Author Topic: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!  (Read 453417 times)

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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #900 on: April 13, 2021, 08:43:41 AM »
A Durham sighting...revealed because yet again the DeepState/DemCom/MarxistMedia cabal...

The issue of import with the story today is not about the content of the Danchenko work while inside the Brookings group, but rather how the leak from Brookings to the New York Times about the subpoena begins to unravel the Lawfare network.

The Lawfare group are largely funded by The Brookings Institute.  Brookings is largely funded by the Chinese.  As we pointed out during our research, essentially when you follow the trail you realize the Chinese Communist Government were financing the information that went into the Steele Dossier.  But wait, it gets better….

The Lawfare group are also the “beach friends” group.  The Lawfare group includes James Baker, Lisa Page, Benjamin Wittes and Daniel Richman.  Once you realize who Lawfare consists of; and then you realize The Brookings Institute is behind Lawfare; you then realize the Lawfare group was likely feeding the opposition research into Danchenko while he worked for Fusion GPS and Glenn Simpson who actually contracted Chris Steele for his dossier.

The FBI and DOJ officials working with Lawfare essentially provided raw information to Danchenko, who then packaged it and sent it to Chris Steele.  Steele then puts the Danchenko package in his dossier and that is sent back to the FBI and DOJ for use in their FISA application.  It is a laundry of weaponized political opposition research.

FBI/DOJ extracted intelligence to Lawfare.
Lawfare sends to Brookings (Danchenko)
Danchenko sends to Chris Steele (dossier).
Chris Steele sends Dossier back to FBI/DOJ.
FBI/DOJ use dossier in FISA application.
See the laundry?

The Brookings institute tipping-off the New York Times about the Durham subpoena is actually more telling than the content of the subpoena itself.

Brookings is Lawfare.  Benjamin Wittes runs Lawfare. He is personal friends with James Comey.

China is Funding the Brookings Institute.

The Brookings Institute is funding Lawfare.

Lawfare is a group of current and former DOJ and FBI officials.

As a consequence, China funded the attack position of Lawfare and the DOJ/FBI against the Trump administration.

…. And no, I do not expect John Durham to expose any of this.

As always...the burden of dealing with traitors falls to those outside the corruption...

ETA - And speaking of ChiCom's and their stooges...

Chi-Com Fan-Boy #1 -

Kinda seals the perspective above re: Brookings and Lawfare...dunnit?
« Last Edit: April 13, 2021, 09:21:13 AM by Libertas »
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #901 on: April 19, 2021, 10:06:34 AM »
Well, surprise surprise surprise...NOT!

All that foot-dragging by Billy Boy wasn't unintentional...

Guess I should have titled this thread "Will the ObamaGate spy scandal be allowed to hit the fan?"...

 ::outrage::   ::cussing::   ::angry::


With the DeepState controlling everything you do not have a Republic...or even a democracy as defined by Marxist trash!!!

More bitter fruit?  Here ya go -,

The gates of Hell are flung wide open...
« Last Edit: April 19, 2021, 10:16:03 AM by Libertas »
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #902 on: May 27, 2021, 09:17:48 AM »
People shouldn't be getting too excited about this...

...this has as much to do with poking post-EU Britain in the eye for sport as it does with creating an ineffectual covering act for the practice...

...illegal intrusive rights-trampling spying will continue...Snowden and Assange are still on DemCom/DeepState assassination lists...and even if Applesauce-brains pardoned, it would only be to flush quarry into the open for a clearer execution...
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #903 on: July 01, 2021, 09:47:03 AM »

It all circles back to politicized/weaponized DeepState unaccountable IC bureaucrats working in league with DemCom pols and staff...rampant lawlessness targeting US citizens, undermining electoral outcomes...and not suffering any penalty for their multiple treasonous acts...

This is how nations corrupt themselves and eventually murder themselves...
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #904 on: July 09, 2021, 10:02:58 AM »
Alfa Bank case against Fusion GPS has the latter's shysters in a diaper-filling panic...

...step on their throat, beat them in the face!
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #906 on: September 16, 2021, 08:49:55 AM »
The Old Gray Whore is backed into a corner and stuck trying to service a doomed John...

Appears Sussmann is the main course for Durham and appears to be securely caught in a technical violation...

The real question is can/will Durham work on this clown to get higher up the corrupt food chains to net bigger fish...or is this meal meant to tie it all off and shoot the rest down the memory hole?

I guess experience is indicating one clear front-runner on that point...

Still...this Sussmann looks weak...a creative and determined interrogator could crack him rather quickly I think...

(sigh)  Another quality opportunity squandered...

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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #907 on: September 17, 2021, 09:09:52 AM »
Sussmann indicted.

As some in the link point out...also indicts the willful incompetence and willful collusion of the FBI all over the whole stinking ginned up mess culminating in the Herr Mueller witch-hunt that was a complete sham!

Near future headline...


« Last Edit: September 17, 2021, 10:32:25 AM by Libertas »
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #908 on: September 20, 2021, 10:01:30 AM »
In the era of can't swing a dead traitor without hitting another dozen traitors...the following appears to get the ball rolling on proving that axiom... doubt more Quislings to be identified in coming weeks...
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #909 on: September 24, 2021, 10:29:30 AM »
Sadly...I must agree.

The recent indictment of Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann has triggered a significant amount of well intended articles, essentially reconstituting the hope that someone -or some group- might finally be held accountable for the multi-year, multi-issue, multi-institution fraud, better known as ‘spygate’.

Factually, the Trump-Russia collusion narrative was always a complete ruse perpetrated upon the American people, with the intended objective to stop Trump, then hamstring Trump; then cover-up what they were doing to accomplish those goals; and then finally destroy the Trump presidency.   Y’all know the story, I ain’t repeating it.

As an outcome of the Sussmann indictment, many are wondering if this is the first domino in a series of explosive political dominoes that might fall and finally collapse the entire house of cards that surrounded the Clinton campaign and their conspiring with intelligence operatives, politicians, media, DOJ and FBI officials.

Yes, there are interesting dynamics within the Sussmann indictment story-lines; and yes, the authors digging through the indictment granules are all well versed in the details and very good at putting forth optimistic possibilities.

Paul Sperry Article Here – TechnoFog Article Here

…and there are likely dozens more, like THIS and THIS and THIS.

Read them all, follow them all and consider them all.   However, as to the bigger question: will the Durham probe finally outline all the evidence to prove all the years of deception and fraud perpetrated by the massive aligned system of corrupt government?

My short and painful answer is, NO.

The longer answer is attached to the one issue that all researched opinions and analytical theories never touch. The 800lb gorilla in the room that no one will put into their accountability prism, because it blocks all other sunlight:

If Durham was going to reveal what optimistic folks proclaim as possible; how is Durham going to handle the reality that Robert Mueller’s entire existence was in place to hide it?

Bill Barr was the Bondo.

John Durham is the spray paint.

Unless pressure can be applied to get Sussmann to spill all he knows...unless he is actually protected better than Epstein...unless those he points out are indicted and pressure put on them...etc etc...

That's a lot of "if's" to overcome in a landscape literally dominated with corrupt compromised and complicit actors for ANY sense of ethical moral Constitutional justice to be reached!


H/T-Brownstone Org

Let's cut through the fog...

This war and none of its battles can be won inside the corrupt complicit rotting corpse...
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #910 on: September 24, 2021, 11:39:43 AM »

Well, yeah...he's got the Clinton Connection...

And appears to be as soft as Sussmann...if one skilled in making people talk were so inclined to pursue...

Just another POS traitor roaming free to commit more treason...
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #911 on: October 01, 2021, 10:17:24 AM »


Club member benefits...for the DeepState they come before The Law...any part of it...

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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #912 on: October 07, 2021, 12:14:55 PM »

Not sure if I like where this is going...

Sure, contractors abuse the system, but masters in government aka DeepState ALLOWED them too, just like they ALLOWED the FISA Court to be packed with rubber-stamping fellow travelers!!!

If not going after all the rotten fish the exercise is pointless...merely grab some scapegoats call it good and Evil marches along doing its wickedness...

Anyway, I have such low expectations from latter day trash its hard to be disappointed but there is a deepening and hardening it engenders...
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #913 on: October 20, 2021, 08:44:30 AM »
Sadly, it appears the clean up op is about played out... best only small scapegoat fry like Sussman and maybe Sullivan face any minor process charges...the big players and all the corrupt traitors still in offices or not are getting away with treason...and eager to commit more treason...

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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #914 on: November 04, 2021, 11:58:03 AM »

Awesome, the people doing nothing and going out of their way to do it...make an arrest for Durham...

Guess he's the last scapegoat...

Then, the seal on the memory hole will be permanent...


Sure, Turley may be correct, Danchenko is not a apex defendant...but, it's not what you know, it's what you can prove...

It might not be Igor who flips...he might be a card to sweat out the weaker link...


I'm still too jaded by experience to expect much from a system this corrupt getting anything right...
« Last Edit: November 05, 2021, 08:07:29 AM by Libertas »
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #915 on: November 05, 2021, 08:42:45 AM »
And, Sundance is correct...but I would be surprised if Durham nerts McCord or Atkinson...Clinesmith basically just got a slap on the wrist...

The corrupt statist rot is too endemic...

The Swamp runneth over with filth...
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #916 on: November 08, 2021, 08:18:45 AM »

Tolerating trash just ensures trash will always hang around and taint everything with its foul stench...

Just like tolerating gamed elections means you are too stupid to realize you are an ignorant slave...

The two go hand in hand...
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #917 on: November 15, 2021, 09:28:30 AM »
IMO it doesn't matter if Sullivan, McCabe, Strzrok & Page are targeted, indicted and convicted...or if any roll over and give up anybody higher up the treason chain...if it doesn't undo a horrible wrong...which Sundance is correct to point out the single most damning evidence of Barr treachery - the "outside government" IC requirement...

A coup took place, was doubled down and successful in November 2020 and continues doing treason to the American people today...

« Last Edit: November 15, 2021, 09:36:04 AM by Libertas »
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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #918 on: December 16, 2021, 10:18:45 AM »

As noted by Chuck Ross, Attorney General Merrick Garland is being advised by Jake Sullivan’s wife and overseeing the John Durham criminal probe, which is looking into the role of Jake Sullivan in the construct of the fabricated Trump-Russia conspiracy, the use of the FBI as a political tool, and Sullivan’s lies in testimony to congress.

Marxist Puppets and DeepState collaborators to the rescue of their co-conspirators...

Just like in any rogue despotic regime...

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Re: ObamaGate spy scandal of Trump about to hit the fan?!
« Reply #919 on: December 21, 2021, 08:57:55 AM » long have we been waiting for real justice to find Hitlery?

Long damn time...

And this cannot be all that serious...

...after all, nobody being questioned, nobody appears to be singing...and certainly nobody still living has been Arkancided... how serious is this?  Seems like just another clean up op looking like responsible justice.
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