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Offline Weisshaupt

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r/K theory
« on: November 10, 2014, 04:50:29 PM »
Where do Liberals Come From. How do we Defeat them

He releases the book for free on Kindle every 90 days.  I will remind you here if you don't want to send him your email.

Turns out Bill Whittle is a fan as well

See also this Commentary

A lot of the site seems a bit whackadoodle (but I only glossed over it.. so maybe there is more substance there than I am bothering to comprehend at the moment) , but this is exactly what I was thinking of when Bill Whittle talked about K-types reborn in Antelope Bodies

f you’ve read “Watership Down”, you’ll remember the episode of the barrow of the snare. The protagonists were instantly welcomed, though they were outsiders. The vivid sickness of the barrow’s mad poet. The wrongness and easy sex of the place – all driven by overwhelming predation. The horror of the natives when the snare was defeated – liberals don’t want to win.

which brings us to the next insight

r’s are psychological ninjas when it comes to defeating the Near Other, who does not detect the threat. But they are hardwired to appease the Distant Other.

When K’s forcefully assert their absolute distinctness from r’s, and begin to mercilessly ostracize and antagonize them, the r’s will flip to appeasement.

The best argument against Liberalism is that Neanderthals are a separate species. By underlining our implacable enmity and difference, we become sympathetic and non-threatening.

Makes no sense? Well, that just means your amygdala is working.

Hence the name of this post – “Death to the Extroverts.”

I’m dead serious. If it worked for the Black Panthers, it can work for us.

Like the Muslim horde, when we finally do become violent,  the r's won't stand and fight.  That is good news for us as the collapse comes.  The r's would rather appease -- and its probably true. Our enemies will be other K groups ( gangs of sociopaths that lead the r's mostly)   ( The Neanderthal comment  comes from his association of anti-social and intellectual traits being more associated with Neanderthal vs Cro-Magnon man- I don't know if there is any truth to that.)

« Last Edit: November 10, 2014, 06:37:40 PM by Weisshaupt »

Offline AlanS

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2014, 06:38:17 PM »
Quote from: Weisshaupt link=topic=12330
He releases the book for free on Kindle every 90 days.  I will remind you here if you don't want to send him your email.

I went ahead and sent my email. I figure I'm already on the sh!t list.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2014, 06:39:23 PM »
Do you need a Kindle to read it?  I am really interested in this, and I like how Whittle explains it, no surprise I guess given his background and being one of us.  This r/K thing is like a Unified Theory of psycho-philosophical behavior with a learned physiological adaptation.  Predators/Prey, Competitive/Appeasing, it all makes logical and intuitive sense.  I like his Gazzele story.  If I had one quibble with his breakdown it is the "rules" thing.  He says K's would rather lose a fair competition than win by cheating, this is basically true but it is not an absolute.  Else, how does one explain our Founding?  Our Founders recognized as a group that the dominate power, the government they were citizens of, was cheating them, was not treating them as equals, were not treating them as real citizens, so they rightly and justly rebelled and secured for themselves and their Posterity, they did not accept the rules because they were not equally applied.  How is that not the same now?  Why do the K's take this sitting down?  We are being cheated every minute, we are being cheated by R's and nominal K's.  It is not the rules that are stopping people from storming DC and executing The Founders Option, it is the failure of the majority of the K's in recognizing the rules are broken.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2014, 07:08:02 PM »
Do you need a Kindle to read it?

No, you need a kindle application to read it. That basically means an Amazon account and a download to some device you own - android, i-os or windows.

Else, how does one explain our Founding?  Our Founders recognized as a group that the dominate power, the government they were citizens of, was cheating them, was not treating them as equals, were not treating them as real citizens, so they rightly and justly rebelled and secured for themselves and their Posterity, they did not accept the rules because they were not equally applied.  How is that not the same now? 

It is, but "Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

Why do the K's take this sitting down?  We are being cheated every minute, we are being cheated by R's and nominal K's.  It is not the rules that are stopping people from storming DC and executing The Founders Option, it is the failure of the majority of the K's in recognizing the rules are broken.

Or they haven't been broken long enough..probably a little of both.  The more time that passes, the more people are waking up.   the American Revolution was a good 50 years in coming.  Soldiers were in people's homes, and the harbor was blockaded, and still no one was killing the British in their beds. It took Concord to spark the first shot.  K's don't take abandoning the rules lightly, and  thanks to our functional amygdala, we see whats coming - and our enemy does not. Being more fit for survival, we move to ensure that survival, and we don't risk it carelessly.  We know what will happen to the r's when this goes, and there is no sense in starting a fight when we can not change the inevitable outcome. We are warriors and we fight to win. They are the ones on the time table.  We can use that time to prepare, build alliances and be ready. To gain more people as the fall out of the daze and their amygdala's kick in. I think the NICS checks prove its still happening and at a pretty brisk pace. We talk about 3% being ready to fight. What if this time its 10% Or 20%?

 Let the realty of what they have sown cull their herd. Let them fall prey to their own (unfit) feral children as the new K environment takes hold. They can't prosper in a scarcity driven environment and its what we are born for.   We simply need to establish ourselves as the distant other to them (those Country mice..)  and they will fall over themselves to appease us.  Its then that we kick the living sh*t out of them.

I think Bill Whittle had it right - the Birth Control changed the odds for us from what they have been in previous historical events -- what if 1/3 of the black babies hadn't been aborted? Its kept the r population at more reasonable numbers -- its probably naturally 80/20 or higher. I bet birth control has dropped it to 60/40, and that is going to be far more manageable  when push comes to shove.  I think it has also resulted in the r's being even more desperate to control and ostracize us - and that has its own blowback. They have probably cultivated more hatred and anger in K's than any previous group of r's in history.  The technology has allowed the r populations to grow, but its also weakened them to the point where their children can't function without a i-device. They can't read a map. They can't think rationally. They can't problem solve.  If we survive the initial die-off the environment will go full K dominant  (provided they don't kill us with Ebola and use the tech to implement a police state before the K friendly environment makes its appearance)

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2014, 10:38:04 PM »
... (provided they don't kill us with Ebola ...)

Then eff  'em.  We're off to something Better and they can just muddle along in their inadequacies, killing themselves and each other more slowly.

Don't get me wrong, I want to live, but it's easier for a childless me to accept such a possible future than those with children.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2014, 10:40:26 PM »
How to debate and antagonize the Liberal

n the course of this extensive analysis, I have literally found myself in a car, driving such an individual to the emergency room with clear symptoms of a stroke, after a wholly un-confrontational (but carefully planned – over weeks) conversation. His MRI and CT were negative for a stroke, and he was released the next day, his gross neurological dysfunction an unexplainable mystery. I believed my conversation with him was the cause (even though his pseudo-stroke was not my objective), and I was proven correct in subsequent tests, demonstrating repeatability. I was overloading a brain structure, to the point it actually shut down – just as it would have due to oxygen insufficiency. Eventually, the stroke symptoms were so common an occurrence when we would interact that he didn’t even go to the emergency room, but would just lie down until they passed.

Thus, when I say Liberals are traumatized by the techniques I will describe, I do not mean they are merely bothered or uncomfortable. Rather, I mean they will experience a gut wrenching, neurological upset, the likes of which a Conservative can only vaguely imagine.

I have long suspected this was possible. . that there was a way to cause such cognitive dissonance that their brains would just shut down, as I have gotten close on occasion ( actually making them ill as described)  but it was more chance at that time than planned.

I suspect this theory is why Liberals frequently present “for the children” emotional arguments. Ignore the statistics on gun violence – we need more gun control for the children (even if statistics indicate it will do nothing). We laugh at them when we hear these arguments. However the Liberal believes in the effectiveness of these arguments, because after detailed self-analysis, the Liberal has concluded that these emotional arguments would be effective upon their own psychology (In this case, the Liberal is attempting to out-group you, by portraying you as opposed to child-welfare, something everyone within the group can agree upon. In the Liberal mind, you should become so fearful of out-grouping, you will cede the argument to the Liberal, despite the Liberal’s lack of any intellectual reasoning for their position). Knowing nothing of Conservatives, they extrapolate from their own self-analysis, that these arguments will overwhelm logic within us as well, by traumatizing our amygdalae.

This argument presents several emotional images to the Liberal.

“I feel utter contempt.”

First, Colonel Connell ignores the reasoned, logical debate over the necessity of news reports, the relative value between the reporter’s report, and the soldier’s lives, the importance of the citizenry being informed, and all other logical, reasoned debates related to the issue and it’s morals. Rather, Colonel Connell goes straight for the Liberal jugular, and simply describes his gut emotional reaction to Wallace’s position, and implies it should be every other individual’s response as well.

Second, and even more important, Colonel Connell “out-groups” Mike Wallace. Wallace isn’t in the in-group anymore – he is a traitor on the outside of our group. Liberals are innately programmed to fear this.

Today, we see Liberals promoting the idea that dissent during wartime, as our troops are engaging an enemy, is patriotic. Such is the bizarre lengths Liberals will go to, to shield their amygdala, and avoid being out-grouped. This is probably because in the more primitive environment, if an r-type Liberal got out-grouped, they were dead. Does anybody think Cass Sunstein could make it on his own, in a K-selected state of nature, filled with prehistoric versions of SEAL Teams, where the only way you got food was to fight off groups of others for it? Of course not. This is why Liberals are evolutionarily programmed to be terrified of out-grouping.
As a hard-core Liberal ideologue, Wallace was undoubtedly programmed to betray his in-group, of course. Have no illusions, as a Liberal, he was subconsciously programmed to betray our nation and our people. If a war would benefit us with cheap oil, he would oppose it, saying, “No blood for oil.” If a war had no benefit to us but would kill our troops, he would have no problem sending our military men to some place like the Sudan or Somalia, to die for outsiders who wouldn’t even appreciate their sacrifice. He would have wanted deeply (though he was probably ignorant of the urge’s existence) to betray the US and his fellow in-group members.

Here, he wanted to justify this emotional urge with some complex discussion of the moral requirements of journalism, the necessity of providing the information, the need to get the story, the system by which reporters are embedded with an enemy, etc. And he manages to maintain that line of argument as others argue with him logically. As he maintains his position, he is successfully assuaging his amygdala, leading him to become ever more emboldened, right up until Colonel Connell out-groups him with several short sentences. Game over – amygdala shakked by a Warrior extraordinaire.

Colonel Connell’s delivery is well crafted in several other regards.

“Two days later they (the reporters – Jennings and Wallace) are both walking off my hilltop and they’re 200 yards away, and they get ambushed and they’re lying there wounded. And they’re going to expect I’m going to send Marines out there to get them.”

Here, Colonel Connell presents an image of Wallace as weak, cowardly, and helpless, and he presents it as ancillary to the main argument.

This is devastating to the Narcissist’s necessary self-image of being the superior individual (a similar trait to the Liberal’s need to feel superior to the Conservative in some fashion, despite their laughable patheity). Notice, Colonel Connell presents this with no debate, as almost an irrelevant afterthought to another, more important issue. Most people wouldn’t even register it, but Wallace did, and even worse, he never even got to argue with the portrayal. Deep down, every Liberal ideologue knows they are a psychological pansy in a species which reviles such – and the characterization hurts them far more than we can imagine. Here, it affected his mood and his ability to focus, in a way which a person without such a disorder couldn’t possibly imagine. His false reality was attacked, and he didn’t even get a chance to defend it. Even worse, in his mind, everyone else now accepts that he is inferior, on the word of another. Someone has done to him what he is programmed to do to others. He has been inferior-ized, and the group is now focused on him, his aberrance, and his weakness.

Colonel Connell also reinforced this effect through his use of the word contempt. The words angry, saddened, infuriated, etc all portray to a Narcissist (and a Liberal ideologue) their own power to evoke such emotions in their adversary, as well as their adversary’s ability to be emotionally unbalanced and controlled. This is seen by the Liberal as a sense of subtle power and importance (more on this later). As a result, such evincing of emotion, or use of emotional terminology will provide them with strength.

The word contempt carries a subconscious air of their K-type adversary’s superiority, and the Liberal’s inferiority. Although minor, such aspects of language have profound effect upon Narcissists and Liberals. Always denigrate the Liberal’s importance and power within the social environment, and never imply they are important enough to warrant a real emotion. In the language of Heartiste, this would be referred to as “frame.” You are so awesome, and the Liberal such a pathetic peon, you really could care less about them, beyond a passing feeling of contempt when they cross your radar. 
Had Colonel Connell operated on the opposite end of the emotional spectrum, and become legitimately enraged, and shown a profound emotional outburst, Wallace would have drawn strength from that, perhaps even using it to argue to others that his enemy was unbalanced, thereby out-grouping Colonel Connell. Had Colonel Connell used emotional wording which conveyed power on the Liberal, such as hurt, angry, enraged, incensed, etc, the Liberal would have gained strength as well, just not as much.

Instead, Colonel Connell evoked an air of uncaring, unemotional contempt for Wallace, diminishing Wallace’s stature in the eyes of everyone present, and forcing Wallace’s amygdala to confront his own actual patheity and unimportance.

Colonel Connell’s use of the phrases “my hilltop” and “they’re lying there wounded. And … going to expect I’m going to send Marines out there,” similarly reduces Wallace to but an infinitesimal peon, prone to injury and helplessness, in a real man’s world. Together the effects on Wallace’s psyche were priceless, and added to the shock of his out-grouping.

“They’re just journalists. They’re not Americans. Is that a fair reaction? You can’t have it both ways.”

Many have noted that Narcissists are like children. Offer them two options to explain their behavior, both bad, and those are the only two options they will see. “Either you are [bad option one] or you are [bad option two]? Which is it?” Whatever it is about their personality quirk, this will trip them up quite reliably, especially if you offer some fact, however tenuous, supporting the idea that one of the two bad options must be true. I have used it, and it is incredible how they will limit their thought processes to the two options, and panic if neither is acceptable. They actually do not have the ability in the midst of debate to find their way to a third option which would rescue them from their conundrum.

“You can’t have it both ways”

The Coup de Grace. The subconscious goal of every Liberal ideologue in matters of group conflict is to have it both ways. Betray their in-group to gain the favor of the out-group, while maintaining they cannot be attacked by the in-group they betrayed due to the warrior’s loyalty to in-group. If the in-group wins, they protest they are a part of the in-group, and shouldn’t be killed by their own people. If the out-group wins, then they plead that they helped the out-group and should benefit from favoritism

Never underestimate the power of calling the Liberal out on the exact nature of their strategy openly. Single mom-hood arises from diminished concern for quality child-rearing. Sex ed facilitates the r-strategy of earlier onset of sexual behavior in youth, and Liberals don’t oppose that because they are r-strategists. High taxes are about creating the r-selected environment of free resources for all, including the losers. And treason in group competition is a selfish, cowardly survival strategy born of r-selection.

Of course, Colonel Connell’s’ delivery, totally unemotional, with slit thin eyes delivering a death stare of hatred, was perfect. It even carried just the right amount of a subconscious air of violent conflict. Not so much Wallace could portray Colonel Connell as an extremist who might kill him, but enough Wallace knew that a battlefield execution for such disloyalty might be a possibility in Colonel Connell’s world. There is nothing like the threat of K-selection to make the r-type bunny rabbits scurry.

cannot over-emphasize how any escalation in emotional state, other than happy bemusement, will give the Narcissist, and almost certainly the Liberal, a feeling of control which will strengthen them. You must be wholly unaffected by them as you present the stimulus. There is probably an evo-psych reason for this, maybe relating to the environment in which they were most certainly out-grouped. Maybe passions only ran high in the opposition when out-grouping was in jeopardy, or not likely. When out-grouping was a foregone conclusion, passion was not elicited. Or maybe their childhood torment was worst when their opponents were amused as they tortured the Narcissist.

So how to out-group the Liberal? First there must be a group of observers. Out-grouping is vastly less affecting in a private, one on one debate. Then one must design the argument to portray Liberal ideals as deviant, compared to the mores and values of the group. This is unusually easy, since by advocating Liberalism, the Liberal is exposing to the world a psychology which espouses ideals which run directly contrary to those of the majority of our populace. Remember, the Liberal is an r-type psychology, espousing r-type mores, in a K-selected species. This makes them uniquely vulnerable to out-grouping, merely by virtue of the aberrant nature of their ideology compared to the psychology of the majority of the species.

For example, the K-selected human is a group competitor. As a result, loyalty is paramount. When you combine the K-selected moral of loyalty, with the Liberal’s fear of out-grouping, you get Colonel Connell’s brilliant attack on Mike Wallace. Colonel Connell described a scenario, in the midst of a battle, where Mike Wallace was on his own, and needed the very Warriors he had betrayed. Mike’s out-grouping was so logical an outcome of his argument, even he had to say it was a reasonable reaction.

   “I can’t grasp how you could support a ban on firearms. Personally, I cannot understand why you would not want to own a firearm, yourself. To me, the most fundamental responsibility of a man is to protect his wife and children, at all costs. I could not imagine rendering myself helpless – wholly unable to protect my wife and child, in the event of some form of trouble. Truthfully, I am aghast you would willingly allow yourself to be so remiss in your duty to protect your family. I can’t believe you would leave your wife and child vulnerable, due to your own cowardice with respect to firearms.”

“Of course, you have every right to do so. But what is really galling, is that not only are you content to be remiss in your own responsibilities to protect your wife and child, you expect to be able to make others be similarly disloyal cowards, remiss in their responsibilities to their own wives and children. You demand the right to make all of us be remiss in our duties to protect our families, all because guns scare you. That is true gall.”

This is an example of how an argument which could be cold and logical, and wholly unaffecting to a Liberal’s amygdala, can be turned emotional, converted into a clear attempt at out-grouping, and then used to shock the Liberal into a Mike Wallace-like state.

   Where the K-type populace values loyalty, the r-type Liberal will be disloyal, from immigration, to war, to sovereignty, to foreign policy, to intelligence, etc. Where the K-type human wants to protect children, and see children reared carefully, the r-type Liberal supports single parenting, gay parenting, and all other sorts of unconventional parenting schemes, with no concern at all for their effects upon the children. Where the K-type human want’s freedom, thirsts for competition, respects success, and demands responsibility, the Liberal seeks to thwart all of that. Where the K-type human respects ability, determination, and effort, and demands that it be rewarded, the r-type seeks to reward failure, sloth, and cowardice, and force the successful to endure the cost of producing the reward. Where the K-type human wants to win, the r-type seeks to prevent it.

Every facet of Liberalism is tailor-made for out-grouping, because by it’s very nature, Liberalism is a psychological out-group within our K-selected species. Indeed, one of the most galling facets of the work behind this site, to Liberals who understand it, is that it is a completely logical argument, highlighting the aberrant nature of the Liberal psychology within the human race

Narcissists are strangely competitive. They see competitions everywhere, from how successful someone else is, to how happy they are relative to others, to how much food a hostess spoons on their plate. Relative disparities which normal people don’t even notice will capture a Narcissist’s attention, and they will fixate upon them. If that disparity is to a Narcissist’s disadvantage, it can crush their mood and trigger their amygdala.

Emphasize any clear defeat, no matter how minor, and you will trigger the Narcissist’s (and the Liberal’s) amygdala. Jimmy Carter used to be perfect, but times change. Now I would go with, “Wasn’t Barack Obama supposed to be the answer to all our prayers? I thought you said he would be a great President? I thought you said he was smarter than everybody? I’ve never seen anyone in over their head as badly as Barack Obama in the Presidency. Your best candidate, and he is more incompetent than any other President in modern history. I can’t imagine how embarrassed you must be

Think of how traumatic loosing an election is for these people. And all you have to say  is "Of course you lost. Your ideas are contemptible."

This also ties in with the Public Schools. Early childhood trauma MAKES these people. Common Core anyone?

« Last Edit: November 11, 2014, 12:02:37 AM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Libertas

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2014, 06:58:11 AM »
Kill The Wabbit


And it won't be as hard as this...   ;)
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2014, 06:59:25 AM »
Might make a good t-shirt idea...

Don't be a rabbit, rabbits die.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2014, 05:24:17 PM »

Online Pandora

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2014, 05:26:52 PM »
Not seeing it, W.  I found the url (quote function) and it comes up as "Denied".
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline trapeze

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2014, 12:01:05 AM »
Very interesting. I put my anonymous email address on the notify list and was then sent to a page that stated that November 25 is the next release date. I will be sure to download it.

Any student of world history can easily see the way that this theory plays out in the rise and fall of civilizations/empires...the Roman empire comes immediately to mind.

BTW...the mass importation of hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of illegals is a pretty good way to increase the rabbit population virtually overnight. The resultant rapid depletion of resources will hasten the coming collapse.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2014, 12:06:04 AM by trapeze »
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline Libertas

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2014, 06:21:39 AM »
Only our collapse will make the Roman end look much more amicable!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #12 on: November 25, 2014, 08:33:08 AM »
Today is the day. The R/K theory book is available for free download from Amazon

You want to BUY the kindle version for $0.00 - You do not want to "read for free" with Kindle Unlimited ( which is a subscription service)

He also has a second book for free - about how to deal with narcissists
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 09:55:42 AM by Weisshaupt »

Offline AlanS

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #13 on: November 25, 2014, 10:18:23 AM »
Today is the day. The R/K theory book is available for free download from Amazon

You want to BUY the kindle version for $0.00 - You do not want to "read for free" with Kindle Unlimited ( which is a subscription service)

Thanks for the heads up. I didn't get the memo via email even though I registered.

I'll get both books. I may have some time to read over the holiday week-end.
"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem."

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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2014, 11:28:04 AM »

Thanks for the heads up. I didn't get the memo via email even though I registered.

I got the memo ( that is how I found out about the second book, but I didn't get it till 9 or so  this morning..) You may want to check your spam folder.. I am sure this looks like a spam blast to many providers..

Offline Libertas

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2014, 11:37:21 AM »
I have to join something?   ::gaah::

Will it let me set up a bogus person?  I hate giving sites real info!   ::angry::   ::cussing::

ETA - Maybe I have it now, it took a bogus name with a one-time e-mail and I was able to download a Kindle for PC file, I'll e-mail that home and then I should be able to tie it to that bogus account and pull this sucker down...

Well.  I guess I will find out tonight...

Crap!  File too big to e-mail!   ::cussing::  computers!!!   ::pullhair::
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 11:50:09 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2014, 11:58:56 AM »
I have to join something?   ::gaah::

Will it let me set up a bogus person?  I hate giving sites real info!   ::angry::   ::cussing::

ETA - Maybe I have it now, it took a bogus name with a one-time e-mail and I was able to download a Kindle for PC file, I'll e-mail that home and then I should be able to tie it to that bogus account and pull this sucker down...

Well.  I guess I will find out tonight...

Crap!  File too big to e-mail!   ::cussing::  computers!!!   ::pullhair::

I think Amazon has you put in an email to get their reader, but that is mostly so they can build an account for you.
Seriously , you don't have an existing Amazon account? How do you survive?  I order 80%  of my stuff from there, and give them their $100 a year so I can have 2 day shipping on all of it. (plus Prime Video streaming) 

And yeah, they know everything about me, but if it wasn't for them I would never have even thought of watching Firefly..

If they need a Credit Card number go get a $25 gift card at Walgreens and put that in.. but I have been doing business with them since they wee founded, and I really have no complaints thus far. Yes I am sure NSA gets everything they know, but they will get that anyway. .
« Last Edit: November 25, 2014, 04:02:04 PM by Weisshaupt »

Offline AlanS

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2014, 03:40:30 PM »
If they need a Credit Card number go get a $25 gift card at Walgreens and put that in..

That was my method.

Didn't find the email in my spam. I'm not really worried about it, though. I have the books. That was my objective anyway.
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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2014, 09:49:34 PM »
Downloaded both today.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

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Re: r/K theory
« Reply #19 on: November 26, 2014, 06:18:46 AM »
I have to join something?   ::gaah::

Will it let me set up a bogus person?  I hate giving sites real info!   ::angry::   ::cussing::

ETA - Maybe I have it now, it took a bogus name with a one-time e-mail and I was able to download a Kindle for PC file, I'll e-mail that home and then I should be able to tie it to that bogus account and pull this sucker down...

Well.  I guess I will find out tonight...

Crap!  File too big to e-mail!   ::cussing::  computers!!!   ::pullhair::

I think Amazon has you put in an email to get their reader, but that is mostly so they can build an account for you.
Seriously , you don't have an existing Amazon account? How do you survive?  I order 80%  of my stuff from there, and give them their $100 a year so I can have 2 day shipping on all of it. (plus Prime Video streaming) 

And yeah, they know everything about me, but if it wasn't for them I would never have even thought of watching Firefly..

If they need a Credit Card number go get a $25 gift card at Walgreens and put that in.. but I have been doing business with them since they wee founded, and I really have no complaints thus far. Yes I am sure NSA gets everything they know, but they will get that anyway. .

I dunno.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.