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Thread merge: Canton OH Cop Threatens Permit Holder
« on: July 22, 2011, 12:06:08 PM »
Missed this news when it first broke, pretty shocking and supports fears of when LEO's start seeing us law-abiding citizens as a bigger threat to them than the scumbags they should be going after...

Guy has a history of commendations and IA investigations...

Even the union rep is trying to distance himself from this nut...
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Re: Thread merge: Canton OH Cop Threatens Permit Holder
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2011, 12:15:48 PM »
It's clear to me they knew they guy was a problem in spite of his commendations, so THEY'RE LATE.  They're all lucky he didn't kill an innocent first.
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Re: Thread merge: Canton OH Cop Threatens Permit Holder
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2011, 12:16:11 PM »
Ann Barnhardt has a good post on this, titled "Behold the American Gestapo", where she makes the point that Marxist and other totalitarian regimes can always find plenty of willing enforcers who get off on it just for the pure sadism rather than any ideological reasons. This is a perfect example, and should silence any of this "but that could never happen here" nonsense you hear from people who still haven't managed to put 2 and 2 together.

4. People like this are exactly the type that become brutal enforcers under Marxism. Understand that the politics really wouldn't have anything to do with it. I doubt very seriously that this guy has ever in his life compared and contrasted political systems, or given the least bit of thought to it. If the Obama regime offered this guy free license to beat the crap out of people, and even kill people under the guise of "policing", he would jump at it. It wouldn't matter to him what the regime's politics were - all that would matter to him would be the sanctioned brutality that he could engage in, coupled with the paycheck. It is violence for violence's sake with jerks like this.

5. History clearly shows us that Marxists have NO PROBLEM whatsoever recruiting brutes. Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot - these men didn't murder over 100 million people with their own hands. They had ARMIES of "state police" do it for them, and they never were in want of people who were willing to brutalize and slaughter their neighbors. It also bears mentioning that most law enforcement officers in this country are unionized, and thus are already sympathetic to the Marxist grievance-mongers.

6. People think that a Marxist police state could never happen here because "Americans just aren't like that." Baloney. Watch the video above over and over again until you understand. Obama's Gestapo is here, walking among us. All they need is the go-ahead to start terrorizing people, and this cop is the perfect example of that.
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Re: Thread merge: Canton OH Cop Threatens Permit Holder
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2011, 12:19:38 PM »
Yeah, Ann nails it again.

That never happen here crap people throw out better come with a long list of caveats or they're just demonstrating their lack of intelligence!
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Re: Thread merge: Canton OH Cop Threatens Permit Holder
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2011, 01:27:40 PM »
It's a long video (18 Minutes) but worth the watch, just to get a flavor for what appears to be a pretty explosive case. Needless to say, in spite of his prior service in the Marines, this piece of sh*t cop needs to get his ass whooped. You don't get a free pass to abuse people because you're an a$$hole with a badge.

From the YouTube page...
[blockquote]"On June 8, 2011 the following unfortunate arrest took place in Canton, OH. Notifying the policy when you have a firearm is required by Ohio Law, but when this individual with a thirty-day old license tries to do that he is repeatedly ordered to look away, shut up, or interrupted and "forced" to change what he is speaking about by the actions of an aggressive cop who maintains verbal control of the situation.

A two man car dealing with three people put itself at risk when one officer started what appears to be an illegal search of the rear of the car without extracting or securing the driver - which would have given him an opportunity to notify.

What follows is horrific example of a police officer losing all self-control, threatening to beat the female, threatening to beat the driver and eventually saying he should have executed him "and wouldn't have lost any sleep over it" that night."[/blockquote]
Dash Cam: Canton PD "Notification" Arrest & Officer Goes Berserk / Threatens
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Re: Thread merge: Canton OH Cop Threatens Permit Holder
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2011, 06:04:33 PM »
You haven't lived until you've been the focus of one of these 'roid-rangers. I have.

The last time was about four years ago.

I was navigating through a crowded parking lot in one of our largest malls, looking to meet with some friends after taking in a movie. We were all in good spirits and it was a busy Saturday evening.

The parking lot was packed and some folks hadn't exactly practiced their best parking. As I made a sharp right turn my rear tire caught the very corner of some curbing and I chirped the tire. A few seconds later a cop dashed out in front of me (I damned near hit her) and screamed at me to stop.

Slowing from 2mph was arduous but I managed to get my machine halted as the cop came around to my window. The Bitch took her flashlight and banged it on my window! I'm right there. I'm following her instructions. There was zero justification for striking my vehicle.

I roll down the window to a steady stream of profanity. "What the fvck do you thing you're doing?" seemed to be the predominant theme. If I tried to respond to any of her tirade she would scream at me (no exaggeration) "Shut the fvck up!" When I sat quietly she screamed at me "Answer me!"

When I said, "What would you like me to do?" she responded, "Oh, a smart-azz. I love smart-azzes. I love to fvck up smart-azzes". I continued to sit silently.

"How you you like to go to jail tonight?" "What would you think if I dragged you outta your car, knocked the sh!t outta you, and dragged your azz to jail?!"

Two things came to mind. No.....three.

1. I could take her.
2. A .40 with thirteen rounds was within faster reach for me than her service weapon was for her.
3. My friends were behind her and each of them had .45's.

OK....four things (but this one was just an observation):

4. I had infinitely better emotional control than this Bitch.

She should get down on her knees and.......well, thank her lucky stars that I wasn't as belligerent and out~of~control as she was. Otherwise she would be quite dead and I would truly be fvcked.

I silently let her read me the riot act. I said, "Yes Ma'am" and "No Ma'am" when indicated. Five or six times she attempted to goad me into a physical altercation with her (remember #1). This went on for almost 30 minutes.

Then she ran my ID (which was clean of course) and, disgusted that it came back clean, gave me one last salvo of Bitch. She was so ticked that she couldn't find any reason to bust me and couldn't provoke me that she was literally shaking from the adrenalin rush. Her partner finally came over and, with the pretext of advising her of another call, extricated her from her embarrassing display.

Once again (for emphasis): if it hadn't been for the cool, calm, and deliberate reasoning of a civilian (me) and my buddies, one of us would surely be dead right now. We were both armed. She's trained...but so am I. My infraction warranted an inquiry but a professional one, not a JBT assault. She was setting me up for a beating and I do not intend to ever be beaten by cops again. Even a full 1/4 mile burnout doesn't justify her conduct.

Be careful out there.

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Re: Thread merge: Canton OH Cop Threatens Permit Holder
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2011, 07:55:59 PM »
On the other hand, has anyone read the riot act to a cop during a stop?  Although it's not something I would ever do today, I did.

I was going home, 11 PM, roads not busy, coming to a stop for a light and the cop, lights and siren, comes flying up behind me - I didn't think he was going to stop in time and he scared the living daylights out of me.  He comes to the window, asks for the papers and got them and I ask, "what is the problem?"  While he's flashlighting around the interior of my car, he stammers out some lame bullsht about a report of a driver with a knife in the area.  After a minute, he's satisfied it isn't me, and he starts to walk off, but I'm still shaking, so ...

I got out of the car and slammed the door so hard the cupholder in the window well (filled with change) flew out and dumped all over the road.  I stalked over to him, told him in no uncertain terms that he had no business scaring the crap out of me and "what is your name and badge number?"  He gave me the info, got in his patroller, U-turned and left me in the road, at night, stopped at the light, picking up my change.  I wanted to strangle him.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Re: Thread merge: Canton OH Cop Threatens Permit Holder
« Reply #7 on: July 23, 2011, 02:11:54 AM »
A few years ago I was intercepted by police when I was leaving a health club.  (Yes, I actually worked out at a health club for a couple of years.  Thank God I got that out of my system.  It interfered with my smoking and beer drinking.)

It all began one evening when a total lunar eclipse was predicted.  I timed my workout to end about the time of moonrise, so I could go home to watch the eclipse.  I walked out of the club carrying my gym bag, and wandered around the parking lot to try to get a glimpse of the rising moon.  Alas, it was cloudy and I couldn't see it.

I got in my car and started to pull out onto the road.  All at once a guy came out of nowhere, banged on my windshield, and demanded that I get out of the car.  I was completely freaked out.  I thought I had hit a pedestrian.  He was in plain clothes and flashed a badge.  In a matter of seconds four police cars arrived and I was surrounded.  While the plainclothes guy ran my license, I stood there with my hands in my pockets.  One of the uniformed cops told me to keep my hands where he could see them.  I mentioned the eclipse to him.

After a few minutes, the plainclothes guy came back and told the others that my license was clean, but he was all gung-ho and wanted to search my gym bag and car.  I could see some of the other cops rolling their eyes.  One of them told me I was free to go, so I did.  My demeanor told them that I was absolutely clueless as to why I had been stopped.  Turned out that they had the parking lot staked out because of a rash of car break-ins, and my behavior was "suspicious".

There are loads of stories of amateur astronomers being hassled by the police.  One of my favorites was from Sky & Telescope magazine a few years ago.  A cop was listening in on a conversation between a bunch of guys standing around in the dark, and intervened when he heard one say, "Did you bring the nine millimeter?"  He was talking about an eyepiece, of course.
We are so far past and beyond the “long train of abuses and usurpations” that the Colonists and Founders experienced and which necessitated the Revolutionary War that they aren’t even visible in the rear-view mirror.
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Re: Thread merge: Canton OH Cop Threatens Permit Holder
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2011, 11:05:01 AM »
We'll see just who ends up in the worse world-of-sh*t after TEOTWAWKI: "us" or "them", you know, in that Us-Them dichotomy that they regularly lament but are actually responsible for creating in the first place.
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Re: Thread merge: Canton OH Cop Threatens Permit Holder
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2011, 12:16:52 PM »
The other thing about this story that sucks, we'll there's a few...

First, this idiot calling the driver stupid is admitting on tape and in front of witnesses that he should've executed this guy, now that is truly stupid.  And if he feels that way, what are the odds that this guy will won't snap and snuff someone for whatever flimsy reason down the line.  He should be removed from the force, charged with abuse of power, convicted and imprisoned...period!

Second, taking the execution angle out of it, this prick or his partner don't realize from the get-go that they told the driver to STFU repeatedly at the start of this fiasco.  What's he to do?  Jump out?  Scream?  He may have gotten gunned down right then by this nutcase.

Third, I don't care who he's pulling over...screaming and swearing at people?  Really, total lack of control and having hotheaded trigger-happy raging idiots on the force is what, OK & SOP?  Screw that!  Nice job at screening candidates.  Anybody ask people who served with this a$$hole in the Marines what he was like?  I'll bet he got out before his own fragged his ass!

Lastly, why is his partner, Officer Mark still on the force?  Obviously this asshat thinks his partner is super cool and can do no wrong.  Time for this prick to be ushered out the door for conduct unbecoming at a minimum.

When the fit hits the shan jokers like this won't last long.  They'll be so panicked they'll be shooting anyone near them, and I bet when they get taken down it won't be pretty.  The SHTF, stay away from cops and zombies, neither are worth the risk.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.