Author Topic: Crowd-Sourcing a new Liberal Quiz - Please help  (Read 4710 times)

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Offline Weisshaupt

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Crowd-Sourcing a new Liberal Quiz - Please help
« on: March 23, 2012, 02:29:06 PM »
 I have found in the past that asking liberals questions, especially in the form of a test,  was the fastest most effective way to turn a liberal into a gibbering, angry idiot.  At the time I was looking for a cure.. something that would get their brains engaged.  Now I just want to ramp up the cognitive dissonance to 11, and make them angry and speechless. Basically cause as much pain as possible. I want it to be something we can post each and every time a liberal says something stupid, as a quick alternative to actually engaging in a pointless "debate" with them. A sort of text version of the Breitbart was Here poster and inspired by the list of what "critical thinkers" beleive

To this end I am soliciting question ideas to put into the test.  There are the characteristics I am looking for

1) The question should be fair. No loaded language or assumptions, and it should work within the liberals assumed frame of reference
2) It should be direct and simple (if possible - I have a hard time doing this myself) and deal with the big issues , Liberty, Constitutional Limited Government, Government by Consent, Rule of law, Racism/Victimhood, big economic questions etc..
3) The question should juxtapose the obvious logical answer with the emotional, illogical  one the liberal believes and  wants to give
4) It can be pretty much any question type: Fill in the blank, Multiple choice ( with a single or multiple answers), true/false, matching or short answer
5) You can include links to multimedia and pictures. I plan to incorporate banners for the questions including the bumper-stickers that drive home the liberal point of view on the question. But I am open to other ideas.  You can also include hyper links in each answer to illustrate the point ( for instance I hyperlink to the defintion of each of the fallacies in the matching example below)
6) in the end the quiz will be no more than 15 questions..I am open to suggestions on the best way to rate and determine which questions should be included.
7) they should be funny (ironic, not HA HA)  when possible.

If you want to see (and constructively criticize) what I have done so far, use this link to register for "my class"  so you can then access the quiz. This site lets me see "student" passwords, so DO NOT USE ONE  you don't want me to see. It will assign you a numeric username. You can then login and the quiz should be presented you you as an option.

 Once I have the test ready, I can make it public to everyone, but I not ready to do that yet. I want this thing to be so good that is goes viral- and I know I do not have the skill to do that on my own.. so please help!

For those who don't want to register and see the final result: here is the text of the questions I have so far:

Match the Argument  with the type of logical fallacy it represents (if any)

Anthropomorphic Global Warming theory is fact because there is general consensus among Climatologists that the theory is valid and proven

Any difference in the success rates of different sexes, or races is caused by irrational discrimination, hate, and bigotry because there are simply no other factors that could explain the differences
The Tea Party opposes Obama because they are Racists
Radical Islam`s violence is understandable and acceptable because it is a result of America`s violent, imperialist foreign policy
Rush Limbaugh and Fox News are mouthpieces for the Radical Right, and therefore everything they say or report is a lie.
Because wealth is constant, someone who has more wealth must have taken it from someone else.

A: This is not a Fallacy
B: Ad Hominem
C: Cum Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
D: Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc
E: Tu Quoque
F: Appeal to Authority
G: Appeal to Popularity (Bandwagon)
H: Zero-Sum Game (False Premise)

War is never the Answer because

A)in any dispute, both sides will always be able and willing to find a peaceful compromise
B)It might free result in a Free and democratic society (American Revolution)
C)It might prevent a genocide (WWII)
D)It might abolish slavery (Civil War)
E)Leaflet campaigns are more effective at settling disputes

Which of the following are freedoms protected by the U.S. Constitution?

A)The freedom to use government force obligate others to work in order to provide benefits for others who don't work hard enough to provide those benefits for themselves
B)The freedom to use government force to make others buy health care insurance, and subsidize the health insurance purchases of others
C)The freedom to use government force make others pay for abortions and contraception despite their religious and moral objections
D)The freedom to use government force to silence people who are not politcally correct and do not conform to your values and principles
E)The freedom from having personal responsibility for one's own actions and their consequences by using government force to spread those costs and consequences to others.
F)The freedom to play the victim and demand others who did you no harm sacrifce for you.
G)The Freedom to make your own moral decisions concerning charity and your obligations to others
H)The freedom to pursue your own goals and definition of happiness without coercion to buy certain products or fund other's ideas of happiness
I)The freedom to acquire and keep property and to pay taxes for only those government services that were agreed to by the consent of the governed

1 point(s) per answer

 Which of the following people are worthy of and should be allowed to exercise the right of free speech?

D)Rush Limbaugh
E)Mother Teresa
F)All people have the right of Free Speech

Which of the following professions have ethical and moral obligations to use their authority or position to discourage outdated views and promote social justice and progressive values in the cause of societal engineering

A)Public School Teacher
B) Journalist
C)Federal Justice
D)Community Organizer
F)Government Agency (EPA, NASA, FCC, SEC etc)

Whites enjoy an unfair societal privilege over blacks for which of the following reasons

A)Whites are privileged as a group because they are less likely to engage in shoplifting
B)Whites are privileged as a group because they are more likely to be prompt and show up for work
C)Whites are privileged as a group because they are less likely to be driving in strange neighborhoods casing homes to burglarize
D)Whites are privileged as a group because they are one of the largest racial groups in America , and therefore t.v., movies and media that reflect the actual population of the Country will feature mostly white people and cater to "white" interests
E)Whites are privileged as a group because there are no special programs that might promote them without merit, and therefore they avoid the assumption that they only have their position because of their color
F)Whites are privileged as a group because they are less likely to be murderers
G)Whites are privileged as a group because only racism explains their greater success in society

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Re: Crowd-Sourcing a new Liberal Quiz - Please help
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2012, 02:44:29 PM »
You could include Joe Huffman's "one question":

Can you demonstrate one time or place, throughout all history, where the average person was made safer by restricting access to handheld weapons?

There are three possible answers to this question.

    "I don't know." In which case my response is, "Come back to the debate when you can answer 'Yes' or 'No'."
    "No." In which case my response is, "Then you should be advocating the repeal of ALL gun control laws and I don't want to hear a single anti-freedom word from you on this topic again."
    "Yes and here is my demonstration."

Or do I misunderstand what you're looking for?
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Re: Crowd-Sourcing a new Liberal Quiz - Please help
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2012, 02:46:34 PM »
I would change 'anthropomorphic' to 'anthropogenic'.  Anthropomorphic is a human-like appearance.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Crowd-Sourcing a new Liberal Quiz - Please help
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2012, 02:59:31 PM »
I would change 'anthropomorphic' to 'anthropogenic'.  Anthropomorphic is a human-like appearance.
Dang. Thanks, I missed that.

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Re: Crowd-Sourcing a new Liberal Quiz - Please help
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2012, 03:02:22 PM »
Essay questions:

Part a) Cite an example in human history of collectivism creating real equality of results. Examples in which the equal results were universal economic destruction for the working class do not qualify.

Part b) Demonstrate how that collectivist society directly and demonstrably fostered the maximizing of individual human potential without harming the potential of other individuals, by giving three factual examples.

Part c) Cite an example of a collectivist society accomplishing its objectives through positive rather than punitive incentive.

Part d) Explain why free people should desire government that uses punitive incentive to accomplish collectivism.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Crowd-Sourcing a new Liberal Quiz - Please help
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2012, 03:21:55 PM »

Can you demonstrate one time or place, throughout all history, where the average person was made safer by restricting access to handheld weapons?

Or do I misunderstand what you're looking for?

Yeah, the idea isn't so much to challenge them directly, but take a belief  they already firmly hold, and then make them challenge it while thinking about what answers to mark.. typically you do this by stating "the liberal belief is is true because" and giving them options.

So Handgun Control laws make people safer because:
A) Criminals willing to murder, rape and rob others are  afraid to violate handgun laws
B) A unarmed citizen is easier to rob, and therefore the criminal stands much less chance of injury.
C) when seconds count the police are only minutes away and will dutifully show up to take a report and draw a chalk outline and attempt to catch and prosecute the person who killed you with an illegal weapon
D) School shooters and other mass murderers can kill more people when they are unopposed
D) Because guns are dangerous and scary.

So the liberals is forced to look at each conservative argument and then reject it to mark their reflexive answer. ( and yes my wording is too long.. and needs improvement)

Etc. etc

On some  previous attempts at this, I  would leave the last question open for them to provide their own answers, in case the one I provided wasn't good enough (i.e. they did have another reason other than "guns are dangerous" )  Most of the time that section would be filled with obscenities. Rarely I would get an actual suggestion for an answer that was often better at making fun of them than the one I thought of, so I would either remove mine or add a new one in.  The trick s to get as close to their real, non-thought out, knee jerk answer as possible.

So the point is to set them up, make them reject simple, obviously true arguments they have no rebuttal  for and  then wham them with the stupidity of their own answer.  Because it is test taking, and they think they are smart, you fool them into processing  statements they would otherwise simply dismiss. The question has to be fair ( i.e. a statement of what they believe)  and then the answer trite and stupid, because they know its trite and stupid, but CAN'T think of a better one, and they don't understand why because they are just so darn sure they are right. Involuntary introspection and self-assessment  is bad on a liberal.


Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Crowd-Sourcing a new Liberal Quiz - Please help
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2012, 03:32:28 PM »
Essay questions:

Part a) Cite an example in human history of collectivism creating real equality of results. Examples in which the equal results were universal economic destruction for the working class do not qualify.

Part b) Demonstrate how that collectivist society directly and demonstrably fostered the maximizing of individual human potential without harming the potential of other individuals, by giving three factual examples.

Part c) Cite an example of a collectivist society accomplishing its objectives through positive rather than punitive incentive.

Part d) Explain why free people should desire government that uses punitive incentive to accomplish collectivism.

Yeah, essay is beyond the scope here, as well as beyond a liberals ability. These are questions your 5 year old should be able to tackle, because essentially that it the target audience.  If you did ask a liberal such things you would get answers like A) Sweden - and then r a bunch of crap supporting that idea that will not have been researched or thought out ( high standard of living etc) and of course ignoring its a hybrid and the immigrants are now F'ing it up. B) They would spout something about child care and education and give you a Pelosi-esque line about how artists were better able to create because they didn't worry about/pay for health care etc - and part C? The phrase "free people" is meaningless to them. Who would want to be an individual outside the herd? "Thats crazy talk. Once you are part of the herd you will love it. I do. "  Basically you are leaving them too much wiggle room. Just getting them to define what they mean by "equal" is probably more to the point.

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Re: Crowd-Sourcing a new Liberal Quiz - Please help
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2012, 03:38:35 PM »
I see now. 

I edited A) and B) a bit.

So Handgun Control laws make people safer because:

A) Murderers, rapists and robbers are afraid to violate handgun laws

B) A unarmed citizen is easier to rob, and therefore the criminal (and the victim?) stands much less chance of injury.

C) When seconds count the police are only minutes away and will dutifully show up to take a report and draw a chalk outline and attempt to catch and prosecute the person who killed you with an illegal weapon

D) School shooters and other mass murderers can kill more people when they are unopposed

E) Because guns are dangerous and scary.

Alternative to C):  The police cannot be everywhere and their duty is not to protect the individual; their job is to use the evidence at the murder scene to catch and prosecute your killer.

"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Crowd-Sourcing a new Liberal Quiz - Please help
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2012, 04:06:44 PM »

Alternative to C):  The police cannot be everywhere and their duty is not to protect the individual; their job is to use the evidence at the murder scene to catch and prosecute your killer.

Or omit C entirely. I was throwing stuff out there off the cuff.
Not every point needs to be made- especially if its hard to be pithy with.

I want to have a question about each of the basic principles our country, but most are giving  me problems

I need one about consent/Limited government, one about the origin of unalienable rights, one about the rule of law, etc.

Also one for the biggest topics : the whole "give me free stuff" thing, abortion, gay marriage,  Rich vs. Poor, global warming..
Most of those can be covered in the fallacy match,since every time a liberal give you a reason for something its based on a false premise or faulty reasoning.

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Re: Crowd-Sourcing a new Liberal Quiz - Please help
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2012, 04:14:09 PM »
I created a username/password for everyone to use if you want to look at Quiz progress there, and I will edit any changes recommended there as well..

Username is 38202
Password is 123456

Login page is

Also let me know which questions/answers suck so I can just kill them..

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Re: Crowd-Sourcing a new Liberal Quiz - Please help
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2012, 03:44:34 PM »
I really like what you are doing here and will be sure to checkout the quiz and see if I can help.
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