Author Topic: Vatican Cardinal: ‘Homosexual Culture’ In The Church Part Of Abuse Crisis  (Read 4649 times)

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Offline WilliamVA

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Cardinal Raymond Burke has called upon Pope Francis to clean up what he calls a "homosexual culture" in the Church that has contributed to the sex abuse crisis.

As noted by Matt Walsh and other Catholic commentators, roughly 80% of the sexual abuse victims in the Catholic Church were male, many of them being postpubescent. Recently-ousted Cardinal Theodore McCarrick had sexual relations with both adult males and minors; far too often, he preyed on male seminarians entering the priesthood.

Speaking with Thomas McKenna of Catholic Action for Faith and Family, Cardinal Burke called for a purge on homosexual behavior in the clergy, which would include an outright ban on homosexual priests.

"It was clear after the studies following the 2002 sexual abuse crisis that most of the acts of abuse were in fact homosexual acts committed with adolescent young men," said Burke. "There was a studied attempt to either overlook or to deny this.

Burke continued: "Now it seems clear in light of these recent terrible scandals that indeed there is a homosexual culture, not only among the clergy but even within the hierarchy, which needs to be purified at the root. It is of course a tendency that is disordered."

The cardinal went on to say that Catholics should rightly feel scandalized but asked they direct their blame toward the men responsible and not the Church itself.

"We should be profoundly ashamed of what certain shepherds, certain bishops, have done, but we should never be ashamed of the Church because we know that it is pure and that it is Christ Himself, alive for us in the Church, Who alone is our way to salvation," said Burke. "There is a great temptation that our justified anger over these gravely immoral acts will lead us to lose faith in the Church or to be angry with the Church, instead of angry with those who, even though they held the highest authority in the Church, have betrayed that authority and have acted in an immoral way."

In May of this year, Pope Francis went as far to warn the Italian bishops about homosexual applicants seeking to join the priesthood and why they should not be allowed. His position followed that of Pope Benedict, who emphasized that men "who practice homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies, or support the so-called ‘gay culture’” could be denied entry into the priest
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 04:12:29 PM by WilliamVA »

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The seminaries were converged starting in the '70s.  There was an infamous one called the Pink Palace, don't remember the location.
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Offline Libertas

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The homosexual sub-culture running rampant throughout many seminaries got swell nicknames:

Notre Flame - Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans

Theological Closet - Theological College at the Catholic University in America in Washington, D.C.

The Pink Palace - St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore

A lot of these had Bishop's who were part of the manly recreation or otherwise powerless or unwilling to curtail it...and it just got passed along.

Wasn't just in America, European places had issues too...there were those confessions back around the time of the Vatican Bank scandal that exposed a rampant homosexual sub-culture just feet outside the Vatican grounds.  Booze, drugs, porn, buggery and celebrations of all things homosexual.  Some may try to say don't blame homosexuality blame the person...but that is a load of BS that will guarantee the problem never goes away.  Sure, some men in the Church assaulted girls too, but the vast majority of sinners doing the assaulting are homosexuals.

But, this is what happens when you stray from principles...yes, condemn the sin, but punish the sinner if the sin is also a temporal crime.  Don't cover it up, don't lie about it, confess and move on.  They have to own all the failures of the past, doesn't matter who failed, but they are not, so the Church will continue to sport a black eye until it faces reality and cleans the whole house.

I doubt it will happen though.  Many apostate bishop's about...many were conducting secret marriages of gays for 40-50 years.  Has any of them ever been banished and excommunicated?  Every Catholic Democrat today supports abortion and probably just as many support gay marriage...have any of them been excommunicated?  The stark reality is the Church is never going to be able to be blame free until it rediscovers its principles and its spine.  It sure as shat not going to happen under this socialist Pope...or any like him in the Cardinal ranks.  So, good and faithful Catholics are going to have to suffer insults to their Church over this right wrong or is their cross to bear.  I don't know what they can do other than carry on and try to convince their local leaders to demand of their superiors to clean house and keep escalating it up.  It stinks, but it is what it is.
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Offline John Florida

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  Whenever it makes the news we get the outrage from some asshole who has been around forever and a day and did nothing.  The shame of it is that we all get that black eye.
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Offline Libertas

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Ouch, more of that was told/did nothing that goes all the way to the top -

In an extraordinary 11-page written testament, one which the NYT's Ross Douthat called a "truly historic bombshell", a former papal nunco, or Vatican ambassador, to the US, it does what many have called for, and offers testimony concerning "who in the hierarchy knew what, and when," about the crimes of Cardinal McCarrick. The testimony implicates a host of high-ranking churchmen. And the pope.

Vigano said that he told Pope Francis in 2013 about allegations of sexual abuse against a prominent priest — and that Francis took no action. Now, the former official, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, 77, is calling for Francis to step down.

Vigano made the allegations in a lengthy statement that concludes with a call for Francis' resignation:

"In this extremely dramatic moment for the universal Church, he must acknowledge his mistakes and, in keeping with the proclaimed principle of zero tolerance, Pope Francis must be the first to set a good example to Cardinals and Bishops who covered up McCarrick's abuses and resign along with all of them."

The former Vatican official, who served as apostolic nuncio in Washington D.C. from 2011 to 2016, said that in the late 2000s, Benedict had “imposed on Cardinal McCarrick sanctions similar to those now imposed on him by Pope Francis” and that Viganò personally told Pope Francis about those sanctions in 2013.

Archbishop Viganò then said in his written statement that Pope Francis “continued to cover” for McCarrick and not only did he “not take into account the sanctions that Pope Benedict had imposed on him” but also made McCarrick “his trusted counselor.”  Vigano said that the former archbishop of Washington advised the Pope to appoint a number of bishops in the United States, including Cardinals Blase Cupich of Chicago and Joseph Tobin of Newark.

CBS News spoke by telephone to Vigano, who confirmed he wrote the statement and said he was speaking out now "to combat the grave situation in the church, to protect the church and also to stop future abuse." He told CBS News producer Anna Matranga that he had no agenda and was stating facts.

Vigano, who retired in 2016 at age 75, described an exchange with Francis on June 23, 2013, shortly after he became pope, about Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington, D.C., who resigned last month over claims he sexually abused seminary students and an altar boy.

Vigano writes that he told Francis about the allegations: "Holy Father, I don't know if you know Cardinal McCarrick, but if you ask the Congregation for Bishops there is a dossier this thick about him. He corrupted generations of seminarians and priests and Pope Benedict ordered him to withdraw to a life of prayer and penance."

Vigano writes the pope did not respond to the statement, and McCarrick continued in his role as a public figure for the church.

"Pope Francis has repeatedly asked for total transparency in the Church. He must honestly state when he first learned about the crimes committed by McCarrick, who abused his authority with seminarians and priests. In any case, the Pope learned about it from me on June 23, 2013 and continued to cover him."

Pope Francis addressed the sex abuse scandal on Saturday in comments made in Dublin. "The failure of ecclesiastical authorities — bishops, religious superiors, priests and others — to adequately address these repugnant crimes has rightly given rise to outrage, and remains a source of pain and shame for the Catholic community," he said. "I myself share these sentiments."

Pope Francis accepted McCarrick's resignation on July 28. McCarrick has maintained his innocence, but this month, a Pennsylvania grand jury issued a report that said more than 300 priests abused more than 1,000 children, and likely thousands more, over seven decades.

Father Boniface Ramsey of New York told CBS News this month that he repeatedly complained about McCarrick and heard about his disturbing behavior as early as 1986.

Nearly 100 of the accused clergy are from the Pittsburgh diocese alone, where Donald Wuerl, the current cardinal of Washington, D.C., was the bishop for 18 years.

In his statement, Vigano wrote that Wuerl also knew about McCarrick. "His recent statements that he knew nothing about it … are absolutely laughable. The cardinal lies shamelessly," Vigano wrote. 

In an interview with CBS News correspondent Nikki Battiste before the grand jury report, Wuerl said that he was quick to deal with allegations and that he was not aware of any rumors about McCarrick.

"If there were allegations, we dealt with them immediately," he said. "All the time that [McCarrick] was here and certainly all the time that I've been here, there was never any news. If I could tell you no one ever came to me and said this person did this to me. No one. No one. And remember, we were just talking about Pittsburgh. I was in Pittsburgh...we weren't following the rumors of different parts of the country."

Wuerl also suggested to CBS News that McCarrick had paid a price for his actions. "He has resigned and his resignation has been accepted. And he's been told to stay in seclusion...that's a pretty substantial penalty to be paying."

Vigano's statement calls on the church to take action.

"To restore the beauty of holiness to the face of the Bride of Christ — so tremendously disfigured by so many abominable crimes, if we truly want to free the Church from the fetid swamp into which she has fallen, we must have the courage to tear down the culture of secrecy and publicly confess the truths that we have kept hidden."

As Douthat concludes, "This is either an extraordinary and vicious slander or an act of revelation that should be the undoing of just about every figure mentioned in its pages. It has an apocalyptic feel either way."

As an outsider looking in, I think Archbishop Vigano is acting in good faith to his conscience and calling, I think he sees an entire deck-cleaning as the only way good Catholics can restore their Church's moral, ethical and spiritual legitimacy.  I give him high praise, he is taking a principled stand and is likely to face a maelstrom of criticism from entrenched powers more comfortable with sweeping things down the memory hole and ignoring the rot within.  This is no different than us going to war with the DeepState.  Too much is as stake to do nothing and this brave man is trying to do what is right.  And though he may not like it, Francis's own statements seem to circle back on him and make the Archbishop's call a reasonable one.

This is going to reverberate a while, it will be interesting to see who takes what side...frankly all the footdraggers can do is identify themselves as footdraggers if they publically side with Vigano and do nothing or are mealy-mouthed about the issue and say it is for the Vatican to decide.

I applaud Vigano, he is the first to step up.  I hope more do the right thing too.
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Online ToddF

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That's what happens when you spend more time pushing socialism and global warming.  You forget your primary mission.

Offline Libertas

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And contrast the brave Vigano with that chicketscat priest in the Philippines hiding out because he thinks the Prez has executioner's after him ..his way of saying the authorities crackdown on drug gangs and other criminal scum puts his ass at risk...

I guess that clown self-identities as a criminal.

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I don't know if I can pass judgement on someone in the Philippines, as that can be a culture where leaders really do come after those in the private sector that crosses their paths.

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Chances are he could be offering sanctuary to folks who may not warrant it's one possibility...but without more info his response may or may not fit the perception.  I took a shot.  I found the contrast an interesting one to consider.

Anyway, I see the official Vatican response to the Archbishop is one of desconstructing his narrative and respinning it, not the response of people interested in not being seen as sweeping things aside.
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The issue is not pedophilia; it's ephebophilia.  It's not pedophilia, most of the victims were/are not children, it's *homosexuality*.
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True, and where under age boys (and some girls) in the past we're an issue, that would be pederasty and pedophilia, this current issue is about a rampant culture of homosexuality in the church and seminaries that also spans decades.

The big shots do not want to do anything about this culture...and it will not simply be wished away
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Offline richb

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The big shots do not want to do anything about this culture...and it will not simply be wished away

Guessing many of those big shots are part of that "culture",  or at least tolerate it.   It's been going on long enough,  they are in leadership roles.   So many would find themselves in an unwanted spotlight,  and have to quit too. 

In typical fashion CNN gets it wrong.    Call on the pope to resign,  to be replaced by someone even more "progressive".

Instead of blaming the homosexual culture that largely created this mess,  they blame the male patriarchy.    Criticize the conservatives for wanting the pope to resign because he is too liberal,  not because of the scandal. 

Offline Libertas

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Whoa...this at the end:

“Who am I to judge?” said the pope when first pressed about the morality of homosexuality.

Maybe I caught this at the time and commented on it, maybe not, there was a lot of discussion here about this guy when he was elected...and I do recall a lot of similarly "wtf?!" comments at the time.  But this in context of the ongoing scandal is the genesis of why this guy will not be the change agent the Church desperately needs.
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Offline WilliamVA

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Whoa...this at the end:

“Who am I to judge?” said the pope when first pressed about the morality of homosexuality.

Maybe I caught this at the time and commented on it, maybe not, there was a lot of discussion here about this guy when he was elected...and I do recall a lot of similarly "wtf?!" comments at the time.  But this in context of the ongoing scandal is the genesis of why this guy will not be the change agent the Church desperately needs.

Think you are very correct,  his statement about passing judgement is a kind of reversal on 1Corinthians chapter 6.

Offline Libertas

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Whoa...this at the end:

“Who am I to judge?” said the pope when first pressed about the morality of homosexuality.

Maybe I caught this at the time and commented on it, maybe not, there was a lot of discussion here about this guy when he was elected...and I do recall a lot of similarly "wtf?!" comments at the time.  But this in context of the ongoing scandal is the genesis of why this guy will not be the change agent the Church desperately needs.

Think you are very correct,  his statement about passing judgement is a kind of reversal on 1Corinthians chapter 6.

It is also common sense to make sound judgments here on earth as it pertains to principles and the flock and society in general, it is not the same as ultimate judgment belonging to God, though progressives always equate the two as it fits their more important dogma of blind inclusiveness that pc/diversity/multi-culti group-think gibberish mandates.

Oh, and I found this -

Pretty much answers the tack the Pope is taking about this scandal...

As I said, he isn't the man to change their culture...the corrupted culture will carry on.   ::facepalm::
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Offline WilliamVA

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This the current headline on the Dailywire. "There is no such thing as "Progressive Christianity"

This I believe totally,

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There is no thing as Liberation Theology either; it's all marxism in a cassock.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: Vatican Cardinal: ‘Homosexual Culture’ In The Church Part Of Abuse Crisis
« Reply #17 on: September 02, 2018, 12:33:27 PM »
 ::cussing::  Francis...


Yup...plastics in the ocean, gotta do something about that, queer culture in the Church...not a problem.  One of these is not a dire threat to spiritual health of the flock...yet this tool chose it over the real threat.
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Offline AlanS

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Re: Vatican Cardinal: ‘Homosexual Culture’ In The Church Part Of Abuse Crisis
« Reply #18 on: September 02, 2018, 02:56:09 PM »
::cussing::  Francis...


Yup...plastics in the ocean, gotta do something about that, queer culture in the Church...not a problem.  One of these is not a dire threat to spiritual health of the flock...yet this tool chose it over the real threat.

It's all about the chu...LOOK! A SQUIRREL!!!
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Offline Libertas

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Re: Vatican Cardinal: ‘Homosexual Culture’ In The Church Part Of Abuse Crisis
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2018, 06:45:28 AM »
::cussing::  Francis...


Yup...plastics in the ocean, gotta do something about that, queer culture in the Church...not a problem.  One of these is not a dire threat to spiritual health of the flock...yet this tool chose it over the real threat.

It's all about the chu...LOOK! A SQUIRREL!!!



OK, squirrel gone... who's next?   :D
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.