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Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« on: September 09, 2011, 11:12:36 AM »
Digest · September 9, 2011

The Foundation

"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground." --Thomas Jefferson

Obama's Speech Job

In case you were busy washing your hair, rewinding your CDs or getting a root canal last night, Barack Obama gave a speech. Yes, another one, and with warmed-over recycled ideas, to boot. He made sure we all knew his speech was about jobs because he used the word "jobs" 44 times. (Given his narcissism, we wonder if that number was intentional.) Indeed, he centered the speech on his "American Jobs Act," which, by the way, aims to create jobs. He hasn't yet sent an actual bill to Congress, though he called for Congress to "pass this bill right away" (or some variant) 17 times, but ... jobs.

In the spirit of bipartisan comity, we'll start by lauding something with which we agreed: "Those of us here tonight can't solve all of our nation's woes," the president said. "Ultimately, our recovery will be driven not by Washington, but by our businesses and our workers." We couldn't have said it better. Government doesn't create jobs; it can only create conditions under which the economy can flourish. Unfortunately, it was downhill from there, because Obama's very next sentence began, "But..."

Obama repeatedly framed his proposals as "nothing controversial" because "everything in here" has already been proposed by "both Democrats and Republicans." We hate to disagree, but nearly everything in the speech was controversial. From tax hikes on job creators in exchange for gimmicky tax credits, to more money dumped into the bottomless pit of education and infrastructure, to the very premise that government must grow in order for the economy to grow -- the ideas presented last night were the wrong ones.

Taxes were a major theme, but instead of proposing permanently lower rates and a broader base -- something that would actually work -- the president called for more temporary complications and supposed sweeteners. Obama said that Congress must extend the temporary payroll tax cut they passed last year, because, he warned, "If we allow that tax cut to expire -- if we refuse to act -- middle-class families will get hit with a tax increase at the worst possible time." That's interesting: A tax cut expiration is a tax increase. Funny how that didn't apply to the Bush tax cuts, which were good for 10 years, not just one. And funny how it doesn't apply to increasing the taxes of job creators "at the worst possible time." Indeed, that was his next proposal.

Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It"
« Last Edit: September 09, 2011, 11:16:27 AM by jpatrickham »

Offline Libertas

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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2011, 11:28:26 AM »
"pass this bill right away" sounds the same as "kiss my ass now" and "gimmie what I want right now" (or some such childish variant)

If I were in that chamber, I suppose I would have gotten lots of angry looks and amped up the anger from this spoiled little tyrant as he continued his meltdown because I would have been laughhing my ass off hysterically!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2011, 11:35:53 AM »
Oh, BTW, see the market reaction to SCoaMF's diaper-filling rant?

Yup, nose dived like a rock off a cliff!  Down 321 so far.

How's that for a big F-U?!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2011, 11:45:40 AM »
Everytime Obama opens his mouth, the Country disappears! :'(

Offline LadyVirginia

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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2011, 11:56:25 AM »
I think we can be comfortable in knowing there's no way he'll ever propose something that would work. 
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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2011, 12:11:24 PM »
"pass this bill right away" sounds the same as "kiss my ass now" and "gimmie what I want right now" (or some such childish variant)

If I were in that chamber, I suppose I would have gotten lots of angry looks and amped up the anger from this spoiled little tyrant as he continued his meltdown because I would have been laughhing my ass off hysterically!


Some of Congress was laughing.  The slobber-media is in high dudgeon about it, too.

Steyn's in for Rush and he keeps calling Duh Wun "president pass-this-bill", while laughing his ass off because THERE IS NO BILL AND WON'T BE ... FOR ANOTHER TWO WEEKS.

This is beyond lunacy now; we've entered the Twilight Zone.

Oh, and btw, the Senate voted just yesterday to raise the debt ceiling by another 500 billion.

"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Libertas

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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #6 on: September 09, 2011, 12:14:52 PM »
"pass this bill right away" sounds the same as "kiss my ass now" and "gimmie what I want right now" (or some such childish variant)

If I were in that chamber, I suppose I would have gotten lots of angry looks and amped up the anger from this spoiled little tyrant as he continued his meltdown because I would have been laughhing my ass off hysterically!


Some of Congress was laughing.  The slobber-media is in high dudgeon about it, too.

Steyn's in for Rush and he keeps calling Duh Wun "president pass-this-bill", while laughing his ass off because THERE IS NO BILL AND WON'T BE ... FOR ANOTHER TWO WEEKS.

This is beyond lunacy now; we've entered the Twilight Zone.

Oh, and btw, the Senate voted just yesterday to raise the debt ceiling by another 500 billion.

Azzholes!  Once more the feckless Repub's get rolled again and we wind up getting drilled in the azz!

 ::cussing::  ::gaah::
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #7 on: September 09, 2011, 12:39:58 PM »
The irrelevancy of the Obama presidency

President Obama gave one of the most impassioned speeches of his presidency when he addressed a joint session of Congress on Thursday night. Too bad so many in the audience thought it was a big, fat joke.

“You should pass this jobs plan right away!” Obama exhorted. Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) chuckled.

“Warren Buffett pays a lower tax rate than his secretary — an outrage he has asked us to fix,” Obama went on. Widespread laughter broke out on the GOP side of the aisle.

“This isn’t political grandstanding,” Obama said. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) guffawed.

O boohoo, Dana.  The sane do tend to laugh at the lunacy of the ridiculous.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2011, 12:44:48 PM »
"pass this bill right away" sounds the same as "kiss my ass now" and "gimmie what I want right now" (or some such childish variant)

If I were in that chamber, I suppose I would have gotten lots of angry looks and amped up the anger from this spoiled little tyrant as he continued his meltdown because I would have been laughhing my ass off hysterically!


Some of Congress was laughing.  The slobber-media is in high dudgeon about it, too.

Steyn's in for Rush and he keeps calling Duh Wun "president pass-this-bill", while laughing his ass off because THERE IS NO BILL AND WON'T BE ... FOR ANOTHER TWO WEEKS.

This is beyond lunacy now; we've entered the Twilight Zone.

Oh, and btw, the Senate voted just yesterday to raise the debt ceiling by another 500 billion.

Azzholes!  Once more the feckless Repub's get rolled again and we wind up getting drilled in the azz!

 ::cussing::  ::gaah::

Well, this was Mitch McConnell's brilliant "deal" plan.

Check this out, too; Harry Reid in typical spite mode:

The handful of Republican members who had planned on skipping President Obama’s jobs address to a joint session Thursday night might have to think again.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has scheduled a vote for Thursday to proceed on a measure related to the country’s debt – a can’t-miss vote for most members.

The timing of the vote? Right after Obama’s 7 p.m. jobs speech.

Reid’s move means that the few Senate Republicans who had planned to skip town Thursday night are now reconsidering their options.

Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), who had sent an e-mail to supporters Wednesday trumpeting his decision to skip the speech and host a New Orleans Saints party instead, said Thursday that he would remain in Washington for the speech and vote – but he was not pleased to be doing so.

In a second e-mail to supporters and in messages on Twitter and Facebook, Vitter accused Reid of playing politics by scheduling the debt vote for Thursday night.

“Typical Harry Reid,” Vitter wrote to supporters in a message with the subject line, “More Scheduling Hijinks.” “He’s now scheduled votes that should’ve been held this morning for right before and right AFTER prez’s speech. Pens in those who would have skipped speech, like me. So now I’ll miss my own Saints game party at home. Always knew Harry was a Dirty Birds fan! Don’t worry — only strengthens my Who Dat resolve. On to the Super Bowl!”

The Saints face off against the Green Bay Packers on Thursday night in the NFL season opener, shortly after Obama’s speech. Vitter and Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) as well as a handful of House Republicans had announced that they would be skipping Obama’s address; a DeMint spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday on whether the South Carolina Republican would now attend the speech.

Reid turns tables on Duh Wun speech skippers
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline jpatrickham

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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2011, 01:02:00 PM »
Quote from: Pandora link=topic=2814.msg31705#msg 31705 date=1315590288
"pass this bill right away" sounds the same as "kiss my ass now" and "gimme what I want right now" (or some such childish variant)

If I were in that chamber, I suppose I would have gotten lots of angry looks and amped up the anger from this spoiled little tyrant as he continued his meltdown because I would have been laughing my ass off hysterically!

 ::laugh floor::

Some of Congress was laughing.  The slobber-media is in high dudgeon about it, too.

Steyn's in for Rush and he keeps calling Duh Wun "president pass-this-bill", while laughing his ass off because THERE IS NO BILL AND WON'T BE ... FOR ANOTHER TWO WEEKS.

This is beyond lunacy now; we've entered the Twilight Zone.

Oh, and with, the Senate voted just yesterday to raise the debt ceiling by another 500 billion.

Azzholes!  Once more the feckless Repubs get rolled again and we wind up getting drilled in the azz!

 ::cussing::  ::gaah::

Well, this was Mitch McConnell's brilliant "deal" plan.

Check this out, too; Harry Reid in typical spite mode:

The handful of Republican members who had planned on skipping President Obama’s jobs address to a joint session Thursday night might have to think again.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) has scheduled a vote for Thursday to proceed on a measure related to the country’s debt – a can’t-miss vote for most members.

The timing of the vote? Right after Obama’s 7 p.m. jobs speech.

Reid’s move means that the few Senate Republicans who had planned to skip town Thursday night are now reconsidering their options.

Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), who had sent an e-mail to supporters Wednesday trumpeting his decision to skip the speech and host a New Orleans Saints party instead, said Thursday that he would remain in Washington for the speech and vote – but he was not pleased to be doing so.

In a second e-mail to supporters and in messages on Twitter and Facebook, Vitter accused Reid of playing politics by scheduling the debt vote for Thursday night.

“Typical Harry Reid,” Vitter wrote to supporters in a message with the subject line, “More Scheduling Hijinks.” “He’s now scheduled votes that should've been held this morning for right before and right AFTER prez’s speech. Pens in those who would have skipped speech, like me. So now I’ll miss my own Saints game party at home. Always knew Harry was a Dirty Birds fan! Don’t worry — only strengthens my Who Dat resolve. On to the Super Bowl!”

The Saints face off against the Green Bay Packers on Thursday night in the NFL season opener, shortly after Obama’s speech. Vitter and Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) as well as a handful of House Republicans had announced that they would be skipping Obama’s address; a DeMint spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment Thursday on whether the South Carolina Republican would now attend the speech.

Reid turns tables on Duh Wun speech skippers

Do they not have Cable or Satellite Television in DC? I watched the game, I watched the speech, (boy my middle finger hurts) By the way, great game, that's the way to start a season( even though Peyton will most likely be out for the season) Speech stunk as usual, all in all, a good evening! (especially if you like spewing expletives, at the TV) Oh yes, I used THAT word!
 A LOT! ::thumbsup::

Offline LadyVirginia

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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #10 on: September 09, 2011, 01:03:51 PM »
A speech?  What speech?
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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #11 on: September 09, 2011, 01:07:13 PM »
A speech?  What speech?

Did you hear a slight buzzing in the air last evening about 7?  It was the unicorns taking wing.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #12 on: September 09, 2011, 01:35:13 PM »
Oh, BTW, see the market reaction to SCoaMF's diaper-filling rant?

Yup, nose dived like a rock off a cliff!  Down 321 so far.

How's that for a big F-U?!


And its really sad because the USA has a golden opportunity to (re) establish itself as THE country the world looks to for financial stability. Europes a mess...with the correct incentives, money would POUR into the USA.

Whole obama works feverishly to make us like Europe, Europe ( privately) wishes the USA would become the beacon it once was.....So they can invest thier money here.
I'm not always engulfed in scandals, but when I am, I make sure I blame others.

Offline jpatrickham

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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #13 on: September 09, 2011, 01:50:27 PM »
A speech?  What speech?

Dis speech!

Obama Set a Trap for Republicans
Filed under Economics

Obama’s job speech was designed to trap Republicans. He’s counting on the economic “crisis” to give him the opportunity to manage the economy Soviet-style. Here’s how the president put it:

“The question is whether, in the face of an ongoing national crisis, we can stop the political circus and actually do something to help the economy; whether we can restore some of the fairness and security that has defined this nation since our beginning.”
He has studied the track record of Republican folding under political pressure. He’s counting on them to fold one more time. Here’s his plan. First, Obama knows people are fearful of losing their jobs. They want something to be done no matter what the long-term effects. A good number of so-called Independents want the partisan bickering to stop. The two parties should get together and compromise. This means, as Democrats know, Republicans will give into the Democrats because they don’t want to be seen as the job-killing party. This is the Democrat version of “compromise.” If the Republicans don’t go along, the media will be the mouthpiece for the Obama administration giving him and the economy cover. They’re already doing it. Here’s an example:

Read more: Obama Set a Trap for Republicans | Godfather Politics

Offline LadyVirginia

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Re: Friday Digest: Obama's Speech Job
« Reply #14 on: September 09, 2011, 02:43:43 PM »
A speech?  What speech?

Did you hear a slight buzzing in the air last evening about 7?  It was the unicorns taking wing.

Oh, that.  I thought that wuz the pigs flying.
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