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Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« on: July 18, 2012, 06:55:46 AM »
Mr. Arpaio said he would like Congress ... "someone" ... to look at the material his investigative team had gathered. As he had told WND earlier: “Although I am having a difficult time deciding who to forward this information to given the fact that the obvious choices report directly to the president, I cannot stand by and hold on to information that threatens to weaken national security.”

Tuesday's press conference added weight to the Cold Case Posse's earlier findings. In addition to the electronic evidence that the president's long-form birth certificate had been altered, the investigators introduced supporting evidence related to a box titled "Race of Father." In it was written the word "African." Not only was "African" not used as a race identifier until 1989, 28 years after Obama's birth, but the box is also coded with a number nine. Nine signifies that no information was provided, meaning the box should have been empty. The fact that there is information in the box suggests someone had tampered with the birth certificate, investigators say.

In Hawaii, investigators succeeded in meeting with Verna K.L. Lee, the clerk who signed Mr. Obama's long-form birth certificate. The investigators learned that if Mr. Obama had been born at the Kapioloni Medical Center, a birth number assigned to him should have been lower than those of a pair of twins who were born after him at Kapiolani that same day. Yet, his birth number is higher. "This proves that Obama could not have been born at the Kapiolani Medical Center as reported. The numbering on his certificate is more consistent with a birth certificate that had been turned in from one of the outlying areas," investigators said.

Of course the Democrat-Media Complex will poop all over this news and without so much as bothering to convene a fake investigative team themselves conclude the Arpaio investigation is moot because it is their expert opinion (the MFM is only 95% democrat so you can be assured of their unbiased journalism and highest of ethical standards) that this whole thing is politically motivated, that Arpaio is a racist, a crook and a homophobe, and because this birther stuff is just oh so tiresome.

Oh, and they'll continue to demand access the Mitt's tax returns since birth because you just know that evil rich white bastard is hiding something and it is our job to hound him until he gives us what we want!  And leave the poor President alone, he's a swell guy whose heart is in the right place, so back-off haters!

God, I think I just puked in mouth!  Channeling libiots is not for the weak!

 ::cussing::   ::puke::   ::angry::

Expect Congress to yawn, the MFM to fire up the hate and the country to hit the snooze alarm.

We are so thoroughly fvcked...

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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2012, 07:54:09 AM »
This here is just another example of what I'm talking about when "conservatives" insist on promoting Jindal and Rubio -- the insistence on ignoring the truth because it's too difficult to deal with, inconvenient, and/or thwarts them achieving their goals.

I expect this behavior from the Left because the end always justifies the means, but the syndrome has permeated all of society now; Judge Roberts turning himself into a pretzel in the Obamacare ruling because he didn't want to take the heat for rightfully killing it and a good many pundits following suit to find the "silver lining", conservative talkers running the hell away from the "birther" issue because the Left has been permitted to demonize and ridicule the question and questioners, and ignoring, by extension, the very real validity of it as it applies to Republican candidates.

I believe Arpaio's people have turned up document fraud and nobody will touch it with a ten-foot pole.
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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2012, 11:13:34 AM »
Oh, and they'll continue to demand access the Mitt's tax returns since birth because you just know that evil rich white bastard is hiding something ....

And we now have all of Odumbo's school transcripts. ::bashing::
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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2012, 11:29:07 AM »
Leftists suck!  I just want to shove their lying faces into the mud and not let go until the bubbles stop!   ::gaah::
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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2012, 01:07:51 PM »
This here is just another example of what I'm talking about when "conservatives" insist on promoting Jindal and Rubio -- the insistence on ignoring the truth because it's too difficult to deal with, inconvenient, and/or thwarts them achieving their goals.

I expect this behavior from the Left because the end always justifies the means, but the syndrome has permeated all of society now; Judge Roberts turning himself into a pretzel in the Obamacare ruling because he didn't want to take the heat for rightfully killing it and a good many pundits following suit to find the "silver lining", conservative talkers running the hell away from the "birther" issue because the Left has been permitted to demonize and ridicule the question and questioners, and ignoring, by extension, the very real validity of it as it applies to Republican candidates.

I believe Arpaio's people have turned up document fraud and nobody will touch it with a ten-foot pole.

We've had the template presented to us (thank you LSM for allowing Øbozo to dictate the rules). So why aren't the pubbies using it? They saw how Øbozo smirked and evaded when anyone inquired about his background. I see the leftist media going after mittens on his tax records and shake my head. He should be saying exactly the same as what Øbozo said in '08.

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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2012, 04:29:24 AM »
I wish that Arpaio would devote his resources to finding Stymie's college financial aid records . SOMEBODY has to be able to hack into the computer which holds this info !

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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2013, 07:38:14 AM »
A little fuel for the conspiracy fire...

Obama Birth Certificate Verifier Loretta Fuddy Is Lone Fatality In Small Plane Crash

So, who held her head under the water?   ::whatgives::
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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2013, 07:49:40 AM »
My first thought was that U.K.L. Lee bit the dust.


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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2013, 09:20:54 AM »
Apparently, there is a new tact being taken on the forgery case

I don't claim to understand all the legalities

This is from another forum
This guy, Douglas Vogt is a GENIUS!!!

He filed a "MISPRISON OF FELONY," (otherwise known as a NOTICE OF COMMISSION OF FELONY).

He tried to get a Congressional Hearing on this bust guess who was having none of it? BOEHNER!!!

This IS going to the Grand Jury. Judges have no leeway in this matter. Per the law, the judge is "COMPELLED" (he MUST) send this to the grand jury!!

Vogt comes on at 17:45. His credentials and past experience is IMPRESSIVE! (Leave it to a type-setter to recognize a forgery).

This MISPRISON OF FELONY not only brings to court those who did the forgery - which by the way, he claims the forger is a FEMALE, but also those who KNEW about the forgery!

I've been taking notes. Of those who knew and will be facing the grand jury are (so far...I'm only 47 minutes into this...and excuse the mis-spellings as writing and listening was a challenge WHILE continually picking my jaw off the ground):

Robert Bower - W.H. Counsel who ordered the forgery
Daniel Phiffer - Dir. of Communications
Judith Corley - Private Counsel to the Pres
Dr. Shumoni Fuc(s)iael
Neil Abecrombe
Loretta Futty
Savannah Godfrey 0 W.H. reporter for MSNBC
4 Top Executives at GE !!!
Executive Producer of the TODAY SHOW

Then there's Jane Doe #1 who knows the forger and acted as a spy for the Obama Admin to throw investigators off

Jane Doe #2 is the actual forger - he said Obama chose her because he knew her and went to school with her in Hawaii. Vogt said he figured her out when he saw her father's obituary and linked that up with Frank Marshal Davis and the union. ???

WAIT TO YOU GET TO 42:06 !!!!!!!!!

And I'm not even done yet!!! (I'll have to take a sleeping pill after listening to this because I know I'll never sleep on my own)!!

Y'all better listen! History is being made!

Here's Vogt's sites

This book is the culmination of two and a half years of part-time research for both Paul and me. We have found over 20 points of forgery on the Barack Obama II Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) and the short form. The PDF version also has errors in it but it was useful for us to understand how the forger did the forgery such as the use of options found in Adobe Photoshop called “unsharp mask” and “select color.” It also forced me to change my thinking and think in terms of deliverables. What I mean by that is the products the forger had to deliver to the Hawaii Department of Health and other principals in this forgery. Currently the book will have 17 Chapters which will include topics ranging from the State and Federal laws, what we should have seen, the technical evidence covering everything from the type, line spacing, the letters, the registrar’s stamp and seals as well as the persons of interest—who did the forgery and how she knew Barack Obama in Hawaii. We will also cover the Sunahara lawsuit, the media, who is Barack Obama and the Communist plot to get him into office. My last chapter will present how to fix the problem the country is in permanently so it never happens again. We will be done with the manuscript early next year but we still have to find a publisher.
How Our Research all started

My first affidavit was done on May 10th 2011 for Orly Taitz for a case she had. I then revised and expanded it on May 22 and then on June 24, 2011 I did a final affidavit with nine points of forgery found. The problem at the time was that all I had was the PDF version of the birth certificate and that was so computer manipulated that a letter comparison was not possible. Finally I got my hands on an ABC reporters scanned copy of the Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) that was handed out at the 8:48 am news conference. It was originally scanned in at 600 dpi but saved as 300 dpi. That gave Paul Irey the quality we needed to analyze Obama’s COLB. The book we are working on we are calling From Forgery to Treason; The destruction of the United Sates from Within. I felt this title best describes what has happened and who are the groups and individuals responsible for the conspiracy which culminated in the election of Barack Obama II as President of the United States.

The two affidavits I filled on October 18, 2013 is the culmination of that research. One is a public affidavit which you can download from this web site and also The other affidavit is the sealed one that only the Judge and a Federal Grand Jury can see. I had been deliberately quite about what I was doing except when I was helping Sheriffs office in Mariposa County Arizona. Mike Zullo is the lead investigator and is a fine detective and I must say the best dressed I have seen. We have not always agreed on the same things such as the typewriter evidence but I think he did come around this year when he asked me for five blank copies of the COLB Paul typeset so they could do the same experiments Paul and I did in 2012. Paul and I have always offered our help to Mike Zullo and we hope he has success with finding one or more congressman that will open congressional hearings.

What I have filed is not a lawsuit and does not involve charging or suing anyone else. That is the job of a Federal Grand Jury which is one of the things I am asking the court to do. I was compelled to file my affidavit by the wording in Misprision of Felony and Treason. I am asking the Court to release me from the criminal liability that both statutes place me in because I had discovered these felonies against the United States. As far as we can tell, no one has ever used these two laws in this way even though these two laws were passed into law by the very first Congress, second secession and signed into law by non other than President George Washington. Usually Misprision of Felony is used by a Federal Prosecutor against someone. I may be the first to use it in the other direction. The result of this is that the court has to act when they are presented compelling evidence that a crime against the United States has occurred. If the Crime is in the public interest, the court has no chose but to submit it to a Grand Jury. In other words it is a HOT Potato for the Judge. In the Memorandum of Law you will read the whole explanation and my strategy.

If the judge in Seattle does not act as he should we intend to mail the complaint to other Judges around the county until we find one Federal Judge that sees what Barack Obama is doing to the country and also wants to get him legally out of office before he destroys the country and turns it into a socialist hell. So if you can contribute to our ends please do so. It will cost $26 to mail the complete filing in color to a Federal Judge. There are over 600 Judges.

I first want to state that what has happened involving Barack Obama is the worst crime in American history. A conspiracy of Marxists and Islamists conspired to put one of their own in as President of the United States so as to destroy the country from within and convert our Republic into a socialist police state. That is what compelled Paul Irey and me to do this research culminating in this affidavit.

On October 18, 2013 I filed two affidavits to the Federal Court here in Seattle Washington. One was a public affidavit (15,500+ words) which you can read here and on our other web site The other affidavit is a sealed affidavit (12,000+ words) that is briefly described in the Court filing. These affidavits are the culmination of over two years of research and testing by Paul Irey and me. The evidence includes 20 points of forgery. You will find that the evidence we have is sufficiently compelling to convince a Federal Judge to hand it over to a Federal Grand Jury to investigate and subpoena the evidence in Hawaii and Federal the records.

Please contribute to this effort to get this affidavit to as many Federal Judges as possible. It only takes one judge to put it into a Grand Jury to investigate the crimes that these conspirators perpetrated. I have been told by lawyers that the strategy I have chosen is the only one left to get Obama and fellow conspirators out of office and in prison where they belong.

The only way a judge can properly understand the 20 points of forgery and the Exhibits is to see them in color printed in detail so they can see the detail in the pictures. Then you will understand how powerful the evidence is that the Federal Court received on October 18, 2013. I hope you will also decide to buy a copy so you can be educated on the worst crime the country has ever suffered. The evidence presented in this affidavit as well as the contents of the sealed affidavit, is the last hope to save the Republic and the Constitution from these communist conspirators. 

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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2013, 11:38:33 AM »
My guess is he'll never find a judge willing to do what he wants...Obama long ago used NSA capability to find and/or manufacture whatever was needed to prevent anybody from doing what this guy wants to do...and Obama will outright order people killed if it comes to that...he cannot risk being disgraced and drummed out of office and out of the country...his entire agenda would be junked and made null and void...the Black Panter wing of the FSA would riot, burn, rape, rob and kill every white person they can get their hands on...

But be that as it may...still would be something wonderful to see right prevail, no matter what happens afterward...

Doubt I'll live to see it though...
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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2013, 12:46:59 PM »
I would rather have open war with the Black Panthers than cold war with an illegitimate president.
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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2015, 07:39:17 AM »
More on this...

Sheriff Joe reaffirms his belief the Obama certificate is a fake

I bet Beck called this guy an idiot for bringing this up again...not that I know having quit listening to that cowards show...

But I find two things interesting -

1) This letter by B Hussein to the hospital in Hawaii, the one the WH does not acknowledge being sent...reads an awful lot like a dual-purpose document a) repeating the lie and b) implying consequences if anybody/anything dares question the lie.

2) The SSN issue.  IIRC I do not think that angle ever came up, because it was not publicized what number he was using.  Everybody knows the first digits indicate the state of birth...

I asked Daniels to guide me through the data mine field and help me ascertain what we know for sure about the world’s best-known Social Security number – 042-68-4425.

“All I can say,” says Daniels of 042-68-4425, “is that it’s phony and [Obama] has been using it, with it first appearing on his Selective Service document in 1980.”

Daniels sent me a copy of the hand-written application of the individual who held the number immediately before Obama’s, 042-68-4424. The applicant, Thomas Wood, died at age 19, which is why his information is available.

Wood’s Social Security number was issued sometime between March and May of 1977. Obama would turn 16 in August of that year. Wood lived on Glenview Drive in Newington, Conn., the state from which all “042s” applied. Obama lived in Hawaii.

True to form, the left-leaning media set out to undermine the Social Security controversy and ridicule the investigators. Revealing, however, is the weakness of the response.

“Numbers are assigned based on the return address on the request envelope, not residency,” crowed Jason Linkins in the Huffington Post as though he had said something meaningful. Linkins suggested two possible explanations, both preposterous.

One is that Obama applied for his SSN as a little boy in Indonesia for no known reason, and the application just happened to be processed in Connecticut for no known reason either.

For the second, Linkins cited the argument of Carole Glibert, in the Yahoo-related “Associated Content.” Said Gilbert, presumably with a straight face, “In fact, Barack Obama’s dad attended college in Connecticut and in 1977, Obama was college aged; is it beyond reason to consider that he might have checked out his father’s alma mater?”

Last time I checked, Harvard was in Massachusetts. The closest town to Harvard in Connecticut is about 90 minutes away, and there is no record that Obama Sr. lived there, let alone that Obama visited his imaginary alma mater and just happened to apply for a Social Security card while visiting.

Daniels also sent me a copy of Obama’s Selective Service data. Obama appears to have registered on Sept. 4, 1980, a month after his 19th birthday. The form lists the telling last four digits of his “042? number, “4425.”

This is the first use of the “042? number that Daniels could find. She is just not sure it is legitimate. Some have credibly argued that the Selective Service information was forged and backdated once Obama became a presidential candidate.

“They were stupid to use the CT number on the [Selective Service] card,” Daniels adds, “because now there is no way for [Obama] to back out of that number.”

Other than the 1980 Selective Service registration, the first time Daniels could find Obama using the “042? number was in 1986 in Chicago.

As to how Obama may have secured that number, it is possible that he turned to his radical friends for advice.

“We invented all kinds of ways to obtain false identity papers, and got busy building multiple sets of ID for each of us and for every contingency,” writes Bill Ayers of his years in the Weather Underground. “We soon figured out that the deepest and most foolproof ID had a government-issued Social Security card at its heart.”

Yeah, call me a "birther", doesn't change the fact that everything surrounding this fool stinks to high Heaven!
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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2015, 08:06:07 AM »
I think that Obama being a non-citizen imposter is the likeliest, most logical answer. He's a malevolent criminal, right down to his very identity.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2015, 11:55:17 AM »
It seems as if he became a fraud at insemination...

It all went downhill the leg from there...

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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2015, 09:45:59 PM »
I think that Obama being a non-citizen imposter is the likeliest, most logical answer. He's a malevolent criminal, right down to his very identity.

After the conclusion of the inevitable Extracurricular Activities, this information needs to be chiseled into stone tablets.  Every act and utterance of this administration needs to be negated and countermanded as illegitimate.
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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2015, 11:21:43 PM »
I think that Obama being a non-citizen imposter is the likeliest, most logical answer. He's a malevolent criminal, right down to his very identity.

After the conclusion of the inevitable Extracurricular Activities, this information needs to be chiseled into stone tablets.  Every act and utterance of this administration needs to be negated and countermanded as illegitimate.

Unfortunately,  that will never happen.  Every attempt to delegitimate the Obama regime has hit a stone wall.   Every one has gone,,, absolutely nowhere.   Usually by some judge.   Republicans,  who would have so much to gain by removing Barry,  don't care.  In some cases,  they are the ones blocking those who want to go after the regime.

In spite of the facts:  (facts that cannot be dismissed for being birtherisms)

1.  We don't know his college grades at either Occidental College or Columbia, heck we don't even know if he even attended Columbia!   Or how he got into such a elite college as a transfer student (Columbia rarely if ever takes transfers).   We do know he was not much of a student in high school, as he preferred to smoke weed,  so his grades in college were probably low,  making transfer to Columbia even LESS likely.   

2.  There is no good explanation of why his social security card number belongs to a state he never lived in (Connecticut),  or that it once belonged to someone else (who died long before Barry came along). 

My guess.   He attended college as a foreign student (Indonesian) because he had no chance of being admitted as an American.   His grades would have prevented admission,  even Occidental,  even under affirmative action.   There would be no reason outside of him being a foreigner to be admitted to Columbia,  as they turn away many qualified students each year.  So why would they take a average student let alone a poor student?    If he actually got good grades in college,  I can't see why they WOULDN'T proclaim those high grades from the mountain tops as proof of his "wisdom and high learning".

My guess, he did as little as he could get away with as a student at Columbia (and Occidental),  doing who knows what during those years.  His social security card number is almost certainly not his either. 

We don't even NEED to talk about where he was born or who his father is,  just these few lies could have and should have ended his political career. 

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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2015, 11:27:50 PM »
Every attempt to delegitimate the Obama regime has hit a stone wall

That's because both sides are playing on the same team

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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #17 on: July 09, 2015, 06:57:16 AM »
Every attempt to delegitimate the Obama regime has hit a stone wall

That's because both sides are playing on the same team

Yup, the Obama-McCain deal in the Senate ended any debate over eligibility and neutered any attempts to raise/revive questions...without a feckless complicit GOP and a lapdog prog media this asshole would never have been a viable candidate.

The sins of Obama, the Dem's, the Media and all the Progs are legion...but they couldn't have pulled it off without the GOP!
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Re: Arpaio Investigation of Obama Long Form - It's a Forgery!
« Reply #18 on: July 09, 2015, 08:45:10 AM »

1.  We don't know his college grades at either Occidental College or Columbia, heck we don't even know if he even attended Columbia!

My personal theory is that he was indeed working for a covert agency at that time and the Columbia thing was a cover Columbia willingly provided. Mind, that doesn't mean it was the CIA or other domestic agency... the staff at Columbia would be willing to work directly with any number of communist/fascist govts.