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Offline 21stCenturyThinker

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My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« on: November 10, 2012, 12:01:43 PM »
Not literally of course. My ex-wife couldn't her own budget, let alone a gazillion dollar budget.

But here's where I think we made our mistake, defenders of liberty: we thought this campaign was clearly about the assault on individual freedom, fiscal responsibility, chain of command and personal honor. We thought it was so obviously and  clearly about Capitalism vs. Marxism. There was no way any right-thinking person could fail to see how Obama needed to be booted from office.

My ex-wife wouldn't recognize any of those concepts. She's not a bad, irresponsible, spiteful, evil person. That's not my point. Well, maybe she is, but it's still not my point.

My point is that housewives have elected the government. Don't flame me as a sexist pig yet; just hear me out.

All my ex-wife wanted was a comfortable home, nice car and no worries. I never mattered if we couldn't afford something. Her stock phrase was "but I NEEDED it". That's how I came home from the war to find a $1200 vacuum cleaner, new car and empty bank accounts. (It's called Power of Attorney. We all had to sign them before going off to die. Hah! Joke was on us who lived!)

So when the newspaper columnist wrote the article about why Obama should be elected, she cited the fact that Romney would cut FEMA (gasp!), cut federal programs (horrors!), and ruin the fat, dumb and happy stupor that we Americans had sunk into.

And we let it happen. For some reason we gave away our liberty and freedom for the chance at a quiet life and a reprieve from the responsibility of being responsible. We all finally gave in and said "Fine honey, buy the car. We'll find a way to pay for it." "You drive and I'll pump the gas." We wimped out.

And it turns out that apparently modern men don't mind their blissful ignorance. It's no longer our responsibility so it's no longer our problem. Voting Republican would have meant being accountable for the problem and too much of the country isn't ready to do that. They're either too wrapped up in their petty issues (let's vote for whoever is friendlier to gays; let's vote for who promises to screw up the economy in order to "save" the environment) or too concerned about being seen as an enlightened liberal (white men got us into this mess, let the women and "people of color" have a chance).

That's why Obama won- not enough people recognize him for the enemy of the Republic that he truly is. They married him and they're willing to put their entire lives in his hands. We have too many wives and not enough husbands. Wait a minute! I'm still not talking about women vs men. I'm talking about husbandry. Managing the household and balancing the needs of the family against the ability to provide for those needs.

So Obama is going to preserve FEMA, provide healthcare to every American, make sure everyone gets enough to eat, goes to bed on time and washes behind their ears. And sit up straight! Don't put that in your mouth!

Oh my God! He's not my ex-wife, he's my mother!

Eventually dad comes home and has to sort it all out. I guess America's not ready for that yet. But when the reckoning comes due, FEMA is going to be just about the last item on the housewife's wish list. When 10 million government employees get laid off and when all the entitlement programs are slashed because our creditors want their money there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. The Chinese will be in a race with the Germans for domination of the world. The days of America as a superpower have officially ended. We now begin the fight for relevance and our very existence. It's like watching the last superhero die.

I can't picture myself as a "kept man". I don't want the government to be my mother, father, wife or keeper.

And that's where the Republicans made their mistake. They stuck to the issues and laid out a logical argument, assuming that logical people would make a logical decision.

We should have used an emotional appeal. When Biden told our esteemed southern brothers that Romney would put them back in chains, we should have countered with "Obama's going to make you his bitch! That pimp is going make you do all the work and he'll take all the money!" I have a feeling the minority voters would have come to our side in droves. I guess it's time to start gearing up for mid-term elections.

On the other hand, the analogy of the failed marriage still has some relevance. There's always the possibility of divorce...

Offline Glock32

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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2012, 12:26:09 PM »
Funny the author cites China and Germany as the two who will be competing for domination of the world. Of course, the Germans are plagued by most of the same problems as every other Western country, but they might pull it out. I think the Euro project's dramatic failure might push them back in another direction.

But there is a deeper point to those examples that the author may not have even intended. Both of those nations are, in fact, nations. They are not merely states. They are composed of people with a common heritage that runs very deep, to ancient times. Governments will come and go, but the underlying nations will persist.

On the other hand, polyglot mercantile empires never last. They can achieve spectacular things during their peak times, but they always crumble. America was a new experiment in this nation vs. empire dichotomy, and it was doing a pretty admirable job of making itself into a new nation even if its people had been sourced from the different nations of Europe. But somewhere along the way it became more the "multicultural" mercantile empire.
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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2012, 12:30:32 PM »
Funny the author cites China and Germany as the two who will be competing for domination of the world. Of course, the Germans are plagued by most of the same problems as every other Western country, but they might pull it out. I think the Euro project's dramatic failure might push them back in another direction.

But there is a deeper point to those examples that the author may not have even intended. Both of those nations are, in fact, nations. They are not merely states. They are composed of people with a common heritage that runs very deep, to ancient times. Governments will come and go, but the underlying nations will persist.

On the other hand, polyglot mercantile empires never last. They can achieve spectacular things during their peak times, but they always crumble. America was a new experiment in this nation vs. empire dichotomy, and it was doing a pretty admirable job of making itself into a new nation even if its people had been sourced from the different nations of Europe. But somewhere along the way it became more the "multicultural" mercantile empire.

1965, Ted Kennedy, may he find Divine Justice.
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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2012, 12:39:16 PM »
I would argue that the campaign themes are not to blame per se.  It is not enough to mimic democrats and match or exceed their emoting, we needed a passionate promoter of conservatism and Founding principles, we didn't get that, did we?  We got a CEO-style executive who thinks we are competing on a level playing field, something the GOP had naively thought for the past 150 years.  It is not nor is it ever likely to be a level playing field, nor will the GOP experience a mass epiphany and return to that which we briefly had under Reagan.  The America as we knew it, as we were born into, is no more.  Politics has about as much chance of rescuing this nation as I have in being able to slay a tornado single-handed.

As long as people cling to a naive belief that we can peacefully regain what was lost is beyond delusional, time to grow up and put childish ways behind us.
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Offline 21stCenturyThinker

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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2012, 01:11:54 PM »
It's a little like predicting who's going to pick the meat off our carcass, but I think the Chinese are overrated. I'm betting on the Germans for exactly the reasons you cited: they are an ancient civilization (certainly by our standards) and have a sense of national purpose and destiny that we can't even comprehend. While the Chinese are certainly fanatical, you know perfectly well that the enthusiasm of a fanatic can only be sustained for a finite period of time. The Chinese (in my opinion) are insular and respond to threats, not visions of world domination. The Germans on the other hand are driven and single minded competitors.

Just as an example, witness the way they absorbed their East German brethren when the wall came down. Think about the huge monetary burden to the West Germans when the Soviet government collapsed. The West Germans didn't miss a beat although many were predicting a collapse.

Now the Germans are bailing out all the failing economies in Europe virtually single handedly. This control of the purse strings will give them political dominance that dwarfs their military accomplishments of WWI and WWII. They will naturally insist upon fiscal reforms and regulation before putting up the funds to bail out countries like Greece, Portugal and Spain. Wait, they're already doing that. Next they'll require security. Seats in the ministry of the beggar nations. Anschluss.

At some point we will need to seek protection from a stronger nation. We will have to choose between the Germans and the Chinese. We will choose Germany because they are basically like us and the make the trains run on time.

Don't get me wrong- I'm not accusing the Germans of being nefarious. But 10 years living there as a soldier gave me some views from the inside. They are a wonderful people but extremely purposeful. When they take control of our government it will be because we failed to control it ourselves.

And believe me, the trains WILL run on time. And all your freedoms will be replaced by laws and regulations that ensure you are always acting in the best interest of the State. Actually by that time we'll be referring to it as The Empire. And there will be no unemployment and no homelessness. Sort of like a very scary, benevolent Soviet except on a purely capitalist basis. None of the ridiculous "comrade" crap.

Some hard decisions are coming, friends.

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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2012, 01:42:46 PM »
Somehow I don't see the Germans wanting us or the enormous cost it would entail, absorbing East Germany and small states like Greece is one thing, buying China out is beyond their capacity.

I see our collapse followed by scavengers from all over picking at the remains, much like Rome before us.  China would likely grab our Pacific holdings and a large part of the western coastal areas.  I think the Alaskan Yukon might be ignored, no oil, sounds like a good place to settle, or just stay where I am and see if Canada absorbs northern areas.  Pick your overlord...
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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2012, 02:36:12 PM »
In simple terms, we are creating a bunch of metrosexuals called men. The wussyification of men. Sure, they still vote republican, but they are not teaching their families. It began years ago and culminated when the forehead married a conservative.

Men need to take control of their families.
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Offline Glock32

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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2012, 02:56:50 PM »
That's a chicken-egg conundrum for sure. A lot of the wussification of men is due to their programming since childhood that that's what females desire. Classically masculine characteristics (and I mean mental characteristics even more than physical ones) have been deprecated as cave man relics, disruptively anachronistic in the modern age.

Most men are pretty content with just good basics in life. Our other pursuits are mainly as a means to get women, either directly or indirectly. And at least two generations of young men have been brought up to believe that women don't want men in their "natural" state.
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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2012, 03:08:07 PM »
Explains why I am single and childless in Minnesota!   ::hysterical::
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Offline Glock32

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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2012, 03:21:18 PM »
Same, except in North Carolina :)

Right now I am glad I do not have a wife or children. We as a country are going into very dark times. I of course worry for my young nephews, and everyone else trying to raise kids in this upside down Alice in Wonderland country.
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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2012, 03:34:37 PM »
Same, except in North Carolina :)

Right now I am glad I do not have a wife or children. We as a country are going into very dark times. I of course worry for my young nephews, and everyone else trying to raise kids in this upside down Alice in Wonderland country.


I really worry about the younger ones.  I have a nephew with a new baby and a wife that is in the enemy camp.  I have a neice married to a nice guy, he inherited an uncles gun collection (mostly hunting) but they have done little to prepare.  My sister & BIL are trying to get ready, but with two boys in school & sports and the youngest having special needs, their life is a hectic day to day proposition.  Being unencumbered I am in better position to be flexible.  I worry more about others than myself...
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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2012, 05:54:13 PM »
Hey Glock. Know what is keeping me from wallowing in a deep depression? The fact that you and I (and somebody else who does not like to advertise it) live in North Carolina: a Red State (barely) with a Republican Governor (Pat McCrory), a Republican House and Republican Senate. Texas is too damn hot, and too damn cold, and too damn one dimensional as far as terrain, and too damn close to the failed Narco-State they call Me-HE-koe.

We here in North Carolina have a chance. I'm taking it. Staying put and getting more involved.
The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living
are outnumbered by those who vote for a living.
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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2012, 07:39:49 PM »
Hey Glock. Know what is keeping me from wallowing in a deep depression? The fact that you and I (and somebody else who does not like to advertise it) live in North Carolina: a Red State (barely) with a Republican Governor (Pat McCrory), a Republican House and Republican Senate. Texas is too damn hot, and too damn cold, and too damn one dimensional as far as terrain, and too damn close to the failed Narco-State they call Me-HE-koe.

We here in North Carolina have a chance. I'm taking it. Staying put and getting more involved.

We here in North Carolina also have locusts, lots of them, otherwise known as Yankees who've fled from the crapholes they made of their states, but brought their craphole voting tendencies with 'em.  This leads me to suspect the Ledge's Republican majority is a passing phase, besides the fact that some of the Republicans are cum-Democrats.

And I have no problem acknowledging the state in which I reside, but I'd prefer the county not be made public.
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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2012, 09:30:42 PM »
In simple terms, we are creating a bunch of metrosexuals called men. The wussyification of men. Sure, they still vote republican, but they are not teaching their families. It began years ago and culminated when the forehead married a conservative.

Men need to take control of their families.

They don't want to!!   ::gaah::

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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #14 on: November 11, 2012, 11:57:53 AM »
Hey Glock. Know what is keeping me from wallowing in a deep depression? The fact that you and I (and somebody else who does not like to advertise it) live in North Carolina: a Red State (barely) with a Republican Governor (Pat McCrory), a Republican House and Republican Senate. Texas is too damn hot, and too damn cold, and too damn one dimensional as far as terrain, and too damn close to the failed Narco-State they call Me-HE-koe.

We here in North Carolina have a chance. I'm taking it. Staying put and getting more involved.

We here in North Carolina also have locusts, lots of them, otherwise known as Yankees who've fled from the crapholes they made of their states, but brought their craphole voting tendencies with 'em.  This leads me to suspect the Ledge's Republican majority is a passing phase, besides the fact that some of the Republicans are cum-Democrats.

And I have no problem acknowledging the state in which I reside, but I'd prefer the county not be made public.

I would think the western hill country would be more to my liking.  Course, I'm a yank, just not a libiot one.  ;D
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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2012, 12:05:21 PM »
Yea, I was one of those locusts, too. Except that my family helped bring the state of Alabama into the 20th century with the Saturn V project.

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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #16 on: November 11, 2012, 12:13:47 PM »
Yea, I was one of those locusts, too. Except that my family helped bring the state of Alabama into the 20th century with the Saturn V project.

Do I really need to clarify what I mean by locusts?  This is what I mean:

"... Yankees who've fled from the crapholes they made of their states, but brought their craphole voting tendencies with 'em."

Gunsmith and I were "relocaters" as well, but we didn't start complaining about the lack of "services" ten minutes after we got here; that's what we fled.

"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

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Offline 21stCenturyThinker

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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2012, 04:59:14 PM »
I might have gone a little over the top with my proposed "Obama's gonna make you his bitch" campaign strategy, but I stand by my central premise: we Republicans missed the boat in this election because we assumed that the old "logic rules the day" approach was still valid. Obviously it is not. So we need to tie Republican platforms to an emotional base. Because there are a whole lot of liberals out there (I'll just call them Democrats) who believe that the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" is based on fact and real science.

I think we missed a golden opportunity to throw JFK right back in the faces of the Democrats. "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".

If we Republicans take control of that phrase and make it a citizen's patriotic duty to contribute to the good of the nation, maybe we can discourage the belief that it's acceptable to sponge off others.  We should remind people that welfare recipients are not "sticking it" to the government or to big business. They are sticking it to every working American.

When I lived in California I asked a colleague if she had any idea how much she's actually paying in taxes. She replied that she gets a refund every year.
She was under the impression that the government was giving her money, forgetting all those thousands of dollars being withheld. I'm not being funny or derogatory in any way; this is an intelligent woman in a very technical industry. It's scary how many people have been conditioned NOT to think.

And that's my point: only exceptional people wake up for logic. The vast majority of citizens will only wake up for emotion. We've got to do a better job of "winning the hearts and minds" of the voters. Not just the minds.

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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2012, 05:35:06 PM »
I think we missed a golden opportunity to throw JFK right back in the faces of the Democrats. "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".

If we Republicans take control of that phrase and make it a citizen's patriotic duty to contribute to the good of the nation, maybe we can discourage the belief that it's acceptable to sponge off others.  We should remind people that welfare recipients are not "sticking it" to the government or to big business. They are sticking it to every working American.

Having had the "give me mine" attitude for generations, I do see that happening.
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Re: My Ex-wife is Running the Country
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2012, 06:45:35 PM »
I think we missed a golden opportunity to throw JFK right back in the faces of the Democrats. "Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".

If we Republicans take control of that phrase and make it a citizen's patriotic duty to contribute to the good of the nation, maybe we can discourage the belief that it's acceptable to sponge off others.  We should remind people that welfare recipients are not "sticking it" to the government or to big business. They are sticking it to every working American.

Having had the "give me mine" attitude for generations, I do see that happening.

Alan, did you mistakenly omit a "not" in that sentence?

If so, I do NOT see it happening either, quite the contrary; these people are enviously happy to, as Weisshaupt has written, kill Ivan's goat.  Not only do they NOT mind sticking it to every working American, they believe they're entitled to the fruits of anybody and everybody else's labor.

I don't agree with your premise of how to discourage this either, 21st.  Besides the fact that appealing to emotion is not principled, the last thing said appeals will resonate with is "the good of the nation" for too many of the looters.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"