Author Topic: JoeFraud Regime Notifies Ukraine it must agree to be raped and pillaged  (Read 443 times)

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Offline Libertas

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The great Andrei Martyanov has remarked that Blinken “told Kiev behind the scenes to ‘dial it down’, amidst the fluffy tropes about US concern for Ukraine’s ‘sovereignty’ and ‘security’”.

Well, looks like there was way more than fluffy tropes.

Leaked info on the closed-door meeting between Blinken and Comedian-in-Charge Zelensky is no less than incandescent.

Blinken seemed to have read a no-holds-barred riot act.

Here are the guidelines.

All Ukrainian state corporations must be controlled by the proverbial “foreign interests”. So board majorities must be either foreign or 5th columnists. The entire anti-corruption vertical drive must also be foreign-controlled. Same for the judicial system.

Andriy Kobolyev – an American asset – must be reinstated as head of Naftogaz. Zelensky moved mountains to get rid of Kobolyev.

Blinken demanded a massive push against every Ukrainian oligarch, so that huge chunks of Ukrainian economy are transferred to – who else – foreigners. Same for land privatization.

Somewhat hilariously, Blinken warned that Russian troops might invade Ukraine. In this case, Zelensky can count only on huge political assistance, not military. So Zelensky in fact was ordered to stop asking to join NATO and cease provoking Russia, as President Putin, who already drew red lines, could make a “drastic decision”.

Blinken demanded that American assets should be untouchable by Ukrainian law, and named honored figures of civil society. Maidan cookie distributor Victoria “F**k the EU” Nuland, also in the room, drew up a list of The Untouchables, and Blinken met with them separately.

Finally, the giant ghost hanging over the whole trip to Kiev had to make itself known. In practice, Zelensky was invited to turn in everyone in Ukraine who helped bring information about Hunter Biden to the media via Rudolph Giuliani.

According to the source who had access to the leak, Zelensky was left beyond speechless. That’s not exactly what he was expecting. Especially when it comes to transferring valuable assets controlled by Ukrainian oligarchs to “foreign interests”. Someone will inevitably whack him.

No one is touching this leak – as if it was radioactive poison. No one will confirm it. Its plausibility though cannot be denied.

Plausible?  Oh, heck ya!  Fits in with the world-wide elite raping of people...squeezing every last gram of wealth before it all hits the fan.

And, not to beat my chest again...but this is exactly what I have been railing against for years.  Ukraine, like any nation, deserves to be independent and able to choose their course free of molestation or coercion.  They are only given an either/or option...independence is not being allowed by East or West.  In my mind East and West should be rendered ash...seems the most fair outcome, yes?  What a sh!tshow this is, well, one of many the world over, this arena or that...whatever.

Poor Zelensky and the Ukraine people...the theft of the White House really threw them back into the quagmire just when it looked like they shook off their Western meddlers and things were stable with Russia.  What's Zelensky to do?  Cave and be slaughtered by patriots angered at his cowardice and fear?  Tell the West to go screw itself and be murdered by others willing to align themselves with the Western interlopers?  Seek an alliance with his peoples hereditary abusive overlord to the East?  Frankly, he is truly and totally fvcked.  Me?  I'm too principled, stubborn and viscerally opposed to despots of any flavor...I'd tell East and West to go screw themselves and declare war on both.  But, to Zelensky, I think this betrayal from the West is intolerable...I think it would be less costly in terms of lives of the Ukrainian people if he were to unconditionally surrender to Russia and seek incorporation into the Federation.  I couldn't do it...but he may have no other option.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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WTF does Blinken think he is?  His (and Biden's admin) terms are outrageous.

I suspect that Zelensky aligning Ukraine with Russia will prove less onerous to them than submitting to Blinken's demands.
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Offline Libertas

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And the puppet's masters deliver the back-handed follow up insult...2 slaps really...


I would flat out tell them to go eff themselves and that I am going to cut deals with Putin. 
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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This is cute...

If the corrupt and illegitimate JoeFraud regime and Stoltenberg think they can string Zelensky along and keep throwing this "territorial dispute" technicality in his face without consequences...well, then they are a special kind of moron.  The territorial dispute thing managed to pull WEST GERMANY into NATO just fine when it was necessary...and Zelensky is smart to pin these snakes down with a solid plan to membership, he would love to have Article 5 in his pocket...but I wager no NATO member is eager to be dragged into a war for Ukraine...otherwise it would already have been engaged.  If they diddle with Zelensky (they are too gutless to outright tell him the truth) as I suspect they will he will keep forcing the will be his "I tried to engage the West in good faith...but that faith was not returned" get out of being strung up card when faced with no other option but cutting the best deal you can get with Putin.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Son the DeepState told JoeFraud to ignore the territorial BS, big non-surprise there...and instead slam them for corruption...which is what made he and Hunter millions... clownworld kettle to pot BS!

And still says NATO is there because Russia! Russia! Russia!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.