Author Topic: Boulder, CO fires  (Read 505 times)

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Offline Libertas

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Boulder, CO fires
« on: December 31, 2021, 01:33:34 PM »
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Boulder, CO fires
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2021, 06:25:39 PM »
They stayed clear of me, but not my Crypto routers.

The fire started about 200 yards from one of my hosts,  winds were knocking him off his feet as he tried to fight the fire with dirt and a shovel as the million dollar homes to the East were all going up.. He is on the west side of the hill and the strong winds kept the fire form getting at him .. that and ground work and  he is safe and his house is safe

My Stepdad got the order to evacuate at around 2pm.. The router indicated it was still connected to the network till 5pm - but we didn't know if that meant the fire got the house or if they had just killed the power.  We watch the smoke plumes on radar and sat  heatmaps  and the fire  seemed to be narrowly missing his house to the east (winds were primarily to the east, but fires create their own wind) , but winds died down around 5pm ( sunset)  and  I feared the fire would backtrack..  By 10Pm they had posted a fire perimeter map that placed the home well within the burn area.

See the little lake on South 68th? That is basically his house.

 His roof is shake shingle.. if a single ember landed on the roof it would have been frigging  gone..

There was a broadcast with that faggot Polis flying over the area and they camera kept panning to him so he should "cry" -- when everyone else wanted to keep looking at the Fing ground.. THey passed right over my stepdad's house.  But we saw two of his neighbors still standing in 100%  burned fields.. so we were hopeful..

 but we also saw houses in the same neighborhood burned to the ground.  His brother and daughter hiked in  to see what  was left.. and because my stepdad is so frigging lucky,  a news crew met them and walked in with them - so while 1000s are worried and climbing hills to see if their house survived,  My Step dad gets to sit there and watch the frigging news with custom coverage just for him

Look how close that grass burned. My Stepdad was always lucky, lucky, lucky and I was counting on that yesterday-- apparently correctly.

Loosing this house would have killed him emotionally and mentally. He is already dealing with late stage parkinsons and I don't think could have adapted after loosing this.
He did loose a small storage barn ( think one stall garage attached to a storage shed)  and he had kept a $8000 John Deere riding lawn mower in there ( its one of the few things he can still do)
But he had taken it to the main garage... so it was safe too.. there was basically nothing he values in there when it burned..

The Binoculars in the coverage were a gift from me and my wife.. I am actually in the will to receive them back,  so I am glad they are there too :)

We had another friend who was going visiting her parents in Arizona and her house also survived -  but it was in one of the neighborhoods that looked like this in the burned sections

It was about a block away from getting to hers...

But it looks like Me and Mine all got through this largely unscathed and my  little crypto income will continue

Happy New Year to everyone, and pray for those who weren't so lucky.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2022, 09:25:44 AM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Libertas

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Re: Boulder, CO fires
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2022, 12:35:10 PM »

I must be looking in wrong spot, only S 6th I saw was way west and branches off into some S 6th St Connector...

Anyway, lots of reservoirs...

Jared the if people don't have enough misery right now...   ::outrage::

Boy, did he get still safe, amazing.  They still saying this was a storm/downed line starting all this and complicated by drought creating ready tinder?  It's freaky seeing all the devastation and houses still smoldering embers and some still having open flames consume what is left to burn...and then see those shots where total devastation and then one house standing among it relatively unmolested...or clean demarcation lines of totally destroyed vs safe neighborhoods.

Unreal.  People who lost all hopefully had descent insurance...but I'm sure a lot of memories and irreplaceable momentos were wiped out.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Boulder, CO fires
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2022, 02:19:53 PM »
Sorry, that was South 68th Street, a digit got dropped while I was typing


Offline Libertas

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Re: Boulder, CO fires
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2022, 03:53:23 PM »
Ahh, that makes more sense...I see it now.

Glad you and yours came out OK.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Boulder, CO fires
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2022, 09:45:22 AM »
Ahh, that makes more sense...I see it now.

Glad you and yours came out OK.

Better than okay.. my Step uncle and Stepsister did that "hike"  illegally. No one was supposed to be driving/walking  into the zones yet to check, but my Stepdads house is more rural so they could get away with it.. they must have parked in the same Church lot on the boundary road the news crew was at..
The news Story right after that one was about people climbing up to a hill to see if they could spot their house. My Stepdad doesn't have to leave his chair and gets visual confirmation on the news his house is okay. Funny how they didn't talk about his gun collection-- I suspect he was more worried about that than the binocs.. -but I would have been kicking myself too for not grabbing them on the way out- he keeps them in the kitchen for watching animals out the windows -- they were Swarovski and cost me $1800 over a decade ago. I am glad he got out quick, but he isn't mobile enough anymore to quickly go around the house grabbing little bits of precious, and I am sure his caretaker was just focused on getting out.. they were standing on that deck watching it come right for them when they got the automated call to get out.  I would have doubted the call myself.  I was worried about my friend in Marshall.. the fire started within a stone throw of his house...  but it  didn't occur to me it would be a danger to my Stepdad... That fire would have had to jump Highway 36.. that is 140 feet of concrete...  and sure enough embers blew right over it... but the conspiracy theorists on Godlike Productions are telling me that  it was all directed energy weapons..  ::facepalm:: or Smart meters..

Offline Libertas

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Re: Boulder, CO fires
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2022, 12:15:21 PM »
Ahh, that makes more sense...I see it now.

Glad you and yours came out OK.

Better than okay.. my Step uncle and Stepsister did that "hike"  illegally. No one was supposed to be driving/walking  into the zones yet to check, but my Stepdads house is more rural so they could get away with it.. they must have parked in the same Church lot on the boundary road the news crew was at..
The news Story right after that one was about people climbing up to a hill to see if they could spot their house. My Stepdad doesn't have to leave his chair and gets visual confirmation on the news his house is okay. Funny how they didn't talk about his gun collection-- I suspect he was more worried about that than the binocs.. -but I would have been kicking myself too for not grabbing them on the way out- he keeps them in the kitchen for watching animals out the windows -- they were Swarovski and cost me $1800 over a decade ago. I am glad he got out quick, but he isn't mobile enough anymore to quickly go around the house grabbing little bits of precious, and I am sure his caretaker was just focused on getting out.. they were standing on that deck watching it come right for them when they got the automated call to get out.  I would have doubted the call myself.  I was worried about my friend in Marshall.. the fire started within a stone throw of his house...  but it  didn't occur to me it would be a danger to my Stepdad... That fire would have had to jump Highway 36.. that is 140 feet of concrete...  and sure enough embers blew right over it... but the conspiracy theorists on Godlike Productions are telling me that  it was all directed energy weapons..  ::facepalm:: or Smart meters..

Yeah, DEW action?  Well, anyway...there is no definite cause being cited as yet...I suspect the storm/powerline is a default excuse...we get downed lines here all the time from bad storms, very few start fires and none spread into major fires...but the dryness may be an issue but we've had drought here too, and nothing on this scale.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.