Author Topic: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?  (Read 5523 times)

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California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« on: January 31, 2017, 11:42:50 AM »

Man, I hope they are this stupid!  This could be just all sorts of fun!!!   ::laughonfloor::   ::whoohoo::
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2017, 04:19:54 PM »

Man, I hope they are this stupid!  This could be just all sorts of fun!!!   ::laughonfloor::   ::whoohoo::

I hope they are too. Hopefully this puts some fire under the State secessionist movement.Won't they be surprised when we say see ya..  and then when we tell them to take their share of the debt per capita  watch them argue that illegal immigrants are worth 3/5 of a person ..

I am currently engaged in my first discussion with a  (Californian) libtard after the election.. he likes to write as much as I do , and his responses are long and largely irrelevant, so my work in responding is not up to my usual par. I just don't care that much anymore I guess. I have to wonder if the length of the responses is just him , or if he is desperate to try and convince us we are wrong.

   But he is going on and on about how red States are "stealing" from the Blue states because I called him out on a statement that Trumps tax cuts would violate people's rights.  What, their right to live off of others?  Pages of this complaint that Red states live off of Blue States.. because States are groups, just like Women earn 70 cents on the dollar of a man.  But he has had some wonderful doozies:   Cities are more secure because small geographic areas are easier to defend.  Farms are automated and the people who run them are easily replaced. Rural people don't have easy access to heavy equipment like semis, bulldozers and so on. Rural people can't possibly reapir thier own equipment or make parts.  During a Civil war  the rural areas should worry about the GDP lost in the cities.  The massive population in the cities will allow them to overrun rural areas in a battle ( yeah, get those hopolophobic snowflakes to charge that heavily defended trench manned by experienced hunters who can hit targets at 300-500 yards..)  But say they win the charge.. the area you just took won't feed everyone will it? How will the supply lines for the City army  work?   And there is no way rural areas could trade with the outside world, because they are "land locked"

The guy is just so unhinged

Oh and everything Obama did in office is Constitutional - because he was a constitutional scholar.  You know experts never lie! Of course everything Trump is doing beyond the pale! And that GOP they don't live up to "small government rhetoric!" they are hypocrites.  Duh moron. Do you not understand what the Tea Party was about?

But Donald Trump isn't protecting the Free Press!  ( the press that Obama spied upon and who colluded to skew polls and feed Hillary debate questions? )  He ignored the comment and asserted Free Press is in the First Amendment! Yes. Yes it is. 

Then he claims to have read the Federalist papers and then goes into a long discussion of how "welfare"  the preamble is a power in itself, a notion  Madison flatly disputed, and of course there is the usual semantic and label switching stuff - left and right started in the French Parliament so  leftists aren't authoritarian ( Jacobins anyone?)  We would have been a Jefferson Republican and a Lincoln GOP and  now he is Democrat - but moderate, and "pragmatic"  He even says the Personal mandate "bothers him" but there is just no way for the system to work without it... And there was no way Hitler could have cleansed Germany without liquidating the Jews.  You know, your rights are forfeit if the common good demands it, but  your rights aren';t being violated, and how dare you suggest violence as the solution  when we peaceful leftists never protest anything violently.  He even disputed my definition of Tu Quoque  (where you dismiss someone's point because they are allegedly guilty of the same behavior)

Oh and being limited government types, we are so hypocritical that we support lax gun laws at the local level and fight more stringent ones at the state level, and then turn around and in a different state with lax gun laws,  we fight the stringent laws at the local level.  Seriously. He couldn't figure that one out.

If this guy is any indication they are far worse then they were.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2017, 05:49:04 PM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Glock32

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2017, 09:57:02 PM »
If Red states are leeches then they should be glad to get rid of us.  Oh please, don't throw us in that there briar patch!

I bet the guys working a thousand feet underground in West Virginia coal mines, so that all the gluten-free cupcake boutiques in Manhattan can continue to have electricity, didn't know they were leeching off the Blue states.

I bet the guys planting and harvesting grain in Texas/Oklahoma/Kansas/Nebraska/South Dakota/North Dakota (take your pick, it's solid Red the whole way up) -- you know, the grain that is in literally everything we put in our bellies (except those trendy gluten-free cupcakes I guess) -- didn't realize they were leeching off Blue America either.

I wonder if those guys working the oil fields of Texas, and the offshore platforms in the Gulf, have gotten word of their leech status yet?
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2017, 07:13:59 AM »
If Red states are leeches then they should be glad to get rid of us.  Oh please, don't throw us in that there briar patch!

The number they use is ALL federal spending, including Social Security.  If your state has a older demographic, then more Social Security goes there. If your state had more productive people, the social security benefit is higher and more money goes there.  If according to liberals , if you collect Social Security you are mooching. ( yes I know, I also believe that, but I don't begrudge anyone getting back as much as they can from tat corrupt ponzi scheme)  Obviously te solution is to end Social Security  to stop those red staters from mooching on you!

It also includes Military spending, so if you have a military base in your state, you are "mooching" from the federal government , even though, you know, those are services that the government is supposed to be providing for our tax dollars and that one even has an enumerated power to back it up.

and -then I love this--  they had a category listed  "Farm subsidies"  - Oh did we forget to mention Food Stamps were the vast majority (80%)  of that bill? Hey , I know, lets kill that corporate well fare bill for rich farmers  and then see how the numbers work out? Want to agree liberals?

Sad thing is that he really thinks its a matter of Conservative hypocrisy that we "take more" - missing the irony that he is complaining about the effect of his own programs. Of course he is probably right that few conservatives would give up Social Security voluntarily. After all its "their money"  they are mooching. Oh well,  we will do it the hard way. We always knew we would have to .

Offline Libertas

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2017, 07:21:17 AM »
I think Weisshaupt was correct in his second sentence...people like this Californicated Prog aren't worth talking to, they're all write off's, nothing any of us say no matter how we say it and no matter how much proof and citation we throw at them will matter...they are all lost, dead, mindless, soulless creatures...let them find out the hard way.  Let them die.

! No longer available

But please, before you die...make it possible for the right to secede be reinvigorated...or let's just get to the rat killin' already and be done with it!
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2017, 07:45:06 AM »
Let them die.

He tried that too..  are you willing to kill me over our differences, because I am morally superior and I would never kill you. (Ding! Pavlog's Dog gets an ego treat!)  No, you are just willing to vote to have the government subjugate me and  kill me if I resist such subjugation with violence. He seemed very bothered by the idea that I felt entirely comfortable with the thought of liberals being killed--and consistently tried to say conservatives were focused on conflict ( translated : that means they don't lie down and take my bullying)  and violence ( Yes, he invoked Tim McVey) - of course the riotiing in the streets over an election? Leftists like him have nothing to do with that.

He hasn't left a response since yesterday, when I hung him clearly on his own petard of "practicality" ( its always pragmatic to make others give you what you want)  but if he does respond  I will probably tell him that he is wasting his breath.

 We have passed the point where an agreement can be made because we disagree on basic principles.  He believes my rights are granted by the government, to be taken or infringed whenever his sense of pragmatism or desires dictate, and I believe my rights are inalienable. I believe the constitution is a  compact of sovereign citizens who voluntarily delegate  some of their power to the government. But since they do not individually have the right to  entitle themselves to the labor of others,  they cannot delegate a power to do so to the government. He thinks the Constitution is something we need to pass to "find out what is in it" and we are still finding new powers  200 years later. He is  the aggressor who refuses to live and let live and wants to use force to make my life serve his ends.   I am willing to fight and die for the belief I am a free man and not his  property.  If if he  wants his beliefs to prevail, he better be prepared for a fight to the death.

I bet he wets his pants.  They really have no clue how angry and embittered we are. After all, how could we be angry against such good, peaceful, upstanding people? Let them die.

Offline Libertas

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2017, 07:58:12 AM »
Let them die.

He tried that too..  are you willing to kill me over our differences, because I am morally superior and I would never kill you. (Ding! Pavlog's Dog gets an ego treat!)  No, you are just willing to vote to have the government subjugate me and  kill me if I resist such subjugation with violence. He seemed very bothered by the idea that I felt entirely comfortable with the thought of liberals being killed--and consistently tried to say conservatives were focused on conflict ( translated : that means they don't lie down and take my bullying)  and violence ( Yes, he invoked Tim McVey) - of course the riotiing in the streets over an election? Leftists like him have nothing to do with that.

He hasn't left a response since yesterday, when I hung him clearly on his own petard of "practicality" ( its always pragmatic to make others give you what you want)  but if he does respond  I will probably tell him that he is wasting his breath.

 We have passed the point where an agreement can be made because we disagree on basic principles.  He believes my rights are granted by the government, to be taken or infringed whenever his sense of pragmatism or desires dictate, and I believe my rights are inalienable. I believe the constitution is a  compact of sovereign citizens who voluntarily delegate  some of their power to the government. But since they do not individually have the right to  entitle themselves to the labor of others,  they cannot delegate a power to do so to the government. He thinks the Constitution is something we need to pass to "find out what is in it" and we are still finding new powers  200 years later. He is  the aggressor who refuses to live and let live and wants to use force to make my life serve his ends.   I am willing to fight and die for the belief I am a free man and not his  property.  If if he  wants his beliefs to prevail, he better be prepared for a fight to the death.

I bet he wets his pants.  They really have no clue how angry and embittered we are. After all, how could we be angry against such good, peaceful, upstanding people? Let them die.

Keep it simple.  Tell him when leftists get butthurt, they riot, trash coffee shops, set cars on fire, throw sh*t at police, etc etc...  When black nationalist terrorists get butthurt they beat whitey, kill whitey, kill cops (white or not), etc etc...  When Islaminals get butthurt they, well behead people, blow up people, strap bombs to women and mentally handicapped, throw fags off roofs, stone women, mutliate and beat women, rape livestock, rape non-cultists...

They ain't seen normal American's butthurt, yet...when they do they'll see civil war, revolution, insurrection, rebellion...

And then tell them you'll be their Huckleberry!!!   :D
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2017, 08:32:46 AM »

Keep it simple. 

Me? Keep it simple?
Not sure its possible.

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2017, 11:17:46 AM »

Keep it simple. 

Me? Keep it simple?
Not sure its possible.

Not stubborn either I see?   ::pokeineye::

 ;D  I get that way too though...another INTJ thing no doubt...
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Offline Glock32

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2017, 11:57:59 AM »
I just don't even bother arguing with them anymore.  For a while that sort of bothered me and I would go into self-critical analysis, wondering if I had become intellectually lazy. But I don't think it's that. We have irreconcilable disagreements over fundamental, basic premises. Weisshaupt has already covered those disagreements so there is nothing else to add.

It would be much better for us and for them if we just split into entirely new and independent polities. But as we all know, the Left is totalitarian by nature. It has to be their way, no exceptions anywhere or for anyone. Because they're intellectually and morally superior, you know.

They are going to be astonished by the amount of pent up animosity that gets unloaded on them.
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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2017, 01:13:13 PM »
... I would go into self-critical analysis, wondering if I had become intellectually lazy. But I don't think it's that.

You're right, it's not that.

We've all done the work, took the time to do the searches, collect and print or post the information with:  'look, I have proof here/look at these facts' only to have the Leftist decry our sources as biased, claim the statistics are manipulated, or to simply stick his fingers in his ears and chant 'lalalalalala can't hear you'.

As it's said, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result.  A lot of us have decided we're not insane and we have too much productive work to do to bother wasting valuable time as though we're insane, so we're done.  Plus, a lot of us, some of us, well ....... me ....... I try to avoid the rage I'm driven to when dealing with the smug, intolerant, intransigent Left.  The "public" is safer this way.
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Offline John Florida

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2017, 03:07:25 PM »
  I like the argument and just don't seem to tire of it. The left screams and demonstrates and I just laugh at them to their faces.  I had one the other day making fun of Baron Trump because he supposed to be autistic  I told him that he needs to keep that same sense of humor when the Obama girls show up knocked up just to keep  the historical need for an abortion and kill the babies because it their firm belief as leftists.

  Too much??
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Offline Libertas

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2017, 03:34:50 PM »
  I like the argument and just don't seem to tire of it. The left screams and demonstrates and I just laugh at them to their faces.  I had one the other day making fun of Baron Trump because he supposed to be autistic  I told him that he needs to keep that same sense of humor when the Obama girls show up knocked up just to keep  the historical need for an abortion and kill the babies because it their firm belief as leftists.

  Too much??

Not by any standard.  Carry on!   ::thumbsup::
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2017, 11:17:15 PM »
  I told him that he needs to keep that same sense of humor when the Obama girls show up punished with a child..

Fixed it for ya :)

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2017, 04:24:56 PM »
Oh and everything Obama did in office is Constitutional - because he was a constitutional scholar.


Oh - you were being serious.


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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2017, 07:20:09 AM »

Interesting...but sure seems like there is plenty of tinder...but too much of it appears to be wet...
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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #17 on: March 27, 2017, 07:36:02 AM »
Maybe this will dry out some tinder...

...whatever gets the job done!
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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2017, 12:54:08 PM »

2018...well, something to continue tracking...

In the interest of sporting speculation...say they did go through with it...what would Trump do?

Congress I have no doubt would block it, probably SCOTUS too...Trump is a wildcard...the smart move would be to allow it and extend The Wall up their eastern and northern border...but my gut tells me he'd wimp out...

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Re: California preparing to ignite a Constitutional Crisis?
« Reply #19 on: July 28, 2017, 06:22:47 PM »
Let the children do it.  A, they'll have to cough up 1/6 of the nation debt and B, they'll get a quick education in where the food and energy come from.