Author Topic: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare  (Read 39285 times)

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The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« on: November 06, 2013, 09:35:11 PM »
This is a really terrific summary of everything that is wrong with DumbassCare that we know of (to date...obviously there will probably be more but this is pretty darned good).

Unsurprisingly, the massive and unpopular transformation failed to attract any Republican votes. When Republicans had faced similar electoral math on Social Security reform -- an opposition party implacably opposed, and the electorate clearly against it -- they’d abandoned their efforts. That is what parties do when they reach such an impasse; it’s what Democrats did on Clintoncare. No program this large had ever passed on a party-line vote, because this was correctly viewed as political suicide. Nancy Pelosi managed to get it through the House anyway, which should go down as one of the most impressive political achievements in history, and Harry Reid shepherded another version through the Senate. When Republicans protested, they were rather smugly told that “elections have consequences.”

Then Ted Kennedy died. Massachusetts -- Massachusetts! -- elected Republican Scott Brown in an election that often seemed to revolve around the health-care bill. Democrats still pressed forward. Without the votes to overcome a Republican filibuster, they had the House pass a draft Senate bill that had never been meant to become law and used some procedural tap-dancing to push some fixes through the Senate. Such maneuvering wasn’t unprecedented, but it wasn’t popular, either. And the limitations of the method they used left the bill with all sorts of problems, many of which we are dealing with now.

Democrats read this as a lesson on the evils of the filibuster. As it happens, I like the idea of minorities having a check on majorities. But that’s sort of irrelevant, because this would have been a bad idea even if Democrats could have passed a cleaner bill with 59 votes in the Senate.

Democrats believed that the unpopular bill they had just rammed through on a party-line vote would not only get more popular, but also make them more popular, thereby giving them the political support they needed to pass more fixes -- fixes that would have been needed even on a less messy draft bill, because anything this complicated is unlikely to work as written. As I noted at the time, this seemed borderline delusional. Democrats lost the House and some Senate seats in the 2010 election, and Obamacare was a major contributor to that loss. Whereupon Democrats learned what apparently didn’t occur to them in 2009: that there might be other elections, with different consequences.

This article was written by Megan McArdle and it is pretty good. Really. You should read it all the way through.

Here is the link to the Larry Summers memo of 2010 outlining all of the problems that he knew about this mess at that time. Also well worth a read. Here is one portion:

4. Above the operational level, the process is also broken. The overall head of implementation inside HHS, Jeanne Lambrew, is known for her knowledge of Congress, her commitment to the poor, and her mistrust of insurance companies. She is not known for operational ability, knowledge of delivery systems, or facilitating widespread change. Thus, it is not surprising that delivery system reform, provider outreach, and exchange administration are receiving little attention. Further, the fact that Jeanne and people like her cannot get along with other people in the Administration means that the opportunities for collaborative engagement are limited, areas of great importance are not addressed, and valuable problem solving time is wasted on internal fights.

All in all, the administration has immense decisions to make about transforming health care delivery and coverage. But no one I interact with has confidence that your current  personnel and configuration is up to the task.

Remember...this was written in May of 2010...nearly 3-1/2 years before the 2013 rollout fiasco. So...conclusion: This was all predictable. And, given the amateurish behavior of the administration, completely inevitable. Like the sun rising in the east.

And then there's this from the Politico:

Democratic senators have a warning for the White House: Fix Obamacare’s problems or put Senate seats at risk next year.

In interviews, Democratic senators running in 2014, party elders and Senate leaders said the Obama administration must rescue the law from its rocky start before it emerges as a bigger political liability next year.

Democratic senators from red states — the most vulnerable incumbents up for reelection next year — voted for Obamacare and have been among the law’s biggest champions, believing that voters would embrace it once they experienced its benefits. They could end up being some of the law’s most prominent casualties if its unpopularity continues to grow.

If voters continue experiencing problems like a balky website, canceled policies and higher premiums, the fallout could be brutal next November, Democrats acknowledge.

Anyone seriously think that DumbassCare can be fixed...ever? I don't. It is fundamentally flawed in that it ignores human behavior and market economics. It may as well ignore the law of gravity and try to levitate. This law simply cannot work. Not now. Not by the end of November. Not by the end of next November. Not ever.

Next year's elections are going to be a blood bath that will make the previous Republican routs of 1994 and 2010 look tame by comparison. Lie to the voters? problem. But you have to be Bill Clinton. Lie and steal from the voters? And then double down and lie about the lie? This is all uncharted territory because previous presidents and previous Democrat leaders have been able to embrace reality at least to a certain degree and have never gone down this particular cul de sac before. But these guys? They are speeding into this dead end like it's an eight lane interstate highway to paradise.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 11:08:08 PM by trapeze »
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2013, 12:20:26 AM »
Schadenfreude: enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others

Quick, someone cue the violin music...

And from the theater of unintended consequences comes this tale of woe:

San Francisco architect Lee Hammack says he and his wife, JoEllen Brothers, are “cradle Democrats.” They have donated to the liberal group Organizing for America and worked the phone banks a year ago for President Obama’s re-election.

Since 1995, Hammack and Brothers have received their health coverage from Kaiser Permanente, where Brothers worked until 2009 as a dietitian and diabetes educator. “We’ve both been in very good health all of our lives – exercise, don’t smoke, drink lightly, healthy weight, no health issues, and so on,” Hammack told me.

The couple — Lee, 60, and JoEllen, 59 — have been paying $550 a month for their health coverage — a plan that offers solid coverage, not one of the skimpy plans Obama has criticized. But recently, Kaiser informed them the plan would be canceled at the end of the year because it did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. The couple would need to find another one. The cost would be around double what they pay now, but the benefits would be worse.

Touching story, no?

But just to prove that you can't fix stupid:

“We’re not changing our views because of this situation, but it hurt to hear Obama saying, just the other day, that if our plan has been dropped it’s because it wasn’t any good, and our costs would go up only slightly,” he said. “We’re gratified that the press is on the case, but frustrated that the stewards of the ACA don’t seem to have heard.”

And then there's this:

[Hammack has] written to California’s senators and his representative, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., asking for help.

“We believe that the Act is good for health care, the economy, & the future of our nation. However, ACA options for middle income individuals ages 59 & 60 are unaffordable. We’re learning that many others are similarly affected. In that spirit we ask that you fix this, for all of our sakes,” he and Brothers wrote.

You just have to wonder how people like this avoid falling off of a pier or walking onto the interstate.

So what is Hammack going to do? If his income were to fall below four times the federal poverty level, or about $62,000 for a family of two, he would qualify for subsidies that could lower his premium cost to as low as zero. If he makes even one dollar more, he gets nothing.

That’s what he’s leaning toward — lowering his salary or shifting more money toward a retirement account and applying for a subsidy.

Anyway, you will note the human nature and invisible hand at work where the ObamaVoter says that he is considering lowering his pay rate so that he can qualify for a subsidy. Funny thing that...human nature. Now, for a moment imagine that a significant portion of the affected population decides to do the same thing. Then what?

Well, for starters we are looking at an overnight jump in the dependent class. Thousands and thousands of people decide to get off of the "maker" train and hop a bus to "takerville." What then?

First of all you end up with a healthcare system that cannot support itself at all. Too many taking out and not enough putting in. But what about the economy? What happens to an economy that suddenly sees a massive decline in productivity? What about the dramatic lowering of disposable income? What does that do to the employment market? Does it get better, stay the same or get worse? The optimistic guess would be "stay the same." And what would then happen to revenue to the fed, state and local governments? Anyone think that it would improve? No? So first you get the health insurance death spiral and then you get the economic death spiral.


« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 12:36:34 AM by trapeze »
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline IronDioPriest

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2013, 04:06:03 AM »
I have an old friend - a former drummer in my band. He's apparently a liberal and Obama supporter. I don't see him anymore, but we're connected on facebook.

During the government shutdown, he posted an article by Fareed Zakaria, condemning Ted Cruz and the House for trying to obstruct "settled law", saying that the actions were dangerous to the republic.

I chimed in and tore the article to pieces. Rather than object, my old friend warned his other facebook friends to think before engaging me, and he said it in a condescending way, suggesting that I'm a know-it-all.

I let it sit for a while, and then my friend chimed in with a long diatribe, which I more easily tore to shreds than I did Zakaria's BS. My friend must have decided he was outmatched, because even though I've posted bits and pieces about the devastation of Obamacare as addendums to that facebook thread, he has not responded.

Now here's the thing: he's a small business owner, and I am absolutely certain that he obtains his health insurance on the open market. I am infinitely curious to know what he's learning about how his finances and choices are about to be turned upside down, and the prospect fills me with glee.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Offline warpmine

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2013, 05:57:06 AM »
IDP said:
Now here's the thing: he's a small business owner, and I am absolutely certain that he obtains his health insurance on the open market. I am infinitely curious to know what he's learning about how his finances and choices are about to be turned upside down, and the prospect fills me with glee.

It ought to have you jumping up and down with glee.

Regarding Trap's response of the Brothers couple: Wait until the government sees that huge difference regarding how much revenue it doesn't take in because many are doing the same thing they always do to avoid paying higher taxes, wait for it....they hide their money or work less so declaring lower income becomes the norm.

Stupid f**ks, welcome to Obamaville. Please MR. Chinese banker, the revenue from the income tax hikes isn't panning out as theorized it would. Americans are greedy capitalist pigs. ::popcorn::
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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2013, 09:06:57 AM »
However, ACA options for middle income individuals ages 59 & 60 are unaffordable. We’re learning that many others are similarly affected. In that spirit we ask that you fix this, for all of our sakes

THEY WANT IT FIXED FOR THEM!!!  They are special.  They're healthy!! They did everything right!!! They deserve it!!  Not like the others who probably eat at McDonalds or something.

 ::puke::  ::bashing::
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2013, 10:32:27 AM »
During the government shutdown, he posted an article by Fareed Zakaria, condemning Ted Cruz and the House for trying to obstruct "settled law", saying that the actions were dangerous to the republic.

The Second Amendment is settled law ratified by a 3/4 majority and has been in place for over 200 years.  How dare the Democrats try to meddle with it?
Compare that to Obamacare, a spending bill originated in the Senate, passed with huge and obvious kickbacks as a bribe,  on a bill no one had read, and which had massive majority opposition both before and after its passage.  Its settled law.

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2013, 10:51:52 AM »
Furthermore, as to settled law, there are two or three cases in the process of making their way through the courts.
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Offline trapeze

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2013, 10:53:07 AM »
So the final leg on this stool is the humanitarian one. This is the one where people, real people from every demographic category you care to think of, who have recently become uninsured through no fault of their own get sick and die because of this law.

It's pretty hard to argue with a corpse. Or lots of them. But this will happen. There is no way to prevent it now. Many hundreds of thousands of people...maybe a few million...who used to have insurance no longer do. And a certain percentage of them will get sick or injured and will be denied treatment because they are not insured and a certain percentage of them will die.

And we are talking about a lot of deaths. A number that will dwarf the casualty numbers of Iraq or Afghanistan. Now while it is true that even with insurance a lot of these statistical people would have died anyway, well, tell that to the grieving family members who will be convinced that their loved one would have lived if only they had still had insurance. It just won't matter to them. It wouldn't matter to me.

Nope, this is going to be bad and there is absolutely no way to stop it now.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

Offline Libertas

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2013, 11:52:48 AM »
When libiots start a fire, perhaps the best course of action is to get out of the way...while leaving gas cans behind...
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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2013, 12:02:50 PM »
all those people who thought Obamacare was for other people are finding out it's for them!   
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Offline IronDioPriest

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2013, 12:23:35 PM »
However, ACA options for middle income individuals ages 59 & 60 are unaffordable. We’re learning that many others are similarly affected. In that spirit we ask that you fix this, for all of our sakes

THEY WANT IT FIXED FOR THEM!!!  They are special... 

 ::puke::  ::bashing::

Just like the labor unions, and that wealthy district in Colorado.

Useful idiots, all.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

- Thomas Jefferson

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2013, 12:26:08 PM »
So the final leg on this stool is the humanitarian one. This is the one where people, real people from every demographic category you care to think of, who have recently become uninsured through no fault of their own get sick and die because of this law.

It's pretty hard to argue with a corpse. Or lots of them. But this will happen. There is no way to prevent it now. Many hundreds of thousands of people...maybe a few million...who used to have insurance no longer do. And a certain percentage of them will get sick or injured and will be denied treatment because they are not insured and a certain percentage of them will die.

And we are talking about a lot of deaths. A number that will dwarf the casualty numbers of Iraq or Afghanistan. Now while it is true that even with insurance a lot of these statistical people would have died anyway, well, tell that to the grieving family members who will be convinced that their loved one would have lived if only they had still had insurance. It just won't matter to them. It wouldn't matter to me.

Nope, this is going to be bad and there is absolutely no way to stop it now.

...and who are the majority of people who had insurance on the open market who no longer do, and who may die by the thousands or millions?

Well, all the right people for the Marxist purge: Middle-class, self-reliant small business owners, and hey, if most of 'em are White, that's a bonus for the Marxists too.
"A strict observance of the written laws is doubtless one of the high duties of a good citizen, but it is not the highest. The laws of necessity, of self-preservation, of saving our country when in danger, are of higher obligation. To lose our country by a scrupulous adherence to written law, would be to lose the law itself, with life, liberty, property and all those who are enjoying them with us; thus absurdly sacrificing the end to the means."

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2013, 03:11:15 PM »
However, ACA options for middle income individuals ages 59 & 60 are unaffordable. We’re learning that many others are similarly affected. In that spirit we ask that you fix this, for all of our sakes

THEY WANT IT FIXED FOR THEM!!!  They are special.  They're healthy!! They did everything right!!! They deserve it!!  Not like the others who probably eat at McDonalds or something.

 ::puke::  ::bashing::

"Awwwww. Sucks when karma runs over your dogma, doesn't it?" - Kevin Baker
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #13 on: November 08, 2013, 07:48:56 AM »

PrezSkittles sorry he lied is ass off (not true), sorry he suckered you (no, definitely not true)...and he knows you'll still love him tomorrow (sadly, this is probably true, poor dumb usefull idiots can't help it!  what are they gonna do, turn on him?  not support dem's who "promise" to fix this shyt?!  yeah, right!)...

Welcome to the FUBAR'd state of Amerika...

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #14 on: November 08, 2013, 11:34:29 PM »
I hope this posts OK...

Offline trapeze

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2013, 11:43:50 PM »
Thank goodness he is pivoting to the economy so that he can f*****g focus on it like a laser beam and jobs can magically pop out of his butt with new and improved rainbow power. Certainly he deserves the Nobel Prize for economics and if he doesn't get it then it's a Republican racist conspiracy or something.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #16 on: November 09, 2013, 12:01:28 AM »
Cancer patient gets his plan cancelled and decides to die rather than saddle his family with the outrageous insurance costs that DumbassCare has for him. LINK

Elliott says he voted for Obama due to his promise that Americans could keep their plans if they like them.

"I like my doctor. I love my insurance," said Elliott. "They were paying just about everything, including medication and medical devices."
On Thursday, Obama said he was "sorry" to the 4.2 million Americans whose health insurance plans have been canceled due to Obamacare. Elliott says the president's apology is too little too late.

"Absolutely he misled me," said Elliott. "I believe that was more of an insult to me and the other people who have been canceled than him saying 41 times 'you're going to keep your doctor, keep your insurance. Period.'"

Elliott added that Obama's apology is "like a doctor coming into your operating room and saying, 'I cut out your wrong kidney. But I'm sorry about that.' There's nothing you can do about it now."

Now this is someone who is really and truly sorry that he voted for the SCOAMF.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.


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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #17 on: November 09, 2013, 12:18:11 AM »
Now this is someone who is really and truly sorry that he voted for the SCOAMF.

As crass as this sounds considering this guy's case, stupid should hurt -- a lot.  There's a ton of hurt left to be felt by the stupid.  We're hearing about the sick cases now, wait until we hear from the youngsters who aren't buying into the OwebamaCare exchanges bullshyt tomorrow, paying the penalty tax instead.  Wait until the system collapses for all thanks to Dems thinking they can change the laws of economics and human nature.  We've got a long way to fall yet before the pain is equally (re)distributed to the stupid who voted for their own enslavement to the government.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #18 on: November 09, 2013, 09:05:43 AM »
Now this is someone who is really and truly sorry that he voted for the SCOAMF.

As crass as this sounds considering this guy's case, stupid should hurt -- a lot.  There's a ton of hurt left to be felt by the stupid.  We're hearing about the sick cases now, wait until we hear from the youngsters who aren't buying into the OwebamaCare exchanges bullshyt tomorrow, paying the penalty tax instead.  Wait until the system collapses for all thanks to Dems thinking they can change the laws of economics and human nature.  We've got a long way to fall yet before the pain is equally (re)distributed to the stupid who voted for their own enslavement to the government.

Wait till millions just decide to not comply with paying the penalty. Especially those like me, who have insurance, but will refuse to claim it until the IRS takes it to court.  Oh sorry, looks like I had it all along and I don't owe you a f'ing dime. This paperwork is like a butterfly ballot. I can't understand it, and therefore I keep filling it out incorrectly.

I don't feel any sympathy for these people. I, and many others, were screaming at the top of our lungs this was going to happen, and if you chose to ignore those warnings,  to not look into those claims and to "trust" your government instead, then you deserve to die. Horribly, and in Pain if possible.  If you supported this, you supported trying to bully and rob others to get your free lunch, and you are guilty of  an attempt at enslaving  others. . YOU EARNED this reward.  Enjoy it. Reap what you have sown, and choke on it.

As for the rest, we are going to be a third world country.  Do you expect good medical care in the third world? No. Its time to accept that fact. You will not have it. You will not have a lot of things.  Life with be hard, brutish and short, because that is the way the leftards prefer it.  Far better than that than seeing anyone do better then they .
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 09:08:46 AM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Libertas

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Re: The Very Pinnacle Of Schadenfreude Unleashed Via DumbassCare
« Reply #19 on: November 09, 2013, 10:03:59 AM »
Now this is someone who is really and truly sorry that he voted for the SCOAMF.

As crass as this sounds considering this guy's case, stupid should hurt -- a lot.  There's a ton of hurt left to be felt by the stupid.  We're hearing about the sick cases now, wait until we hear from the youngsters who aren't buying into the OwebamaCare exchanges bullshyt tomorrow, paying the penalty tax instead.  Wait until the system collapses for all thanks to Dems thinking they can change the laws of economics and human nature.  We've got a long way to fall yet before the pain is equally (re)distributed to the stupid who voted for their own enslavement to the government.

Wait till millions just decide to not comply with paying the penalty. Especially those like me, who have insurance, but will refuse to claim it until the IRS takes it to court.  Oh sorry, looks like I had it all along and I don't owe you a f'ing dime. This paperwork is like a butterfly ballot. I can't understand it, and therefore I keep filling it out incorrectly.

I don't feel any sympathy for these people. I, and many others, were screaming at the top of our lungs this was going to happen, and if you chose to ignore those warnings,  to not look into those claims and to "trust" your government instead, then you deserve to die. Horribly, and in Pain if possible.  If you supported this, you supported trying to bully and rob others to get your free lunch, and you are guilty of  an attempt at enslaving  others. . YOU EARNED this reward.  Enjoy it. Reap what you have sown, and choke on it.

As for the rest, we are going to be a third world country.  Do you expect good medical care in the third world? No. Its time to accept that fact. You will not have it. You will not have a lot of things.  Life with be hard, brutish and short, because that is the way the leftards prefer it.  Far better than that than seeing anyone do better then they .


And I will be there to gum up the works and dick with them too! 
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.