Author Topic: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary  (Read 113150 times)

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Offline Glock32

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #20 on: July 06, 2016, 03:19:20 PM »
Good article by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic:

What Are You Going To Do About It?

A pull quote:

Law instead becomes a tool wielded by those who control the government against everyone else. Yesterday’s announcement by FBI Director James Comey that the FBI would recommend against charging Hillary Clinton in the email matter is the government wielding the law to protect its own. The fix has been in since at least 1913, when it gave itself permission to steal its constituents’ money (the income tax) and to begin the process of profitably substituting its scrip for gold (the Federal Reserve Act). The Clinton fix is business as usual. The exempt-from-the-law class expect outrage and contemptuously ignore it. Indeed, disclosure of the Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton meeting may have been designed to rub the noses of the not-exempt in it. Yes, it looks terrible, but we run things, you don’t. You don’t like it? Tough sh*t, what are you going to do about it?

The not-exempt are left with the thin gruel of cynicism and the even thinner gruel of resignation. Are we without recourse? There are those burning fires and boiling cauldrons, fueled by Mt. Saint Helens’ magma-builds of righteous rage. Comey’s decision notches up the temperature. As important, there are the manifest weaknesses of the exempt, not the least of which is their arrogance and inability to even recognize, much less acknowledge, them. A not exhaustive list: debt; their anachronistic command and control philosophy; an imperial, costly, stupidly counterproductive, and unsustainable foreign policy; an economy held together by central bank baling wire and illusion; a hollowed-out industrial base; stagnant incomes; a bought off class of savages that must stay bought off to forestall chaos; immigration; terrorism, and cities on the verge of financial collapse.

"The Fourth Estate is less honorable than the First Profession."

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2016, 06:59:27 AM »
Good article by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic:

What Are You Going To Do About It?

A pull quote:

Law instead becomes a tool wielded by those who control the government against everyone else. Yesterday’s announcement by FBI Director James Comey that the FBI would recommend against charging Hillary Clinton in the email matter is the government wielding the law to protect its own. The fix has been in since at least 1913, when it gave itself permission to steal its constituents’ money (the income tax) and to begin the process of profitably substituting its scrip for gold (the Federal Reserve Act). The Clinton fix is business as usual. The exempt-from-the-law class expect outrage and contemptuously ignore it. Indeed, disclosure of the Loretta Lynch-Bill Clinton meeting may have been designed to rub the noses of the not-exempt in it. Yes, it looks terrible, but we run things, you don’t. You don’t like it? Tough sh*t, what are you going to do about it?

The not-exempt are left with the thin gruel of cynicism and the even thinner gruel of resignation. Are we without recourse? There are those burning fires and boiling cauldrons, fueled by Mt. Saint Helens’ magma-builds of righteous rage. Comey’s decision notches up the temperature. As important, there are the manifest weaknesses of the exempt, not the least of which is their arrogance and inability to even recognize, much less acknowledge, them. A not exhaustive list: debt; their anachronistic command and control philosophy; an imperial, costly, stupidly counterproductive, and unsustainable foreign policy; an economy held together by central bank baling wire and illusion; a hollowed-out industrial base; stagnant incomes; a bought off class of savages that must stay bought off to forestall chaos; immigration; terrorism, and cities on the verge of financial collapse.


Not the least bit surprised to find his screeds in synch with my own.

I went off on a rant in sfetter's thread here about July 5th 2016 not being all that important in the grand scheme of things and regurgitated a mountain of abuses highlighting this began a long time ago, I hope he didn't take my screed personally...I see nobody else has commented on that thread since was not my intent to shut off discussion, merely to point out the painfully obvious fact that we have been under attack for a little over a century.  Robert mentions many of the things I did, and cites the nefarious year 1913 like I did being the first time the Rubicon was crossed multiple times.

And like my post on this thread he comes to the same conclusion - the only recourse is the Founders Recourse.

" is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it..."

But too many people are not ready to acknowledge the undeniable, and their unreadiness is going to cost them dearly.

It's that same disease that paralyzes Pubbies into cowardice and inaction.  It is not a solution, it is part of the problem...and only a severe enough shock is going to break it one way or another.

It's a matter of physics at this's not an "if" proposition it's a "how close" proposition.

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2016, 08:15:19 AM »

Fidelity?  Should add a qualifier as to whom?  Sure as sh*t isn't the people!

Bravery?  Where, in gunning down citizens on orders or refusing to arrest corrupt elites on orders?  Gutless thugs is more like it!

Integrity?  Pah!  That one should definitely be taken off!  Put "immoral" on instead if you want to be accurate!

 ::cussing::  Fedcoat punk-ass thugs!  FOAD!!!

Here's your new banner!

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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #24 on: July 08, 2016, 08:49:08 AM »
This just keeps getting a worsening sense...

Hillary Clinton FBI interview was not under oath or recorded.  Can you name one other person ever accorded such lenient treatment in a national security investigation?  WTF did Scooter Libby do again to get arrested, prosecuted, convicted and jailed?!?!?!

And in Comey's Plan-B defense...Hillary Clinton, the formerly oft-heralded "smartest woman in the world" might be too stupid to understand government classification markings!


POSOTUS material!

Amerika, fvck yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Time to burn this motherfvcker down yet?   ::whatgives::
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Offline Glock32

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #25 on: July 08, 2016, 09:45:51 AM »
Oh, she's absolutely still POTUS material to her moron fan club.  Literally all they care about is their free stuff.
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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2016, 07:18:06 AM »
Like JF posted in the Entertainment section...

...the best response is to treat these dirtbags like bad animals, and rub their noses in it.

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2016, 08:15:01 AM »
More Hillarity!

State Dept - Can't find evidence Hillary Clinton was trained to on how to handle classified documents...but she signed the form saying she was briefed -

Incompetence or lying, after all what difference does it make?  It all leads to "Massive Security Risk", so...
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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #29 on: July 12, 2016, 07:39:22 AM »
 ::cussing:: dumbass Pubbies...

Oh, Jeez, ya sure...go begging, see how that works out for ya!   ::facepalm::   ::outrage::

DC US Attorney Channing Phillips...nominated by O'Bongo...must have been one of those Congress kicked to after the election...but in typical fashion AG Lynch appoints him interim while the nomination is pending...

And he's gonna make a decision these stupid Pubbies think will be honorable?

Wow, the burns deep...

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Offline Predator Don

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #30 on: July 12, 2016, 06:14:58 PM »
I laugh at all the memes, best comedy is based in truth.....But this is beyond all logic. Systematicly, this country has been dumbed down and 1913 is as good a place to start as any.

And frankly, all my Christian friends who always tell me "pray for our country" who haven't the slightest clue why we are in the mess we are today...I want to kick them in the ass because I believe God wants me to understand I can also be a part of a solution. Why would God help me if I don't understand what is wrong?  But don't tell them because you become the focus of their stupidity but it does make the picture become clearer.....We've lost our schools, we are losing our churches and the depravity abounds. It rules. it's accepted.

I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2016, 07:10:01 AM »
Here's some more stuff to chuckle at...

In the filing Tuesday, longtime Clinton attorney David Kendall leveled a series of legal arguments against Judicial Watch, even offering the politically awkward contention that a general effort by Clinton to thwart FOIA would not be enough to give the conservative group legal authority to proceed with its case.

Read more:

Yes, a lawyer for the smartest progtard female in the land is arguing that even if Clinton evaded the law and compromised national's not grounds for this lawsuit to discover the truth.

And the sad part this corrupt system...that is going to be the result one way or another...

The Ruling Class, especially if they are of the right hive...simply cannot be held accountable...not under this corrupt system.

#Crash it, overwhelm it...burn it to the ground
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Glock32

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #32 on: July 13, 2016, 09:07:06 AM »
I continue to be amazed at the people who think Comey really managed to lay out a brilliant case against her.  Well, is she facing an indictment?  No?  Then how is this anything other than rank moral cowardice?  I mean he basically said "She did all this, it's quite clear, but we're not going to recommend an indictment.  Oh, but before you go, know this: if anyone else does something similar, you should expect to be indicted for it."

People on our side trying to find silver linings in this remind me of the people who thought Roberts caving on ObamaCare was actually, secretly subversive and brilliant!  Uhh, no.  That we have people always trying to find these non-existent silver linings is a testament to the loser mentality that has infested conservatism for too long.

The only positive that might come out of the Comey debacle is that it was a quite blatant demonstration of how above the law the DC ruling elites are.
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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #33 on: July 13, 2016, 11:22:24 AM »
I know two things for sure:

1) The system and everybody in it and around it is corrupt at best and outright evil at worst.


2) Good people probably don't have enough rope n' stuff.
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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #34 on: July 13, 2016, 11:47:38 AM »
I continue to be amazed at the people who think Comey really managed to lay out a brilliant case against her.

Who is saying this? Not that I doubt you glock32 but in my travels I haven't encountered it. Mostly what I've seen is cautious exhalations from the lefties. They know it is dirty as hell but they dodged a bullet (or so they believe) and they'll take whatever they can get.

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #35 on: July 13, 2016, 12:31:17 PM »
I've encountered it in various forums.  There's a PJ Media article about it too:
"The Fourth Estate is less honorable than the First Profession."

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #36 on: July 13, 2016, 01:17:55 PM »
I've encountered it in various forums.  There's a PJ Media article about it too:

Thanks Glock32. In retrospect I may have encountered it but the site where I did was one that used FarceBook as the only commenting mechanism so I promptly closed the page in search of more productive arguments ;'}

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #37 on: July 13, 2016, 01:23:12 PM »
The only way I think Comey laid out a brilliant strategy is if he ends up in a airline crash, has a heart attack, slips and busts his head in.....Things like that.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #38 on: July 13, 2016, 01:51:06 PM »
Corrupt Lives Matter.

Not to me though!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: This is my shocked face: no charges for Hillary
« Reply #39 on: July 13, 2016, 01:57:47 PM »
The only way I think Comey laid out a brilliant strategy is if he ends up in a airline crash, has a heart attack, slips and busts his head in.....Things like that.

You should probably leave room for an exercise equipment malfunction...