Author Topic: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?  (Read 9163 times)

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Offline Libertas

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Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« on: December 15, 2013, 12:21:41 PM »
I know Weisshaupt has brought up the possibility in other thread discussions we've had around here, but the more I think about it the more concerned I am that perhaps we are not paying as much attention to this as perhaps we should...we all half-joke about the government and progressives literally coming to kill us, but what if in fact they really are planning just that?  Are we prepared for that?  I would suggest we are far from prepared for that because we: a) have difficulty thinking along these lines in general and b) have even more difficulty in thinking along these lines in particular.

I am not intentionally being cryptic, just trying to set the table as best I can.

Before we can get to the particulars we need to establish the possibility that our enemies are in fact trying to kill us.  Once we accept that as a certainty the rest is easier to address. 

First, why would they kill us if they can just avoid us, marginalize us, enslave us, pen us up or just expel us?   Good questions, an equally good question would be "Why would they bother with anything other than killing us?", right?  I mean all the other entails administrative bureaucracy, time, resources in material and manpower...killing, as Hitler, Stalin et al showed, is simple cost-effective and quick.

Second, how can they kill us all, are not millions of us prepared to various extents to sufficiently frustrate plans to come for us in any overt manner?  On the face of it this appears the most compelling reason to discount this fear and the one I am thinking most people are more than open to embracing.  (See reasons "a" & "b" above)  But avoidance, while comfortable for a time, is often self-delusion to certain undeniable facts...and self-delusion in this case will be fatal.  I believe that it is this sense that we are prepared at present that is providing a false sense of security to us on the one hand and inviting an even greater risk on the other.  Our enemies know millions of us are prepared for overt action and their actions to date (arming up every agency and department on hand and having an all-powerful intelligence apparatus in place for example) seem to indicate clearly that they know.  That West Point and other military organizations and Federal departments list us as likely terrorist movements is another indicator of their paranoia.  IN this case their paranoia may be justified but greatly misplaced.  We know it is state divergence from and hostility to Founding Principles and those who support them is the reason for our prudence and is frustrating to us that elements within the state are unable to see this, or worse yet see it and do nothing to reverse it, that compels us to do what we are doing to preserve our freedom and liberty.  They have chosen to not join us in preserving freedom and liberty for all, they have chosen to combat it.  Therefor we can only conclude that all of their actions are being driven solely to eliminate the threat to them, and they think because they control the organs of state that their actions no matter what they may be are legitimate.

Third, you may ask how can they possibly assure themselves that all elements within the state apparatus will go along with mass murder?  The simple answer is they cannot.  But that is not the deal-killer people think it may be.  History is replete with examples of the unthinkable and horrific becoming reality in short order, and it doesn't take an especially large or even well-trained group to effect such events, all it takes is the will to do so and the people willing to carry it out...or be replaced for those who can.  As we will see the deeper we go into the unthinkable the more clear the choice is for enemies of liberty.

Lastly, how can they kill so many and get away with it?  The answer lies within the solution as much as within the lessons of history.  For the truly despotic to seize power in this age means upping the level of evil exponentially.  There have always been despots battling others for more land, wealth, power and control.  Each succeeding generation seems to get better at it than the last.  Technological advances beyond mans ability to govern fits into this as well.  The twentieth century saw plenty along both lines, the advent of nuclear annihilation seems to have hit an equilibrium, but that is nothing more than the simple fact that real fear works quite well in moderating behavior.  If vulnerabilities arise that too shall make the use of such ultimately devastating weapons possible.  But not in this case.

Our enemies can neither nuke us or hope to overtake us by conventional force without incurring heavy costs to themselves.  It is my great fear we have arrived at the only solution left to them, the hope that they will come to their senses and back down seems unlikely, the reigns of power mean everything to them, it is their God, it cannot be let go under any circumstances, so the unthinkable will be entirely thinkable to them.  They can end all debate over power and control, resources...everything...if they can only manage to kill millions of people off.  And I do not limit them to national boundaries.  And for our purposes that debate is not immediately germane to the issue at hand.

Are we really prepared for what awaits us?

As I see it their only option is to throw most all of the babies out with the bath water.  They'll kill as many (or more) of their so-called own as us, and they'll have to do it by introducing chemical and/or biological agents.

How do we guard against that?  NBC suits are costly and not generally available to the public, we can get gas masks and the like, but what about things like access to the proper vaccines, medicines like Cipro, Atropine and Epinephrine?  We can stock iodine, peroxide and bleach for decontamination, but what really do we have access to?  These are the questions I think we need to explore.  Everything starts with survival, if we can't do that all else is moot.

We should start collecting info and posting links...the latter can be hard, a cursory search reveals a plethora of "buy my book and learn how" crap to sort through!  It will require more eyes to pull things together on our own.

Not the most pleasant of discussions, I posted it here for members to digest, if it deemed appropriate for general consumption we can move to the TEOTWAWKI section.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline AlanS

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2013, 02:04:29 PM »
How will they get us all? Easy. Determine that conservatism and Christianity are mental illnesses and come for us. Those that don't comply....
"Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem."

Thomas Jefferson

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2013, 03:08:01 PM »
If they use the WMD, then its over. We won't be able to fight that -- if they are willing to  poison  water, earth  and air over large areas or spread a plague,  you would need the resources of a state to combat it- huge underground areas with the ability to get their own power and food.  If you delve into the Illuminati stuff, the elites have a place in the underground cities with a vast assortment of aliens.

You just won't survive.  You won't get to offer anything but token resistance. I don't know how anyone could really prep for it..

Offline KittenClaws

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2013, 06:14:58 PM »
I don't think they'll out and out kill us Libertas.

I think they are pushing buttons until we make the first move. That way the killing would be justified.  You see how they demonize patriotism; how conservatives are portrayed, we must become evil so they can be perceived as good.

Same as hitler did with the Jews.

No, they won't come gunning for us.  They want us to reach tipping point, they want us to shoot first.  I won't give them the satisfaction.

When THEY feel froggy, let them jump.
"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever." - Thomas Jefferson


“... sad moral of all human tales; ’Tis but the same rehearsal of the past; First freedom, and then glory—when that fails, Wealth, vice, corruption, barbarism at last.” – Roman Historian, Tacitus

Offline AmericanPatriot

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2013, 09:00:13 PM »
Interesting thought process, Libertas, and not without some merit.
It's certainly as plausible as any other scenario.

If you look at this only as a left/right or tyranny/freedom battle, it seems far fetched.
However, if you look at it as good vs evil or Light vs darkness, it isn't at all far-fetched.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #5 on: December 16, 2013, 07:14:30 AM »
I have no doubt we are in a pitched battle of good vs evil, that seems a certainty and it has been going on since Day 1 at varying degrees of intensity, and I think the intensity meter is pretty elevated and rising.  If KittenClaws is right, and I hope she is, then I think I am prepared for that, and as Alan says when they "come for us" they better be prepared for a hostile welcome!  It could be cats toying with food simply because it is there...or it could be playing with food as a preliminary toward devouring it.  Who knows?  I tend to think like Weisshaupt and think if WMDs are used it will be really hard to survive, but I am stubborn and even if only to get a few licks in before I expire I'd like to have that shot!  And alien stuff aside, there is too much chatter of oddness out there for there not to be some sort of measure of truth behind faceless evil forces and secret hideouts to ignore, call them Illuminati or whatever.  I guess it comes down to not wanting to be cheated out of my pound of flesh...some evil scum has to pay early!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2013, 08:51:22 AM »

I think they are pushing buttons until we make the first move. That way the killing would be justified.  You see how they demonize patriotism; how conservatives are portrayed, we must become evil so they can be perceived as good...No, they won't come gunning for us.  They want us to reach tipping point, they want us to shoot first. 

Ann Barnhardt was going off  in one of her latest podcasts on the need for real action - riots in the streets, clashes with police and so on-- lamenting that we are not rebelling like the Ukraine is against Putin's puppet govt there.  However, there is a huge difference - if those in the Ukraine just wait, nothing much is likely to change in Putin's situation.  That is not true of our Tyrants.  Celente is betting on a complete fiat  collapse in 2nd-3rd Quarter of 2014 ( and has been for a while now)  and I think that is entirely plausible. Others place that date as far out as 2018. They disagree on the form of the destroyed - Hyper inflation, deflation via Tapering/Bond rates, war, etc but SOMETHING will happen, suddenly or slowly over the next decade that will reduce America to 3rd world living standards, and the dollar to near irrelevance.

To KittenClaws point,  we are tactically better off waiting to resist - it allows us to continue to prep in a quasi-stable but ever worsening environment, and it keeps the ball firmly in the Tyrant's court.  If they desire to retain control, they will need the police state in place before this decline/collapse occurs. If they move to take the guns we fight.  If not, we can wait till their ability to control us is defunded by reality.  They will continue to issue orders of course, but without money to pay enforcers,  they will simply become a joke.

If they were willing to move into wholesale slaughter -  of the Chemical or Bioweapons kind, it begs the question -"Why haven't they already done it? What are they waiting for?"  - Even if the intent was to impose martial law - they could have cut off the EBTs and just let the resulting riot give them the excuse. They have not yet pulled a trigger - either to stage a false flag tea Party attack, nor to get the non-contributing zeros out demanding their "fair share" with violence.

They are definitely preparing for something: Drills in urban areas, practice targets of citizens, litmus tests and purges of the Military personnel form the top down, purchases of billions of rounds of hollow point,  Armed Swat teams in the Education dept, MRAPS and other military gear being pre-positioned with local police, targeting vets for PTSD and disarm them,    border checkpoints and illegal stops 100 miles form any border. .. . )

I have also noticed that the probing they have done seems to be located in certain cities.  ( Experimental Martial Law in Boston,  Mandatory innoculation orders in Mass and now in New York)

The comments the leftists  made when Northern Colorado Counties were considering leaving the State of Colorado, indicated that many feel that the rural areas depend upon cities..  that without the State Tax revenue  collected there wouldn't be enough tax dollars in a rural area to fix roads, pay for police or fire depts, etc - So the leftists in charge may have similar vies and may be simply thinking they will grasp and control the metro areas in Boston, New York, DC , Chicago, and simply leave the rural areas to rot.  (no that won't work, but they may not see it in their arrogance)

The question is if they are cognizant and have a plan or if they are blindly just kicking the can and, like us, just milking the system till its gone.  If there is a plan,  how much of that planning is incoherent and bound to be disastrous because of their hubris?

Was the Obamacare roll out deliberately poor to create a crisis ( never let a crises go to waste!) or was it due to their supreme confidence in their own (in)ability?

The goals of such planning are also not obvious. It could be they are simply willing to destroy all of America and leave it to rot in a civil war,  not caring who, what or if anything ever controls it again - and that is I think the most likely scenario given their actions - with perhaps a smaller plan to build a fiefdom in New England Area under martial law, and cutting their losses in flyover territory.

Or maybe they really think they can hold the whole thing together and rule with an iron fist. .  Its hard to say. Many different actors with many different motives, each playing games to manipulate others into advancing their plans is the answer I suspect.  I have no doubt that  many of those actors, if given the power and means, would order each and every conservative in the country re-educated or killed. Some may realize the difficulty of that given the 2nd amendment, but others, with more hubris, may not, and they are the ones more likely to give it a go.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2013, 09:19:35 AM »
If you look at this only as a left/right or tyranny/freedom battle, it seems far fetched.
However, if you look at it as good vs evil or Light vs darkness, it isn't at all far-fetched.

I am not sure I understand the distinction you are making.  This is not and never has been a battle between two equally valid ideologies that are in conflict.  If the left had an ideology they would then have  principles and be able to produce arguments for their position, and provide a rebuttal for ours.  The "ideology" of the left is simply a cloak  to provide them with an appearance of legitimacy. They have no principles, other than the pursuit of power and control.  They will gladly abandon any position as soon as it becomes clear they can gain advantage and move their quest for dominance forward by taking another. This is why they are always for things before they are against them. It is why the only standards they have are double standards. They call for civility, but are not willing to be civil.  They see our morals and tendency to play by the rules as pathetic weakness. Its only "wrong"  if you get caught. As Zinn pointed out, for leftists objectivity is impossible and if it weren't its undesirable  - the pursuit of their agenda justifies lying in textbooks, lying in negotiations, and lying to get laws passed ( If you like you plan you can keep you plan) They, each and every one, from the general to the footsolider, are narcissistic sociopaths INCAPABLE of dealing in good faith.  Truth is irrelevant to them. Morality is irrelevant to them ( they are Ubermench!) The rights of others are irrelevant to them. Live and let live is a philosophy that  imposes the beliefs of others on them!( Especially the belief that you are a human being, real and whole with rights and not the property of the collective)

These people, from the Politicians to the Unions to the non-contributing zeros to the members of your own family. EACH AND EVERY ONE is EVIL because each and every one is incapable of seeing you as a human being.   You can't have leftist  friends because, at the core, these "friends" see you as property.  They do not care for you, nor do they love you.  You are valuable to them only for what you provide to them ( ego stroking,financial help,  a feeling of being loved, or even a feeling of being superior to you)  - deny them that and see how quickly they drop you, with no remorse, and with no feeling ( yeah, they will pretend to be hurt if they think that will manipulate you. Try not buying and see how it turns to righteous anger that you, their  property,  dare reject them)

This isn't a principled disagreement between reasonable and moral parties who are both seeking the best outcome according to different value systems.   If it were, the left would be far more interested in the actual real world failures of their policies and would be actively seeking ways to improve them.  They don't care at all - because those polices are doing exactly what they are intended to do- subjugate and control.

 This is, and always has been,  about controlling other people, and being willing to lie, cheat, steal and kill to get their way.  And yes, they ALWAYS end by killing when they obtain enough  power.  Mao. Pol Pot.  Stalin.  Mussolini.  Hitler.  The desire to control others  is the heart of evil. and that is all leftists understand.

Sauron is not evil because he wears black armor. Sauron is not evil because he is warlike. Sauron is the embodiment of evil because all of his strength and power is deployed to bend every living creature to his will.

This has always been a battle between good and evil. That anyone is confused about this is testament to the left's deception about their own designs and motives, and the media's ability to ignore it.

The Media.

Offline AmericanPatriot

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2013, 09:39:23 AM »
Weisshaupt, I was referring to a spiritual battle between forces bigger than us as opposed to ideological between competing ideas

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2013, 09:46:43 AM »
Weisshaupt, I was referring to a spiritual battle between forces bigger than us as opposed to ideological between competing ideas

Again, I am not sure I am getting the distinction.  I am not much of a theologian, nor a christian, but my understanding is that the battle between good and evil rages all around us every day.. and has our entire lives. My contention is this has never been an ideological battle, and has always been the perpetual  moral one in which the greater forces have always taken an interest, and this is only one lens in which  to view this conflict accurately.

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2013, 09:57:24 AM »
As a Christian, I would frame it as the battle between God and Lucifer.
We are the prize/spoils/battlefield.

Once again, as a Christian, I believe the outcome is already decided and we win.
Many see this as only a battle between good and evil men that is between us and them.
Freedom and tyranny
Hope this clarifies, Weisshaupt

Offline Libertas

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2013, 11:33:05 AM »

I think they are pushing buttons until we make the first move. That way the killing would be justified.  You see how they demonize patriotism; how conservatives are portrayed, we must become evil so they can be perceived as good...No, they won't come gunning for us.  They want us to reach tipping point, they want us to shoot first. 

Ann Barnhardt was going off  in one of her latest podcasts on the need for real action - riots in the streets, clashes with police and so on-- lamenting that we are not rebelling like the Ukraine is against Putin's puppet govt there.  However, there is a huge difference - if those in the Ukraine just wait, nothing much is likely to change in Putin's situation.  That is not true of our Tyrants.  Celente is betting on a complete fiat  collapse in 2nd-3rd Quarter of 2014 ( and has been for a while now)  and I think that is entirely plausible. Others place that date as far out as 2018. They disagree on the form of the destroyed - Hyper inflation, deflation via Tapering/Bond rates, war, etc but SOMETHING will happen, suddenly or slowly over the next decade that will reduce America to 3rd world living standards, and the dollar to near irrelevance.

To KittenClaws point,  we are tactically better off waiting to resist - it allows us to continue to prep in a quasi-stable but ever worsening environment, and it keeps the ball firmly in the Tyrant's court.  If they desire to retain control, they will need the police state in place before this decline/collapse occurs. If they move to take the guns we fight.  If not, we can wait till their ability to control us is defunded by reality.  They will continue to issue orders of course, but without money to pay enforcers,  they will simply become a joke.

If they were willing to move into wholesale slaughter -  of the Chemical or Bioweapons kind, it begs the question -"Why haven't they already done it? What are they waiting for?"  - Even if the intent was to impose martial law - they could have cut off the EBTs and just let the resulting riot give them the excuse. They have not yet pulled a trigger - either to stage a false flag tea Party attack, nor to get the non-contributing zeros out demanding their "fair share" with violence.

They are definitely preparing for something: Drills in urban areas, practice targets of citizens, litmus tests and purges of the Military personnel form the top down, purchases of billions of rounds of hollow point,  Armed Swat teams in the Education dept, MRAPS and other military gear being pre-positioned with local police, targeting vets for PTSD and disarm them,    border checkpoints and illegal stops 100 miles form any border. .. . )

I have also noticed that the probing they have done seems to be located in certain cities.  ( Experimental Martial Law in Boston,  Mandatory innoculation orders in Mass and now in New York)

The comments the leftists  made when Northern Colorado Counties were considering leaving the State of Colorado, indicated that many feel that the rural areas depend upon cities..  that without the State Tax revenue  collected there wouldn't be enough tax dollars in a rural area to fix roads, pay for police or fire depts, etc - So the leftists in charge may have similar vies and may be simply thinking they will grasp and control the metro areas in Boston, New York, DC , Chicago, and simply leave the rural areas to rot.  (no that won't work, but they may not see it in their arrogance)

The question is if they are cognizant and have a plan or if they are blindly just kicking the can and, like us, just milking the system till its gone.  If there is a plan,  how much of that planning is incoherent and bound to be disastrous because of their hubris?

Was the Obamacare roll out deliberately poor to create a crisis ( never let a crises go to waste!) or was it due to their supreme confidence in their own (in)ability?

The goals of such planning are also not obvious. It could be they are simply willing to destroy all of America and leave it to rot in a civil war,  not caring who, what or if anything ever controls it again - and that is I think the most likely scenario given their actions - with perhaps a smaller plan to build a fiefdom in New England Area under martial law, and cutting their losses in flyover territory.

Or maybe they really think they can hold the whole thing together and rule with an iron fist. .  Its hard to say. Many different actors with many different motives, each playing games to manipulate others into advancing their plans is the answer I suspect.  I have no doubt that  many of those actors, if given the power and means, would order each and every conservative in the country re-educated or killed. Some may realize the difficulty of that given the 2nd amendment, but others, with more hubris, may not, and they are the ones more likely to give it a go.

*My pet peeve again...drop the "the"!  There is no "the Ukraine" just like there is no "the America"!   ::oldman::

*2nd/3rd quarter collapse fits my timeline.

*What are they waiting for?  Getting their poop in a group, either in part or as a part of some greater global goal.

*Mandatory things getting more company first enticed and then made damn near mandatory certain health care related activities well before OTardCare came along, and for the first time asked that people identify themselves if they refused a flu shot...the latter crap reeks of Big Brother BS so I ignored the Hell out of it!

*I wish they'd leave rural areas alone...cannot believe asswipes argued rural areas need them...for food/resources it has always been the other way around!  To call their bluff all you have to do is agree with them that a peaceful division of the nation into rural and urban sovereign states and either they are forced to agree or backpeddle faster than an NFL cornerback named "Toast"!

*Yes, ObamaCare was designed from the get-go to create a crisis in order to solve problems that did not exist before it was created.

*I'd prefer either a civil war or a civil agreement to go our separate ways...obviously the latter over the former, but I still say through Chem/Bio weapons they could have it all for the small price of sacrificing some of their own. I just don't see them giving up their dreams of total and all-encompassing control.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline KittenClaws

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2013, 03:51:01 PM »

The truth lies within each post I have read so far.  We are being assaulted on all fronts; race relations, social mores, religion.  Our Constitution is being shredded by all but a small handful within the political class.  The government is creating divisions inside divisions within divisions -  is it any wonder we cannot place a name to the threat or know which form it will take?  Those few who get a clue and attempt to sound the clarion bell are swiftly silenced, demonized, ignored or out and out eradicated (there has been a significant number of health issues, suicides and freak accidents if you ask me).

We are playing dogs to the government's Pavlov.  We are being conditioned to accept the police state.

In LA today, the cops shot down a man after a high speed car chase – didn't this just happen in DC with a woman? The cops are now acting as judge, jury and executioner. During Katrina, guns were confiscated (to prevent looting, you know). In Boston, police went door-to-door searching peoples home without warrant. (but, its OK because they were looking for a terrorist). 

These examples are like quarks compared to planet earth.  Too many to count or remember in too many areas. What have we to fight against? everything and nothing. What can we prove? everything and nothing.

Something big is coming. I'm guessing it will happen when they “feel” we are sufficiently conditioned. 

"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever." - Thomas Jefferson


“... sad moral of all human tales; ’Tis but the same rehearsal of the past; First freedom, and then glory—when that fails, Wealth, vice, corruption, barbarism at last.” – Roman Historian, Tacitus

Offline oldcoastie6468

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2013, 04:16:52 PM »
KC, I agree 100% with what you posted.

Our country is in serious condition. We need to find a true leader, and not some dweeb with no experience in anything. My personal belief is that having served in our military forces should be a prerequisite for any president.
U.S. Coast Guard veteran, 1964-1968

Will Rogers never met Barack Obama. He would not like Obama.

I hate liberals. Liberalism is a disease that causes severe brain damage after it tries to suck knowledge and history out of yours.

Offline KittenClaws

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2013, 09:17:55 PM »
KC, I agree 100% with what you posted.

Our country is in serious condition. We need to find a true leader, and not some dweeb with no experience in anything. My personal belief is that having served in our military forces should be a prerequisite for any president.

As Commander-in-Chief, yes, the President should have served honorably in the military. But, as with Dubya, this does not guarantee good judgement in all the things. Congress is a grave problem, too many electeds are not serving the people, just themselves.  The checks and balances that ensure rule of law no longer exist.  The people nor the States enjoy representation these days.

My friend, even a leader such as Reagan will not solve these problems.  Ted Cruz has the qualities of a leader, but look at how he is already being shut out.  I do not believe he is THE leader we need, we need a leader who Will not work the system that the liberals created. I don't know how to say it, but, we need a leader who will not play by the enemies rules.

I think if and when the people find themselves on the defensive against hard tyranny, a leader will arise. Who knows, that Leader could be you, me, Libertas, AmericanPatriot, Weisshaupt, AlanS or any ordinary American.

Leaders very seldom know they are about to lead.

"I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever." - Thomas Jefferson


“... sad moral of all human tales; ’Tis but the same rehearsal of the past; First freedom, and then glory—when that fails, Wealth, vice, corruption, barbarism at last.” – Roman Historian, Tacitus

Offline oldcoastie6468

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2013, 01:22:29 AM »
KC, I agree 100% with what you posted.

Our country is in serious condition. We need to find a true leader, and not some dweeb with no experience in anything. My personal belief is that having served in our military forces should be a prerequisite for any president.

As Commander-in-Chief, yes, the President should have served honorably in the military. But, as with Dubya, this does not guarantee good judgement in all the things. Congress is a grave problem, too many electeds are not serving the people, just themselves.  The checks and balances that ensure rule of law no longer exist.  The people nor the States enjoy representation these days.

My friend, even a leader such as Reagan will not solve these problems.  Ted Cruz has the qualities of a leader, but look at how he is already being shut out.  I do not believe he is THE leader we need, we need a leader who Will not work the system that the liberals created. I don't know how to say it, but, we need a leader who will not play by the enemies rules.

I think if and when the people find themselves on the defensive against hard tyranny, a leader will arise. Who knows, that Leader could be you, me, Libertas, AmericanPatriot, Weisshaupt, AlanS or any ordinary American.

Leaders very seldom know they are about to lead.

There are no guarantees with any person, civilian, dumboasss, or military. All we can do is look at his or her past record and make a judgement call.

Not me, for sure. I would not open my personal life and/or finances to investigations by anyone, particularly the dimbocraps.

I sure wish a true and electable leader would appear. It's getting late in the game for such a decision. Of course, a leader could be nominated and if he/she accepts the nomination, be approved by acclimation by some Conservative Party or reputable organization.
U.S. Coast Guard veteran, 1964-1968

Will Rogers never met Barack Obama. He would not like Obama.

I hate liberals. Liberalism is a disease that causes severe brain damage after it tries to suck knowledge and history out of yours.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Are We Preparing for the Wrong Thing?
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2013, 07:18:06 AM »
Assuming there is time for a political solution, which I have almost zero faith in, the answer to your Leader question is not going to come from established ranks.  The closest thing we saw was Palin and IMO her decision to bow out of the 2012 race is one of the reasons why 10m people stayed home election day.  The people in the system are tainted by the system, no matter the good intentions they may have.  Our leadership is us, we need not look anywhere else.  Let politics play out however it will, I deem it largely irrelevant to what is coming.  We need to think beyind the present and create the future from the remnants of what was...what presently is.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.