Author Topic: Why Islam and Progs are Equally Dangerous to Life and Liberty  (Read 1353 times)

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Offline Libertas

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Why Islam and Progs are Equally Dangerous to Life and Liberty
« on: January 10, 2016, 10:24:40 AM »
The case of the officer shot in the name of Islam should be used as an example as to why Progs and any people expressing similar willful ignorance need to be denied leadership positions at any level if civilized society has the slightest inclination of preservation.

Reconcile this -

Commissioner Ross says the suspect has given a full confession, saying he did it in the name of Islam.

“According to him, police bend laws that are contrary to the teachings of the Quran.”

Sources say the suspect’s full confession of the alleged attack was written down and recorded on video.

With this -

Mayor Kenney said, “In no way shape or form does anyone in this room believe that Islam or the teaching of Islam has anything to do with what you’ve seen on the screen.”

Mayor Kenney said of the shooting, “It is abhorrent. It is terrible and it does not represent the religion in any way, shape or form or any of its teachings.”

Bottom line - those two statements cannot ever be reconciled, period.

First, let us dispense with the obvious - the perpetrator of this assassination attempt and the police and the evidence agree that this person acted in the name of Islam.

Second, the less obvious but even more salient point underscored multiple ways: Islam does teach Jihad, it teaches the murder of "infidels", along with the subjugation, molestation and mutilation of is evident in the Koran and the teachings of its Imam's.  That an ignorant Mayor knows more about Islam than those who read its teachings and listens to its leaders is the most ridiculous things a fool could admit to.  Yet libiots spout this taqqiya for Islam all the time. 

Islam is incompatible with Liberty and Freedom, it is openly hostile to and mocking of Western Culture and it laughs at how easily led by the nose and beaten by the rod the sheeple-ridden left-learning ilk are, they are the indispensable useful idiots that will usher in Sharia and the world Caliphate.

OMD!  I'll stack them both like cord wood before I go because I will never submit.
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Offline AlanS

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Re: Why Islam and Progs are Equally Dangerous to Life and Liberty
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2016, 05:53:49 PM »
Nothing to see here. Go back to your electronically controlled lives.
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Thomas Jefferson

Offline Libertas

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Re: Why Islam and Progs are Equally Dangerous to Life and Liberty
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2016, 12:27:06 PM »
More news the fascists and lemmings don't want let out...

The gunman who claimed allegiance to Islamic State after shooting a Philadelphia police officer was described by people who knew him as a devout, quiet Muslim who became more "combative" after trips to Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

As police charged Edward Archer on Saturday with attempted murder, aggravated assault and assault of a law enforcement officer, investigators continued to examine what prompted the 30-year-old construction worker to open fire on a police car.Two people who knew him described a pious man who began expressing interest in Islam in his teenage years and devoted his life to religion. He participated in a local Muslim football league and worked on construction jobs, they added.

They said they did not understand why, at nearly midnight on Thursday, he approached officer Jesse Hartnett, 33, and fired 11 rounds, some at point-blank range, through the car window. Three shots struck the officer in his arm. Archer later confessed to the attack and said he pledged allegiance to Islamic State, police said. FBI Special Agent Eric Ruona said Archer had travelled to Saudi Arabia in 2011 and Egypt in 2012 - a trip that a family friend said changed him.

"He became more drastic. More combative," said Jannah Abdulsalaam, who asked only to be identified by her Muslim name. "He was kind but I noticed that change."

The attack comes at a time of heightened anxiety in the United States over the threat posed by Islamic State. A Muslim couple inspired by the militant group killed 14 people on December 2 in San Bernardino, California, just weeks after gunmen linked to the Islamic State group killed 130 people in Paris.

Arabic studies

Archer studied Arabic at a local mosque a few years ago, said members of the mosque. Kevin Washington said Archer was "OK" at the language before even signing up for classes. Washington and another acquaintance say Archer used to talk about football.

Video of the attack shows a man in a long robe similar to the traditional dishdasha, or thobe, often worn by Muslim men in parts of the Middle East, as he opened fire on the police car. Police officers nearby arrested him.

In 2013, Archer was charged with aggravated assault. At the time of the shooting, he was awaiting sentencing on forgery charges in Delaware County, where he lived. He also pleaded guilty in 2014 to assault and carrying an unlicensed gun, Abdulsalaam said Archer called her "Aunty", or "Sister Jannah," and used to check on her or occasionally buy her groceries.

She lived about a block away from a two-story row house in a working-class West Philadelphia neighbourhood where Archer was believed to have stayed at times and where investigators searched for evidence on Friday, not far from the intersection where Hartnett was shot.

She said that while Archer was "exceptionally knowledgeable" about Islam, there may have been an "overload" of information that led him to become radicalised."There's so many people who have been swayed to go in that direction. ISIS needs to be destroyed," Abdulsalaam said, using an acronym for Islamic State militants who have seized parts of Iraq and Syria, declared war on the West and proclaimed a "caliphate" that would rule over all Muslims.

Jacob Bender, executive director of the Philadelphia chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, said Archer's actions did not represent those of Muslims or the Islamic faith. Police have said it is unclear whether he was radicalided or had ties to militant groups. Washington said he was unsure what had led Archer to shoot a policeman.

Natalie King, 68, a neighbour and retired public worker said that while Archer was seen going to a mosque each Friday, she did not consider him radicalised. She said she thought his actions might have been the result of a mental illness. Police Commissioner Richard Ross said on Friday there was no sign that he had worked with anyone else.

See?  Immersed in Islam, learning Arabic, going overseas...coming back "changed"...but it is not Islam, it's something else.

What a load of stinking camel-squated taqqiya!!!

It's Islam, Stupid!!!!!!!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Why Islam and Progs are Equally Dangerous to Life and Liberty
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2016, 11:48:51 AM »
Obama Regime Minister of Propaganda Jen Psaki - "American people need to submit to climate change and to the statist agenda for which it stands...and submit to Islamists even if it means being raped or beheaded...otherwise they are racists and domestic terrorists who need to be put into concentration camps."

Original coded release here  -

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline warpmine

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Re: Why Islam and Progs are Equally Dangerous to Life and Liberty
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2016, 09:44:03 AM »
Liberty cannot exist with those that practice willful ignorance. My friends, this is what we all face. If by some measure, we can rid our country of these ignorant fuks then we might have a chance at securing our Liberty once more. Not holding my breath. ::asskicking::
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