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Obamacare Funding
« on: October 03, 2013, 02:38:29 PM »
Has anyone seen this?  Comment?

It basically says:   If Obamacare is removed from the government budget, presented, and voted on as a separate bill, Obamacare can be defunded by the House. If that is the case, then the Senate and the President can vote yes or no and if the vote is no, then the Obamacare bill can sit in the House with no funding.

Fixed it! ;D
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 03:33:22 PM by Septugenarian »
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Re: Obamacare Funding
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2013, 02:41:36 PM »
That's what they did to begin with wasn't it? fully funded government and no funding for Obamacare. What's different about this strategy?
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Obamacare Funding
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2013, 02:45:38 PM »
Has anyone seen this?  Comment?

It basically says:   If Obamacare is removed from the government budget, presented, and voted on as a separate bill, Obamacare can be defunded by the House. If that is the case, then the Senate and the President can vote yes or no and if the vote is no, then the Obamacare bill can sit in the House with no funding.

They said that at the home depot site on the Lithium Ion Driver and Impact Drill Page?!? Really?   ::danceban::

The House has already voted to put such a bill on the tbale in the Senate, but the senate won't touch it. They are holding all govt funding hostage until the House  agrees to fund Obamacare along with it. The have even suggested individual bills to fund the National Parks, NIH cancer studies and the like. Reid won't do it piecemeal, and Obama has promised to veto it even if the Senate passed it.

But remember, the GOP are the "hostage takers" the "anarchists" and the "obstructionists" - The Dems and Obama won't even counter offer. That have to keep their hideously broken Obamacare system in the funding or they will refuse to negotiate at all, like a spoiled kid holding their breath. Hence the theatrics of using money to shut down things that cost no money to keep open.  They just want to lash out and hurt the American people- for political reasons, becuase they know unless they force Obamacare into the funding bill that 1) it will probably never get funding 2) even if they did, they would have to go on record voting to fund it when its no obviously that it delivers on none of its promises.  House even offered just delaying Obamacre by a year, but if they did that, then people would be eating the crap snadwhich right before election time.

Offline Septugenarian

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Re: Obamacare Funding
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2013, 03:34:55 PM »
Has anyone seen this?  Comment?

It basically says:   If Obamacare is removed from the government budget, presented, and voted on as a separate bill, Obamacare can be defunded by the House. If that is the case, then the Senate and the President can vote yes or no and if the vote is no, then the Obamacare bill can sit in the House with no funding.

Fixed it! ;D
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Re: Obamacare Funding
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2013, 05:04:59 PM »
So... let me see if I understand... rather than sending a "clean" (God I hate words that are opposite of reality) CU, and rather than sending the other funding bills piecemeal without OCare (defense, NIH, Parks, etc) and daring Reid to refuse them... this proposal is to send stand-alone Obamacare defunding bill CLEAN to the senate, let the Senate vote No, and then by default, Obamacare is defunded?
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Online Pablo de Fleurs

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Re: Obamacare Funding
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2013, 09:19:33 PM »
@iowahawkblog: Obamacare app for iPhone: Angry Doctors #DavesIdeas

@PablodeFleurs/@iowahawkblog #AngryDoctors (a.k.a. kill the piggies) #DavesIdeas

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Re: Obamacare Funding
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2013, 09:24:39 PM »
Not only does that hurt to read it is self-negating and makes no sense.  Since the Constitution gives the House the power of the purse, the House controls what the Senate must agree to, the Senate can vote up or down, a down vote does not equal passage, how can it?  The best the Senate can expect is a House-Senate Conference, but at the conclusion of the conference the House votes first and the Senate can only act on whatever the House passes.

The MFM and Dem's would like to rewrite Constitutional authority and they may lie and demagogue till the moon falls, but in the end they cannot escape reality.

Getting the GOP to hold to principle and not cave in though...that risk is ever present...the fate of the nation first and foremost and secondarily but more important to them is the viability of the party.  They screw up this and the debt ceiling and it is checkmate.
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Re: Obamacare Funding
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2013, 09:13:10 AM »
Who’s Responsible for the Shutdown?

All around the country, Americans are asking one question: Who’s responsible for the shutdown? And no, we’re not talking about the government slowdown—we’re talking about the Obamacare shutdown.

All claims to the contrary, Obamacare has been effectively shut down—people are running into roadblocks and error messages when trying to enroll in plans. And the New York Times this morning explains that one of the major problems in getting exchanges to work has been a database created by the federal government:

    One bottleneck identified by state officials on Wednesday seemed to be occurring when state-run exchanges communicate with the federal data “hub” to verify a person’s citizenship, identity and income through agencies like the Internal Revenue Service and the Department of Homeland Security.

    About 18,000 people had created accounts on Nevada’s exchange by midafternoon Wednesday, said C. J. Bawden, a spokesman. But he said processing was slowed by trouble communicating with the federal system to establish their identity and eligibility, one of the last steps in the process. Minnesota officials also reported problems with the identity checking process. “We have it corrected as of now, but it was a federal-side problem,” Mr. Bawden said.

In other words, both state-based and federally run exchanges can’t function properly, because the federal government dropped the ball in creating a technically competent database.

The data hub brings with it other concerns, over and above the current inability for applicants to enroll in plans. Because the hub links to many government databases containing Social Security, tax, and other sensitive personal data, a breach of the hub could lead to identity theft and other frauds.

Given the rushed implementation process, and the federal government’s poor track record when it comes to cybersecurity, many Americans should be worried that the data hub’s initial problems may represent the tip of the iceberg.

Despite the fact that Obamacare seems to be doing a good job of collapsing under its own weight, Congress should still act to prevent any more federal taxpayer dollars from being used to implement this inherently unworkable law—and to keep taxpayers’ information safe.
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Re: Obamacare Funding
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2013, 10:30:10 AM »
The root problem to what's going on with the shutdown is the fact that the Senate has been ignoring their constitutional duty to advise and consent on legislation passed by the House.

The House has passed legislation overthrowing Obamacare, repealing, defunding, or whatever more than 17 times, and Harry Reid has refused to introduce the legislation to the Senate, contrary to their responsibility and duty per the constitution.

That is why the House is using the CR as 'leverage', so that Harry Reid can't do what he has done in the past 17 times.

That is, circumvent his constitutional duty to introduce the legislation passed by the House. The House has the constitutional duty to pass said legislation, meaning, the Senate has a duty to advise and consent, not ignore and throw in the trash can.
People need to be educated as how government is supposed to work according to the constitution, not according to the Senate Rules.

Sorry, I posted this same on another thread by mistake, as this is where it should be. Thanks
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Online Pablo de Fleurs

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Re: Obamacare Funding
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2013, 12:31:57 PM »
The Budget Fight and Obama’s Vindictive Streak
The president thinks negotiating with his “ideological” opponents on the budget is beneath him.
By Jonah Goldberg

Shutting down the government in an effort to use a budget fight to get rid of Obamacare is not the strategy I would have recommended for the GOP. And while Republicans can be blamed for starting the shutdown, it’s increasingly apparent that President Obama and the Democrats deserve the lion’s share of blame for not only prolonging it but also making it as painful as possible.

Obama has always had a bit of a vindictive streak when it comes to politics. I think it stems from his Manichaean view of America. There are the reasonable people — who agree with him. And there are the bitter clingers who disagree for irrational or extremist ideological reasons.

In his various statements over the last week, he’s insisted that opponents of Obamacare are “ideologues” on an “ideological crusade.” Meanwhile, he cast himself as just a reasonable guy interested in solving America’s problems. I have no issue with him calling Republican opponents “ideologues” — they are — but since when is Obama not an ideologue?

The argument about Obamacare is objectively and irrefutably ideological on both sides — state-provided health care has been an ideological brass ring for the Left for well over a century. But much of the press takes its cues from Democrats and sees this fight — and most other political fights — as a contest pitting the forces of moderation, decency, and rationality against the ranks of the ideologically brainwashed.

What’s unusual is the way Obama sees the government as a tool for his ideological agenda. During the fight over the sequester, Obama ordered the government to make the 2 percent budget cut as painful and scary as possible.

“It’s going to be very painful for the flying public,” Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood warned Americans.

“The FAA’s all-hands furloughs managed to convert a less than 4 percent FAA budget cut into a 10 percent air-traffic control cut that would delay 40 percent of flights,” the Wall Street Journal noted at the time.

The Department of Homeland Security announced it might not be able to protect the nation’s borders, and in an effort to prove the point summarily released a couple thousand of immigrant detainees, many of them with criminal records.

Obama, the avowed problem solver, set out to create problems for the American people, just to prove how great government is and how crazy Republicans were for wanting to cut spending — much of the money borrowed from China — a little. But don’t you dare call him an ideologue!

Now, with the government shutdown and the looming fight over the debt ceiling, Obama’s doubling down on this ideologically perverse strategy.

The National Park Service, which has somehow become the unofficial goon squad of American liberalism, reversed course and let American World War II vets visit the WWII memorial in Washington, D.C. This is obviously good news. (I was waiting to see if Steven Spielberg would come out with a new Obama-friendly director’s cut of Saving Private Ryan in which the old guy at the end is dragged off in cuffs before he can reach Tom Hanks’s grave.)

Still, it cost the government more money to try to keep WWII vets out of an open-air memorial than it would have to just leave it be. In Virginia, the NPS ordered the Claude Moore Colonial Farm to shut down, even though it’s privately funded.

Far worse, Obama told CNBC’s John Harwood that Wall Street should be far more panicky about Republican efforts to use the debt ceiling to win concessions from the White House. I don’t blame Obama for being annoyed with Republicans for trying to use the debt ceiling the exact same way he did when he was a senator. But normally a sitting president doesn’t try to talk down the economy just to win a political point.

Whenever the Bush administration issued terror warnings, Democrats insinuated that it was all a cynical political stunt. But this week, the White House sent out National Intelligence Director James Clapper to whip up fears that national security would be imperiled by a shutdown less than 48 hours old.

When Republicans vote to fund essential or popular parts of the government, the response from Democrats is, in effect, “How dare they?” Nancy Pelosi calls the tactic “releasing one hostage at a time” — as if negotiators normally refuse to have hostages released unless it’s all at once.

In the 17 previous government shutdowns since 1977, presidents have worked to avoid them or lessen their impact. Obama has made no such effort out of an ideological yearning to punish his enemies, regardless of the collateral damage.

— Jonah Goldberg is the author of The Tyranny of Clichés, now on sale in paperback. You can write to him by e-mail at, or via Twitter @JonahNRO. © 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
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Re: Obamacare Funding
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2013, 06:23:11 PM »
Ted Cruz just tweeted:
@tedcruz- Not the Onion: Turns out Obamacare's most enthusiastic customer … is not actually a customer:

Obamacare Poster Boy Chad Henderson and His Dad Didn't Really Buy Insurance
An exclusive interview with Bill Henderson.
Peter Suderman | October 4, 2013

UPDATED at 2.54pm ET: Scroll to end of this article for the latest development in this story. After speaking directly with Chad Henderson, The Washington Post has confirmed that he has not in fact enrolled in a health-care plan.

Chad Henderson is the media’s poster boy for Obamacare. Reporters struggled this week to find individuals who said they had been able to enroll in one of the law’s 36 federally run health-insurance exchanges.

That changed yesterday, when they found Henderson, a 21-year-old student and part-time child-care worker who lives in Georgia and says that he successfully enrolled himself and his father Bill in insurance plans via the online exchange administered at

But in an exclusive phone interview this morning with Reason, Chad's father Bill contradicted virtually every major detail of the story the media can't get enough of. What's more, some of the details that Chad has released are also at odds with published rate schedules and how Obamacare officials say the enrollment system works.

The coverage of Chad Henderson has been massive. He was featured in The Washington Post Thursday as “the Obamacare enrollee that tons of reporters are calling.” He was also profiled in The Huffington Post as someone who “beat the glitches to sign up for Obamacare.” He was interviewed by Politico, multiple local news organizations, and, according to his Facebook feed, was asked to be part of a conference call hosted by the Department of Health and Human Services.

Chad's story was tweeted out by the official Obamacare Twitter feed. It was promoted to the media by Enroll America, a health-care activist group headed by a former White House communications staffer, as a sign of Obamacare’s success. Henderson told reporters at multiple news outlets that after a three-hour wait to sign up online, he enrolled around 3 a.m. Tuesday morning in an unsubsidized private insurance plan that would cost him about $175 a month. He also said that his father enrolled in separate coverage plan that would cost about $250 a month after factoring in the subsidies for which his father qualified on his approximately $24,000 annual income.

Chad’s decision to purchase his own, separate plan might surprise some. A monthly premium of $175 would represent about 30 percent of his pre-tax take home pay—about $583 a month on the $7,000 part-time income he claimed. And he could have chosen to be covered by his father’s plan, which, under the Affordable Care Act, would have been required to cover dependents up to the age of 26. Chad said his father encouraged him to be covered under his own plan, even though the cost was higher. "He's old school, so he wants me to take responsibility," Chad told The Huffington Post.

Henderson’s story was promoted as proof that the new health law can work for individuals. That was exactly how Chad intended it. He was a volunteer with President Obama’s campaign last year, and his LinkedIn page still lists him as an active volunteer with Organizing for Action, the former campaign organization which now advocates for the president’s legislative agenda.

He told The Washington Post that he was sharing his story because he wanted the new health law to succeed.

"I've read a few articles about how young people are very critical to the law's success," he said to The Post. "I really just wanted to do my part to help out with the entire process."

But details of Chad's story proved difficult to verify. And in a phone interview conducted this morning, Chad’s father Bill contradicted major details of Chad’s story. I reached Bill Henderson by following a series of links at Chad's Facebook page, through which I was able to speak directly to the father.

Bill Henderson told me that both he and his son were interested in getting coverage, but that he had not enrolled in any plan yet, and to his knowledge, neither had his son. He also said that when they do enroll, getting the most coverage for the least money would be the goal, and that he expects that he and his son will get coverage under the same plan.

Bill told me that Chad had been looking into plans online. “He told me that there’s different plans. And we haven’t decided which plans to enroll in yet.”

I asked him whether he and his son had talked about going on separate plans, and he told me that, “We’ll probably go on the same plan, more than likely.”
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power & of love and of calm, a well-balanced mind, discipline and self-control.