Author Topic: Trump for President  (Read 7422 times)

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Trump for President
« on: April 14, 2011, 11:33:39 PM »
IDP called it early on when said Trump was "a liberal leaning populist".

It appears the goblins have been quickly loosed. (someone must have been worried, Karl?)

"McCain, really, that was almost an impossible situation," said Trump. Bush has been so bad, maybe the worst president in the history of this country. He has been so incompetent, so bad, so evil that I don't think any Republican could have won."

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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2011, 11:46:34 PM »
I was at my mom's house this afternoon and Hannity came on the toob. I wasn't really paying attention but at one point looked over at the screen to see Hannity interviewing the trump. Some of what he was saying was red-meat for conservatives. Some of what he was saying was pure boilerplate. But at one point he said (paraphrase) "I thought Jimmy Carter was the worst president but we're now seeing that Obama is likely to be it".

It's one thing to make a mistake, or say something untoward or flat out stupid, but it's another thing entirely to make up sh!t in order to pander. This is exactly what I've seen the trump do for years.

This is why I encourage him to continue to plague Øbozo but hope to gaia that he pulls the plug before he Perots us all in the ass-pirations.

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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2011, 06:33:55 AM »
I agree wholeheartedly . I made the Trump to Perot comparison this morning to my wife .


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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2011, 07:01:19 AM »
I agree wholeheartedly . I made the Trump to Perot comparison this morning to my wife .

Trump is Perot without all the charts.

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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2011, 07:57:53 AM »
Plus, Trumps hair is too neat, and uh, there...and he hasn't any home-spun aww-schucks good nature to him...and his ears just don't stick out far enough...other than that...

But he can keep pushing the Barry birth thing, takes the stink off us and sticks to him!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2011, 09:18:24 AM »
I tentatively consider Trump to be a net positive for us. He's forcing issues into the discourse that the "genteel" candidates refuse to touch just because of the "optics". He might not even make a bad President. I just don't want him to go Perot on us if the fails to secure the Republican nomination. My opinion will change dramatically if that's the case.
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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2011, 10:10:45 AM »
This is a theory of mine (no proof):

It's called the Pied Piper Theory

He is a 'Pied Piper' using read meat rhetoric (birther) to peel off tea-partiers and strong conservatives from the repub party to ensure a obama reelection.

He will certainly not win the repub nomination (and he shouldn't) and then will declare running as an independant candidate. (by design to peel off repub voters).

I think that is his real intentions. i believe that he has already told obama what his intentions are, so that they understand his read meat rhetoric, and they are just giving him a wink and a nod.

We'll see. Just saying..........

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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2011, 11:16:38 AM »
I tentatively consider Trump to be a net positive for us. He's forcing issues into the discourse that the "genteel" candidates refuse to touch just because of the "optics". He might not even make a bad President. I just don't want him to go Perot on us if the fails to secure the Republican nomination. My opinion will change dramatically if that's the case.

His obvious contradictions being exposed so soon indicates someone is intends to make sure he doesn't get close to the nomination.  If, however, he persists we are assured there is plenty of  "Trump data" for opponents to feed the new media.  The chances of him going Perot are minimal.



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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2011, 11:26:11 AM »
Sorry, but I do not trust the motives of Trump. A person who claimed Bush was the worst president in history, eclipsing the ignominious Carter, and who voted for Obama in '08, is simply not the brightest bulb on the shelf.  The ability to make deals is the same qualification for president as being a community organizer was, that is, none.

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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2011, 12:41:21 PM »
I think he is using the birther comments to sucker us.

His past record in politics indicate he is just like obama.

There really is no other explanation for his birther remarks.

He's playing the tea partiers for fools.

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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2011, 12:50:56 PM »
I don't think Trump is any more interested in perfroming the duties of President than Obama is.  I could see Trump appointing a bunch of people to take care of business while he does what he does best and that's be the Donald.

Rush asked him if he'd live at the White House.  His answer was basically I guess I sort of have to.  HUH?  That lame answer told me a lot. 
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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2011, 12:52:54 PM »
Sorry, but I do not trust the motives of Trump. A person who claimed Bush was the worst president in history, eclipsing the ignominious Carter, and who voted for Obama in '08, is simply not the brightest bulb on the shelf.  The ability to make deals is the same qualification for president as being a community organizer was, that is, none.




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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2011, 12:57:03 PM »
I don't think Trump is any more interested in perfroming the duties of President than Obama is.  I could see Trump appointing a bunch of people to take care of business while he does what he does best and that's be the Donald.

Rush asked him if he'd live at the White House.  His answer was basically I guess I sort of have to.  HUH?  That lame answer told me a lot. 

I am rarely disappointed in Rush. This is one of those few times.
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.


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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #13 on: April 15, 2011, 01:24:11 PM »
I don't think Trump is any more interested in perfroming the duties of President than Obama is.  I could see Trump appointing a bunch of people to take care of business while he does what he does best and that's be the Donald.

Rush asked him if he'd live at the White House.  His answer was basically I guess I sort of have to.  HUH?  That lame answer told me a lot. 

I am rarely disappointed in Rush. This is one of those few times.


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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2011, 10:49:21 AM »
I don't think Trump is any more interested in perfroming the duties of President than Obama is.  I could see Trump appointing a bunch of people to take care of business while he does what he does best and that's be the Donald.

Rush asked him if he'd live at the White House.  His answer was basically I guess I sort of have to.  HUH?  That lame answer told me a lot. 

I am rarely disappointed in Rush. This is one of those few times.


Charles, they're referring to Rush's borderline shilling for Trump over the past several weeks. I will admit that the tacit approval from Rush (by giving Trump access to his audience) encouraged me to see the Trump experiment as perhaps not being a joke after all. Rush has through exposition revealed that he knows Trump personally, and while not actually endorsing him the weight of his (Rush) influence is probably the thing that put wind in Trump's political sails over the past few weeks.

Listening to Mark Levin's show last night disabused me of any notions about a Trump campaign. He lays out ample evidence that Trump is not even remotely a conservative, and was providing this ample evidence as recently as 2009. Levin pointed out that recent Tea Party interest in Trump, to the extent that it exists, is due to personality cult. I think he is right, and I even fell for it a bit. When the Left is so big on cult of personality, I think it is natural for us to initially feel a sense of enamor and excitement at the prospect of our own, but ultimately that is not who we are. We've had a few threads about it here, this tendency to find a Superman.

I still think Trump's participation could be useful to the extent that he lays into Obama on issues that the "serious" candidates won't touch, but I am now likewise convinced that it would be a huge mistake for him to be given real traction in Tea Party circles. I recommend everyone listen to Mark Levin's show from April 15, he spends much of the first hour on this subject. Levin's shows are made available free of charge here:
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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #15 on: April 16, 2011, 11:27:09 AM »
I don't trust Donald Trump, it's as simple as that for me. His unprincipled stances of the past in conjunction with his support of Democrats and liberal policies does not wash with the conservative he's trying to make himself out to be.

My gut tells me that at best, he's an egomaniac who is doing this for his own aggrandizement, and who will betray conservatives should he win the Presidency. At worst, he's a stalking horse for Obama or even Hillary Clinton should she primary Obama, who will either capture the GOP nomination and lose, or who will run against the GOP nominee as an independent.

I may be wrong. Trump may be everything he's now saying he is. But I don't think I'm wrong.

And I'll repeat my greatest fear regarding a potential GOP nomination of Donald Trump. What happens now that he's placed so much emphasis on the Birth Certificate issue, when Obama trots out the Long Form certificate a couple weeks before the election? Donald Trump is gambling that there is no certificate. That may be a gamble upon which he's willing to stake a presidential run, but it is not a gamble upon which the GOP can trust a nominee.
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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #16 on: April 16, 2011, 12:18:22 PM »
...they're referring to Rush's borderline shilling for Trump over the past several weeks. I will admit that the tacit approval from Rush (by giving Trump access to his audience) encouraged me to see the Trump experiment as perhaps not being a joke after all. Rush has through exposition revealed that he knows Trump personally, and while not actually endorsing him the weight of his (Rush) influence is probably the thing that put wind in Trump's political sails over the past few weeks.[/blockquote]

At the beginning of the '08 election Rush said he was not going to carry the water for the Republican party anymore.  Recently he disparaged the current Republicans and cited Trump and the positive response to him.  Why is he getting such positive response he asked.  He is receiving it because he is taking it (the fight) to them.
I think he is giving the Donald air time because he is the only person, at this time, engaging the opposition with intent, not to win, but to beat/defeat them.  That is an important strategical point lost to most Republicans.

It is an object lesson and a challenge for someone to step up to the plate.
Batter up.


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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2011, 12:28:22 PM »
Rush also recently admonished a caller that going the Third Party route was a recipe for defeat. Like most of us Rush is disgusted with what passes for leadership in the Republican party, but he's definitely still on board with the party.
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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #18 on: April 16, 2011, 08:11:18 PM »
The best thing to do is take over the Party from the inside.

Sarah Palin: 'More Power' to Donald Trump for Raising 'Birther' Questions   "I appreciate that the Donald wants to spend his resources on something that so interests him and so many Americans, you know more power to him," Palin said Sunday on the "Judge Jeanine" show on Fox News.

All You Need is love from BANDAGED TOGETHER
The man behind Donald Trump's possible 2012 presidential campaign is a registered Democrat who voted for Barack Obama in 2008.

I have come not to kill the Donald but to praise him. yat taa da da daa

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Re: Trump for President
« Reply #19 on: April 16, 2011, 08:32:22 PM »
Rush also recently admonished a caller that going the Third Party route was a recipe for defeat. Like most of us Rush is disgusted with what passes for leadership in the Republican party, but he's definitely still on board with the party.

He is on board with the two party system and recognizes the utter futility of mounting any kind of third party challenge.

I think he is giving the Donald air time because he is the only person, at this time, engaging the opposition with intent, not to win, but to beat/defeat them.  That is an important strategical point lost to most Republicans.

It's also a very thin line to navigate. He has to allow the fire to burn the Democrats but still keep it in the bottle so that it doesn't consume their only logical opposition.

Rush is a smart guy and I have a lot of confidence in him but this is dangerous.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2011, 08:35:46 PM by trapeze »
In a doomsday scenario, hippies will be among the first casualties. So not everything about doomsday will be bad.