Author Topic: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...  (Read 34203 times)

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #60 on: March 12, 2014, 07:48:10 AM »
People making a big deal about this...

... the Anti-ObamaCare candidate won, huzzah!

Yeah, well...that's all well and good, maybe enough of them get together they can toss the Great Weeping Carrot aside and defund that crap!

But what else we know about this guy?  A Repub District and you only finish 2.2% ahead of the DemonRat?  What am I missing here?

The "Libertarian".
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #61 on: March 12, 2014, 09:43:19 AM »
People making a big deal about this...

... the Anti-ObamaCare candidate won, huzzah!

Yeah, well...that's all well and good, maybe enough of them get together they can toss the Great Weeping Carrot aside and defund that crap!

But what else we know about this guy?  A Repub District and you only finish 2.2% ahead of the DemonRat?  What am I missing here?

The "Libertarian".

Throw the 4.8% he got into the margin and we have 7%...still, not exactly a resounding victory is it?

I bet the Ruling Class masters in the GOP see this as a great portent of a ginormous GOP sweep this fall...with no help of Tea Party types and pesky principled conservatives required...more of the "what are they gonna do, vote for the democrat" thinking to be cemented into their demented heads...

I guess I really don't care what they think or do anymore.  Take us for granted again, see what kind of tsunami hits you this fall...
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline ChrstnHsbndFthr

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #62 on: March 13, 2014, 07:34:37 PM »
ONE more vote in the Senate, from ANY Republican, since ALL of them voted against it, would have stopped Obamacare for example.

I acknowledge the point about the 51% having to be the right votes, not just numerically.  But Obamacare is a perfect example. The whole spectrum of Republicans voted against it.  Any one of those who were sacrificed at the altar of the false god, because he or she was not with us 100% of the time might have stopped this fiasco and saved billions of dollars and an unknown number of lives. We must not sacrifice the ability to improve because we cannot attain perfection. We will never find perfection in a politician and therefore we will never improve if we run that course. 
“My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together.

“However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
Phil Robertson an elder in the church of Christ

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #63 on: March 13, 2014, 10:43:33 PM »
ONE more vote in the Senate, from ANY Republican, since ALL of them voted against it, would have stopped Obamacare for example.

I acknowledge the point about the 51% having to be the right votes, not just numerically.  But Obamacare is a perfect example. The whole spectrum of Republicans voted against it.  Any one of those who were sacrificed at the altar of the false god, because he or she was not with us 100% of the time might have stopped this fiasco and saved billions of dollars and an unknown number of lives. We must not sacrifice the ability to improve because we cannot attain perfection. We will never find perfection in a politician and therefore we will never improve if we run that course.

You didn't have one more vote in the Senate BECAUSE the RINOs in those places betrayed their VOTERS one too many times. They do that by design so that Democrats win and win big every couple of cycles.  The GOP isn't the STUPID PARTY - because NO ONE IS THAT STUPID. They don't strike when the Democrats are on the run because they ARE DEMOCRATS.

If there had been enough GOP in the Senate to turn the tide you can bet your wealth, your house, your wife and your children that the Democrats would have bribed, threatened, extorted and killed to get one of them to turn - just like they turned Roberts. Perhaps even that wouldn't be necessary because they know their jobs hinge on playing the part of Obi Wan Kenobi - our last hope - who secret power is getting chopped in half and coming back as an advice giving ghost.

 It is naive to think that one more GOP in the senate would have stopped it.  But had it come down to that, you can bet one would have been ordered to fall on his sword, and he would have done it gladly.
 Establishment Republicans are Democrats who couldn't make it as democrats, so cross the aisle, lie to us, and pretend to be the lesser of two evils.  Their allegiances are OBVIOUSLY - OBVIOUSLY! - just look at Orange Man and Ryan!   to the Big Government Agenda of Democrats , and if  they can provide a foil for the Kabuki theater, a  boogyman for the Democrats, well that is even better.  There is NO CHANCE. NO CHANCE AT ALL.  That a Republican will come through for us  when we really need them to.  Doubt it? Well I can't prove a negative.  Perhaps someone can provide an example where they ACTUALLY PUSHED BACK SOMETHING THE STATISTS DID BY REPEALING IT. Not fixing it. Not compromising.  Simply doing away with it. Its never happened.  They provide the illusion of resistance, but really they are just the click,click ,click  of the ratchet providing leverage for the next Statist push. And that is granting the very dubious idea that there is such a thing as a fair election in this country anymore. This administration won't prosecute voter fraud, they accept donations from overseas,  they sue states to prevent them from purging the roles of the dead.. the Dem Machine cheats and it cheats big. 108%  big.

LET IT BURN.  There is nothing ANYONE can do to save it now.  The Money is too far gone. The government is far too corrupt and the populace far too ill educated, and too entitled .  Again I ask, if I made anyone here King- what would you do that would save it at this point? What would the plan be? 

You cannot save this mess. You cannot turn it around. And the ESTABLISHMENT GOP DOESN'T WANT TO, and will pay the idea only lip service and as little action as they calculate they can get away with.  Delaying the fall by voting for the lesser evil only give the Statists  MORE TIME to implement the police state - just lets them reset the ratchet -because the GOP governs stupidly on purpose ---more time  to let this no good,know nothing, hope'n'change generation replace the last of the patriots.  And then not only does America fall, but the very idea of freedom does.  LET IT BURN. MAKE IT BURN FASTER. The only thing that will stop these tyrants (of both the Democratic and Republican persuasion - for there is no difference) now is the economic collapse of their own making.  Deprive them of a scapegoat. Make them own it for once, and show no mercy when it is (finally) time.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 08:20:32 AM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #64 on: March 14, 2014, 07:26:45 AM »
I think maybe the Ruling Class punks like McConnell and their chief strategists like The Butthead have to remind those damned principled conservatives, Tea Party types and sundy Libertarians to STFD STFU and accept second-tier status and play ball or else it will be their damned fault that nobody but Democrats will rule everyone!  Yes, given recent history if we had all Democrats and nobody else...we would still have a rubber-stamp Congress and a Progressive President...still have ObamaCare...

I guess Weisshaupt is right, there is no difference after all between Ruling Class Republicans and mainstream Progressive Democrats...except maybe some use of language, what their pet projects are for the ever-expanding bureaucracy...and biggest of all the pace of hope & change.

Yes, STFD STFU and accept your destiny!  Resistance is futile.  Resisting will only make it hurt more.  Give in, here, I'll help, here is a little something to ease your pain...there there now, that's a good serf...Everything is Awesome.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline AmericanPatriot

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #65 on: March 14, 2014, 08:10:13 AM »
In my congressional district (Pa3) I see no difference between the present R, Mike Kelly, and the previous rep, Katherine Dahlkamper.

She was a Blue Dog Democrat who voted for Ocare, he may as well be a Blue Dog Democrat.
He has done nothing to stop it and is Boehner's lackey with Boehner's Blue Dog agenda

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #66 on: March 14, 2014, 08:49:53 AM »
I think maybe the Ruling Class punks like McConnell and their chief strategists like The Butthead have to remind those damned principled conservatives, Tea Party types and sundy Libertarians to STFD STFU and accept second-tier status and play ball or else it will be their damned fault that nobody but Democrats will rule everyone!

Now is it me, or does that sound like a threat? The E-GOP thinks they can extort your vote - otherwise you let "the other guys" win - but once in office the E-GOP really and truly never does ANYTHING to harm the Dems agenda. Just a bit of token resistance and bluster. Enough to keep of the illusion that they a "fighting" but they will NEVER choose a hill to die on and they will never win a battle. The Dems always walk away with something they wanted, and the E-GOP claims it a victory that they didn't give them EVERYTHING they wanted.  The GOP incompetence at this point can only be deliberate, and their hostility towards the Tea-Party movement  is proof positive that they don't want to obstruct the Statist agenda of the Democrats any more than they have to.

 The simple fact that they are threatening to crush  the Tea Party  -- not compromise, not negotiate, as they would with a Democrat,  demonstrates who they think the enemy is.  Once elected will they help or work with people who they see as a even bigger enemy and threat than the Left?  No! and you are fool if you think that one more vote of this kind can make any difference. If the Democrats fortunes are down, they back off - because they ultimately WANT  the Statist agenda to succeed.

The E-GOP is threatened by the Tea Party because the Tea Party wants to change the status quo, and end the corruption,  corporate welfare, and corrupt old boys club aristocracy  that the E-GOP has worked so hard to forge and create hand in hand with the Democrat party.. Their job was and is to prevent the outrage and anger of the people from turning into any real resistance in a govt chamber, to soak up and mute those votes,  and they have excelled at this task -

The GOP  are only a shield for the Statist agenda, and attached firmly to the arm of the Democratic party - the party of the Aristocracy, the party of totalitarians thieves-  the shield serves only  push liberty lovers back  and hold them at bay while the Statist  Agenda advances. How can anyone not see it?  Do you think you can successfully attack our foe using his own shield as a weapon?

To quote Paul Maud'Dib, "He who can destroy a thing, controls a thing" - this small minority of principled conservatives and libertarians can ensure that no E-GOP  candidate ever gets elected again. The Tea Party can destroy the GOP, and it must. For if this bent and twisted tool cannot be forced to serve Liberty  and actually ADVANCE the goal of freedom, it is useless.   We don't need a shield that at best can blunt and slow the enemy advance, we need to STOP IT and MAKE THEM RUN.  And there is no point in voting for any candidate or any organization who will not do that, especially the GOP - which has proven time and again that they are too cowardly and passive to  advance upon the enemy and consider those who expect them to the real danger to them. Who have proven time and again that they work for themselves, and their own power and they know that will be advanced by working in league with Democrats and the Statist Agenda- for the Tea Party, should they win, would only remove the  opportunities for graft and corruption afforded them by Big Government, and they don't want to loose those. We must destroy the enemy's shield if we hope to stop them, and that shield is the GOP. 

And for those who worry that there isn't time to form a new party, or  that the Statists may destroy America if you don't vote GOP , can rest assured SHE HAS ALREADY BEEN DESTROYED. You cannot save her and all you can seek now in her name is vengeance. Lady Liberty is now surrounded and you must stop the enemies advance. You must turn them back, or Lady Liberty will also die, and with her mankind's last best hope.

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #67 on: March 14, 2014, 09:33:20 AM »
People making a big deal about this...

... the Anti-ObamaCare candidate won, huzzah!

Yeah, well...that's all well and good, maybe enough of them get together they can toss the Great Weeping Carrot aside and defund that crap!

But what else we know about this guy?  A Repub District and you only finish 2.2% ahead of the DemonRat?  What am I missing here?

The "Libertarian".

Throw the 4.8% he got into the margin and we have 7%...still, not exactly a resounding victory is it?

I bet the Ruling Class masters in the GOP see this as a great portent of a ginormous GOP sweep this fall...with no help of Tea Party types and pesky principled conservatives required...more of the "what are they gonna do, vote for the democrat" thinking to be cemented into their demented heads...

I guess I really don't care what they think or do anymore.  Take us for granted again, see what kind of tsunami hits you this fall...

Mark Levin explained it a little better:  Boehner's office sent to Jolly a demand for support for Boehner should he win the election.  The first two times, Jolly said "no"; the third time he conceded, but the die was cast at that point.  The eGOP not only withdrew monetary support -- Jolly had blown his wad in the Republican primary and had little left for the main election -- but "leaked" trash-info to Politico, which they published in a piece the Friday before the election.

Politico piece here:

ONE more vote in the Senate, from ANY Republican, since ALL of them voted against it, would have stopped Obamacare for example.

I acknowledge the point about the 51% having to be the right votes, not just numerically.  But Obamacare is a perfect example. The whole spectrum of Republicans voted against it.  Any one of those who were sacrificed at the altar of the false god, because he or she was not with us 100% of the time might have stopped this fiasco and saved billions of dollars and an unknown number of lives. We must not sacrifice the ability to improve because we cannot attain perfection. We will never find perfection in a politician and therefore we will never improve if we run that course.

You're wrong.  You're wrong every time you write or say this because it stands for hope over history.  Weisshaupt is right.  Every single damn time it looked like we may have a victory in the offing, one of them, most often McCain, steps in with his Gang of Whateverthehell number -- "bipartisan" reaching across the aisle -- and derails whatever goal looked within reach.  The eGOP actually -- hear me now -- partners with the opposition to thwart any progress WE might have made through the work of the conservatives in Congress.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline ChrstnHsbndFthr

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #68 on: March 14, 2014, 10:44:31 AM »
Hold it!
The next man makes a move, the nigger gets it!
Hold it, men. He's not bluffing.
Listen to him, men. He's just crazy enough to do it.
Drop it! Or I swear I'll blow this nigger's head all over this town!
Oh, Lordy, Lord, he's desperate! Do what he say! Do what he say!
Isn't anybody going to help that poor man?
Hush, Harriet. That's a sure way to get him killed.
Help me, help me...
...somebody help me!
Shut up!
Oh, baby, you are so talented.
And they are so dumb!>

OUR enemies will merely shoot us or watch us shoot ourselves, again. This strategy will not work for the good in a real life situation, no matter how many times someone says it will.
“My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together.

“However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
Phil Robertson an elder in the church of Christ

Offline Glock32

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #69 on: March 14, 2014, 10:45:42 AM »
I think we are way past the point where elections could fix anything, but I guess I maintain an interest in it like the football fan who simply has to watch his team even though they're mathematically eliminated from playoff contention.  So I will weigh in on this too.

I think maybe the Ruling Class punks like McConnell and their chief strategists like The Butthead have to remind those damned principled conservatives, Tea Party types and sundy Libertarians to STFD STFU and accept second-tier status and play ball or else it will be their damned fault that nobody but Democrats will rule everyone!

This is exactly their argument, and it has been for generations now. It's an argument that most of us begrudgingly accepted for the longest time, but things are palpably different now. You can chalk that up to a few different factors, but I think time has been the biggest one. Time. Time that the Left's agenda was allowed to cement itself into every facet of the culture, because our nominal opposition refused to resist in any meaningful way. And the fools think they can continue to threaten us with the old "vote for us or else those other statists, the ones with the D after their names, will win"? What, like those other statists haven't been winning all along, even when the Republicans are supposedly in power?

A lot changed with Bush II. We saw the Republicans control the White House and both Houses of Congress. They had the White House for 8 years, and I think Congress for even longer right? Can someone tell me what sacred cows of the Left got sent to the abattoir during that time?  Bueller?  Bueller?

The GOP has to be destroyed because they're not simply an ineffective vehicle for our goals, they are in fact an active opposition.  They always remind me of those Scottish aristocrats in Braveheart who try to attach themselves to Wallace's popular appeal but keep him at arms length while subtly undermining him behind the scenes, and when finally forced to sh*t or get off the pot they made deals with the English enemy for their own personal benefit.  And so the Republican Party was born.
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Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #70 on: March 14, 2014, 10:52:31 AM »
Every single damn time it looked like we may have a victory in the offing, one of them, most often McCain, steps in with his Gang of Whateverthehell number -- "bipartisan" reaching across the aisle -- and derails whatever goal looked within reach.  The eGOP actually -- hear me now -- partners with the opposition to thwart any progress WE might have made through the work of the conservatives in Congress.

Yeah and who does the E-GOP want sitting in the Big Chair - a McCain - who had to pull in Palin just to mkae it look like he had a chance - and admit it - every damn person who voted for McCain hoped he would be assassinated so Pialin would be in charge.  And who to run after Obamacare passed - the VERY MAN WHO FAILED TO STOP IT IN HIS OWN STATE - Romney.  Why? Because they were the only "electable" candidates.  Did they win? No? Then I guess they weren't electable -- and they weren't electable because they are back stabbing shills for the Statists, and quite frankly I am late to this party.  Conservatives started to quit voting for these jerks back in 2008.  IN 2012 a complete failure was re-elected in an bad economy- partially because of Democrat cheat but also because Conservatives stayed home and said "Let it Burn!" - this trend is already in motion in such numbers to loose elections - especially elections in which the Dem margin of cheat is 108% - and 2014 and 2016 will be no different.

The E-GOP has decided to play chicken with its base and with the entire nation- DARING US to let the Dems win vs supporting their lackluster protection of the Status Quo. Putting their own Careers before nation and principle and trying to force themselves down our throats just as the DEMS do vs. simply bending  to their base  and actually opposing the statist agenda.  Ryan- A "Tea Party Candidate"  - is actively trying to pass amnesty. Did someone get to him? Was NSA info was used to blackmail him? Was he bribed to turn on the very people who elected him over an establishment candidate? Or did the establishment plant him there as a Manchurian candidate? (aren't they all now?)
Does it matter?  He was elected to do a job and he not only isn't doing it - he is actively helping our would-be oppressors.  The isn't going to be a political solution : the economy is to fragile and the populace too brainwashed.
Prepare accordingly.  If it makes you feel better to vote e-GOP go right ahead - but know I will be voting for a 3rd party or none-of-the above.  So lets play our own game of extortion shall we?  Either join me in my 3rd party vote or let the Dems win, for I will not support any candidate that is beholden to , gets money from, or is dependent in any way on  the e-GOP..

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #71 on: March 14, 2014, 11:04:21 AM »
Hold it!
The next man makes a move, the nigger gets it!
Hold it, men. He's not bluffing.
Listen to him, men. He's just crazy enough to do it.
Drop it! Or I swear I'll blow this nigger's head all over this town!
Oh, Lordy, Lord, he's desperate! Do what he say! Do what he say!
Isn't anybody going to help that poor man?
Hush, Harriet. That's a sure way to get him killed.
Help me, help me...
...somebody help me!
Shut up!
Oh, baby, you are so talented.
And they are so dumb!>

OUR enemies will merely shoot us or watch us shoot ourselves, again. This strategy will not work for the good in a real life situation, no matter how many times someone says it will.

You've actually seen that movie in full right?

The real bad guy harassing the town is out there and through corrupt and evil means  has APPOINTED this sheriff - without the consent of the town,  and with the intent of making him ineffectual and useless in the town's protection.
Of course the town doesn't like him because of "Racism!"TM and only comes to like him and begins to support him  after HE STARTS FIGHTING BACK and wins a battle - something the E-GOP will NEVER DO.

In other words, you need someone from the outside ( like the Frisco Kid)  to help a a candidate that refuses to play along with the schemes of the evil men who appointed him.  Our e-GOP is that appointed sheriff and unlike the protagonist of this movie, is entirely in agreement with the plot and unwilling to do anything to defend the town. He arrives in town and announces he  opposes the people who want the town defended. Instead he promises to CRUSH THEM, and then, when they don't buy it,  he starts threatening to shoot the nigger - the Country., if we don't let him go.   The man threatening to shoot the country if we don't accept him  is the e-GOP.  I say call his bluff. Let him shoot himself. Because there is no drunk Frisco Kid waiting in the jail and this sheriff wants Hedley Lamarr to get what he wants.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 02:10:34 PM by Weisshaupt »

Offline ChrstnHsbndFthr

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #72 on: March 14, 2014, 11:14:04 AM »
There are CERTAINLY people who have run under the GOP flag who have done that. The past governor of Florida comes to mind. He really was a dem, though slightly better than the dem who preceded him. But, there are others who are not.  I think we need to be active, win primaries, and take back our party. But destroying the last defense is dangerous. You all know my belief that millions will die if we let them have complete control. Stalin did it. Mao did it. Hitler did it. And more through history.  And most of those societies never recovered. They never became a free country again. 

My fear is that we will not either. Once these people have unchallenged power they will kill and destroy to maintain it.  And they will win. Our best and bravest will die quickly, like the Polish Calvary did when facing German tanks. And we will have a hide or die strategy. Freedom will become a whispered word, meaningless to most survivors.   

We need a different path. This one leads to destruction.
“My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together.

“However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
Phil Robertson an elder in the church of Christ

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #73 on: March 14, 2014, 11:47:31 AM »
There are CERTAINLY people who have run under the GOP flag who have done that. The past governor of Florida comes to mind. He really was a dem, though slightly better than the dem who preceded him. But, there are others who are not.  I think we need to be active, win primaries, and take back our party. But destroying the last defense is dangerous.

The Party as it exists now is not our last defense. Its not even "ours" Its a shield for the Statists.  It cannot be taken back, because as you say they " will kill and destroy to maintain it"  - Trying to "take back" the GOP is like trying to take the enemies shield  during a battle, and you won't do that without a weapon of your own.  The e-GOP is doing everything it can to STOP the right candidates from winning primaries, cutting off funding, leaking (NSA) information, sabotaging  the efforts of patriots at the primary level. And if patriots spend all of our time and resources fighting that battle,  when  we do face our real opponents we are already exhausted - out of money and out of energy. .  That is because the e-GOP works for our enemy.  You want to win? You need a party apparatus that lets you engage the real enemy and skirt around his shield - HIS e-GOP.  You think its better to take "our party" back and then try to take "our country back"  - or is it simply better to take our country back and let "our party" die in the bed it made for itself? There is nothing preventing the formation of a 3rd party but the reluctance of some to let the old useless one die.  The GOP ITSELF is a THIRD PARTY formed because the Whigs, like the e-GOP today,  refused to fight.

You all know my belief that millions will die if we let them have complete control. Stalin did it. Mao did it. Hitler did it. And more through history.  And most of those societies never recovered. They never became a free country again. 
My fear is that we will not either. Once these people have unchallenged power they will kill and destroy to maintain it.  And they will win. Our best and bravest will die quickly, like the Polish Calvary did when facing German tanks. And we will have a hide or die strategy. Freedom will become a whispered word, meaningless to most survivors.   

So we don't fight like the poles.There are numerous examples of smaller, less equipped forces taking on better prepared armies and winning - our own revolution being one of them. You want to call it Hide or Die, that is fine. its 4th Generation Warfare, and if the uneducated jihadists  can do it, then  we sure as hell can too.
We differ from the Russians, the Chinese and the Germans because, at the moment,  WE ARE ARMED.  You speak of the last defense being the GOP and you are wrong.  It is in our hands and in our hearts.  It is our battle cry of Liberty or Death, meant and held sincerely, and backed up actions in the real world. .

We need a different path. This one leads to destruction.

THEY ALL DO - don't you see?  MILLIONS WILL DIE REGARDLESS OF WHAT WE DO, and no politician can stop it now, because they will simply bribe, blackmail, or if they have to , kill, anyone who stands in their way. If I gave you complete control over EVERYTHING -If I made you KING - what would you do to fix it?   The status quo is simply beyond repair. Something new will come to take its place - be it a Statist/Socialist hell of poverty or a new Republic or a balkanization,   and that WILL, of its nature,  involve great turmoil and suffering.  Its time to take heads out of the sand and deal with it, because it is upon us.
So are you going to waste time trying to take back "our party" or will you forge a new and loyal weapon and  fight the real enemy?

« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 02:03:42 PM by Weisshaupt »

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #74 on: March 14, 2014, 02:04:18 PM »
I heard Rush talk about Beckel today, once again the threat is "You better not run just on an anti-ObamaCare campaign, or you guys will never win another election again!" and dutifully the GOP is proudly saying the recent Florida race was won not just because of ObamaCare as an issue!  See, we (the GOP) is just like you (the Dem's), we know what it takes to win! (Please love and adore us now!)

Everything is Awesome!  (Just trust us one more, pretty please!)

f**king makes me ill!

The GOP does NOTHING but threaten, bully and badger Conservatives, the Tea Party and like-minded Libertarians.  They treat US like Dem's and treat the Dem's how we should be treated!  They are totally assf**kingbackards POS's and it is beyond insane to reward this dysfunction any longer!

The problem is no longer them, we know they are assholes who will never change, the problem in recent years is US!  And by the millions we are starting to walk away from them.  Let them threaten an empty room!  Let them bully the moon and badger the sun for existing!  See if I give a flying f**k!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Glock32

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #75 on: March 14, 2014, 02:21:11 PM »
The problem is no longer them, we know they are assholes who will never change, the problem in recent years is US!  And by the millions we are starting to walk away from them.  Let them threaten an empty room!  Let them bully the moon and badger the sun for existing!  See if I give a flying f**k!

Bush "Fool Me Once..."
"The Fourth Estate is less honorable than the First Profession."

- Yours Truly

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #76 on: March 14, 2014, 02:35:57 PM »
"Fool me once", indeed, 'cause I held my nose when I voted for him his second term.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #77 on: March 14, 2014, 02:37:52 PM »

The GOP does NOTHING but threaten, bully and badger Conservatives, the Tea Party and like-minded Libertarians.  They treat US like Dem's and treat the Dem's how we should be treated!  They are totally assf**kingbackards POS's and it is beyond insane to reward this dysfunction any longer!

But they are fighting for you.. they got the sequester done!  - it reduced the Year over Year spending growth to 6% instead of 8% . You see, the Democrats didn't get EVERYTHING they wanted - we kept them from spending another 2% ! Victory. 

Of course the Dems wanted 6%, which is why they asked for 8%  so they could give their partners in crime a Pyrrhic victory to brag about to their base.  Victory means NEGATIVE "growth" in spending .  Victory means the repeal of every single entitlement program. Victory means returning the govt to the size and scope that we originally agreed to and if it needs to be bigger, MAKE THE DEMS GO GET AN AMENDMENT TO DO IT as they should have in the first place. The GOP will never deliver.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 04:07:48 PM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Glock32

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"The Fourth Estate is less honorable than the First Profession."

- Yours Truly

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #79 on: March 14, 2014, 03:34:51 PM »
Case in point: TEA Party "win"; corrupted or co-opted, makes no difference.

Ellmers interview with radio host Laura Ingraham is one of the least effective pro-amnesty performances from a Republican this Congress since the debate took off following the 2012 elections.

Under fire on amnesty from calm but insistent questioning from Ingraham, Ellmers called her host “small minded,” “ignorant,” and claimed to be the author of a ubiquitous immigration talking point, adopting the third person to say “Renee Ellmers thinks for herself.”

In Her Own Words:

"I do not plan on making this my lifelong career. I want to come, be effective, help get things stable and then pass the job to someone else."

Yes, thank you for helping us get rid of Bob Etheridge, but we don't want things stable, i.e. the status quo, so you can look forward to passing the job onto someone else, Miss Amnesty.

BTW, did she run on being pro-amnesty?

She says she's all for repealing Obongocare, but she's taking her taxpayer-supplied subsidy allocated for Congressional medical plans.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"