Author Topic: The Economy is Going to Implode  (Read 134341 times)

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Offline Libertas

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #440 on: December 15, 2016, 11:28:44 AM »
Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

Enthusiasm over Trump  as brought a lot of money off the side lines, Dow is soaring, and the Fed, well , they finally see inflation and raise rates, which normally might cause some people to buy gold  as a hedge. Nope massive gold sell off.  But is it?

Gold difference over $50 today- silver is almost $2.

We  have a huge price difference between physical and paper prices, and this is with a STRONGER dollar.

I am standing on a beach, and it seems the tide is going out pretty darn quick. .

Everything is awesome!  Buy in London, sell in Shanghai!  Kaaaa-chiiing!!!

Wait, what?  Waddaya mean I can't play like that?
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #441 on: December 15, 2016, 12:46:28 PM »

Everything is awesome!  Buy in London, sell in Shanghai!  Kaaaa-chiiing!!!

Wait, what?  Waddaya mean I can't play like that?
Sure you can. People are doing it right now. Of course you actually get delivery on the comex contract to sell it in China.  If they can't deliver they have to pay in fiat + a penalty - saves you having to ship it to China.  But you can bet there are people playing this game...

Offline Libertas

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #442 on: December 15, 2016, 01:13:24 PM »

Everything is awesome!  Buy in London, sell in Shanghai!  Kaaaa-chiiing!!!

Wait, what?  Waddaya mean I can't play like that?
Sure you can. People are doing it right now. Of course you actually get delivery on the comex contract to sell it in China.  If they can't deliver they have to pay in fiat + a penalty - saves you having to ship it to China.  But you can bet there are people playing this game...

I was thinking in a grander scale...that game the insiders can play moving vast amounts of ones and zeros around and skim and fleece...the real profit to be made...House Rules, ya know?...I'm not privy to that action...

This crap tends to ebb and flow much as I would like it to see it enter the danger zone and have nowhere to hide...we're not there...yet...and some time may have been bought...
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #443 on: December 15, 2016, 02:47:42 PM »
Time for a Liberal economics lession:
Here are the top ten reasons why it won't collapse. Included are rebuttals to the negativists' claims.


1. The U.S. debt is $19 trillion. That's more than the economy produces in a year. Though the debt-to-GDP ratio is in the danger zone, it's not enough to cause a collapse. First, the United States prints its money. That means it is in control of its currency. That makes lenders feel safe that the U.S. government will pay them back. In fact, the United States could run a much higher debt to GDP ratio than it does now and still not face economic collapse. Japan, another strong economy that has its currency, has had a debt-to-GDP ratio above 200% for years. It is in no danger of collapse.

Of course, we aren't going to mention the 80 trillion in  unfunded liabilities and the fact that being paid back in printed dollars is effectively the same thing as a default. Japan is doing SOOOO well economically too. True the currency hasn't collapsed, they just created an economic malaise that leaves the population so disheartened and hopeless they would rather play video games  than get jobs or have sex.  Where is the rebuttal to these points? Oh you don't understand the argument well enough to anticipate those objections?

2. Obama added to the debt to get us out of recession, not send us toward collapse. Many of these doomsters accuse Obama of deliberately increasing the debt to destroy the United States

And did it get us out of the recession? Actual employment rates and wage numbers don't say so. Congress doesn't even do budgets anymore.  the Debt has DOUBLED under his watch. How is it even relevant if Obama did that "deliberately" or not?

3. The United States won't default on its debt. Most members of Congress realize a debt default would destroy America's credibility in the financial markets. The tea party Republicans in Congress were a minority that threatened to default during the 2011 debt ceiling crisis.

See point 1. Printing money to pay a debt IS default. Oh, no rebuttal to that point is there? And no the Republicans in congress weren't suggesting default, they were refusing to let the government borrow MORE money. That is why its called a debt limit.

4. China and Japan are the biggest owners of the U.S. debt. But they have no incentive to create a collapse. The United States is their largest market. If it fails, so do their economies. Furthermore, China is not selling its dollar holdings. It's remained around $1.2 trillion since 2013. For more, see U.S. Debt to China.

Unless their incentive is to simply grab the world default currency from the United States when they are ready-- and their economy is already struggling, so their own economic woes may  force them to drop their holdings for ready cash

5. If anything, the dollar would slowly decline instead of collapsing. It fell 40% between 2002-2008. It's gotten stronger since then because of the financial crisis. Investors flock to ultra-safe U.S. Treasuries and the U.S. dollar as a safe haven.

You mean the world wide financial crisis in which the US currently "sucks the least" - what if the dollar starts to suck more compared to other options? Anyway, if  the dollar collapses slowly, then its not a collapse, right? No, If it ends up the same place, Its  a collapse.

6. The dollar won't be replaced as the world's global currency. The doomsayers point to gold, the euro, or Bitcoin as a replacement for the dollar. It's true that the dollar's value is supported by its role. But none of these other alternatives have enough circulation to replace the dollar. See Will the Yuan Replace the Dollar?

And circulation can't change can it?  I mean the dollar has been the world reserve for thousands of years... no wait, wasn't it Sterling that had that role just 100 years ago? Hmm, maybe these other alternatives will gain circulation and credibility as BRICS is working hard to do, and people will switch because they are tired of the dollar being defaultied on by money printing?

7. The Fed's Quantitative Easing program and low current Fed funds rate won't cause hyperinflation. If anything, these programs have created a liquidity trap. That's when people, businesses, and banks hoard the extra cash instead of spending or lending it. The real cause of hyperinflation has been debt repayments to fund wars.

And  when people Stop hoarding it because they become optimistic? And aren't we in foreign wars right now as well?

8.The stock market hit new highs in 2015 and 2016. That's a sign of business prosperity since stock prices are based on corporate earnings

They are based on what!?!
Yes, just ask anyone who lived through the Wiemar hyperinflation how high the stocks were and what their prices  were based on..  And no, with the federal government investing in the stock market via proxies (that is essentially what QE is and was)  stock prices are NOT based on earnings. Look at some Modern P/E ratios will ya?

9. Consumer confidence hit a nine-year high in 2016. Consumer spending drives almost 70% of the economy

Yeah, the 2008 collapse was nine years ago, so basically we are back where we started before that?  And if people are spending more money, won't that mean  that liquidity trap you talked about in point 7 is breaking up and money is flooding into the economy? You know after Trump was elected we had our second rate hike in 10 years as the fed fears that inflation.. but wait, what does a rising rate mean for a government that borrows a trillion a year?

Economic growth is slow but stable. Since the Great Recession, the economy has grown between 1.5% to 2.7% per year. According to business cycle theory, a bust only occurs after a boom. That's when GDP is more than 3%, which hasn't happened since 2004 and 2005. For more, see GDP by Year.

Mind this lukewarm growth has been created by the injection of over 8 trillion in government spending (debt)  into the economy. Were is that expected 2.5X Keynesian multiplier now?  Very impressive result, don't you think?  And small growth in our economy unable to keep up with  the growth of debt spending is supposed to be encouraging how? You do know its the economy that gets taxed to pay stuff back if you aren't defaulting via inflation, right? If the tax base grows by 3%  and the interest grows by 6%  how will that  help keep America solvent?

Go sip your latte, hon.. Maybe look up the meaning of the word rebuttal on your iPhone. Otherwise, shutup. The adults are talking.

About the Author: She received an M.S. in Management from the Sloan School of Business at M.I.T. in 1987, an M.S. in Social Planning from Boston College in 1978 and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Rochester in 1976.She is the author of The Ultimate Obamacare Handbook: A Definitive Guide to Your Benefits, Rights, Responsibilities, and Potential Pitfalls.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2016, 07:49:33 AM by Weisshaupt »

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #444 on: December 15, 2016, 03:29:14 PM »
Wow,  that article writer has her head deep in the sand.

Offline Libertas

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #445 on: December 16, 2016, 07:05:24 AM »
Wow,  that article writer has her head deep in the sand.

Sand...ass...out one and into the other...back and forth...

And yeah, it's no mistake she posted her dreck on a site that doesn't allow comments...any direct rebuttal the type of which Weisshaupt just unleashed would cause little Neo-Keynesian heads to pop and tears to flow down their precious cheeks!

Good takedown W, you know you can get a bit snarky when you're deploying logic...stay sarcastic my friend...especially with these manure spreaders!

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Offline Libertas

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #446 on: March 23, 2017, 07:37:04 AM »
I have to admit...some key indicators are not looking good...

...and what may be worse is Congress dicking around not doing anything on tax cuts or any kind of growth-oriented legislation...and instead of an effing ObamaCare replacement should just start with an ObamaCare repeal!

But, maybe the stupid is intentional, maybe they think more control can be had if shyt hits the fan...not dealing with stable types here...
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Offline richb

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #447 on: March 23, 2017, 02:39:18 PM »
if we end up with the current RINOcare in place of Obamacare,  the economy will only continue to be stuck in neutral.   Only playing into the hands that will bring us single payer social medicine.     

Republicans can be such dumba**es.

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #448 on: March 24, 2017, 06:55:06 AM »
The R&R bill is dying...and Trump is saying if it does then O-care stays...though not really in it's full form, it becomes a gutted entity and will die entirely once the last insurers have had enough loses...

Probably better than trying to replace the stupid thing!
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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #449 on: March 24, 2017, 04:57:13 PM »
form the circular firing squad.

Figures it's republicans that will let Obamacare stand.

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #450 on: March 26, 2017, 11:57:39 AM »
An untended garden dies quickly...

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Offline Libertas

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #451 on: April 18, 2017, 07:11:54 AM »
Rome will fall...a "when" not "if" issue...

That is kinda scary, eh?

I find this more frightening -

At least I just fit onto the continuum, a counter-balance to the amoebas...

Catering to the lowest common denominator...and accepting key ingredient in national suicide.

And we see these morons everyday and they think because their butts are kissed and encouraged by leading Progs and weakling Pubbies that their actions will never have consequences.

All the statists and morons have left is a few more ticks of the clock...when the shat really hits the fan...the lowest common denominator isn't going to count for squat.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2017, 07:25:38 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #452 on: April 19, 2017, 07:47:00 AM »
More scary charts?


Winning!   ::bus::

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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #453 on: April 19, 2017, 08:21:19 AM »
I Always hated that Black vs White IQ test.. because I.Q. really doesn't ( and can't)  measure a person's native intelligence.

You will always do better with problems you have some experience with, and if you haven't seen that sort of problem, and have never pondered it,  then you will have a harder time.  If your background didn't develop the parts of your brain that you need for these tests, how could you expect to do was well as someone whose background did.  Some I tests have you mentally  folding bits of paper and putting holes in them.. something as simple as making paper airplanes will help you do better on such a test, and that has nothing to do with native ability, and everything to do wit why scores kept rising generation after generation..because more and more people had the opportunities to gain those experiences. . .. though better nutrition in general may also  be a factor.

Of course,  that doesn't help much when those who subscribe to a degenerate culture become a mob.

This ship is still going down.. Trump may work to try and stop it from sinking, and that may buy time. But that may just make it worse for us if that time is used to develop tech that allows them to simply sting us with a mirco-drone and take us into custody when we are drugged. 

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #454 on: April 21, 2017, 07:06:26 AM »
There shouldn't be a difference in the in the measurement of or in the fundamental correctness of an IQ test...I assign no racial component to intelligence...but to say in general both are taught the same is an error...the progs would have everyone brought down to the lowest denominator as that is the only way they can quantify success in equalization...what we would refer to as dumbing down so as to put all the serfs into one equally miserable lump.  It is easier for despots to rule a dumb population...the human herd must be fully domesticated before the elites can achieve their dreams of domination and exclusivity.  The IQ test isn't the problem...the problem is in how and what people are taught...and much teaching today isn't about educating a fertile independent intellect, it is an indoctrination into being just another drone in the hive.  And the messages at home get even more twisted and those can be laid at ideology, race, environment, belief...

Here is another example of the current proglodyte MO in action -

If kids are taught to be stupid or allowed to be stupid...guess what the outcome might be?
« Last Edit: April 21, 2017, 07:23:54 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #455 on: April 21, 2017, 07:19:16 AM »
The Millennials are contributing to the economic drag, yes?  I find it hilarious that the generation that likes to pick on the boomers for effing everything up as if they held a gun to the head of the younger generation and said: "You must incur massive student debt on a worthless over-priced degree in gender studies or some such rot, you must then go in hock more to buy a massive house you cannot afford and buy cars you cannot afford, yadda yadda yadda..." and be forgiven their own idiocy.  Sure, the hippie boomers retiring and sucking what is left of the ponzi scheme of social security dry is true, but that scheme was going to end anyway.  Sure, they and their ilk gave rise to the politics of taxpayer funded everything that is bankrupting the nation, but what did you do to fight it?  It's like these people somehow think their case is special, that they're being singled out.  Grow up!  The PTBs are going after everybody!

Now this...

Basement dwelling jammy wearing was not meant to be a permanent life style.

If these people had an inkling of intelligence they would have gotten degrees in a practical study offering real benefit to themselves and society...or a vocation through a trade school or apprenticeship or something similarly useful.  They could have gotten a modest home, not a mansion.  They could have gotten a modest vehicle, not a luxury sedan.  They could have been productive.  Bottom line, they chose poorly and here we are.

They are not supporting the traditional economic model.  They are adding to the strain on that model.  Now, perhaps their stupidity and laziness is going to help speed along a collapse long hidden and massively overdue...but don't expect me to thank them for that.  After all, those who choose to be deadbeat people are the problem of those that created them...and it wasn't me or people like me.

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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #456 on: April 24, 2017, 11:40:17 AM »
More Millennial stuff...

Lovely...crowd back into the cities...ripen the harvest for The Reckoning...see if I care.

Inequality! Disparity!   ::ohno::

Of course!  All by Proglodyte design!  Encourage urchins to get crappy educations with impractical applications...of course they're going to earn suck wage in a loser job!  Duh?!  Stupid should be penalized...problem is these butthurt nothings want everybody else to suffer too.

Double bubble toil and trouble...

There will always be Kabuki-economics how can there not be?  Even in a perfect capitalist society inefficiency is disincentavized in relation to efficient markets...the Kabucki merely makes it exponentially worse.

Know what I see?  Quiet suburbs one day that will retreat into their former rural nature.  It's a win-win as far as I am concerned.

But I am not sure if things continue uninterrupted by big events that I will see much of it...

But, who knows?  I am actually somewhat surprised it has gone this far...
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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #457 on: April 28, 2017, 11:05:24 AM »
With housing taking it in the shorts...where is the purchasing power going?

Well, OK

That's one way to get those pesky 40-50 year old basement dwellers out on their own finally!   ::hysterical::
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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #458 on: July 07, 2017, 12:25:05 PM »

The Neo-Keynesian "recoveries" are fricken killing us!

The more you game things...the game gets crazier and more stupid and pointless...

Oh well...SSDD
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Re: The Economy is Going to Implode
« Reply #459 on: July 12, 2017, 12:28:45 PM »

At least they pointed out her lack of honesty under Duh Wun We Wuz Warned About!




And uhh....

"Buy Bitcoin"?

Something wrong with that guy...must hate a real store of value...

Whatev, more for the rest of us...   ::bustamove::
« Last Edit: July 12, 2017, 12:33:27 PM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.