Author Topic: Trump Economy Thread: What Donald has to do to get the Economy out of the Toliet  (Read 2502 times)

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Offline richb

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It's no secret many people voted for Trump for economic reasons (unless your a member of the lamestream press who STILL thinks we all voted because we are raccccisttttss).   I am one of them,  who chose to vote Trump because of economics. 

As a person getting ready to open a new business (partly due to not finding any work of any kind),  not having Hillary as the next president was a early Christmas present (hoping to do a soft open in January).   

The economy has really taken a beating the last decade or so.  It has bankrupted millions (including this poster),  and frankly most of America need an economic break,  and it needs that break soon,  rather then later.    I have posted before that a successful Trump regime will only happen with an economy coming back to life.   If Donald is unable to do so,  he will likely lose the house and senate to Democrats in two years,  and he will lose big to a Bernie type candidate in four years.  Both of those would be big disasters. 

So in many ways,  he has to act quickly on the economy,  IN UNDER TWO YEARS.   That is a big job.   

And Barry is only making it harder in his remaining days.   Today he has locked up MORE offshore oil drilling.  What a dumb a??.  Seems Barry is doing whatever he can do to make it harder for Trump to get so life to the economy.  Trump could spend his whole time undoing the bad economic decisions of the Obama regime.    Before he can even think of doing anything else. 

So the thread is to discuss what the Donald needs to be doing.   We can start with the first 100 days.   Not that anybody from the Trump WH would be seeing them here. 

Of course one of the big ones is to at least neuter Obamacare.   Hopefully a full repeal will happen at some point,  but it hard to think that would happen quickly let alone the first 100 days.  Trump can shut down some of the worst things about it,  like stopping the individual mandate.    It may be impossible to complete rip Obamacare out by the roots,  but it will be one of the top jobs to root out as much of it as they can (so it doesn't grow back during a future Demo regime).   The last thing we need is for it to come back someday,  we need it gone forever and we need to hold Republicans feet to the fire if they don't.

Another thing.  Breaking down roadblocks to economic activity.   Another big one,  as the business climate is terrible. 

Ok,  its started.  Discuss.

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He needs to leash the EPA.  I don't care how he does it.  Defunding and abolishing would be the perfect thing, but leashing them for now will do.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Offline Predator Don

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My #1 choice would be obamacare but I know it will be extremely difficult and I believe there are some easier ( quicker?) actions he can take to jumpstart things.

1) Devise a plan to remove the blocks on the overseas money to get it back into the USA.
2) Remove the excessive regulations
3) A plan for real infrastructure building
4) Re distribute DC power back to the states.
5) As quickly as possible, slash business taxes and incentivize companies to bring back their corporate headquarters.
6) ALLOW all the other countries to pay for the global warming scam. Be a player in name only. No money, just lip service.
7) enforce the immigration laws. Imho, if the housing, welfare, free this and that is stopped....many will leave on their own.

There is some low hanging fruit for him to pick to get things moving. Then, imo, it will be time to tackle the trade inbalances, manipulation of some foreign currencies and build the wall.
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Offline Libertas

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Saying he has to move fast is the understatement of the decade!

Number one has to be insulating yourself from the coming financial/monetary/fiscal chaos.  The manipulation of commodities, especially high value ones like gold and silver, is a fact only the most severely stupid fail to realize, and India is confiscating it and started the first concentrated effort to ban cash and fellow BRICmates are far from healthy.  Our dollar is once more winning by default and if our fiscal house isn't put on a crash (hopefully permanent) diet the day will approach faster where our debt offerings will go nowhere and monetization and porkulus are the only tools left in the Neo-Keynesian bag and we go full-Zimbabwe.  And things continue to get more desperate in India and O'Bongo & the statist Dem's keep pressing for a hot war with Russia and may have had a hand in creating this lunatic in Turkey.  We need to get our fiscal house in order ASAP, we need to slash budgets, end departments or significantly reduce their scope, we need to reduce taxes and regulations and let the people grow this economy, we need the IRS castrated, we need the EPA muzzled, we need Interior neutered...we need to end preferences and set asides and no-questions-asked freebies...we need to reward success not failure...we need to vigorously target and eliminate kabuki masters...we need to pay down debt fast, or cut deals for forgiveness for other goods or services.  We need super-majority laws passed to make tax hikes, new regulations...anything of a punitive nature harder to throw on our backs!

This border tax idea is brilliant and addresses many desirable outcomes and can mitigate any bad satisfies Don's request for addressing the trade imbalance.  The beauty of it is if foreign companies want to avoid the tax on their products coming to our country...they can set up operations here and earn the export bonus.  And I would kick the WTO in the crotch repeatedly if they challenge me!

And build that fothermucking wall on Mexico's dime!

And get pipelines laid!  When posts on ZH have to admit the US won the oil wars (for now) that says something and it also says "lock in that win" now!  Our energy policies have to be flipped 180 degrees from the psychotic Obama doctrine of pissing money down crony alt-energy fly-by-night outfits and penalizing real producers!  Any Spotted Owl's get in our way...execute them!

There is a shytload of work to do and precious little time to do it!!!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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... BRICmates are far from healthy.

Yes and no. What do you think happens to the Gold - which EVERYONE in India owns by the way,  when its confiscated? Oh right. Government vault. China is now paying $30+ premium to buy physical gold over the paper.  Wen the Fiats fail, Gold will become a primary basis in any new currency, probably along with rare earths and fossil fuels. BRICS nations are ensuring themselves a place at that table.
Our dollar is once more winning by default and if our fiscal house isn't put on a crash (hopefully permanent) diet the day will approach faster where our debt offerings will go nowhere and monetization and porkulus are the only tools left in the Neo-Keynesian bag and we go full-Zimbabwe.

Sucking the least is not a good long term strategy. The optimism under Trump is going to undermine any fiscal success by finally allowing real inflation from all of the money printing to kick in.  Right now foreign nations will still pivot to the dollar for "safety" and they will keep the dollar in the reserves,  for now.  However, if  WWIII actually gets started, you can bet any countries aligned wit the US will dump the dollar as part of the attack.  Trump implementing higher trade barriers and Tarrifs with China will depress China's market with the US- which btw are already depressed

Many who claim China would never dump US Treasuries do so on the basis that they would loose their major market ( which only can trade with them because they continue to buy our debt as a sort of unofficial aid package. Think Marshal Plan and you aren't far off)  And if there is no market to speak of, China's economy is tanking, Trump places more restrictions further killing that market and China will still have  this burning desire to buy/hold US debt ? I doubt it.

I am not saying that protections for US jobs are a bad idea  - but it gets very very tricky. Smoot-Hawley backfired massively. A tax raises the price you pay. Period. Yes that might make our own labor more competitive but overall the goods and services that you can purchase goes down,and consequently your standard of living. 

We are actually producing more oil than we import. - the importation is mostly to keep oil sold in dollars. If the EPA  were neutered,  I am sure the US could be 100% non-dependent on other nations.

However the underlying economic problems are probably beyond Trump's (or anyone's) ability to solve. Our debt cannot and will not be paid, either via outright negotiated default, or via money printing.  Money printing kicks the can, so I suspect even if Trump wanted to to the former, all of the interested parties would do everything possible to prevent it.
Slashing the federal budget will NOT work by itself unless Social Security, disability , Medicare and now Obamacare are effectively repealed. Given the discussions we have had here on Social Security, I don't think many are willing to give up their monthly check, and accept the terms of a default on those systems, so Trump will be unable to accomplish anything other than to possibly kick the can a little further. But I suspect between the newly unleashed inflation pushing rates up ( increasing govt debt)  and the inability to negotiate a graceful default,  we will end up in the violent default  beginning - well -  now really.

I am afraid richb is asking the wrong question.  The question isn't what trump can do to get our anchors hauled in so we can  cast off  and sail.. . The question is what can Trump do to batten down the hatches and get America ready to weather the incoming storm.

Offline Libertas

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I won't dispute your characterization of the BRICS regarding gold, but they are doing that in a forced fascist/totalitarian manner...they try that here and goons will get shot.  And a large part of what is keeping them afloat is shared co-dependencies.  I don't think anybody in this play has a plumb role or a happy outcome unless you drastically define down "happy" to mean least sucky.  And I think an idea like the border tax is a good idea...but they may want to rename the it the Invest in America can avoid the downside of outright protectionist tarrifs if the carrot to invest in operations in America far outweigh any sticks.  And I agree all of this is probably too little too late, the systems, institutions and satellite parasites are imbedded so deep into the host all it will do is postpone the inevitable...but bottom line wasn't that the least people hoped to gain out of a Trump Administration?  People will then have time to batten down the hatches and do what they need to get done with the time given them to weather the coming storm.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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People will then have time to batten down the hatches and do what they need to get done with the time given them to weather the coming storm.

And the police state will get another 4-8 years to work on both military and service  robots and war  drones and other technological enhancements that facilitate a technocracy ... I am not sure its a race we can win.

Offline Libertas

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People will then have time to batten down the hatches and do what they need to get done with the time given them to weather the coming storm.

And the police state will get another 4-8 years to work on both military and service  robots and war  drones and other technological enhancements that facilitate a technocracy ... I am not sure its a race we can win.

Naturally, the wildcard is how effective new people coming in will be in purging the crazies and replacing them with something less crazy and perhaps more akin to an outsider looking to muck things up from within...but that is going to vary from person to person depending upon their commitment to do so as well as encountering a range of obstacles from not too bad over here to this is a fricken nightmare.  Then again there is the we're already there what difference does it make argument.  In conclusion it comes down to the fact that we are not yet at the breaking point, so unless you have a foolproof idea as to how to trigger it now and ensure it is met with the desired response...I don't know what else to tell people other than: get your poop in a group as best you can while you can.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.