Author Topic: Palin: unfit to govern  (Read 5415 times)

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Offline IronDioPriest

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #20 on: March 14, 2011, 08:36:20 PM »
If they keep it up, she would be justified in going rogue, and mounting a third party challenge. I predict that under such a scenario (given that the nominee is a RINO now in the "possibly running" category), that the GOP candidate would come in third. But she won't, because she puts country before personal gain or party.

Look at all she's done for the GOP and conservatism. She's been a good GOP soldier, working to elect Republicans, often times choosing the Republican who can win over the ideological purist. She's been the best thing to happen to the conservative movement since Reagan. She's managed to reunite conservatism with Republicanism with a healthy dose of political pragmatism, and what does she get for her effort?

All the GOP establishment can do is pile on with the despicable Leftists and do their best to  and f**k her. F**k them. F**k them.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Offline Libertas

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #21 on: March 14, 2011, 08:42:54 PM »
Update 2:

Below is Stacy McCain's response to Judd Gregg's negative comments about ...1...2...3... Sarah Palin.

[blockquote]For crying out loud, Republicans, stop doing this!

In what alternative universe does it make sense for prominent Republicans and conservative pundit to publicly declare that the GOP’s 2008 vice-presidential candidate — clearly one of the favorites of the party’s grassroots — is a guaranteed hopeless loser in 2012?

Who does that help, besides Obama?[/blockquote]


King maker?  Gregg?  King of what?  Turdville?


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Offline Libertas

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2011, 08:43:53 PM »
If they keep it up, she would be justified in going rogue, and mounting a third party challenge. I predict that under such a scenario (given that the nominee is a RINO now in the "possibly running" category), that the GOP candidate would come in third. But she won't, because she puts country before personal gain or party.

Look at all she's done for the GOP and conservatism. She's been a good GOP soldier, working to elect Republicans, often times choosing the Republican who can win over the ideological purist. She's been the best thing to happen to the conservative movement since Reagan. She's managed to reunite conservatism with Republicanism with a healthy dose of political pragmatism, and what does she get for her effort?

All the GOP establishment can do is pile on with the despicable Leftists and do their best to  and f**k her. F**k them. F**k them.



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Offline Glock32

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #23 on: March 14, 2011, 09:55:58 PM »
Quote from: IronDioPriest
All the GOP establishment can do is pile on with the despicable Leftists and do their best to  and f**k her. F**k them. F**k them.

This is why I'm seriously starting to wonder if the real power brokers in the GOP aren't literally in cahoots with the Democrats. It really seems that ever since Reagan (who they also tried to undermine in '76 and '80), the GOP's reason for existing has been to corner the conservative vote and then systematically relegate it to the back burner. It's like they are protecting the Left's flank, and the consistency with which they do so is starting to stretch my ability to keep chalking it up to sheer incompetence.
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Offline John Florida

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #24 on: March 14, 2011, 10:38:33 PM »
Quote from: IronDioPriest
All the GOP establishment can do is pile on with the despicable Leftists and do their best to  and f**k her. F**k them. F**k them.

This is why I'm seriously starting to wonder if the real power brokers in the GOP aren't literally in cahoots with the Democrats. It really seems that ever since Reagan (who they also tried to undermine in '76 and '80), the GOP's reason for existing has been to corner the conservative vote and then systematically relegate it to the back burner. It's like they are protecting the Left's flank, and the consistency with which they do so is starting to stretch my ability to keep chalking it up to sheer incompetence.

 All they seem to be doing is pissing off all sides.2012 needs to be another spring cleaning of the party bosses.
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Offline rickl

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #25 on: March 14, 2011, 10:43:36 PM »
Quote from: IronDioPriest
All the GOP establishment can do is pile on with the despicable Leftists and do their best to  and f**k her. F**k them. F**k them.

This is why I'm seriously starting to wonder if the real power brokers in the GOP aren't literally in cahoots with the Democrats. It really seems that ever since Reagan (who they also tried to undermine in '76 and '80), the GOP's reason for existing has been to corner the conservative vote and then systematically relegate it to the back burner. It's like they are protecting the Left's flank, and the consistency with which they do so is starting to stretch my ability to keep chalking it up to sheer incompetence.

Libertarians have been saying for years that "there's not a dime's worth of difference" between the two parties.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #26 on: March 15, 2011, 07:35:55 AM »
Yeah, they say that.  And in many instances it seems to be true, but it is an oversimplification.  For years the Libertarian's have said that as if to promote themselves as a viable 3rd option.  Problem is, they've had some pretty nutty people held up as titular heads...nutty especially when it comes to social policies and foreign policy.  There's more than a dimes difference between Repub's & Dem's, but it fluctuates from person to person so much, that the whole looks a lot more contaminated than it should be.  I agree with a cleaning out of the GOP.  We will be going head-to-head with the Old Guard, the Country Clubber's, Ruling Class types like the Rovian's...but it is a war that must be won, or conservatism may die.  There isn't enough time for 3rd party infatuations IMO, the GOP must be cleansed from within, and 2012 is looming and may represent our last chance at reversing course.  If that effort fails...fine, go 3rd party and form a new conservative party, if that is the Tea Party or whatever, fine, at that point I don't think it will matter one way or another so why not give it a shot?
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Offline Glock32

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #27 on: March 15, 2011, 07:59:18 AM »
The Libertarians' open borders fantasy is, I guess, their way of saying "please never take us seriously!"
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Offline IronDioPriest

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #28 on: March 15, 2011, 08:21:22 AM »
One cannot look at what the Democrats did and how they behaved when they possessed both houses of congress and the Presidency - and then look at the brick-wall unified GOP opposition to their agenda - and come away with the idea that there is no difference between the parties.

Like Glock, I've wondered about the goals and motivations of GOP leadership and party apparatus. But as far as the "capital L" Libertarian claim that there is no difference, it just doesn't wash.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Offline John Florida

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #29 on: March 15, 2011, 08:55:05 AM »
One cannot look at what the Democrats did and how they behaved when they possessed both houses of congress and the Presidency - and then look at the brick-wall unified GOP opposition to their agenda - and come away with the idea that there is no difference between the parties.

Like Glock, I've wondered about the goals and motivations of GOP leadership and party apparatus. But as far as the "capital L" Libertarian claim that there is no difference, it just doesn't wash.

 Maybe all of it doesn't wash but in some ways they're right.One of the big ones is that in order to keep their asses in power they will work together against a common enemy in this case the TEA party. Neither side wants to be taken out by these rubes so the work together to kill them off.Now is it coordinated I don't know but it would not surprise me.
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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #30 on: March 15, 2011, 08:56:53 AM »
How does it go?

the enemy of my enemy is my friend?
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Offline John Florida

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #31 on: March 15, 2011, 09:41:52 AM »
How does it go?

the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

  In this casee that's true to the letter. But the Repubs should be working to be like them instead of fighting it. Let them all have one enemy and that the lids.
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Offline Glock32

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #32 on: March 15, 2011, 09:49:25 AM »
Here's what disgusts me the most about the Republican establishment: not in generations has the country been in such need of a competent opposition party, to serve as the voice and outlet of people worried about the alarming direction our country is being taken. And how have they chosen to rise to this challenge? By playing DC insider games to protect their own feathered nests, as if we're still in the same old back-and-forth of politics as usual.

One thing I keep hearing more and more is that the American people, particularly the Tea Party sort, are ahead of the curve. We've recognized threats and made decisions about what must be done, yet the PTB remain behind the curve. As Mark Levin keeps saying "They simply do. not. get. it."

So, do they seriously not get it? Or they just don't care and/or don't consider it a problem? Either way they need to be held responsible.
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Offline Libertas

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2011, 10:07:24 AM »
If the nation collapses around their heads, the form of accountability is going to be very very painful!  Procrastination is folly and will only up the body count!
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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2011, 10:11:09 AM »

This is What Happens When Republicans Get Milquetoast
  House Republican Leaders who are more concerned with image than principle are going to fall all over themselves with this polling in a rush to compromise more. Here’s the problem I see.

Behold the Face of Progress
Rome was not overrun by the Visigoths - at least, not really. Rome overran itself. The Rome of Augustus and Tiberius would have scoffed in the face of the threat presented by the Gothic Wars. However, the fat, bloated, and divided Rome of the fourth century onward was not even able to manage a passable pretense of the glory days which preceded it. It was a territory which sat on wealth it did not deserve and could not protect because its own decadence had sapped its will.

It Is As We Feared
On Sunday, Republican Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, the Senate Republicans’ point man on deficit reduction, went on Fox News Sunday and told Chris Wallace that Senate Republicans will consider tax increases to cut the deficit.
Democrats are already salivating that they can merge the continuing resolution debate with the debt-ceiling debate. Republicans, scared of a government shutdown and refusing to even consider it, are happy to merge...

Offline Libertas

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2011, 10:23:17 AM »
People putting faith, in an ABC poll?!   ::facepalm::

At least Rome had a good run, we're currently only looking at 1/5th their run, with 1/4 looking doubtful!   ::whatgives::

And Repub's are dropping their pants faster than street hooker...   ::gaah::

Tell me again Palin is unfit, just try it!   ::cussing::

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Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #36 on: March 15, 2011, 10:45:11 AM »
Quote from: IronDioPriest
All the GOP establishment can do is pile on with the despicable Leftists and do their best to  and f**k her. F**k them. F**k them.

This is why I'm seriously starting to wonder if the real power brokers in the GOP aren't literally in cahoots with the Democrats. It really seems that ever since Reagan (who they also tried to undermine in '76 and '80), the GOP's reason for existing has been to corner the conservative vote and then systematically relegate it to the back burner. It's like they are protecting the Left's flank, and the consistency with which they do so is starting to stretch my ability to keep chalking it up to sheer incompetence.

My (admittedly minor) role in the last election taught me a bunch about the construction of the GOP going right down to the precinct level. What it taught me is that it is in serious trouble. There were several people in areas of responsibility that I couldn't, for the life of me, figure out what they hell they were doing there. They didn't seem to have any particular motivation for their position other than as some sort of social club. I helped unseat one dhimmicrat state senator and one state representative. I also helped get someone appointed as a GOP PCO to replace one of these seat warmers.

Of the folks I encountered almost none of them understood politics half as much as I do, or have anywhere near the same recognition of the goings-on around them. Yet the cronyism, the nepotism, and the "good-ol-boy" system of "well that the way we've always done it" insured that they would never respond to the necessary changes and opportunities.

As for Sarah and the question of a Republican/conservative candidate for 2012, all I can offer is the perspective of this insignificant drone....

Put her up as a candidate and I'll pull the lever - zero hesitation.

Put nearly any of the others up and I may pull the lever - but I may need to get drunk first.

Are you listening Rove? How about you Krauthammer?

I don't like Romney. I don't like Huckleberry. I wince at the thought of Gingrich. I don't care for the candidates you klowns are shoving in my face. If you insist on promoting them do not count on my vote.

This is too important to screw around with. The dhimmis and Øbongo (notice how I disrespect him but putting him 2nd!) have crippled out economy, decimated our security  and heightened outrage and hatred of America around the world. They have made us more vulnerable and exposed since pre-9/11, but at a time when passions and outright craziness from the muzzies (can I say that word?) is at a spike.

So GOP - I'm begging here.....I'm doing my part to keep "the shiny-side up" and wheels on the ground. Don't make me have to come back there and settle this!

Offline Glock32

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Re: Palin: unfit to govern
« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2011, 11:19:50 AM »
We're the volunteers at the Bay of Pigs, whose promised air cover has been rescinded by the people who never had any intention of actually providing it anyway. Treachery.

I can't stomach their cowardice, whining about a government shutdown. Craven, gutless bastards. The Democrats know they've won, because they're now openly talking about how ObamaCare was just a platform to enable single payer health care (which we all knew). And the Republicans, having just been given a supermajority in the House for the purpose of killing it, shrink away with their tails between their legs.
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