Author Topic: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy  (Read 1352 times)

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Offline Alphabet Soup

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An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« on: October 14, 2012, 02:27:48 AM »
Hi guys, Remember me? We met last night at your show. You were the two dickless Limey bastards who were pretending to put on a show and I was the guy who was heckling you.

OK, maybe I should back up a bit.

My mom told me that there was going to be a show in town that she wanted to see. I couldn't recall who she was referring to - this "Chad and Jeremy" but she said that they did some songs that she remembered liking. So we bought tickets. It isn't easy for my mom to get around these days. There's the walker and the portable oxygen bottles, and a myriad of little chores that must be completed before heading out.

She was so looking forward to the show. We arrived early so that we could park near the entrance - that way she didn't have to walk that far. Once inside we found our seats and got ourselves settled in. It was a smallish theater located in the local high school, but even at that it was only about 1/3 full. I know the producer of these concerts personally and felt bad that he wasn't getting a better turnout.

The opening act was group of local talent singing a combination of cover tunes and originals. I had never heard of them but they did a decent job and appeared to be enjoying themselves.

My friend came out and gave his spiel about his concert coalition and the need for more participation so we could attract more and better acts. LOL - he had to amend his statement because it sounded like he was referring to the nights main attraction. In retrospect I believe that maybe he was.

Then he introduced you Chad, who sauntered out onto the stage awkwardly carrying a guitar. You approached the set and fiddled with the equipment a bit, mumbled something, shuffled papers, and fiddled some more. Then you started to talk, telling the beginning of an endless, pointless series of disjointed anecdotes. I think you played a solo tune - honestly I can't remember because you were so boring. Eventually you introduced Jeremy, who came out with a smile and commenced the show.

There were some songs you did that I remembered once I heard them played. You guys did OK - not great. You constantly complained about the sound levels not being what you wanted. Up with this level, less guitar, now I can't hear myself, now it's too hot. And you constantly cupped your hands and peered into the audience. Most peculiar. Of course, your several complaints about the lack of a bar (it was a school after all!) were a bit odd as well.

You did several tunes, interspersed with lots (!) of anecdotes and irreverent banter, and then took an intermission. As you were leaving the stage you asked the whereabouts of the bar - again. Haha.

After the interlude you came back out, alone again. You may think it cutsie, or proper or something, but I found the extreme casualness offputting. Anyway, you came out and started back up with the anecdotes. The audience politely put up with them even though it wasn't hard to tell that they would rather be hearing music. After a couple of rambling stories you asked, "I'm tired of politics - how about you"? A rousing chorus of applause said that they agreed. Then you launched into your dislike of American politics. You ranted about how we conducted out elections and how much money was spent and mostly proved that you didn't have the slightest notion of what you were rattling on about. There were a few quiet moans and groan but most took it in stride. You mentioned that you had received a picture from michelle Ă˜boma and declared it "lovely". Hmmm. Then you said that you had received a phone call from Mitt Romney. You said that you had something else to do and didn't have time to talk hung up on him. A few titters from the audience. You said that he called again and again you hung up on him. Haha. A third call and again you hung up on him. "Doesn't Mitt know I can't vote"? Someone from the audience shouts out "What is this crap"? and it was then that I heckled someone for the first time.

"Shut up and sing!" was what I said. I didn't shout it, but you heard it, and immediately reacted to it by berating me and attempting to call me out. You bellowed, "If you think that you can do any better then come on up" apparently not realizing how little sense that made. (By the way - yes, I am better than you - even though that wasn't the point).

Then Jeremy came out and the show resumed. I know that my remark rattled you because your performance really sucked after that. You made multiple mistakes and barked repeatedly at the soundman. I quietly sat through the rest of your miserable show - you see I never wanted to interfere with your performance - I just wanted the entertainment that I had paid so dearly to see.

So congratulations you managed to bring out the boor in me. You managed to demonstrate the worst that is the music business. I do hope that you eventually found the drink you so incessantly yearned for. Know that I will be encouraging my friend not to hire you again.

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Re: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2012, 07:17:57 AM »
They are from my generation but it sounds like they're a bit past it ... irrelevant too .

Offline IronDioPriest

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Re: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2012, 08:07:31 AM »
The music business is heavily populated with a disproportionate share of assholes.

I played a family-organized cancer benefit several years ago - just a family burdened by out-of-pocket medical expenses for their wife and mother, organizing through a local nightclub to have all the popular bands on that nightclub's roster raise money for the woman.

One of the other bands had members who had come up from my hometown at the same time as my old band in the 80s. There was always a rivalry with these guys back in the day, but this was the first time I had run across them in person for many years, and I had put the childish rivalries aside. I wondered as the event approached if they might also have matured, and perhaps the old backstabbing BS would be a thing of the past with them as it was with me.

But no, they were all the same assholes they were 15 years earlier. And to top it off, the lead singer - the worst of them all - took the stage for their set, and said, "Well, it's a cancer benefit... smoke 'em if you got 'em."

The woman was dying of lung cancer. She, her husband, her parents, and her children were all sitting right in the front. It was absolutely disgusting.
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Offline AlanS

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Re: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2012, 01:58:03 PM »
I've never heard of Chad and Jeremy. I must not have missed much.
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Re: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2012, 06:45:44 AM »
I've never heard of Chad and Jeremy. I must not have missed much.

Ditto.  I conisder myself lucky! 
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online ToddF

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Re: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2012, 07:22:14 AM »
Sounds like Willow was weeping that night as Chad was going through withdrawal.

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Re: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2012, 07:24:15 AM »
They are one of the more self important folk types...think A Mighty Wind  ::hysterical::

Chad & Jeremy - Willow Weep For Me


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Re: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2012, 11:16:16 AM »

Hmmm, should have retired and pursued a new career as soon as they fell off the B list, being too lazy to do so they sloughed their way into aged crepitation
working the gymnasium circuit.

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Re: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2012, 11:39:45 AM »

Hmmm, should have retired and pursued a new career as soon as they fell off the B list, being too lazy to do so they sloughed their way into aged crepitation
working the gymnasium circuit.

And they are upset at the lack of a bar...and groupies without wrinkles?   ::hysterical::
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2012, 01:51:19 PM »
I was pissed when I got home that night. I'm still irritated but not so much at the limey - he's just a half-wit who never had to work to make his way through life (rich parents supported his lifestyle). What really steams me was my fellow audience members.

As I alluded to in my narrative I know the producer (who I hold blameless since there is no way to know for certain that his performers are going to bomb). I also know (indirectly) several of the audience members. There were a lot of prominent townies at that event - conservative members.

The thing that bugs me was that this lugnut slams America - it's traditions, it's customs, and its industry and these a-holes sit on their hands. He goes out of his way to insult and lie about one of two political contenders after insisting that he was "sick and tired of politics" and its crickets. I say "shut up and sing" and I get roundly booed and catcalled by them. I paid good money for this crummy show and didn't go to be insulted by some nitwit who doesn't have the right to hold an opinion about American politics.

These people - especially the "conservatives" should have applauded me.

"F" them.

Offline LadyVirginia

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Re: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2012, 02:13:45 PM »

These people - especially the "conservatives" should have applauded me.

"F" them.

they should have
so I will
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Re: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2012, 04:14:02 PM »

I would reconsider assigning the title "conservative" to those who booed.
Nitwit is far more appropriate.
Thank you for booing.

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2012, 09:46:58 AM »

I would reconsider assigning the title "conservative" to those who booed.
Nitwit is far more appropriate.
Thank you for booing.

Thanks LV and Charles.

A minor clarification to my narrative - although it was an open audience with a cross-representation of the demographic of our community, some of the audience members were people known to me as self-described conservatives. I don't call them that - they call themselves that.

And I didn't boo - I asked the performers to shut up the divisive dialog and go back to singing their songs - an act that I was booed for doing.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: An open letter to Chad and Jeremy
« Reply #13 on: October 16, 2012, 10:23:02 AM »
Thanks LV and Charles.
A minor clarification to my narrative - although it was an open audience with a cross-representation of the demographic of our community, some of the audience members were people known to me as self-described conservatives. I don't call them that - they call themselves that.
And I didn't boo - I asked the performers to shut up the divisive dialog and go back to singing their songs - an act that I was booed for doing.

Patty Larkin did the same thing at a performance MichelleO and I went to see a few years back.  It was before the Tea Parties and I wasn't in the state I am now, so we let it pass without comment ( and I am sure I would have been boo'd by that audience if I had) After all - its her show, and  she has a right to state her opinion and alienate her audience if she wishes. She is a talented guitarist and a decent songwriter ( but really her writing is going downhill)  and I used to go see her every year.  Haven't been back to see her since, and I will bootleg anything of hers that I want from now on ( not that that has happened since)  - Don't Sh*t where You eat. That is why these jokers are playing the High School Cafeteria Circuit.   And that is what you should tell your producer friend; if he wants his venues full, booking acts that plan to alienate half his potential audience isn't a great game plan. Especially on the lower tier  circuits like his - one bad experience and people won't be back on "a lark" - They don't say "Why not" - because they know why not- they don't want to pay money to be insulted.

If I pay to go out, I expect to get what I paid for: entertainment. Not offensive, irrational, and juvenile political rants, which, BTW , you can get for free at KOS or DU.  Most "artists" are liberals, and therefore suffer from the typical liberal traits - and a self-righteous and narcissistic need to be applauded for their "moral superiority" - a need that apparently surpasses the need for money (Hey He probably has a EBT to pay for his smokes and booze)  - there is a reason the music industry is dominated by A-holes- its because those who participate are predominantly liberals-who became decent if not excellent musicians because they never had a real job to distract from that pursuit.  The Audiences are much the same - predominantly young, childless and more interested in being out to be seen, rather than to see and and engage in the chosen activity. So yeah, they are going to boo you. 

As a consequence your entertainment options are going to be limited. I still am "forced" to buy Cable and take in the occasional Hollywood movies because of the kids. Mostly I use them as teaching moments - after all, my kids need to learn to identify and negate the implicit and constant bias, and they need to do it young. Mostly its Disney.   However I hate subsidizing all of the other crap on there. Wish I could get channels a-la-carte.  Hell I would pay what I am paying now just to narrow the selection to only those channels I decided I wanted to have access to. - Once the kids are older, I will drop it altogether, and if i isn't streamed on Netflix or similar, I won't watch it.

  I also support Bill Whittle's Declaration Entertainment with a monthly  donation. His first film is due out in a few months, and promises to be good. I will go to see Atlas Shrugged II even if I thought in advances it was a piece of crap, and I will buy multiple copies on DVD and hand them out to friends for the same reason.  There is a growing crowd and an untapped market in people like me, because Hollywood and the liberals refuse to cater to our desires, and have stated in blunt enough terms they don't want my patronage.