes of a true piece of sh!t Calvin Broadus, better known as snoopy dog.

It's a shameful waste of human capital, is what it is.  Every one of these people has an innate talent or skill that could be turned to productivity, creativity and right living.  The initial corruption of their morals has almost ruled that out from jump.

I didn't always take the Right Path either, Soup.  Thank God I married up.
Same here. ::praying::
A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves - Edward R. Murrow

Offline John Florida

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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #92 on: June 29, 2011, 06:04:18 PM »
A curious aberration to The American Experience came into existence in the last century and has yet to work itself out. Many blacks found their way to affluence - either through sports or music or art. Instead of "living the dream" in any normal, healthy fashion, they instead chose decadent, self-indulgent, and self-destructive lifestyles. And became twisted icons for success itself.

I can understand the reluctance of a black kid wanting to emulate Bill Gates, but instead of Bill Cosby they lower themselves to the likes of a true piece of sh!t Calvin Broadus, better known as snoopy dog.

It's a shameful waste of human capital, is what it is.  Every one of these people has an innate talent or skill that could be turned to productivity, creativity and right living.  The initial corruption of their morals has almost ruled that out from jump.

I didn't always take the Right Path either, Soup.  Thank God I married up.

 Don't sell yourself short but you did marry well.He didn't do that bad either.
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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #93 on: June 29, 2011, 07:49:15 PM »
A curious aberration to The American Experience came into existence in the last century and has yet to work itself out. Many blacks found their way to affluence - either through sports or music or art. Instead of "living the dream" in any normal, healthy fashion, they instead chose decadent, self-indulgent, and self-destructive lifestyles. And became twisted icons for success itself.

I can understand the reluctance of a black kid wanting to emulate Bill Gates, but instead of Bill Cosby they lower themselves to the likes of a true piece of sh!t Calvin Broadus, better known as snoopy dog.

It's a shameful waste of human capital, is what it is.  Every one of these people has an innate talent or skill that could be turned to productivity, creativity and right living.  The initial corruption of their morals has almost ruled that out from jump.

I didn't always take the Right Path either, Soup.  Thank God I married up.

 Don't sell yourself short but you did marry well.He didn't do that bad either.

"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #94 on: June 30, 2011, 09:08:17 AM »
A curious aberration to The American Experience came into existence in the last century and has yet to work itself out. Many blacks found their way to affluence - either through sports or music or art. Instead of "living the dream" in any normal, healthy fashion, they instead chose decadent, self-indulgent, and self-destructive lifestyles. And became twisted icons for success itself.

I can understand the reluctance of a black kid wanting to emulate Bill Gates, but instead of Bill Cosby they lower themselves to the likes of a true piece of sh!t Calvin Broadus, better known as snoopy dog.

It's a shameful waste of human capital, is what it is.  Every one of these people has an innate talent or skill that could be turned to productivity, creativity and right living.  The initial corruption of their morals has almost ruled that out from jump.

I didn't always take the Right Path either, Soup.  Thank God I married up.

 Don't sell yourself short but you did marry well.He didn't do that bad either.


You REALLY know how to kiss up, JF. ::laughonfloor:: I'm in the same boat as Pan. I took a few wrong turns but my wife and children have definitely corrected my course.
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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #95 on: June 30, 2011, 10:22:39 AM »
A curious aberration to The American Experience came into existence in the last century and has yet to work itself out. Many blacks found their way to affluence - either through sports or music or art. Instead of "living the dream" in any normal, healthy fashion, they instead chose decadent, self-indulgent, and self-destructive lifestyles. And became twisted icons for success itself.

I can understand the reluctance of a black kid wanting to emulate Bill Gates, but instead of Bill Cosby they lower themselves to the likes of a true piece of sh!t Calvin Broadus, better known as snoopy dog.

It's a shameful waste of human capital, is what it is.  Every one of these people has an innate talent or skill that could be turned to productivity, creativity and right living.  The initial corruption of their morals has almost ruled that out from jump.

I didn't always take the Right Path either, Soup.  Thank God I married up.

 Don't sell yourself short but you did marry well.He didn't do that bad either.


You REALLY know how to kiss up, JF. ::laughonfloor:: I'm in the same boat as Pan. I took a few wrong turns but my wife and children have definitely corrected my course.

 Yup and I was a saint all my life ::saywhat::She saved my life!!(Pan has a gun)I love Pan and Gunsmith.
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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #96 on: July 06, 2011, 11:39:38 AM »
This Flynn can stick his double-speak up his fat doughnut eating ass!  Barbaric but not racially motivated eh?  You and your punk-ass officers are more concerned with sending people away and downplay racial hatred of minorities on whites! 
"Oh, white girl bleeds a lot"
Yeah, nothing to see here, move along!


Trash letting other trash behave like animals and then covers for trash to make them look less trashy.

Some people are just too ucked up to live!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #97 on: July 06, 2011, 12:15:05 PM »
"Oh, white girl bleeds a lot"
Yeah, nothing to see here, move along!

Taking bets on just how long the MSM can ignore this new phenomenon.  An eyewitness in another case called them a pack of wild teens.  Feral is the right word to describe it.  Kudos to the first person to use the term.  Prepare yourselves, and if you must be out and about, keep your eyes and ears open to roaming gangs of *ahem* urban youths.  Societal collapse is beginning.

Here's more from the link:
Most of the 11 people who told the Journal Sentinel they were attacked or witnessed the attacks on their friends said that police did not take their complaints seriously. They each said police responded to the scene quickly and tended to the injured, but officers did not take statements from them and told them to leave the area...
Lange said he told an officer about the beatings but noticed the officer didn't write anything down or note his name...

"About 20 of us stayed to give statements and make sure everyone was accounted for. The police wouldn't listen to us, they wouldn't take our names or statements. They told us to leave. It was completely infuriating," Bublitz said.

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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #98 on: July 06, 2011, 12:18:35 PM »
LIBERTY, Texas (AP) — More than a dozen men accused of taking part in a series of sexual assaults on an 11-year-old girl are expected in court Wednesday in a case that has divided and horrified their southeast Texas town.
All men are created equal"
 Filippo Mazzie

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Re: Culture Watch: Black Trash Edition
« Reply #99 on: July 06, 2011, 12:41:12 PM »
Yeah, similar trash, Mexican girl had it coming.  White, Mexican...whatever victim is handy at the time...trash is as trash does.

IMO that's why God gave us John Moses Browning, and others!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.