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Debate tonight 1-16-12
« on: January 16, 2012, 07:46:49 PM »

Yep, debate tonight 1-16-12 at 9PM EST on Fox.

Offline John Florida

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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2012, 07:48:46 PM »
  Are we live chatting this thing??
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Offline Libertas

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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2012, 07:54:24 PM »
How long does it last?  I'm already tired...just watching the pre-debate news makes me wanna shoot the TV!  Fox has The Butthead on...


We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2012, 08:04:02 PM »
I'm alone in the chatroom...I hate talking to myself!   ::gaah::
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline trapeze

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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2012, 09:59:32 PM »

Chat transcript:

 IronDioPriest: logs in on 1/16/2012 12:31 pm (ct).
 Libertas: logs in on 1/16/2012 8:00 pm (ct).
 Libertas: OK, let the fun begin
 Libertas: gNewt questioned on his recent attacks on Willard
 Libertas: A reasonable answer that started weak and got better
 Libertas: Willard - mY record is out there and I am proud of it (huge cheers, lot of MItt supporters in the audience it appears)
 Libertas: Perry - He 7 gNewt releasing taxes, Mitt ought to do the same (good applause there too, good contingent of Perry backers in the audience too)
 Charles Oakwood: logs in on 1/16/2012 8:11 pm (ct).
 Charles Oakwood: Hello hello
 Libertas: Hey CO!
 Charles Oakwood: Gordon Geko question
 Libertas: HUh, who's that guy, is that a question?
 Charles Oakwood: WSJ
 Libertas: See, they have been going liberal! Jeesh!
 Charles Oakwood: So, he gave it up to the union?
 Libertas: Heh
 Libertas: He just comes across too smarmy and packaged, will be a huge detriment in the General going against Stymie!
 Libertas: Paul gets TONE question.
 Charles Oakwood: What he did at Bane doesn't translate to knowing how to manage a / one corporation
 Charles Oakwood: I don't think
 Libertas: Venture capital is a totally different animal than "running" a company
 Charles Oakwood: Paul likes tone
 Charles Oakwood: Santorum says it's Bush's fault
 Libertas: Santorum admits mistakes, a reare bit of candor, how refreshing, but yeah, he supported his Prez then throws him under the bus
 Libertas: Juanita...tone, TONE, TONE!!!   
 trapeze: logs in on 1/16/2012 8:17 pm (ct).
 Charles Oakwood: Hey Trap
 trapeze: Hey...sorry I'm late to the party.
 Libertas: Hey Trap!
 Libertas: Ooh, that was nice!
 trapeze: Someone explain why that putz Juan Williams is on the panel
 Libertas: Quota
 Libertas: MLK Day 'n all
 Libertas: A bit of pandering...ugh!
 Charles Oakwood: Santorum wants felons to be able to vote
 trapeze: Santorum goes for the kill
 trapeze: and the crowd goes wild
 Charles Oakwood: Hooked him and is reeling him in
 Libertas: I have to cave into Dem's, nice
 Libertas: Stuttering now...
 Charles Oakwood: If it weren't for Bush and Dems who could be blamed
 Libertas: Santorum seems more upset about the attacks than anything
 trapeze: I like the way this is going...
 Libertas: Perry for states rights
 trapeze: a lot more of a free for all
 Charles Oakwood: Perry nailed the fish and the fisher
 trapeze: Perry and Paul are best buddies
 Libertas: Give & take is good, get away from the panelists
 trapeze: Romney and Paul
 Libertas: People really going after Willard in the early going
 Charles Oakwood: hashtage Bret and say free for all
 trapeze: Brett Baier sounds like he is in a cave
 Libertas: he is
 trapeze: Yeah, I like that they are going after Romney...should have been doing it all along
 trapeze: No more free passes for Romney
 Libertas: wherever this is at (I missed that) it is cavernous in there
 trapeze: Still sounds sucky
 Libertas: I like going after him too Trap, and he's struggling
John Florida: logs in on 1/16/2012 8:24 pm (ct).
 trapeze: They need to emphasize the Romney flips
 Libertas: Hey JF!
 Charles Oakwood: Bout time
 Libertas: He has purposefully not answered many direct querries
John Florida: I just finished dinner.
 Libertas: Pasta?
John Florida: Romney should be up ther looking like he just got his ass kicked all over town.
 trapeze: Newt totally dodged the first question about his stupid ass anti capitalism attacks
John Florida: Lentil soup with rice.
 trapeze: Newt is another one who needs to be whacked
 Charles Oakwood: Yes, please
 Libertas: Yeah, he's a putz. We got rid of Huntsman, gNewt should be next
John Florida: All newt had to say to rpomney was, how do you like it mitt?
 Charles Oakwood: Lubricious
John Florida: I think Perry is next,followed by Paul
 Libertas: Bwuuhaahaa!
 trapeze: What a liar
 Libertas: He did flip once on abortion, could happen again...and do we want that appointing SCOTUS nominees?
John Florida: not me.
 Charles Oakwood: not me
 trapeze: What will you believe in tomorrow, Mitt?
 Libertas: motion carries
 Charles Oakwood: aye
 Charles Oakwood: Boooo Haley
 Charles Oakwood: Tea Party unhappy with Nikki
 Libertas: I'm unhappy with Nikki!
John Florida: they should be.
 Libertas: Amen, nail 'em Perry!
 Charles Oakwood: He's being mean to Obama again
 trapeze: Perry needs a very strong finish in this next primary.
 Libertas: MOre please!
 Libertas: YEAH!!!
 Charles Oakwood: Good show
 Charles Oakwood: Perry's doing OK
John Florida: now all they need to do is settle down and talk Obama for the rest of the night.
 trapeze: I like that Ron Paul is on the far side of the stage...where he belongs
 Libertas: Heh
John Florida: He need to be on the next stage leaving town.
 trapeze: or under the stage
 Libertas: Brett should bring up that old Paul on Morton Downy show clip!
 trapeze: Oh...job training. What a stupid answer
 Charles Oakwood: gNewt's got a govt solution
 Libertas: Job training...too DFLish!
 Libertas: Big Govt Repub's...PASS!!!
 trapeze: Let the gov fix it. Job training. Yeah. more of that please
 Charles Oakwood: job training is a proved no help
 Libertas: Boo!
 trapeze: Have you ever met ANYONE who ever had job training?
 Libertas: Nope
 Charles Oakwood:
 Libertas: People I know TRAIN THEMSELVES!
John Florida: nope!
 Libertas: Another Big Govt Repub...       
 Charles Oakwood: We used to have OTJ training
 Libertas: Barry has it, and he still hasn't learned squat!
 trapeze: Romney talks about getting gov out of our lives while he talks about gov programs he would run
 Charles Oakwood: He's getting fired to
 trapeze: this ought to be good
 Libertas: New Markets? We're in the Obama Depression! Government sponsored failure the taxpayers get stuck with the bill for! Screw that!
 Charles Oakwood: Paul talks to the military
John Florida: Make it stop!!
 Libertas: Back to our caves! Yeah, Paul, you're n-v-t-s nvts!
 Charles Oakwood: 2x the money from active military than all the others
 Libertas: Police your brain! Police your mouth Paul!
 trapeze: He has gotten like 500 military donations. Big deal
 trapeze: And a lot of those donations are fake...Paulbots pretending to be military
 Libertas: His answer to all detractors since just don't understand! Ugh! Go away!
 Libertas: This is a lecture, not an answer...
 Charles Oakwood: Dr Paul will you bring back the Raptor?
 trapeze: He pretends he doesn't know what a forward operating base is
 Libertas: Don't trust Willard, not one bit
 Charles Oakwood: Talk is cheap
 Charles Oakwood: gNewt's not happy
 Libertas: Fiat money, he's right about that
 Charles Oakwood: Paul is right about the money
 Libertas: Ft Knox is empty
John Florida: that's the only thing he's right on
 Libertas: Treasury Sec, anything higher is too far above his ability or our trust
John Florida: release the records
 Charles Oakwood: Romney's not opposed to releasing records but he says time will tell
 Charles Oakwood: do tell
 Libertas: Willard punts
 Charles Oakwood: Juanita
John Florida: Birther bull is here.
 Libertas: Pander pander pander...
 Charles Oakwood: baches we don need no stickin baches
 trapeze: The correct answer is to not divide voters by race
 Libertas: Amen Trap!
 Charles Oakwood: boater id
 Libertas: Justice used to be blind...
 Libertas: ...the laws of man are easily broken
John Florida: This is his best stance
 Libertas: Agreed, still don't trust him though
John Florida: no special steps for any one.
 Charles Oakwood: lubricated
 Libertas: heh
 trapeze: The correct answer is to not divide voters by race
 Libertas: morals and poverty...oh oh...could be raaaacist   
 trapeze: Someone could score big time if they called out Juan on his race baiting
 Libertas: No kidding
John Florida: but he's black
 Libertas: that's his problem
 trapeze: More race baiting...
John Florida: don't arrest just shoot.
 Libertas: Oh God...
John Florida: rich white people? How about poor white people??
 trapeze: Oh, please
 Charles Oakwood: Juanita night
 Libertas: We are in the stupid zone now...
 Charles Oakwood: can't you see, can't you see
 Libertas: I can't see
 Libertas: Mmm...doughnuts
 Charles Oakwood: Mmm mmm
John Florida: with ice cream on top.
 Libertas: Unions thrive on Big Govt, tell me how you'll make Govt smaller!
John Florida: now it's all races??
 Charles Oakwood: fire the janitors and hire the kids
 Charles Oakwood: Juanita is being booed for his asinine question
 Libertas: Morals, poverty and race...Juanita is a one trick pony...frag his hay outside and lock the door after him!
John Florida: he's lost his liberal mind.
 Charles Oakwood: gNewt says "Now Juan"
 Libertas: he had a mind?
 IronDioPriest: logs in on 1/16/2012 8:54 pm (ct).
 Libertas: Shut up Juan! Heh!
 IronDioPriest: Hey fellas
 Charles Oakwood: gNewt takes Juan to the woodshed
 Libertas: Yo IDP!
John Florida: this is where Newt shines.
 Charles Oakwood: Hey IDP
 Charles Oakwood: Yep
 Libertas: HIs bread & butter is attacking attackers
 IronDioPriest: You guys are actually watching the debate, huh?
John Florida: IDP in da house.
 Charles Oakwood: Newt get's standing O
 Libertas: Oh yeah, nothing else on
John Florida: I got it on head set.
 IronDioPriest: what channel is it on?
 Libertas: Fox
 IronDioPriest: I'll see if it's on
 Libertas: Fox News that is
 trapeze: Juan Williams is a disgrace and FNC should be ashamed of putting him on this panel
 Libertas: Quota
John Florida: I bought a headset that hooks on to the TV and I listen all over the property when I'm out side workin.
 trapeze: And these candidates should have shoved his race baiting down his throat
 Libertas: Combinie that with skeet and it could be fun!
John Florida: I thought Newt did a good job slapping him around.
 trapeze: Anybody see the Kyocera ad with the Ben Stein lookalike?
 Libertas: Trap is right though, all should be shoving back in his face, a united front against his baiting, the crowd would eat it up
 trapeze: They fired Ben Stein because they didn't like his politics and then got a clone to do the ads
John Florida: The audience at large would eat it up.
 IronDioPriest: So is it opver now?
 trapeze: No
 IronDioPriest: over?
 Libertas: No, commercial break
 trapeze: foreign policy is up next
 IronDioPriest: I have the page open and its talking heads
 IronDioPriest: oh, I see
 Libertas: Paul is up, oh no
 trapeze: this ought to be interesting
 IronDioPriest: Paul's primary weakness
 Charles Oakwood: You miss quoted me
 trapeze: coulda shoulda woulda
 Libertas: Pak let us in, Paul. What the heck is he talking about?
 Charles Oakwood: duplicity is a flawed policy
 trapeze: he's nuts
 trapeze: babbling
John Florida: no meds available for his "unsanity"
 IronDioPriest: That is about the most incoherent thing I've ever heard
 Libertas: R-e-s-p-e-c-t is earned!
 Charles Oakwood: I think he's saying declare war on Pak or leave them alone
 Libertas: We suck blah blah blah
 IronDioPriest: Charles Oakwood for President!
 trapeze: babbling
 Charles Oakwood: Yiiiiiiiiii
John Florida: the strawberries what happened to the strawberries?
 IronDioPriest: I agree with the need to return to a declaration of war
 trapeze: good luck, Brett
 Libertas: Left of Obama, ouch!
 Libertas: Capture him in different does that mean?
 trapeze: babbling
 Charles Oakwood: brooke
John Florida: somebody needs to get the butterfly net out.
 Libertas: He's smapling illegal drugs he wants to legalize I think
 trapeze: anyone remember the gong show?
 IronDioPriest: Poor Rand Paul
 Libertas: Yes, poor Rand!
 Libertas: Gong show, yeah.
 Charles Oakwood: Chuck Barris was CIA
 trapeze: someone needed to bang the gong about five minutes back
 IronDioPriest: He either stands shoulder to shoulder with his father, or he has to pretend to. Either way, his political career is encumbered by his father
 Libertas: Heh
 Charles Oakwood: Paul's retiring and getting out of his way
 IronDioPriest: God, I wish Gingrich wasn't so...Gingrich
 Libertas: Killed them. The historian scored there.
 Charles Oakwood: Andrew Jackson ::thumbsup::
 Libertas: Goilden Rule my ass!
John Florida: now he's getting booed.
 trapeze: oh yeah, the golden rule...that'll show 'em
 Charles Oakwood: bomb bomb bomb ,,,,,,bomb Iran
 Libertas: We created terrorists...Paul is imploding!
 Charles Oakwood: Rick needs to jump in
John Florida: Paul is shot.
 Libertas: War monger. I hear that crap on ZH from the PaulBots all the time!   
 IronDioPriest: His message will have a consstituency, but not a mainstream GOP one
 trapeze: Perry needs to apologize for Paul on behalf of Texas
 Charles Oakwood: Obama's VP
 Libertas: Willard will bite them to death with those pearly whites!
 Charles Oakwood: Mormons used to be tough
 trapeze: yeah they used to slaughter people
 Libertas: Perry needs to apologize for Paul on behalf of Texas! I'd buy that for a dollar!
 IronDioPriest: I haven't heard Santorum or Preey speak yet
 Libertas: Afghanization will fail like Vietnamization failed, it is merely a ruse to run away
 IronDioPriest: perry
 trapeze: Paul's idiocy is sucking up all the oxygen in the room
 Libertas: Nail Obama's Arab Spring! Go for the throat!
 trapeze: Santorum is strong on foreign policy
 Charles Oakwood: He sounds like Bachmann
 Charles Oakwood: when I was there I did I did I did
 Libertas: Turkey sucks, the radical Islamists are gaining there
 Libertas: I like that!
 Libertas: Zero!
 Charles Oakwood: !
 IronDioPriest: The world needs to have a conversation on whether Islam can remain in the human race
 trapeze: Talk to the hand, muzzies
 Libertas: Cult of Islam is a diesease
 Libertas: Gong!
 Charles Oakwood: Perry said to let the ou O Gong
 trapeze: Perry. slam dunk
 IronDioPriest: hehe
 IronDioPriest: You sent Perry a brainwave Trap
 trapeze: did i predict that or what?
 Charles Oakwood: send him another
 Libertas: Trap's Kung Fu is good!
 trapeze: Perry is kicking ass
 Charles Oakwood: Wooo Rick's nailing O
 Libertas: Perry going after Muzzies!
 Libertas: Perry done good.
 Charles Oakwood: Cutting Danny Pearle's head off is dispicable0
 IronDioPriest: Man, I wish Perry had entered the race more prepared
 Libertas: A better start would have been good
 Charles Oakwood: Paul's an idiot
 trapeze: Paul: The taliban is just misunderstood
 Libertas: Yeah, head-cutting murderous cultists are often misunderstood...NOT!
 Libertas: I wanna hear who is bring water-baording back!
 IronDioPriest: Not good Romney
 IronDioPriest: the NDAA is unconstitutional you dick
 Libertas: Oh My God! He's delusional!
 Charles Oakwood: Trust me
 trapeze: is Romney nuts?
 Libertas: YES!
 IronDioPriest: "I won't abuse my power"
 Charles Oakwood: Party man yeah GOP
 trapeze: Did he say that he didn't think that Obama would abuse the NDAA?
 Libertas: Yup
 IronDioPriest: How can Romney say Obama won't abuse NDAA power?
 trapeze: that is delusional
 IronDioPriest: yes, he did say that
 Libertas: bat- effing nuts
 Charles Oakwood: We don't want military superiority we want supreamacy
 IronDioPriest: Who's the hot brunette?
 Charles Oakwood: nice
 Libertas: Hubba Hubba!
 trapeze: Santorum scores
 IronDioPriest: Santorum for liberty
 Charles Oakwood: supremacy.
 Libertas: Liberty and justice for all
 IronDioPriest: I'm officially over my "Ron Paul is the only guy who can beat Romney" phase. It lasted for what... 4 days?
 Libertas: It's hard to tell when I need or don't need my tinfoil hat sometimes
 IronDioPriest: We need Perry or Santorum to win SC
 trapeze: agreed
 Libertas: 4 days is a good run IDP!
 IronDioPriest: My mind was clouded by hopelessness
 trapeze: I just wish that Perry hadn't gone Newt's route with criticizing capitalism
 Libertas: Perry has to make gains in the south to have a chance
 Charles Oakwood: Paul running through the GOP with a monkey wrench is a fun vision
 Libertas: Slammin' Turbo Timmy! Woo Hoo!
 IronDioPriest: Good job Perry
 Libertas: Let's go after Holder & Jarrett next!
 trapeze: Paul needs to be smacked on the noggin with a wrench
 Charles Oakwood: Housing up 3%
 Libertas: What's foreclosure up to?
 Charles Oakwood: Send them back to Indonesia
 Charles Oakwood: Foreclosure?
 Libertas: Living under laws passed, Amen, Perry!
 IronDioPriest: so who's the hot brunette?
 trapeze: I would like an explanation from FNC as to how Juan Williams is a legit panelist and Rush Limbaugh isn't
 Libertas: Hey, that's myn future Mrs buddy!
 Charles Oakwood: Perry says fire Fanny and Freddie
 Charles Oakwood: QUOTA
 Libertas: Close F&F!
 IronDioPriest: triplicate of choice question
 Libertas: Wonkish
 Libertas: He ought to sell life insurance
 Charles Oakwood: The lispth is coming out
 trapeze: used cars
 IronDioPriest: Lawyer
 Charles Oakwood: he is
 IronDioPriest: Wall Street magnate
 Libertas: He'd look good in plaid!
 IronDioPriest: politician
 Charles Oakwood: engraved golf tee's4
 Libertas: Oh, not the WSJ loser again!
 IronDioPriest: "Buffy, we simply must have the help..."
 IronDioPriest: "As a historian..."
 IronDioPriest: ho-hum
 Charles Oakwood: Is Cain back?
 Charles Oakwood: Chile
 Libertas: SS Lockbox...already the private sector butts land in jail cells for that, do not want the Govt holding ANY of my oney!
 Libertas: Jobs. Do the opposite of Obama, period!
 Charles Oakwood: Newt and Santorum have better govt answers
 IronDioPriest: Weak position for santorum
 Charles Oakwood: Jobs, Let my people go.
 trapeze: it's a populist position
 Libertas: populist=socialist=do not want!
 Charles Oakwood: We all pay fair
 IronDioPriest: it's not too populist to say that mom and pop should pay hiugher taxes because they can't move overseas
 Charles Oakwood:   
 Libertas: Yup
 trapeze: he's appealing to unions
 trapeze: not saying it's right...just saying
 Charles Oakwood: he voted for closed shop
 trapeze: he's on a roll
 Charles Oakwood: closed shop voter will not win in open shop states
 Libertas: Googled "no results found"
 Charles Oakwood: Newts got a better block grant
 Libertas: better block head
 Charles Oakwood: NO, Santorum's got a better block grant
 Charles Oakwood: Where's JF
 Libertas: PSA..who holds it?
 Libertas: Gettin' more lentils
John Florida: He's here just getting boared with it
 IronDioPriest: These guys snipe at eachother while ROMNEY SITS WITH A CHESHIRE GRIN
 Charles Oakwood: my PSA is .02
 Libertas: Good CO!
 Libertas: I "volunteer" to give the Govt NOTHING!
John Florida: All they want to do is kill each other off when they should be going after Obama
 trapeze: oh boy, social issues
 Charles Oakwood: Winner gets to go after O
 Libertas: Why no Fast & Furious questions?!
 Charles Oakwood: More Juanita
 IronDioPriest: no doubt libertas
John Florida: can't wait
 Charles Oakwood: F&F? nah
 Libertas: Juanita needs to change his approach...might involve leaving the auditorium   
John Florida: the only good thing is that nobody asked Paul about it.
 Libertas: Paul would blame us
 Libertas: "you don't understand!"
John Florida: I think they're just tired of his insanity.
John Florida: Hell Perry called for the gong.
 Libertas: Maybe they'll ask Paul about legalizing drugs
 Charles Oakwood: Oh Juanita
 Charles Oakwood: Guns guns guns
 trapeze: "I was gov in a lib state so I get a pass"
 Libertas: Not my fault, they made me!
 Charles Oakwood: gave hunters permission to cross the road
 Libertas: New laws...   
 IronDioPriest: why did the gun owner cross the road
John Florida: to get to the other side.
 Libertas: to get out of Massachusettes
 IronDioPriest: How can anyone believe a word that comes out of Romney's mouth?
 Libertas: They're zombies
John Florida: they want to.
 Charles Oakwood: ey eye eye
John Florida: what the hell is an assault weapon anyway?
 Libertas: Whatever the Fed's say it is
 IronDioPriest: Well, lifetime A+ record with the NRA is all well and good, but the NRA has earned something along the lines of a C+ record with gun owners lately
 Libertas: NRA looks to NRA first, owners come somewhere later
 Charles Oakwood: If it weren't for Santorum there would be no guns today
 trapeze: I left the NRA about ten years ago
John Florida: So how do we get tort reform against medical suits?
 Charles Oakwood: vote for Perry
 IronDioPriest: I left the NRA when they supported Reid
 Libertas: Get rid of dem's
 Libertas: Zing!
John Florida: what a shot!!
 IronDioPriest: wow
 Libertas: Willard?
John Florida: Baba bing!!
 trapeze: ass. kicked
 Charles Oakwood: I have no control over these people
 Libertas: By law, interesting that, eh?
 Charles Oakwood: Johnny Mac
 IronDioPriest: idiots
 trapeze: the dog ate my homework
 Libertas: Must be part of the politician preservation act
 Charles Oakwood: pouring time down the drain
 trapeze: campaign finance laws suck. Here's your reason why
 IronDioPriest: when they get bogged down in this they look like petulant teenagers
 trapeze: thanks mccain! thanks feingold!
 Libertas: The GOP sold their soul with the dem's...and Romney calls it? Strange world
John Florida: Isn't McCain backing him and he's here slamming him.
 Charles Oakwood: pouring time down the drain
 Libertas: J-MAc won't remember it tomorrow morning
 IronDioPriest: so this is your squezze, eh libertas?
 trapeze: the mccain family is a wretched stain on the american political landscape
 Libertas: Hubba hubba!
 trapeze: and that includes his brainless slut daughter
 Libertas: She just don't know it yet (stalk! stalk!)   
 Charles Oakwood: Fencing, National Guard, Drones, Americans want the border secured, Rick Perry
 Charles Oakwood: I will secure it in one year
 Libertas: Perry did good there
 Charles Oakwood: TPOS coming up
 Charles Oakwood:
John Florida: It's over thank God and to all a Good night.
 IronDioPriest: good answer from gingrich
 trapeze: you gonna archive this IDP or do you want me to do it?
 Libertas: G'Night JF.
John Florida: logs off on 1/16/2012 9:51 pm (ct).
 IronDioPriest: sorry,I was away for a moment
 trapeze: Okay, I'll do it
 trapeze: or you can
 IronDioPriest: if you don't mind trap... I have a few distractions at the moment
 Libertas: G'night guys
 trapeze: okay, got it
 IronDioPriest: t'anks
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2012, 10:01:07 PM »
And, oh boy, here comes the post debate spin with Hannity in charge of it all.

And he starts with fat turd Luntz.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.


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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2012, 10:01:08 PM »

Luntz is there telling

Offline trapeze

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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2012, 10:02:32 PM »
Luntz claims that Gingrich (?) won the debate.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.


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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2012, 10:03:31 PM »

In so many words.

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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2012, 10:05:41 PM »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2012, 10:06:17 PM »
What I did see of Gingrich was very good. Too bad he's Gingrich,
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

- Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2012, 10:06:34 PM »

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.


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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2012, 10:33:17 PM »

Zipper pole Poll

Thank you, we have already counted your vote.

Newt Gingrich   51.48%  (122 votes) 
Rick Perry         12.66%  (30 votes) 
Rick Santorum  16.03%  (38 votes) 
Mitt Romney     16.88%  (40 votes) 
Ron Paul             2.95%  (7 votes) 
Total Votes: 237

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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2012, 10:41:58 PM »
I would say that instead of a winner there was one very clear loser and that was Paul. Although, Romney did show weakness tonight...not his strongest showing by any means.
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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2012, 10:52:50 PM »
This is the 3rd or so of y'all's running commentary and, I have to say, you guys are hysterically funny, read in retrospect.

JF had to fortify himself with more lentils.   ::rolllaughing::

"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2012, 11:06:15 PM »
I was watching Hannity interviewing Romney post debate...

Either Hannity is spineless and witless (certainly a distinct possibility) or there is some "understanding" that if the candidate (in this case, Romney) ignores and/or dodges your pointed question then you inexplicably accept whatever yakking comes out of their mouth.

Hannity's first question was sort of about why Romney won't call Obongo a socialist. Romney almost totally ignored the question by saying that Obango wants the US to become more like Europe even as Europe is trying (evidence?) to become more like the US. Hannity nods like a ventriloquist dummy and moves on to the next question on his little card as if Romney had uttered some timeless truth.

What a shameless ass-kisser.
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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #16 on: January 16, 2012, 11:10:34 PM »
Hannity interviewing Gingrich...

Zero questions about Newt's anti-capitalism clap trap attack on Romney. Just a bunch of regurgitation of Newt's talking points.

Another triumphant interview. Thanks, Sean.
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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #17 on: January 16, 2012, 11:18:25 PM »
Hannity interviewing Santorum...

Starts out asking about his endorsement from the evangelicals. Santorum spins it, of course. Big whoop. Yesterday's news. If Hannity wanted to make news he could talk about Santorum probably winning the Iowa caucuses after the official vote count is certified. But, noooo. Santorum has to make that point himself and Hannity acts like he's clueless which he probably is. What a dope.

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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #18 on: January 16, 2012, 11:20:28 PM »
Then Hannity interviews....Juan Williams?





Juan shouldn't have even been there. Why he is giving him more time to embarrass himself is beyond understanding.
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Re: Debate tonight 1-16-12
« Reply #19 on: January 16, 2012, 11:32:52 PM »
Then Hannity interviews Dick Morris. Which begs the question: Where is Perry and Paul? Are they too busy to be bothered with Hannity?

I don't like Dick Morris but I prefer his analysis to that of Luntz. That's not saying much, though. Morris has a habit of making wild, stupid ass predictions (remember his Condi versus Hillary book?) and he is now saying that Gingrich might win SC. That's a bit of a stretch.

And that (unbelievably) rounded out Sean's pathetic post debate interviews.

Well, at least it wasn't O'Reilly. Ted Baxter would have been telling the candidates what they needed to think and say.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.