Author Topic: Atheism  (Read 2681 times)

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« on: February 20, 2011, 02:44:56 PM »
Carry over thread that I liked:
Trying an experiment & starting a thread on Atheism. Atheism is a worldview that, obviously, does not believe in the existence of God. Most Atheists, however, aren't familiar with their own worldview, which paints a drab, pointless, meaningless, existential existence. Thus, whenever they speak of "good" and "evil", they are borrowing, or smuggling in, from a Worldview (Christianity) they claim does not exist.

I will develop this thread as I have time and invite feedback and the points of view of other board members.

To start, here's a borrowed thread (the experiment--cutting/pasting from another board) from Conservative Talk. Evon (farmgal) leads off, and some IronDio fella (who is, purportedly a priest of some kind  :D ), pipes in:

Quote from: farmgal board=god thread=10894 post=62741 time=1264705068
Atheist Group Blasts Postal Service for Mother Teresa Stamp

An atheist organization is blasting the U.S. Postal Service for its plan to honor Mother Teresa with a commemorative stamp, saying it violates postal regulations against honoring "individuals whose principal achievements are associated with religious undertakings."


Quote from: irondiopriest board=god thread=10894 post=62760 time=1264712958
How any human being could line up against Mother Teresa is beyond understanding.

My point is, regarding pure atheistic thought, I could see how a human being, or group of human beings, could line up against Mother Theresa. They have to, in order to promote their Worldview. Postmodern deconstructionism seeks to tear down strongholds and that with which they cannot, mentally, deal with.

Their problem, as well as sin. And, in seeking to avoid dealing with their sin...their fallen-ness, they will lash out at others.

The curved line in the graphic above represents all the stuff (postmodern thought, Darwinian Evolution, Big Bang, atheism, intellectualism, humanism, reasoned arguments, etc.) that fallen man throws at God, in a futile attempt to marginalize and diminish religious thought as relevant within our culture. Bear this in mind...they are desperate, and struggling with their own faith (atheism being a "faith"). The black man.

[blockquote]Isaiah 55:8-9

8 "For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
       neither are your ways my ways,"
       declares the LORD.

 9 "As the heavens are higher than the earth,
       so are my ways higher than your ways
       and my thoughts than your thoughts.[/blockquote]

I've read, used and pondered this verse of Scripture for a long time before I figured out the unit of measurement for the gap between God and ourselves: it's Holiness:

More to follow...
« Last Edit: February 20, 2011, 02:49:21 PM by Pablo de Fleurs »

Offline Magnum

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Re: Atheism
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2011, 11:14:48 AM »
Pablo great posts.

IMHO, I really do not believe there is anyone who is a true atheist. The law of God is written on every mans heart says Hebrews 8:10, believing innate knowledge of God is a primary truth that is written in our nature.    I do however, think we all have different propensities for certain sins.  My self I have a struggle with alcohol. In my younger days I pretty much lived to drink and fornicate. Alcohol has destroyed many parts of my life, yet I still have a strong desire to drink, I am in a constant struggle, but since I gave myself to the Lord the times I mess up my conscience really, really bothers me and I feel bad morally.

I believe atheists have hardened their hearts and they want to live the way they want with out being told what to do, so they dismiss God by saying he does not exist pleasing their own sinful desires, and calming their conscience. Sin and living the way you want can be fun, but it ends in utter hopelessness and ruin.

I do not know what I would do without Jesus.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2011, 12:07:25 PM by Magnum »
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Re: Atheism
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2011, 10:50:22 PM »
I've almost come to the conclusion that atheists and agnostics are just about one of the same. When dealing with them, you can't find a twits difference. I know there is a theoretical difference by definition, but in practicality............????

At powerline, there was a poster there that would really dig in against Christians, and I always wondered why the hateful vitriolic blasts. Well, as it turned out, his father was an atheist, and died while this poster was relatively young. Well, this poster rejected Christianity because, to believe in it, would mean that he would never see his father again, so he took it out on Christ. He believed that his father was a good man, and he wanted to see him again. Now, that to me, theoretically means that this poster wasn't really an atheist. Right? But that is how he classified himself.

Well, powerline went to hell in a handbasket before I got a chance to tell this poster, that if he rejects Christ, then he will put his children in the same position. Just a thought. We need to be remindful of the fact that the way we live our lives represents the 'dash' on the headstone between our birthdate and our R.I.P. date. Let's make that 'dash' a lasting legacy for our children.

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Re: Atheism
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2011, 11:04:25 PM »
No children, but I see that 'dash' as a legacy and example for the people who knew me.
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Re: Atheism
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2011, 11:40:05 PM »
I do not know what I would do without Jesus.

Me too.

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Re: Atheism
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2011, 11:42:04 PM »
No children, but I see that 'dash' as a legacy and example for the people who knew me.

Absolutely Pandora.

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor."

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Re: Atheism
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2011, 03:04:50 PM »
Pablo great posts.

IMHO, I really do not believe there is anyone who is a true atheist. The law of God is written on every mans heart says Hebrews 8:10, believing innate knowledge of God is a primary truth that is written in our nature.    I do however, think we all have different propensities for certain sins.  My self I have a struggle with alcohol. In my younger days I pretty much lived to drink and fornicate. Alcohol has destroyed many parts of my life, yet I still have a strong desire to drink, I am in a constant struggle, but since I gave myself to the Lord the times I mess up my conscience really, really bothers me and I feel bad morally.

I believe atheists have hardened their hearts and they want to live the way they want with out being told what to do, so they dismiss God by saying he does not exist pleasing their own sinful desires, and calming their conscience. Sin and living the way you want can be fun, but it ends in utter hopelessness and ruin.

I do not know what I would do without Jesus.

I agree...An athiest is someone who's heart has hardened. The label "athiest" or "agnostic" simply allows one to rationalize behavior and cover guilt.

I've listened to "athiests" blame the very person they do not believe exists for the ill's of this world. Go figure.

I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.