Author Topic: Puppet Beijing Biden lets Communist Chinese Spy Balloon Sail Over US Airspace  (Read 607 times)

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Offline Libertas

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Through Hunter the Biden Crime family has been bought and paid for by Chairman Xi!  Miley the traitor colluded with them!  Now, their spy balloons roam over America's most sensitive military sites unmolested.  None of this is a mistake!


Debris my ass!  The real rotten debris is in the White House, the Pentagon, Langley, Hoover Bldg et al!!!

This is total criminal BS up down all around!

I'm with this guy -


And get ready, might need to drive to intercept...but is headed that general direction!

Also, it appears the hoser's in Canada are tracking a second Chi-Com balloon, eh!

%$#@ing balloon must look like this on NORAD screens!!!



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Offline Libertas

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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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  • I iz also makin a list. U on it pal.
Shoot it down.
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"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Libertas

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At 15k meters...over 49.2k feet...

Has to be a military shot.  Civilians have no way of doing sans owning a military fighter jet with weapons...

Maybe a rocket enthusiast with a decent guidance package...

Our corrupt government doing nothing says all you need to know...
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Online ToddF

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You really expect China's bought & paid for little b*tch to shoot it down?

Offline Libertas

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No, I expect somebody not anybody's little bitch to be a proactive American and shoot first and answer assholes later...
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Offline Libertas

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I don't fully believe this Russian...

...partly due to his nation and Commie China are bed-pals, partly because I reject his assertion about pilot competence...last I checked American fighter jets vs Russian fighter jets combat score is heavily in American favor and is due as much to pilot training as it is the machine...and partly because nothing is impervious.  Methinks the Rus is enjoying our real problem too much - horsesh*t leadership.

If this sucker is at 60k feet now as alleged...well, that is within the reach of the F-15 (65,010), RQ-4 Global Hawk drone (65,000), F-22 (64,961) & MQ20 (Predator C, 60,000) and well within range of a host of other platforms and their weapons systems...

Not the first time Asian's have sent balloons over...remember Fu-Go?

At least American's of that generation had no qualms about downing threats.

Also, if the Pentagon is afraid of falling debris, why?  Is there a hazardous material aboard they are not sharing with the public, or are they throwing bullsh*t out at us as everyone suspects is the case...yet again...?

If it is a dry run for triggering an EMP attack...

...seems the Pentagon and idiots who believe this government will let it happen.

Other possibilities...

...unfortunately the EMP possibility is the most concerning and likely...

Last seen over NC?

I think there is some rudimentary steering capability to this thing, it's not just at the mercy of prevailing winds...which undercuts Commie statements...

We have 2-3 high-altitude (like 90k feet minimum) over us everyday...1-2 put up by Germany every day over Europe...spying on US...

Total BS this Commie balloon is a surprise...likely once civilians spotted it...idiots in government had to say something and what they are saying is BS.

And DOJ/KGB mouthpiece saying this spy balloon is a "good thing"?


SpecOpsMonkey says KC-135 tracks indicate when over Montana fueling fighters at 19k feet (below normal) indicates balloon near that altitude...if so, it's about 30k feet below previous known altitude...and last I heard (over NC) it was back to 60k?  This thing has some maneuverability vertically perhaps more so than laterally but some lateral ability.

I think this thing is at least gathering intel for the Commies and the idiots leading out government is wishing it well...

And, uhh...

...looks like DHS cannot combat squat...but then again these are the same assholes who leave our land borders wide open...

Absolutely nothing.  Looks like we are wasting money on DHS, FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA, Pentagon, well...all of it.



Meanwhile...our corrupt nine-ways to Sunday government says all is well...


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Offline Libertas

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What a joke...

Finally shot it down with a F-22 launching an A9X (latest Sidewinder IR AA/SA missile, not sure if X or X2, article says X) from 58k and target was at shows missile launch and it strikes as the F-22 passes below...

This is a better angle IMO -

Navy is picking up the debris.

Fricken should have happened the second it entered our airspace over Alaska!  These imbeciles let it cross the entire breadth of the country!   ::outrage::   ::cussing::   ::angry:: H/T's - WRSA@GAB


This government is Evil.
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Online patentlymn

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 The sidewinder used no warhead.
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The sidewinder used no warhead.

Didn't need to waste a warhead...puncture wound is enough...

What I find interesting is 1) no word on retrieval of remnants...and 2) more importantly letting this thing roam free over highly sensitive military sites and cities is a massive national security failure and this thing just sucked up all sorts of information and sat transmitted it all right to Beijing and our incompetence was shown to the entire world and if this damn thing had a harmful payload the consequences would be catastrophic and this corrupt compromised administration just let it happen...

Woke DeepState & corrupt FJB regime...the former ignorant and cowardly and too busy with woke BS and wasting resources on Ukraine and the latter bought and paid for by Communist China...

John Ratcliffe pretty much sums it up here -


PS -

And now...the corrupt c*******er in chief is saying under Trump there were Chi-Com balloons...

Which sounds like the usual FJB/MarxistMedia just blame Trump BS...

...or are folks admitting more treasonous withholding of information by DeepState ass-clowns to then POTUS Trump a la POS Miley telling Chi-Com's he would warn them if his boss ordered action against them?!

So far it looks like typical lying rat-bastard illegitimate FJB regime and an eager MarxistMedia peddling it as per usual...

Meanwhile, during this FJB circus of stupidity...more treason!,

 ::cussing::   ::outrage::   ::angry::
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Offline Libertas

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See this?

IC is lying, NORAD is lying...they are all lying...

This is so stunningly incredulous, and transparently politically orchestrated, it’s laughable.

The U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) defended the actions of the Biden administration last Saturday by saying three Chinese spy balloons had previously been deployed during the Trump administration.  However, President Trump and all national security heads including Mike Pompeo (CIA), Richard Grenell and John Ratcliffe (DNI) denied ever hearing about these balloons.

To reconcile the claim of historic Chinese spy balloon operations, against the denials and absence of briefings for the Trump IC officials, the current Intel Community (and Biden Administration) are now claiming they only discovered the prior balloon flights *AFTER* President Trump left office.

Oh, and due to national security issues, the IC cannot explain how they found out after the fact.

Yes Alice, that’s their story, and they’re sticking to it.

Sundance then posts this via Politico (along with the NYT which are the official propagandists for DOJ-KGB) -

WASHINGTON DC – The Biden administration is willing to brief former Trump officials on newly discovered intelligence that China sent spy balloons into U.S. airspace during their time in charge.

The offer, described by senior Biden administration officials on Sunday night, comes as former President Donald Trump and senior members of his national security team say they were never briefed on such an incursion by a Beijing-sent aircraft.

“This information was discovered after the prior administration left. The intelligence community is prepared to offer key officials from the Trump administration briefings on [China’s] surveillance program,” one of the officials said. The official, along with several others, asked not to be named in order to discuss sensitive information.

Briefers would also be willing to discuss Beijing’s similar operations in East Asia, South Asia and Europe over the last several years, the official said.

The proposal to brief the Trump officials is the latest development following the military’s shootdown of a Chinese spy balloon on Saturday, seven days after it entered U.S. airspace. Republicans and former Trump officials said this week that they would have downed the airship as soon as it appeared, and criticized President Joe Biden for waiting until the balloon was over water before bringing it down.

Yet on Saturday, a senior Defense Department official said that Chinese spy balloons entered American airspace three times during Trump’s tenure and once before during the current administration. The administration officials didn’t detail how they learned of those events long after they happened.

Still, it helps explain why five senior Trump administration officials POLITICO spoke with on Sunday said they were never told of such incidents occurring when they were in office. “This never happened. It would have never happened,” Trump told Fox News on Sunday. (read more)

"read more" link -

These clowns are doing this as a pure deflection, period.  And it is total BS.  There needs to be a criminal investigation of this so-called "Senior DoD official" needs happen, find he/she/it, deposition it...release the findings and prosecute if lying!  But, we know this corrupt partisan DOJ-KGB will not do that, the DeepState lackeys running the Pentagon will not do House investigators will need to do it.  Again, they created this national security mess, time to be held accountable...they resist - subpoena them, cite them with contempt and END their funding.
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Offline Libertas

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He is running-dog commie Xi's bitch...he is Bathhouse Barry's bitch...he is Zelensky's bitch...he his Klaus Schwab's bitch...he is Fauci's bitch...

He ain't the Gang of Eight's bitch...

Why they put up with the POS is the only question worth asking...and by they I mean not the puking-dog commies or Cucks...

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Offline Libertas

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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has also weighed in, telling CBS news that the Pentagon's driving concern was protecting US nuclear capabilities. Confirming that Chinese balloons have flown over places like Texas and Florida in prior years, he said, "Certainly all of our strategic assets, we made sure were buttoned down and movement was limited and communications were limited so that we didn’t expose any capability unnecessarily."


Lloyd proof to the question "Can something completely full of sh*t speak?"!

If this liar and his useless jello-headed illegitimate boss wanted to protect our assets this spy balloon would have been shot into the Northern Pacific near the Aleutian Island chain!

They are ALL negligent lying bastards.
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Offline Libertas

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Yukon thingy was a small metallic they say...

Lake Huron thingy...F-16 blew its first shot...missile in the drink somewhere...

No aliens?  How can these dipsh*ts tell?  They don't see millions pouring across the borders they have wide-open! 

Meanwhile...many days later...

Seriously, we know the payload...lots of fortune cookies that all say the same thing...

"Dear Joe - Remember I have detailed records of ALL of your and Hunter's transactions and proclivities.  Love, Xi"

In the meantime, enjoy some PJW...

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Offline Libertas

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So the subsequent stuff was keep attention away from the FJB Admin blowing up NS2...but not the original Chi-Com spy balloon hoovering data from Alaska to South Carolina...

And McCaul is correct on calling BS on FJB regime thinking it "mitigated" the hoovering by the Chi-Com's he allowed to take place from sea to shining sea!!!

It sucked, spat its booty to its satellites...and merrily drifted over ICBM sites, Whiteman AFB (B-2's), our military planes sortied over the country (from J-STARS, Rivet-Joints, Snoopers, Sniffers, Re-Fuelers and fighters) and Lard knows what!!!

ETA - Well, appears the FJB Admin BS is falling apart pretty rapidly...

They tracked the spy balloon as soon as it launched from China...

For Lake Huron event...did experienced military pilots really have a hard time identifying a balloon or not?

The North Slope of Alaska "sensor" issue I can dismiss...small stuff and if it has any RF reflectivity to it at all could muck with radar and if generating no heat, like a balloon...IR would be near useless...

Anyway, people controlling the flow of info in the FJB regime is caught BS-ing any way you look at it...

As for this...

..."confused" is a proper take-away.  LOL!  H/T-CTH

Maybe Pat saw to me...

3 min. mark - Doc Greer -

DeepState assets? 

Still based upon "alien" tech.  Well, the latter violates my bag it, tag it, display it I still have not seen jack squat...

The former not actually hard to believe given the rank Evil among us and centered in the DeepState and its fricken puppets...

Doesn't explain what was disclosed to Kennedy caused him to give the "lock your doors" comment...did the DeepState share it is the DeepState?  I doubt that.  Blaming the "aliens" whose tech they stole and perhaps violently took and they are pissed off at us (they/them)?  Maybe.  Something else?  Sure.

This could be yet something far simpler and in-line with the principle of Occam's Razor...more gaslighting.

Maybe Project Blue Beam isn't so crazy after all?

My skeptical nature throws it all aside...pending satisfactory proof.

We'll see how long a wait this is...
« Last Edit: February 15, 2023, 12:54:13 PM by Libertas »
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Offline Libertas

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Oh man...this is turning into a Orson Wells "War of the Worlds" panic event following the regime's Chi-Com balloon malaise!

$400k vs $12...


So explains everything!

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Online ToddF

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No doubt, footage will be used in Top Gun 3.

America, **** Yeah!


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Offline Libertas

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Begun, the balloon wars have?

Cliff Notes version...blah blah, blah...yadda, yadda, yadda...

Look!  Another one!

Proof that morons who let a spy balloon traverse the entire country before being properly molested that shoots its mouth off afterwards because of the embarrassment of being stupid and incompetent...and after shooting down $12 hobby balloons with $400k's probably a good guess there will be a plethora of balloons and whatnot coming our way...all might as well have FJB emblazoned on them...
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