Author Topic: Is The Deep State At War... With Itself? Good question!  (Read 2077 times)

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Offline Libertas

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Is The Deep State At War... With Itself? Good question!
« on: December 13, 2016, 12:10:37 PM »

Not the Russians...part of the Deep State deep-sixed Hillary...

Interesting thought...

We can now discern the warring camps of the Deep State more clearly. On the one side is the C.I.A., the mainstream media, and the civilians who have feasted on wealth and power from their participation in the neocon's Global Project.

On the other side is the Defense Department's own intelligence agencies (D.I.A. et al.), the N.S.A., the F.B.I. and at least a few well-placed civilians who recognize the neocon agenda as a clear and present danger to the security of the nation.

From this perspective, the C.I.A.'s rash, evidence-free "report" is a rear-guard political action against the winning faction of the Deep State. The Deep State elements that profited from the neocon agenda were confident that Hillary's victory would guarantee another eight years of globalist intervention. Her loss means they are now on the defensive, and like a cornered, enraged beast, they are lashing out with whatever they have in hand.

This goes a long way in explaining the C.I.A's release of a painfully threadbare and politicized "report."

The CIA, the D-MC and Crony Capitalists working together...the first part is hilarious, isn't it?  The generations brought up to loath the CIA now hand in hand with them...because (for what, budget purposes?) allowed to be infiltrated by heavily progfested types?  I think there is more to that...there is cross-polination and cross-purposes in both camps...

I would wager the shyt Obama economy and intentional destruction in the name of fairness and redistribution/reparations-in-all-but-name and the fact that Clinton would continue that and get into an insane war with Russia that could go radioactive gave enough players pause...and Wiki was the receiver of the gift from shadowy forces.
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Re: Is The Deep State At War... With Itself? Good question!
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2016, 02:14:43 PM »
If anything the Russians wanted Hillary.   

Offline Libertas

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Re: Is The Deep State At War... With Itself? Good question!
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2016, 06:56:36 AM »
If anything the Russians wanted Hillary.

From the "If the Russian's wanted a weak and self-destructive America" viewpoint...yeah.

I haven't heard that argument from the Left though...not surprising, that, eh?
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Re: Is The Deep State At War... With Itself? Good question!
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2016, 08:18:46 AM »
The Democrat-Media Complex is in full blown panic mode!  The FakeNews outlets pushing the Russia hacking meme is getting no traction, even with the Deep State trying to provide the imprimatur of legitimacy to unproven allegations and they are having kittens because Trump refuses to give credence to their BS!  And having his Veep-in-waiting screen their drivel isn't sufficing...they want to subject their tormentor to their drivel.

This is so hilarious.  They so desperately want a bogeyman to pin their budgetary survival on...and the signer of the checks is saying "Piss off!"!  Priceless!

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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Is The Deep State At War... With Itself? Good question!
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2016, 10:04:51 AM »
If anything the Russians wanted Hillary.

Actually I doubt it. I think they knew that Hillary as President would mean a full blown nuclear conflict in the middle east - it would be very rational of them to want to avoid that.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Is The Deep State At War... With Itself? Good question!
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2016, 12:45:29 PM »
If anything the Russians wanted Hillary.

Actually I doubt it. I think they knew that Hillary as President would mean a full blown nuclear conflict in the middle east - it would be very rational of them to want to avoid that.

Absolutely true...but nobody is asking the question of the Dem's or their Deep State cheersquad...because the presstitutes know full well if was broached by them in the slightest they would be forced into a de facto acknowledgement of the eager warmongering of Clinton and would be forced to defend it...which in turn most people would say "Well, then...I guess they did us a favor, huh?!"...that is if the Russians did the hack and did it to R's & D's and released only the damaging info on Dem's as alleged by the Dem's.  Which hasn't been proven and I doubt will ever be proven.  Plus, they keep calling this a hack but it sounds like it was more like a phishing scam that just the Dem's fell for and so far they haven't proved any of the info in the Wikileaks releases as every which way you cut it the Dem's are the only people caught with their pants down, the only ones with dirty hands, the only ones not coming clean and the only ones continuing to spread lies to cover their guilt.  After all, where has it been proven a Russian hack (or anybody's hack) falsified any voting tabulation?  So far all we see is proof of Dem fraud and even with the cheating their horseshyt candidate still lost!!!


Everybody pushing this meme is outed as a liar, a cheat, a fraud...all of them are the true domestic terrorists and traitors!!!

ETA  - RE: "hack" -

Dem dirt exposed...because Dem's be stoopit!   ::laughonfloor::
« Last Edit: December 14, 2016, 01:27:01 PM by Libertas »
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Re: Is The Deep State At War... With Itself? Good question!
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2016, 08:01:51 AM »
And it is looking more and more like the D-MC was ratted out its own in this thing...

...maybe we can call this "Bernie's Revenge!" and get everybody to stop chasing imaginary Russians, eh?!
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Offline Libertas

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Re: Is The Deep State At War... With Itself? Good question!
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2017, 07:50:30 AM »
Interesting take on the Trump visit to Langley.

Obviously the Tuskers are the Deep State puppetmasters at Langley.

I don't think they'll get too nefarious until they see how Trump manages things around the globe...they didn't get to be Tuskers by being over-aggressive but by being over-cautious.

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