Author Topic: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?  (Read 105855 times)

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #580 on: June 23, 2012, 12:55:12 PM »
I, too, find it hard to believe that Juan is really this stupid. I suspect that he is well compensated for being the opposing view regardless of how ridiculous it is and how stupid he has to appear defending it.

I expect that in time it would carry over into the rest of one's life and corrode one's soul, to be paid to repeatedly lie and distort.

Likely true.

They pay people a lot to work in sewers, too, and it's said that the smell doesn't quite come off.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline Glock32

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #581 on: June 23, 2012, 01:11:03 PM »
Liberals don't have souls.
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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #582 on: June 23, 2012, 02:33:49 PM »
What a load of crap!  Nobody is harder on The Butthead than I am, and even I admit he did nothing to break any law, and this bloviating botox bimbo knows it too!  The Buttheads sins are political and against conservative principles, period.  Nasty Pelosi better think about arresting her mouth before she ends up in the capitol prison she so earnestly admires!

Lying tart!

Proof she was lying, Congress never voted on a Contempt of Congress charge against Rove, so she was powerless to attempt an arrest.

Pelosi is intellectually immoral .

Offline robins111

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #583 on: June 23, 2012, 03:13:09 PM »
Bill Whittle did an wonderful job of skewering almost everyone involved in this travesty..

Offline John Florida

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #584 on: June 23, 2012, 06:46:43 PM »
What a load of crap!  Nobody is harder on The Butthead than I am, and even I admit he did nothing to break any law, and this bloviating botox bimbo knows it too!  The Buttheads sins are political and against conservative principles, period.  Nasty Pelosi better think about arresting her mouth before she ends up in the capitol prison she so earnestly admires!

Lying tart!

Proof she was lying, Congress never voted on a Contempt of Congress charge against Rove, so she was powerless to attempt an arrest.

Pelosi is intellectually immoral .

 That stone faced tram is about as low a human being as one can get.
All men are created equal"
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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #585 on: June 23, 2012, 07:00:32 PM »
I, too, find it hard to believe that Juan is really this stupid. I suspect that he is well compensated for being the opposing view regardless of how ridiculous it is and how stupid he has to appear defending it.

One couldn't be an Uncle Tom because he's part of the Plantation hierarchy so he must also be a prostitute by avocation.


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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #586 on: June 24, 2012, 06:00:59 AM »
The problem with Juan is the problem with all liberals.  No sense of or ability for introspection.  Even logically connecting the dots.  Juan went off that reservation and the left literally wanted him destroyed, to seek psychiatric help.  They just weren't pissed, they went far beyond that due to his being a heretic to their religion.  Now when 'conservatives' disagree with ol' Juan, nobody wants to see him destroyed.  See him shut up?  Quite possibly.  But we do not, as claimed, have the evil in us let loose by the ideology of progressivism or communism or statism or fascism or any other kind of -ism.  The lefties are good at PR, at corrupting the language.  By using focus group approved words and phrases, they have controlled the debate for so long they think the debate is over.  (Witness the whole F&F being ignored by the alphabet media because it just isn't a nice story to tell about Sir Golfsalot and might hurt his genius image.)

The problem with discussions of F&F always refer to it as botched, as somehow a worthy investigation gone wrong.  It wasn't.

This conspiracy to subvert our laws and to subvert the Mexican government through the arming of their drug cartels to put 'truth' to the '90% of the guns involved in Mexican crime are from the southwest US' meme, and further to erode if not outright remove 'for the good of the world' our Second Amendment constitutional rights, is a plot worthy of any political/spy thriller and the pixels it's typed on.  With literally everything this Administration has done, including the now infamous EP invoked to cover up this whole criminal enterprise (to me it left conspiracy and went to criminal enterprise when all those guns started killing hundreds of Mexicans and the two US agents).  Those that cannot see this obvious connection between a government run operation which sold guns to straw purchasers with warning from FFLicensees who were then basically threatened into selling them, stating the dire consequences that would result due to crossing the ATFE, all with the progressive agenda of gun control by hook or by gun grabbing crook are so intellectually dishonest.  But we knew that.  Nothing would convince a Juan of the evil of this Administration.  Even adding on that conversation Owebama had with Sarah Brady about gun control telling her the Administration was with her in pushing for gun control, that they were working on it but that they had to do it under the radar.  Nothing, and I mean nothing, would allow these libtards to connect the dots.  And yet these morons serve on juries.

There is a reason the progressives hate the Founding Fathers, the old dead white guys.  There is a reason Owebama has never compared himself to Madison or Jefferson.  They were political thinkers who worried over the perpetual threat of government power, fearing the nightmare scenario where a government rules by whim and fiat.  Everything they did with our Constitution was designed to prevent just such a catastrophe, and why it has been subverted at every opportunity by the power hungry.  Once our Constitution becomes just another piece of paper to be altered willy-nilly, we take another step down the road to serfdom.

"Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people's liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that's good." ~ George Washington

"Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not." ~ Thomas Jefferson


"The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution." ~ Thomas Jefferson

So no, no Constitutional scholar is our Barry.

And finally,

”A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders.” ~ Larry Elder

Offline Libertas

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #587 on: June 25, 2012, 07:05:14 AM »
Bill Whittle did an wonderful job of skewering almost everyone involved in this travesty..

HotAir has several threads on this, one has put up Bills video. 

Del has been commenting on a lot of posts, nailing libiots as usual.  All the threads are well worth going through.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #588 on: June 25, 2012, 07:06:34 AM »
Darn good post Rick!   ::clapping::
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online ToddF

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #589 on: June 25, 2012, 08:26:36 AM »
Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker

This is a sitting Representative making this accusation.  If it's true it will explain our stuttering crook going Full Nixon.

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #590 on: June 25, 2012, 08:55:12 AM »
Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker

This is a sitting Representative making this accusation.  If it's true it will explain our stuttering crook going Full Nixon.

[blockquote]...My sources say that this battle of the “statistics” was taken very seriously by all players — the White House, State and Justice. Yet, WHY was this game of statistics so important to the players? If some weapons from the American civilian market were making it to Mexico into the hand of drug gang killers that was bad enough. What was the importance of insisting that it was 90 percent, 80 percent, or finally 70 percent? Would such statistics make any difference to the law enforcement tactics necessary to curtail them? No....the focus on the 90 percent meme was certainly not designed to be a measure of how we were winning the war against arming the cartels, but rather by what overwhelming standard we were LOSING. Why? Recall what the whistleblower ATF agents told us right after this scandal broke in the wake of the death of Brian Terry: “ATF source confirms ‘walking’ guns to Mexico to ‘pad’ statistics.”[/blockquote]

Thus, from the beginning the scheme was to pad statistics on U.S. guns in Mexico in order to be in a strengthened position to call for gun bans and strict gun control at a time when it was politically unpopular. Further, the scheme would involve a made-up statistic, out of thin air–90%–which then had to be proved by using civilian gun retailers along the southern border as unsuspecting pawns to walk U.S. guns into Mexico by ATF agents, straw purchasers, and others with connections to Mexican drug cartels. And the evidence points to the fact that Hillary Clinton was one of the original Administration officials who was ‘in the loop’ on the scheme from the very beginning.

Glad someone is finally saying exactly what we've known all along.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #591 on: June 25, 2012, 09:40:31 AM »
Glad someone is finally saying exactly what we've known all along.

Exactly. At least they're FINALLY saying something...
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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #592 on: June 25, 2012, 09:52:21 AM »
Breaking: new evidence shows Hillary a mastermind behind Gunwalker

This is a sitting Representative making this accusation.  If it's true it will explain our stuttering crook going Full Nixon.

[blockquote]...My sources say that this battle of the “statistics” was taken very seriously by all players — the White House, State and Justice. Yet, WHY was this game of statistics so important to the players? If some weapons from the American civilian market were making it to Mexico into the hand of drug gang killers that was bad enough. What was the importance of insisting that it was 90 percent, 80 percent, or finally 70 percent? Would such statistics make any difference to the law enforcement tactics necessary to curtail them? No....the focus on the 90 percent meme was certainly not designed to be a measure of how we were winning the war against arming the cartels, but rather by what overwhelming standard we were LOSING. Why? Recall what the whistleblower ATF agents told us right after this scandal broke in the wake of the death of Brian Terry: “ATF source confirms ‘walking’ guns to Mexico to ‘pad’ statistics.”[/blockquote]

Thus, from the beginning the scheme was to pad statistics on U.S. guns in Mexico in order to be in a strengthened position to call for gun bans and strict gun control at a time when it was politically unpopular. Further, the scheme would involve a made-up statistic, out of thin air–90%–which then had to be proved by using civilian gun retailers along the southern border as unsuspecting pawns to walk U.S. guns into Mexico by ATF agents, straw purchasers, and others with connections to Mexican drug cartels. And the evidence points to the fact that Hillary Clinton was one of the original Administration officials who was ‘in the loop’ on the scheme from the very beginning.

Glad someone is finally saying exactly what we've known all along.

Sharpen the knives!   ::bustamove::

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.


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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #593 on: June 25, 2012, 11:23:48 AM »


The sources also express dismay that the Issa committee is apparently restricting itself to the Department of Justice and not venturing further afield.

Disagreement here,  Issa scores at the highest level then he will catch her on the way down.  Get the biggest fish first.

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #594 on: June 25, 2012, 11:26:16 AM »
And the evidence points to the fact that Hillary Clinton was one of the original Administration officials who was ‘in the loop’ on the scheme from the very beginning.

The State Department must give permission for arms "trading" with another country.  So, she either lied her ass off when she said she knew nothing, or the DOJ violated yet another law by doing an end-run around State.
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"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Libertas

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #595 on: June 25, 2012, 11:34:19 AM »
And the evidence points to the fact that Hillary Clinton was one of the original Administration officials who was ‘in the loop’ on the scheme from the very beginning.

The State Department must give permission for arms "trading" with another country.  So, she either lied her ass off when she said she knew nothing, or the DOJ violated yet another law by doing an end-run around State.


Use the other fish to smoke out the bigger fish!

More flames!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Glock32

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #596 on: June 25, 2012, 12:55:45 PM »
Yes, in fact I remember Hillary kickstarting this narrative before F&F even came to light.  Wasn't it an interview with a foreign news channel, somewhere in Central America, where she first made the allegation that the majority of the drug cartel weapons were being traced to the USA?  Then the Mexican president made a big to-do about how the US Congress needed to re-enact the AWB.  There was ideological collusion going on from the beginning.  And where reality refused to cooperate, they just decided to manufacture a new reality, knowing they'd have the stenographer media there to help sell it.  This is exactly how they've long operated with other issues, the Democrat-Media Complex.
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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #597 on: June 25, 2012, 01:11:54 PM »
Yes, in fact I remember Hillary kickstarting this narrative before F&F even came to light.  Wasn't it an interview with a foreign news channel, somewhere in Central America, where she first made the allegation that the majority of the drug cartel weapons were being traced to the USA?  Then the Mexican president made a big to-do about how the US Congress needed to re-enact the AWB.  There was ideological collusion going on from the beginning.  And where reality refused to cooperate, they just decided to manufacture a new reality, knowing they'd have the stenographer media there to help sell it.  This is exactly how they've long operated with other issues, the Democrat-Media Complex.

Yup.  If dragging F&F into the light helps bring down the tyrannical Obama Regime that is a plus, if it helps to put a knock on the Democrat-Media Complex as awhole, so much the better!

Time to step on all their necks!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #598 on: June 25, 2012, 01:12:54 PM »
Yes, in fact I remember Hillary kickstarting this narrative before F&F even came to light.  Wasn't it an interview with a foreign news channel, somewhere in Central America, where she first made the allegation that the majority of the drug cartel weapons were being traced to the USA?  Then the Mexican president made a big to-do about how the US Congress needed to re-enact the AWB.  There was ideological collusion going on from the beginning.  And where reality refused to cooperate, they just decided to manufacture a new reality, knowing they'd have the stenographer media there to help sell it.  This is exactly how they've long operated with other issues, the Democrat-Media Complex.

And agents died....

I'm sure in obama circles this is a small price to pay when bending the narrative to your "idol"ogical thinking.

These people havent evolved. They are still pond scum.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

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Re: ATF’s Fast & Furious- Obama’s ‘Weaponsgate’?
« Reply #599 on: June 25, 2012, 02:44:15 PM »
What some people still can't wrap their heads around is the idea that the deaths of these agents, and the civilians in Mexico, weren't simply acceptable collateral damage, no no no, it was in fact the goal of the operation.  Either proposition is sick, but the latter one doubly so.  They wanted death and gore so they could sit back and point sanctimonious fingers at 2nd Amendment defenders.  It was all a deliberate effort to undermine the US Constitution, you know, the document they made quaint little oaths to defend.  In other words, it's treasonous dereliction of duty.
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