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Offline Weisshaupt

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Preference Cascade Progress Report
« on: August 28, 2012, 04:21:28 AM »
When your hear TEOTWAWKI talk in the hair salon, you know we are making progress

What’s interesting is that I am hearing similarly discomfited talk around me, and seeing it in my emails. In the past few weeks I’ve heard some surprising people admit they’ve been arming themselves and purchasing ammunition — one such discussion happened all around me at the hairdresser’s while I sat and listened. The stylist and his boss, they’re storing food and arming themselves. The chiropractor who popped in to say hello while taking his afternoon stroll said he is armed, too: “never in my life thought I’d have a gun in the house, now we have two.”
They’re arming, they say, because they “see it all going bad.” These same folks who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 were now asserting an idea the far-left had floated around before that election, but instead of “Bush is going to install martial law and suspend elections.” they’re saying it of Obama. “He paid off his friends and did nothing to create jobs and he wants it all to go bad, because then he can stay in power and dictate.”
Yeah, it seems as paranoid and nuts as it did when it was said about Bush, but this stuff is not being said in an extremist corner of the internet — it’s being said in a middle-class suburban salon in an area where 30% (or more) of the businesses are now shuttered, and houses are being foreclosed upon and then re-occupied seemingly overnight, creating what the stylist called “a neighborhood full of changes and no hope. Forget about new small businesses,” he said, gesturing across the street, where a small food shop’s “opening soon” banner had become sun-faded and worn, even as the door remained locked. “That guy is never going to open.”

Oh and the comments
kenneth says:
August 28, 2012 at 5:03 am
On what basis does anyone think running out and buying a gun, or additional guns, is going to carry them through a “societal collapse”? Who is it you fancy you’re going to shoot who is “coming for you”? Unless you’re a very serious survivalist with the space and months and years of preparation under your belt, what are you going to have worth looting? A extra couple weeks or perhaps a month or two of canned food and rice? If the normal distribution chains have failed, what are you going to do then? Turn bandit or looter yourself? Do you have the acreage and tools and know-how to raise, prepare and preserve meaningful amounts of food? Do you have the hundreds of gallons of fuel it will require to run that portable generator in perpetuity? What about heating? Water? Medical supplies?

Given that criminals will also be armed, do you have any training or experience in combat shooting? Most people I’ve known who ran out and bought a gun after Obama’s last election “trained” by putting one box of ammo through a piece of paper at an indoor range, if even that. Finally, does anyone seriously believe their Bubba-customized Chinese semi-automatic rifle is going to fend off the military if Democrats give in to their apparently inborn urge to round up the masses for gulag? Unless you happen to own very high-grade anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons, you won’t even rate as a minor inconvenience to any real military force.

I love the sound of a terrified liberal.  Do I have years of prep under my belt? Yes. acreage and tools to produce food? Why yes. No fuel. Solar.  Heating? Its called wood dude. Water. Yep, that is called a "well". Medical supplies? I have a whole doctor.  Still a little lax on the shooting and fighting stuff.. but my plan is really to stay mostly out of situations where that is happening - like your city.  I can't fend off the military, but then I wouldn't assume that all of the military is going to go along- and if I take down one or two, that is one or two less the next guy deals with.  Running Tanks over peoples homes or attacking them with Drones isn't going to win public support either. Oh, and if they are willing to do that to me, then your precious big  govt that will create utopia will do it to you too.

I am a little alarmed by what I am hearing here. I am not a regular reader, in fact I stumbled across this blog through another site. I would describe myself as a liberal democrat and definitely an Obama supporter. One, I don’t believe Obama is the evil, antidemocratic person you make him out to be. You may not like what he has done but he has done nothing that is out of line with what other presidents have done. But I don’t think any of you can see reason on that one so I will go to point two. He would have to have the active backing of US military, given what I know of people in the military — he wouldn’t find much support and any such coup would collapse almost instantly. And this brings me to the third point, liberals are your neighbors. We do live among you. Do you think we have such little regard for our country and it’s constitution that we would continue to follow such a leader involved in naked power grab like the one you guys have been describing? Any political support for Obama would collapse as well. I don’t want to live under a dictatorship, right or left. So lighten up guys it is just an election and no matter what happens we will survive. The sun will shine no matter who wins and the country will go muddle through four years of whoever becomes president. And just for the record, my far lefty friends believed the same thing were going to happen in Mr. Bush’s last year and, after the financial collapse (which I think I need to remind you of — did happen under Mr. Bush’s administration), a lot of people on the left thought Bush would suspend elections. But he didn’t. And I think that is because most people in this country, left and right, and especially it’s political leaders (Bush and Obama), respect it’s institutions and want to see us continue being a constitutional democracy. Stop scaring yourself and let us fight this election and get back to being neighbors (who never should discuss politics).

Yeah, every other President passed a huge violation of our rights and then the supreme court upheld it via a break in the separation of powers.  Every President just stopped enforcing immigration law because he didn't like them. Every President told the Catholics they had to pay for Birth Control and abortions. Every President suspended Welfare work rules. Every President added 6 Trillion to the Debt. So lets all get back to being neighbors and not discuss politics, because  I really don't like it when the people I associate with call me out on voting  to steal from them and bully them into living my way. We all want to live in a Constitutional Democracy, you know, as long as my side gets to ignore it when we think its for the common good, and after all if people were really ignoring the constitution in any important way, I am sure we would all band together to oppose the usurpation.  Fing libtards

The same thing happened to me in the salon a couple of weeks ago. The guy washing out my hair and I struck up a conversation about the show Doomsday Preppers. We weren’t making fun of the show, we were talking about the preparations that needed to be made. I couldn’t believe I was having the conversation, I mean, he’s a man! who works in a rather high end beauty salon. But he was as serious as a heart attack. So am I.

I just bought a pressure canner, I too, saw that article on Instapundit yesterday,and thought to myself ‘guess, I’ll be canning a lot of beef this weekend”. Was at a family reunion this summer, and this was a main topic of conversation. People are truly scared of our government (shouldn’t it be the other way around?). No one that I talk to trusts Obama, and the phrase I keep hearing is “because he doesn’t love (or ‘get’) America/Americans” or that Obama actively dislikes us.

I think the Preference Cascade has hit.  Wonder if it will do any good?

I’m not much of a worrier, which is why I can live in a city like Oakland, California and not fret about my safety. In fact, if there is a societal collapse, I might not even notice it for awhile. And if it comes, what about it? I have noticed in my life that there an upside to almost every situation. When I was young, I had a period of about 10 years where basically nothing went my way and i experienced a lot of financial insecurity and stress. I count that as a blessing, because now in my late fifties, I’m relatively serene about my prospects and am confident of my ability to endure. I do not have a ton of money, but I have no debts and most importantly, a room of my own that I can retire to in peace. What else do I need?

emphasis mine

Don’t be scared, just man-up or woman-up as appropriate and get yourself educated.

(Unless you’re a left-progressive Occupier type. In that case, go have a case of the vapors and remember that only wicked racist sexist capitalist pigs believe in being responsible for their safety. Ignore this whole topic. Go defecate somewhere public and write a blog post about it. You’ll feel better.)

There is a few "I'll get raptured" posts about how God alone will swoop in and protect them, and a few more about Christian Charity in hard times,  but by and large, I don't think there any many conservatives left willing to help these morons.

« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 06:00:49 AM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Libertas

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2012, 06:45:05 AM »
Good stuff, I agree on all your comments.  The Oakland fool has a major eye-opener coming.  Oh well, lots of them around.

As far as the Rapture goes, my folks are big believers in it, but they still prepare because what if this is not The Big One?  Some events have been dramatized in popular Christian culture and I think there is good and bad in it.  Making declarative statements that "This is what is going to happen" pretty much puts people an Par with God, pretty sure God thinks otherwise.  I'm a bit of a fossil, I take the warning at the end of Revelations seriously, do not add or detract, calm yourself, prepare for every possibility you reasonably can and pray for the best...the rest is in the hands of the Allmighty, right?
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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2012, 09:02:44 AM »
Good stuff, I agree on all your comments.  The Oakland fool has a major eye-opener coming.  Oh well, lots of them around.

As far as the Rapture goes, my folks are big believers in it, but they still prepare because what if this is not The Big One?  Some events have been dramatized in popular Christian culture and I think there is good and bad in it.  Making declarative statements that "This is what is going to happen" pretty much puts people an Par with God, pretty sure God thinks otherwise.  I'm a bit of a fossil, I take the warning at the end of Revelations seriously, do not add or detract, calm yourself, prepare for every possibility you reasonably can and pray for the best...the rest is in the hands of the Allmighty, right?

Well, this is a depressing topic over one's first cup of coffee and a tension headache.  I got lost in the links at Instapundit and at/from Elizabeth Scalia's site, all the way to "The 40-year-old Reversion", which was an even more depressing, eye-opening look at the debauched state of body and soul of NYC-Brooklyn forty-somethings behaving like twenty-somethings to 'deal with the burdens' of spouse and kids.  Nothing in the piece indicated an awareness that the excrement is fixin' to hit the rotating oscillator and these people think they have troublesome lives now.


We have a pair of pretty good, longtime friends who resort to the "I'm leaving it in God's hands" when the anxiety or what-ifs get too onerous; (that or the "he" part of the couple figures he's meant for dead anyway, so why not pick an unnecessary fight and get it over with).  It's not The Rapture mindset, but it is frustrating as hell.  I always figured that, yes, God provides, but you better be damn ready to help yourselves first, and, in the meantime, get far away from those like the commenter "kenneth" who is just as willing to "get it over with" by conceding defeat from the get-go.
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Offline Glock32

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2012, 10:09:22 AM »
Who is it you fancy you’re going to shoot who is “coming for you”?

I get a kick out of these "ok, so just who are you gonna be shooting?" questions, posed as if they are the ultimate shutdown of paranoid delusions.

I wonder how freaked they'd be to realize the answer is "probably people like 'kenneth'"?
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Offline IronDioPriest

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2012, 10:16:39 AM »
Who is it you fancy you’re going to shoot who is “coming for you”?

I get a kick out of these "ok, so just who are you gonna be shooting?" questions, posed as if they are the ultimate shutdown of paranoid delusions.

I wonder how freaked they'd be to realize the answer is "probably people like 'kenneth'"?

I've asked that question before - not to shut down paranoid delusions, but because I really, honestly don't know the answer.

If I were to come to the conclusion that it is "go time", with whom would I start? Shooting people who are trying to take my stuff or hurt my family is an easy answer, and purely reactionary; defensive.

But what about proactive offense? My circle of known Leftists who deserve to die is very small. When it comes time to take the fight to the enemy, how does one define the enemy in a proactive fashion?

I'm speaking purely hypothetically here, obviously. I see conservatives talking about the 2nd Amendment remedy, and I have no ability to form in my mind what that looks like from a proactive point of view.

I don't see a clear answer. That's why I ask the question, not because I am accusing anyone of paranoia. And I don't assume you were talking about me Glock - I just want to have the discussion, and clarify.

"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Offline Glock32

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2012, 10:39:40 AM »
I think your reactionary/defensive answer is the one. And I think it coincides heavily with the sort of people presently ruining civilization.  I don't think anyone on our side, even in a TEOTWAWKI scenario, is going to go around initiating violence against anyone. But I also know the parasites cannot countenance peaceful separation. The ones who "need shootin" will volunteer themselves for it by virtue of their very natures.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2012, 10:43:53 AM »

If I were to come to the conclusion that it is "go time", with whom would I start? Shooting people who are trying to take my stuff or hurt my family is an easy answer, and purely reactionary; defensive.

But what about proactive offense? My circle of known Leftists who deserve to die is very small. When it comes time to take the fight to the enemy, how does one define the enemy in a proactive fashion?

Personally I have come to the conclusion where I have decided that ALL leftists deserve to die. They have a totalitarian impulse which always comes into play, and they fundamentally can't see others as having rights and their own actions having boundaries. They live for the tribe - to belong, and everything else is secondary. However, that doesn't mean that I have decided to undertake their eradication. I have a family, and I will probably restrict myself to the protection of me, mine and any like minded crew around me.  

I am kinda hoping the events that are coming will do a lot of the eradication for me. We all know the liberal  ability to bend reality and make it what they want, and that will prevent them from seeing the danger until  the tribal leader says there is one. I think for the most part, all we will have to do is deny them our help and defend ourselves. "You voted for Obama? Guess you should ask him for help."

For the most part they will eat their  own-   always too lazy to riot in a nice rich suburb, they burn and loot their own neighbors and local businesses.  The Christian Charitable of either political stripe will be taken advantage off and destroyed- the Liberal's sense of community is limited to what they can extract from the community - either in resources or personal acclaim and ego gratification.

Our opposition and prep  is dismissed as "racism"- they are unaware that many are willing to die resisting Obamacare, see the Republic and our social contract with them as null and void, and really have nothing left for them but hatred and bile.  I have (single, unmarried) friends who jok about hunting  them for sport when the occasion arises post event. One sent this T-Shirt image:

My friends may not actually hunt them, but, contrary to Glock's assertion,  I am sure there are people who will. There are proactive elements in our society - but right now they are disorganized.  If a State finally leaves and builds its own Volunteer Militia, I would expect many of those elements  to congregate there.  A Military Coup or even a successful attack by a citizen militia may have the same effect. A lot of people are waiting for the chance to deal out some justice to these people and show them why they don't have the right to tell people to fund abortions, buy a certain type of insurance, or contribute to "charities" that do nothing but buy votes for Democrats.  I am sure a lot of people feel the "Clueless" demcrats like "Tom" in the quotes above should be spared.  But here is another comment that explains why they should not be:

Tom F- “I am a little alarmed by what I am hearing here.” I see. Apparently, though, you are NOT alarmed by a Presidet who uses the IRS to hound his political foes and religious organizations. You are NOT alarmed when the President brags that he personally chooses the targets to be assassinated by drones. You are NOT alarmed by a President that seeks to force Catholic organizations to perform abortions. You are NOT alarmed that the Attorney General approved selling weapons to Mexican cartels to further his anti-gun views.
You are NOT alarmed that those heading Homeland Security consider American soldiers to be a terrorist threat. You are NOT alarmed when New Black Panthers threaten voters and then walk free. You are NOT alarmed when this government inflates our costs for everything by willfully printing money for political purpose.

At this point, you have to willfully decide to NOT SEE what you have done. You are as guilty as the rest.  

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #7 on: August 28, 2012, 11:30:47 AM »
Personally I have come to the conclusion where I have decided that ALL leftists deserve to die. They have a totalitarian impulse which always comes into play, and they fundamentally can't see others as having rights and their own actions having boundaries. They live for the tribe - to belong, and everything else is secondary. However, that doesn't mean that I have decided to undertake their eradication. I have a family, and I will probably restrict myself to the protection of me, mine and any like minded crew around me.

Leftists are a study in indulgence. They only flourish due to the efforts of others. This country enjoyed a feast of prosperity over the last 50 years or so and as a consequence the leftists thrived as well. Since they are users, not producers they have little of substance to offer when times turn cold. Since they are undisciplined they will wither in the coming storm. Since they are morally unbound they will erase themselves by murdering their offspring. Since they are fundamentally flawed internally they will opt out in great numbers come the famine.

We need only to quiet the more abrasive among them - the rest will fall into line.

edited for clarity

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #8 on: August 28, 2012, 12:07:02 PM »
A defensive posture is acceptable for the early stages of any SHTF situation, but if I recognize a known/prominent agitator they are not going to get off with just a warning, and the time will come when shooting first and worrying later will have to be the default position.  This will be necessary to survive and because as time passes the Darwin effect (Look at prisons) will make each succeeding wave of marauders stronger, smarter and more vicious.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2012, 12:43:52 PM »
A defensive posture is acceptable for the early stages of any SHTF situation, but if I recognize a known/prominent agitator they are not going to get off with just a warning, and the time will come when shooting first and worrying later will have to be the default position.  This will be necessary to survive and because as time passes the Darwin effect (Look at prisons) will make each succeeding wave of marauders stronger, smarter and more vicious.

I doubt we will get to the Marauder stage out in fly over country. More crime, sure, but full gangs? First time one drove out there and tried it you would have a militia waiting for them the next. Bullies are bullies, and they are implicitly cowards. They will go for the easiest pickings, and those are never going to be 100 miles outside a city.   People who don't belong out there will be quickly identified and told to move on.


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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2012, 04:46:07 PM »

If I were to observe such "pro-active" activity how would
I know who was the "good" guy.  Would one not assume
the hunter to be the negative party?  Would one not
think that if that hunter will go pro-active on another
why would he not go pro-active on me?  It would be a
dreadful mistake on his part. 

Offline IronDioPriest

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #11 on: August 28, 2012, 05:04:42 PM »

If I were to observe such "pro-active" activity how would
I know who was the "good" guy.  Would one not assume
the hunter to be the negative party?  Would one not
think that if that hunter will go pro-active on another
why would he not go pro-active on me?  It would be a
dreadful mistake on his part. 

And therein lies the root of my question. I see nothing but devolution into chaos, barbarism, and complete collapse of civilization, once that line is crossed. To me, end-game 2nd Amendment remedies are simply impractical (not to mention infinitely undesirable) until the moment I must defend my own - same as my remedies are now, without chaos and collapse.

If collapse comes and people are shooting each other, identifying the enemy will be impossible until the moment he begins to shoot - unless, of course, one is talking about targeting institutions, in which case, one had better wait until the collapse has already occurred, lest one be branded a terrorist and dispensed with, with the approval of 99% of the general public.

"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

- Thomas Jefferson

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #12 on: August 28, 2012, 05:14:21 PM »

If I were to observe such "pro-active" activity how would
I know who was the "good" guy.  Would one not assume
the hunter to be the negative party?  Would one not
think that if that hunter will go pro-active on another
why would he not go pro-active on me?  It would be a
dreadful mistake on his part.  

And therein lies the root of my question. I see nothing but devolution into chaos, barbarism, and complete collapse of civilization, once that line is crossed. To me, end-game 2nd Amendment remedies are simply impractical (not to mention infinitely undesirable) until the moment I must defend my own - same as my remedies are now, without chaos and collapse.

If collapse comes and people are shooting each other, identifying the enemy will be impossible until the moment he begins to shoot - unless, of course, one is talking about targeting institutions, in which case, one had better wait until the collapse has already occurred, lest one be branded a terrorist and dispensed with, with the approval of 99% of the general public.

Where you'll be if civilization collapses, or even devolves, will determine much.  If you are at your present location, you will get to know your neighbors very well indeed, enough to suss out who represents a threat and who will band together with you in the interest of mutual security.

Threats arise in outward circles afterward.  Strangers/newcomers; friend or foe?  Having to venture out into nearby "territory", for whatever reason, on heightened alert; who presents a possible danger?  Extrapolate from there.

One specific example on "who?":  are you familiar with the "officials" in Fauquier County, Virginia, represented most visibly by one Kimberly Johnson, who has taken to riding roughshod over farmers in the county?  They and she are ratcheting down on private property owners.  What would you expect from these little totalitarians if times got really bad?

More of the same, and harder, I think.

So ....... them.  And her.

« Last Edit: August 28, 2012, 05:24:27 PM by Pandora »
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #13 on: August 28, 2012, 05:23:04 PM »
If I were to observe such "pro-active" activity how would
I know who was the "good" guy.  Would one not assume
the hunter to be the negative party?  Would one not
think that if that hunter will go pro-active on another
why would he not go pro-active on me?  It would be a
dreadful mistake on his part. 

Do you drive a Subaru with an Obama 2012 Sticker on it? A Toyota with a "Coexist" siticker  A Hybrid of any sort with a Darwin Fish?
If not, you are probably safe from the sort of hunters I am thinking of. Liberals can't help but self-identify. Arrogant Narcissistic A-holes that they are.


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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #14 on: August 28, 2012, 05:46:13 PM »

Hunting someone because he has a bumper sticker
or drives a certain car is despotic.  One who presumes
the authority to sort out people by their preference of
vehicles is playing a role that has no place in civilization.

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #15 on: August 28, 2012, 06:11:58 PM »

Hunting someone because he has a bumper sticker
or drives a certain car is despotic.  One who presumes
the authority to sort out people by their preference of
vehicles is playing a role that has no place in civilization.

If it comes to that, CO, we will already be post-civilization as we know it.

Look around the web at the stories, currently, of what happens to vehicles with Republican bumper stickers; to campaign signs of the Republican variety, and on private property no less.  I realize this is not hunting someone because of, but it IS a harbinger of things to come, I think.

I don't put that stuff on my truck because I don't want it vandalized in a parking lot.  The savvier of the "progs" have scraped their Obama stickers off already, or haven't put them on, because it doesn't pay to advertise.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #16 on: August 28, 2012, 06:36:40 PM »
Hunting someone because he has a bumper sticker
or drives a certain car is despotic.  One who presumes
the authority to sort out people by their preference of
vehicles is playing a role that has no place in civilization.

Liberals have no place in civilization, and seek to destroy it. Technically if this occurs, I am not sure you can call what we have "civilization" anymore - you have what the Liberals wanted and are driving for - a system of Might = Right, were a few with power decide who lives and dies (What else is Obamacare but that?)  Any liberal killed in this way would be getting not only what they deserve, but exactly what they asked for.

Offline AlanS

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #17 on: August 28, 2012, 06:52:08 PM »

Hunting someone because he has a bumper sticker
or drives a certain car is despotic.  One who presumes
the authority to sort out people by their preference of
vehicles is playing a role that has no place in civilization.

Sorry. I feel Volt owners have no place in ANY civilization.
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Offline John Florida

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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #18 on: August 28, 2012, 07:22:48 PM »

Hunting someone because he has a bumper sticker
or drives a certain car is despotic.  One who presumes
the authority to sort out people by their preference of
vehicles is playing a role that has no place in civilization.

Sorry. I feel Volt owners have no place in ANY civilization.

 Haven't you heard? Production on the Volt will be stopped.No joke.
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Re: Preference Cascade Progress Report
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2012, 07:52:32 AM »

Hunting someone because he has a bumper sticker
or drives a certain car is despotic.  One who presumes
the authority to sort out people by their preference of
vehicles is playing a role that has no place in civilization.

Sorry. I feel Volt owners have no place in ANY civilization.

 Haven't you heard? Production on the Volt will be stopped.No joke.

Only suspended for a month (supposedly). I still loath the idea of the volt, all of our money that went into it, and the dolts that drive them.

Dolts in Volts. I like the sound of that.
"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem."

Thomas Jefferson