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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #240 on: August 26, 2021, 12:06:46 PM »
"The U.S. does not accept and will not allow or accommodate China as it grows stronger," he added. "It treats China as a strategic rival and security threat, implementing comprehensive containment and suppression of China while seriously undermining China's sovereignty, security and development interests."

Uhh huh...well, stop trying to illegally seize territory...who do you think you are, Russia?  Might makes right, eh?  I remember when that was an epithet y'all hurled at the US a lot.  Pot/Kettle, quit conflating the issue of your criminal larceny.

"We need to find ways to pressure and raise the pressure, frankly, on Beijing to abide by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and to challenge its bullying and excessive maritime claims," said (Heel'sUp)Harris.

OK, right message...totally WRONG messenger...y'all Statists should take your advice on the masks and jabs, immigration, all of it!!!
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #241 on: September 13, 2021, 07:52:31 AM »

Beijing Betty running her mouth win, losers lose and paper-tigers run their mouths and do nothing.  It may appear I am tempting fate at a time when America is weak and this case appearances are spot on...

I don't see American trajectory improving, I see it really, kick all tires and light all fires...I see no reason to dilly-dally...

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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #242 on: October 19, 2021, 11:44:26 AM »
New driver in the Chi-Com bag...

Beijing has mocked America by saying their secret test of a 21,000mph nuclear-capable missile, which orbited the globe before returning to Earth to strike its target, is a ‘new blow to the US’s mentality of strategic superiority over China’.

The jibe follows a report from the Financial Times, which cited five unnamed intelligence sources, said the Chinese military launched the Long March rocket in August carrying a ‘hypersonic glide vehicle’ into low orbit.

It circled the globe before descending towards its target, which is missed by about two dozen miles, in a technological development that would overcome US anti-ballistic missile systems.

The incident caught the US intelligence community by surprise, sources say, as it shows ‘China has made astonishing progress on the development of its hypersonic weapons’.

One person familiar with the test said: ‘We have no idea how they did this.’

Yeah, no idea IC putz?!  Uhh huh...

No idea Biden/Obama/Clinton influence and American money and technology could be applied so quickly by the Marxist soulmates of your DemCom allies, eh?  Yeah, BS!!!
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #243 on: November 18, 2021, 09:25:53 AM »,14380.msg155598.html#msg155598

Gosh, what has changed since then?  Oh, yeah...stolen election in America...installation of an illegitimate pro-Communist China puppet, a shameful retreat from Afghanistan...

Of course they are feeling emboldened!

I would start firing warning shots.
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #244 on: December 17, 2021, 09:04:17 AM »

Although the United States has refused to cooperate with China and sign any memorandum of understanding to implement BRI projects, that has not stopped China from altering their strategy to bypass federal-level policy. China is quite adaptable and realized that the co-opting of subnational, local, and state-level elites can yield many of the same benefits that come from national BRI deals. Much like a common thief may reason, they are no longer using the front door and have resorted to breaking in through the back. The party uses its United Front proxies, which are often disguised as peaceful non-governmental organizations or community groups, to lobby local officials to allow bids by Chinese state-owned or affiliated contractors for various infrastructure projects within their districts. Many of these bids have been successful and have even expanded into attempts to bid on federal-level projects. This strategy has allowed China to increase their leverage over American infrastructure, effectively holding American companies and public utilities at ransom over Chinese demands. You can think of it as either a kill-switch or a coercive economic tool. In an act of war, what is stopping China from covertly altering the speed of your subway cars to affect physical harm? They can also utilize the infrastructure projects to halt US exports and goods in the unsuspecting event of a canal or bridge coincidentally not working properly at the right moment.

The presence of Chinese digital firms in our society also poses serious risks for data privacy, as we know the CCP exploits data to further their repressive campaigns of wiping out any and all dissent domestically and abroad. All Chinese firms are required to abide by China’s new national security law, which forces companies to hand over data to authorities at any moment, with no course of due process. China has also ingrained in their constitution the policy of civil-military fusion, which requires that specifications for any project, especially physical infrastructure such as ports and bridges, must be aligned with the People’s Liberation Army’s needs. Therefore, we have to realize that we are no longer dealing with the typical trappings of Western investment and development. We are in a new era where the CCP expands their influence and power via the aforementioned zero-sum mentality that they publicly lambast other nations for perpetuating.
Alongside increased US Government attention and pushback, corporate America needs to effectively make decisions that are best not only for its shareholders, but for the American people. China’s long-term capture of corporate elites has made this strategy difficult to implement, but it’s necessary. The American worker deserves a whole-of-society approach to ensuring that they are free to do business and keep their intellectual property in safe hands. The CCP has long convinced US businesses to invest in China for its expansive market access. However, that does not mean that the CCP prioritizes pro-business relationships above all, as we have seen with its destructive policies globally. They have provided a “carrot” for short-term gains, and then utilized their nefarious “stick” of economic leverage to fulfill their own geopolitical goals. Above all, Americans must know that the survival of the party is their first and foremost goal. We have seen what the CCP does to its own national champions, such as Alibaba and Tencent, when the party feels as if its grip on power becomes questionable.

The old mentality of changing China to become a responsible stakeholder in the global environment was idealistic, yet it has proven to be a false hope. We must deal with the China that is in front of us, and not with the one in which we hope for them to become. Americans must prioritize their own independence by ensuring that our critical technologies and infrastructure are no longer at the risk of being leveraged for our adversaries’ political and economic advantage. This strategy will only work if our country’s increasingly dysfunctional and paid-for legislators mandate that corporate America cannot engage in transactions and investments with Chinese entities which were created to destroy American dominance in the financial and currency markets. Capital market restrictions must be put into place, as we know that a large portion of CCP revenue comes from unwitting pensioners and fund investors. The BRI is, by far, the greatest geopolitical and societal challenge to the American way of life. We no longer have the option of staying silent and praying for a different outcome or a pacified Beijing. The evidence of the CCP’s intentions is laid out among the global catastrophes it has caused; and as we know from the COVID-19 pandemic, global issues eventually come to our doorstep. As a result, corporate America must be forced to take America’s side in this long strategic challenge.

A direct indictment of the complete folly of The Kissinger Doctrine.  All correct, but also I fear effectively impossible to reverse at this point sans a Trumpian overhaul of our entire national legal statutes governing economic activity and corporate conduct.
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #245 on: January 05, 2022, 08:31:17 AM »

Wind generators?

Well, I'm sure the woke psychos we got now had that coming...

But nobody has added more than China and only am imbecile would see them stopping...
« Last Edit: January 05, 2022, 09:04:48 AM by Libertas »
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #246 on: January 05, 2022, 05:20:55 PM »

I recall China bought up large portions of land on either end of the Panama canal. There is no difference between Chinese commercial and military. The commercial aspects serve the party as much as the military.
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #247 on: January 06, 2022, 08:10:53 AM »
Always been that's how their Belt and Road/String of Pearls strategic goals and military/economic goals of global dominance are advanced.

As always...the too-smart-for-our-own-good crowd...and principally I mean Kissinger and then most all who followed...seduced big business with the profits of opening Red Chinese markets to American goods...but then it became a flood of cheap-labor goods made over there and dumped here...and the seduction turned into betrayal of the American economic independence that enriched the whales and left scraps for the baitfish...and in the baitfish many thought it was OK since all the crap they bought was so cheap...

Good bye economic independence, goodbye strategic advantage, goodbye trade balance, and goodbye economic, fiscal and monetary sanity...
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #248 on: January 07, 2022, 09:05:26 AM »
Chi-Com's strengthen a key pearl in their string...

Energy, PG/Arabian Sea proximity to US Navy...oh yeah...
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #249 on: January 18, 2022, 08:29:06 AM »
Rogue regimes keeping batshyt-crazy death-worshippers afloat makes one ask an obvious question - why would anybody trust such a government in any agreement?

Criticize sanctions in general and it excuses letting the truly insane do unspeakable things...I can respect specific case arguments against the wisdom of sanctions but in the case of the mad Mahdi theocrats of Iran and their pursuit of nuclear let this happen and your arguments lose all meaning.  If not Iran, who?  Nuclear blackmail cannot be appeased, condoned or allowed.  Yet regimes prop them up, and it is completely unsane.  There is inescapable and horrific consequences for those allying with such evil.
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #250 on: January 20, 2022, 09:39:45 AM »
Once again the Code Pinko's have it all wrong... isn't "stepped up" is getting back to normal...

We've had half the carrier force down for PIA/DPIA/RCOH...and 2-3 are coming out of it during this year...the Reagan is forward-deployed to roll out at any time to patrol the Western Pacific...and Amphib ships are not "carriers", they resemble them but they carry Marines...mostly troops with VTOL F-35's, Osprey's and helo's for support/transport...not the same as a carrier and its air-wing.

God these people are insufferable boobs!

As for Chi-Com's and their J-20...

...stealth only from the front is not true stealth and easily the real question is how eager are they to engage and lose some?
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #251 on: February 15, 2022, 08:53:29 AM »
The State Department told Congress that the US plans to open an embassy in the Solomon Islands before China becomes "strongly embedded" in the South Pacific nation.

In its notification to Congress, the State Department said China had been "utilizing a familiar pattern of extravagant promises, prospective costly infrastructure loans, and potentially dangerous debt levels," when engaging with political and business leaders from the Solomon Islands.

In November, the Solomon Islands was rocked by massive demonstrations and riots that were said to be partially motivated by the islands’ increasing ties with Beijing, and rioters reportedly targeted Chinese-owned businesses.

Sounds like China was treating them like Japan treated the Chinese back before WWII...


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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #252 on: April 29, 2022, 09:17:43 AM »

Hardly new news...Russia been upgrading...but the Chi-Com's have been upgrading and building up for decades...

Chi-Com's are the real external threat...but nothing more can be done to check that until the threat within is addressed by Americans...

And no, no expanded NATO into the Pacific...

...Boris Johnson must be drinking in the morning Quad +, not sure who else would join or if those in would listen to a corrupt American government...heck, India is a BRICS member and gravitating closer to Russia and China thanks to The Steal...whole mole are they?
« Last Edit: April 29, 2022, 09:21:06 AM by Libertas »
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #253 on: May 23, 2022, 02:42:40 PM »

Uhh huh...

Well, figures Marxists want to revive the TPP...both Obamao and his jello-headed puppet JoeFraud love ChiCom's...

And I personally would not belong to anything that has like-minded lock-down autocrats like Australia & New Zealand in it....the former are going to hell (going from a lockdown PM to a Greenazi) and the latter is also hostile to Liberty and a bunch of pacifistic pansies to boot...


Check out this Julie stormtrooperette telling WEF oligarchs what they want to hear...

I agree whole-heartedly with THAG Tweet...   ::doublebird::

And I would tell the good people this trash is targeting for enslavement to recalibrate their minds to the despotic designs of these assholes and to recalibrate their scopes accordingly!!!
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #254 on: June 01, 2022, 12:26:47 PM »
This is nothing new...ChiCom's have been doing their String of Pearls and Belt and Road stuff a long damn time...but apparently someone didn't know and discovered it for the first time...

Anyway, always  a good refresher...

And the puking-dog commies getting butthurt over a Japanese effort that pales in comparison to the massive artificial island manufacturing they are doing!  Rich!

They can go screw themselves and die...for the greater good, naturally...

These are the asscowns we should be waging multiple front contests with...nobody is more dangerous...though the Mahdi Death Cultists in Iran will jump up to a solid #2 (and #1 on any given day) should those psychotics have nukes...

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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #255 on: June 01, 2022, 12:44:16 PM »

The Chinese get some return on their investments. The US gets nothing. What return do we get from the recent $40B said to be for Ukraine? Most is for the US state dept and to replenish previously sent weapons to Ukraine. Only $6B for weapons and training for Ukraine.
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #256 on: June 01, 2022, 12:53:47 PM »
Well, for now...China is buying people off now to sign deals...a time will come when the smart start playing the field...then the Chinese can do what the CIA can only dream about now...snuff people into compliance...

Americans got lazy...figured tech was all that is needed, HUMINT a relic of the past...but not every target is drone-worthy...

(Cough) Sen. Swalwell honeytrap! (Cough)
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #257 on: June 01, 2022, 03:47:46 PM »
Well, for now...China is buying people off now to sign deals...a time will come when the smart start playing the field...then the Chinese can do what the CIA can only dream about now...snuff people into compliance...

Americans got lazy...figured tech was all that is needed, HUMINT a relic of the past...but not every target is drone-worthy...

(Cough) Sen. Swalwell honeytrap! (Cough)

Swalwell was infiltrated when a city council member? A low position. How many others at low levels?
The Chinese are clever.
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown

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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #258 on: June 01, 2022, 04:09:55 PM »
Well, for now...China is buying people off now to sign deals...a time will come when the smart start playing the field...then the Chinese can do what the CIA can only dream about now...snuff people into compliance...

Americans got lazy...figured tech was all that is needed, HUMINT a relic of the past...but not every target is drone-worthy...

(Cough) Sen. Swalwell honeytrap! (Cough)

Swalwell was infiltrated when a city council member? A low position. How many others at low levels?
The Chinese are clever.

I thought the swallow was still hanging around while he was a Senator, but, whatever...get your claws in early...hit 'em with extortion later...

CIA would rather jack around with satellites and intel balloons and Hoover citizen data and lob a cruise missile or drone a bastard...their fieldcraft as far as I can tell is limited to advisors in various theaters and wining and dining thugs and buying mercs to do anything on the ground (Blackwater or whatever those assclowns call themselves now)...

Bunch of cubical-riding arm-chair gameboys...
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Re: ChiCom ground sat in Aus tracks US and AUS ships ...
« Reply #259 on: June 27, 2022, 09:36:05 AM »

Here's hoping the defects are persistent and disabling!   ::beertoast::

OK, onto other stupid news...


Might as well set it on fire...heck, people will need something to burn when it turns cold again!

These folks you're trying to bribe...already have a master in most cases...but they'll take your money and flash their ass at you!  At least, that's what they should do...we'll see how many get duped...

See this?  This is brilliant, the Marxist thinks he can dupe others like he dupes his own...

The artwork perfectly encapsulates the G7 policy announcement made by Joe Biden earlier today:

(1) To increase dependency and control the third-world population the G7 will finance a vaccine manufacturing facility in Senegal.  The breeding of the brown people must be controlled – climate change policy demands it.

(2) To control the optics of the third-world complaining about it, the G7 will mobilize $335 million in private capital to control the communication systems in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.  The brown people must not discover the nature of their exploitation; and the citizens within the G7 nations must not find out their government is exploiting the brown people. Wouldn’t look good.

(3) The United States will spend $50 million over five years to support gender equity in the developing world increasing the friction between brown women and brown men, while ignoring cultural differences and forcing the social ideology of the West upon them.  And finally….

(4) The G7, fearing third-world instability and anger from the brown people that could disrupt their supply chains, the U.S. and Western nations will now seek to increase their control of mining for mineral deposits needed for G7 batteries – and will fund more railroads and ports to export the critical material to the West more quickly.

Fracking insane all around!
« Last Edit: June 27, 2022, 09:47:13 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.