Author Topic: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...  (Read 34161 times)

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Offline ChrstnHsbndFthr

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #80 on: March 14, 2014, 05:45:18 PM »
The Jihadists die in MASSIVE numbers. Our soldiers have relatively few casualties by comparison.

And were I King, I would announce a new constitution, restoring the old one, as it was years ago. I would maintain SOME of the amendments, but not the 16th through the 21st.  I would also delete amendment 23, and I would add an amendment prohibiting serving more than two terms to each federal office, and prohibit serving in more than two federal offices, add an amendment prohibiting spending beyond what had been received in taxes the previous year, .  I would have to appoint nine new supreme court justices, no more than three of which would be serving on the current court, but likely less than that dismantle public education, add an amendment that if one makes money from government, they lose their personal vote, restore our borders, remove the power to borrow from the federal government, restore the gold standard, and probably a few other things like those before I oversee an election in which all offices were newly elected after which I would abruptly resign and hope and pray we could go another 200 years before having to reset everything.

Let me know when you want me to start.
“My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together.

“However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
Phil Robertson an elder in the church of Christ

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #81 on: March 14, 2014, 06:22:14 PM »
The Jihadists die in MASSIVE numbers. Our soldiers have relatively few casualties by comparison.

And were I King, I would announce a new constitution, restoring the old one, as it was years ago. I would maintain SOME of the amendments, but not the 16th through the 21st.  I would also delete amendment 23, and I would add an amendment prohibiting serving more than two terms to each federal office, and prohibit serving in more than two federal offices, add an amendment prohibiting spending beyond what had been received in taxes the previous year, .  I would have to appoint nine new supreme court justices, no more than three of which would be serving on the current court, but likely less than that dismantle public education, add an amendment that if one makes money from government, they lose their personal vote, restore our borders, remove the power to borrow from the federal government, restore the gold standard, and probably a few other things like those before I oversee an election in which all offices were newly elected after which I would abruptly resign and hope and pray we could go another 200 years before having to reset everything.

Let me know when you want me to start.

Okay so Right after you abolish amendments 16-21,  you have announced to the world that the US Government  will default on its debt obligations, having given up its right to collect taxes on income and is therefore restricted to using  tariffs in an already faltering trade deficit economy. This causes a massive worldwide panic as the US Treasury Debt is sold in massive quantities and foreign bank accounts are emptied looking for any place to spend the cash.  Americans have larger effective comes and add to the spending spree and hyperinflation sets in.  You move to implement a gold standard and discover that Fort Knox is empty and the gold at the New York Fed gone - lacking actual gold with which to back your currency, your move to restart the currency fails.

The Hyperinflation leads farmers and other producers to sell at the last moment possible,, and shipments to the cities of food , water and needs supplies is sporadic at best.  Sanitation and water  engineers and other public utilities walk off their jobs because they have also not been paid by their local governments.  Disease and famine become rampant.
Meanwhile 25 Million women and looters, angered at being disenfranchised  start retaliating in millions of ways, small and large causing great civil unrest.  As the hyperinflation sets in millions more join them, as their EBTs and Social Security payments become meaningless  and cannot be raised because of the spending limitations imposed.  With our finances so hindered, foreign powers move against our allies knowing that America cannot financially fight a war and would be restricted from spending the additional money by that amendment even if it were available.  Race Hucksters and other opportunists whip up hatred against "the other" - blaming them for the problems that plaque them.  Race wars break out in some places,  and totalitarian regimes in others. The federal govt lacksany power to fund the states and projects, formerly provided by their control of income taxes and the dollar, the United States Balkanizes.  The Hyperinflation is worse day by day, and without the printing press and ability to borrow , large numbers of Law enforcement and military  walk off their jobs as they haven't been paid in weeks.  Mexican drug lords and other racially motivated groups size huge areas of the Southwest and  secede. You are powerless to stop them.

Millions die in conflict war and famine.

Game Over.

Thanks for playing.  Please try again!
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 06:36:20 PM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Dan

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #82 on: March 14, 2014, 08:19:19 PM »
CHF for pres!
I think, weisshaupt, that most of those things you fear ae all but inevitable at this point anyway. Heck, we have a several threads and a couple topics that discuss just that.

The only thing, CHF, that I would reword is the part about "making money from the government" and change it to "taking". I believe contractors and suppliers, so long as they can't kick-back any money via campaign donations, serve a useful purpose. I mean, we don't want the gov "owning" food processing, paper mills, power generation, and all those things to keep a going concern going in THEIR hands!
Sit on your indolent ass, live at the expense of others,,and you surrender some part of your autonomy and liberty. Charity is different and should be privatized again.
Career politicians should never again have any sort of control.
Beauraucrats should be easily removed by a congressional committee, or at least have far more oversight and far less power to adjudicate than they currently do. THAT should be the main concern of congress.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #83 on: March 14, 2014, 08:23:49 PM »
CHF for pres!
I think, weisshaupt, that most of those things you fear ae all but inevitable at this point anyway. Heck, we have a several threads and a couple topics that discuss just that.

I agree. Its not that CHF's ideas are wrong or bad, only that there is no path from here to there that doesn't result in huge pain, turmoil, suffering and death, and the "right" politicians aren't going to change that..
« Last Edit: March 14, 2014, 10:25:36 PM by Weisshaupt »

Offline Glock32

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #84 on: March 14, 2014, 09:01:59 PM »
Case in point: TEA Party "win"; corrupted or co-opted, makes no difference.

Ellmers interview with radio host Laura Ingraham is one of the least effective pro-amnesty performances from a Republican this Congress since the debate took off following the 2012 elections.

Under fire on amnesty from calm but insistent questioning from Ingraham, Ellmers called her host “small minded,” “ignorant,” and claimed to be the author of a ubiquitous immigration talking point, adopting the third person to say “Renee Ellmers thinks for herself.”

In Her Own Words:

"I do not plan on making this my lifelong career. I want to come, be effective, help get things stable and then pass the job to someone else."

Yes, thank you for helping us get rid of Bob Etheridge, but we don't want things stable, i.e. the status quo, so you can look forward to passing the job onto someone else, Miss Amnesty.

BTW, did she run on being pro-amnesty?

She says she's all for repealing Obongocare, but she's taking her taxpayer-supplied subsidy allocated for Congressional medical plans.

Yep.  I actually donated to her campaign.  I donated to a lot of campaigns during the 2010 season, when there was that groundswell of Tea Party revolt.  I guess I stupidly believed the GOP would be on Cloud Nine to have inherited a genuine grassroots phenomenon.  Instead they immediately set about destroying it (after using it to elect their cronies, of course).

She was one of the first to be co-opted.  I am not even sure co-opt is the word for it, because she seemed pretty damned eager to ingratiate herself with the E-GOP.  And no, she didn't run on any of that crap.  How would it be worse to have Etheridge's gin-soaked ass still there?

I'm done with them.  Done like dinner y'all.  I don't even want to hear that my strident attitude will be responsible for empowering Democrats.  No.  I like so many others made a good faith effort to work within the framework of this party for my entire adult life.  The only ones responsible for empowering Democrats will be the GOP for declaring open and total war against its own base.  The only thing I want to hear from GOP pols is the snapping of their necks when the ropes go taut.  How's that for "tone"?
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Offline Dan

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #85 on: March 14, 2014, 10:31:00 PM »
And I've withdrawn my consent, G.
Anybody running now, to operate under the current system, is suspect.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist

Offline Glock32

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #86 on: March 15, 2014, 09:41:50 AM »
Also, I do completely get where you are coming from CHF.  I know we have a moral imperative to exhaust all peaceful options, otherwise the righteousness of future "extracurricular" action might be questionable.  You rightly want to avoid what is necessarily going to be terrible when and if it comes to pass.  It has been said that the first casualty of war is innocence, and I appreciate your cautionary stance even if I believe it has, unfortunately, become futile.

Where I think a lot of us differ with you on this subject is in the assessment of those remaining peaceful options.  A lot of us believe that those terrible circumstances you warn against are coming regardless.  Either they are successful in completing their fundamental transformation, which will usher in a period of Red Terror, or the existing order will finally collapse -- but before their transformation is complete -- and we end up with something akin to the immediate post-Roman times when assorted barbarians asserted themselves in that vacuum.

We are approaching one of those times that will define the boundary between two distinct epochs.  Plan and prepare accordingly.
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Offline ChrstnHsbndFthr

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #87 on: March 15, 2014, 05:26:00 PM »
Also, I do completely get where you are coming from CHF.  I know we have a moral imperative to exhaust all peaceful options, otherwise the righteousness of future "extracurricular" action might be questionable.  You rightly want to avoid what is necessarily going to be terrible when and if it comes to pass.  It has been said that the first casualty of war is innocence, and I appreciate your cautionary stance even if I believe it has, unfortunately, become futile.

Where I think a lot of us differ with you on this subject is in the assessment of those remaining peaceful options.  A lot of us believe that those terrible circumstances you warn against are coming regardless.  Either they are successful in completing their fundamental transformation, which will usher in a period of Red Terror, or the existing order will finally collapse -- but before their transformation is complete -- and we end up with something akin to the immediate post-Roman times when assorted barbarians asserted themselves in that vacuum.

We are approaching one of those times that will define the boundary between two distinct epochs.  Plan and prepare accordingly.

I appreciate the understanding, and I do respect the majority view here. I admit, that I have some hope still in avoiding this, and I pray for that outcome. But, Currently I weep for our nation. If we get what we deserve, NONE of us will survive it. It is true that God is merciful and has always maintained a remnant.  I guess we can hope to be part of that.
“My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together.

“However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
Phil Robertson an elder in the church of Christ

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #88 on: March 16, 2014, 09:32:14 AM »
CHF, nobody gets out alive anyway.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #89 on: March 16, 2014, 10:19:03 AM »
I appreciate the understanding, and I do respect the majority view here. I admit, that I have some hope still in avoiding this, and I pray for that outcome.

In avoiding what?  From your words, I believe you speak of the  Declaration of Martial Law and a near inevitable Stalinistic attempt at purging the population of dissent? I don't know we can say with any certainty the the vermin  in charge will go that route , but I admit its certainly a non-negligible risk --but  the build up of weapons, ammo and powers we see may seemly be a vain and futile attempt to maintain order during an economic collapse and depression that they KNOW is coming.. Nor can we say with any certainty that the US Military and Law Enforcement Bodies will actually comply with such an order without causing a split in their own ranks. But lets presume that TPTB have this goal  and have a large enough force willing to comply.

Let us also presume that elections aren't rigged to the point that they are useless, and that we can elect enough decent leaders using the corrupt and backstabbing GOP  (both dubious assertions  IMO)  in 2014 - and that these new leaders are so clean and pure that  they cannot be turned using the usual methods of bribery and blackmail, and exist in such numbers that they can't all meet with accidents. What do you think this group of new leaders  would do? If they did any  of the things you want to do as King, it would create the civil unrest required for that declaration of Martial Law AND provide a group  in power  to blame for the problem.

But lets further presume this wise group of incorruptible men  implement an unseen path to reform that none of us have considered,  that somehow cuts government spending without  triggering the financial collapse of the intuitions and industries addicted to the govt O.P.M.  and without causing such turmoil to the entitled 47% that they don't riot and provide an excuse  for Martial law. Lets say they make real progress, and not only stall the enemies agenda, but actually succeed at turning it back.

 Obama is already ignoring the laws regarding welfare, Obamacare and border security he doesn't like.  What would prevent him from ignoring any new ones from these leaders? Say we have enough votes  you impeach him, do you think Biden will do otherwise? How long would it take to impeach him as well.  And the the Orange Man - really think he is not a Statist when he has REFUSED to engage them on anything? But perhaps we have a new Speaker, and he is one of this new perfect politician class, and he is about to take power and really damage the agenda.

Why would a  Tyrant(s) hell bent on a police state and purge,  and with a  military force loyal enough  to follow unconstitutional orders and keep a Nation in line allow the congress and this new president  to   turn back their agenda?   Wouldn't they  just execute General Order 66?  Wouldn't they just drop the curtain on the Kabuki Theater, end the charade, and dissolve the Senate and the Congress by force? If they  are  willing to incarcerate without trial, re-educate and kill millions of Americans, would killing those American's loyal representatives be somehow beyond them?

I don't say these things to be a Dick CHF ( but I am a Dick, so don't hesitate to think that or call me on it) and I care for everyone here including you and yours. The time that is coming requires that none of us be in denial, and all of us clear eyed and  ready to deal with it.   I personally think your scenario is unlikely - because I doubt they have a force capable of controlling such a large,  heavily armed  country.  I do think that there will be Military and Law Enforcement  assets brought to our side, and that casualties will not be so lop-sided as you fear, but I admit that such lopsided results are certainly possible. If they use WMD - chemical or biological,   they might very well "win"  if "winning" can be defined as ruling over 10% of the former population as  survivors and living at medieval levels of technology (as you killed most of  the people required to keep things running).  But I don't think either of us has a clear picture of how far they will go, or even if that is their goal. (If they are already planning on using WMD, why not just get on with it and blame "terrorism"? )
They may merely want the United States to fragment and balkanize so we can no longer interfere with the rest of the world, and will simply leave the stage and let us rot, hands at each other's throats.  I think the ONLY thing that is certain is the Fragility of the economic system and its inevitable collapse - which may be still 10 years out. Perhaps even more, but I think that very unlikely given current  world events. A world War may start (and is indeed likely to start if the lead up to WWI and WWII are any guide)  We are waiting for a  Princip. but really any number of things could bring a Black Swan event that end this economic  system, and any number of things can happen before or after that happens. I don't profess to know what we are really  in for, or what form the destroyer will take,  only that we are beyond the point of avoiding it.
Prayer and hope are  the best weapons in our arsenal, but they need to be used on a battlefield we see clearly and rationally.  A  Miracle never goes amiss , and if you pray for one in the form of  a peaceful takeover of govt by the forces of good,  that is fine and noble.  However, I think that would be an unwise place to put your hope. God didn't help to peacefully avert our first revolution and the suffering we bore, and I suspect he will not Avert this one either.  Sometimes the best way to teach a child is to let them bear at least some of the the consequences of their actions alone - and in truth, children value more what they have worked and suffered for.  God is a loving Father, and he takes his parental duties seriously. He came to the rescue of our Founders on numerous occasions, we can only hope he helps to rescue those of us who have not forgotten what they, and those that came after actually fought for. We must trust that God will help those that help themselves, and protect those that serve him.  No one on this forum would call me a good Christian or close to God, but I can tell you with certainty that this coming storm has made ME  move closer to Him, and perhaps that too is an encouraging thought. 

But please do not put your hope in Miracles, be they in elections or on battlefields. Your attention  has to lie on a realistic assessment of current conditions and likely events given our history as a race. Your hope must lie in your own preparations. I think it would be very unwise, at this juncture, to not prepare for the worst and hope for the best, as the saying goes, and to pursue  mental  acceptance  and a clear picture of what is likely to come, even if it doesn't materialize. To be ready to do what we will be asked to do, and to put our resources where they will do the most good in that situation.   If we get your miracle, and somehow all that we fear doesn't come to pass, you can look at that big bag of beans and shelf of ammo with joy that it won't be used. But if you instead spend that time, money , effort and mental energy  on trying to get a politician elected, or allowed your hope in him to placate your fears and thus quell your efforts on this front,   I fear you will regret it when you have an empty shelf or lack a skill you need when the battle is joined. Perhaps both can be done, but I do not think help  is  likely  from that Quarter. Congress and our Govt is like Sarumon, set there to protect us from evil, but it has betrayed us.   

Frodo: I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened.
Gandalf: So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us. There are other forces at work in this world Frodo, besides the will of evil. Bilbo was meant to find the Ring. In which case, you were also meant to have it. And that is an encouraging thought.

This time is begin given to our generation - to prepare, and to do, like Frodo, what must be done. - and Maybe Frodo is out there with the Ring and maybe ultimately our hopes rest on a miracle from God,  but the Men who marched upon the Black Gate knew NOTHING of Frodo's errand, and still they marched. They did what they could even though it was very likely it meant their doom. As did every Founding Father that Stood in defiance of the English Crown.  As every Solider who stormed the beaches in Europe and fought against Hitler.  IN that war Britain wanted to appease and disarm before the Nazis. They wanted to vote for the "peaceful solution"  when they should have been preparing for war.

I only know I don't have the ring. I know that my likely part in the events to come is to stand before the Black Gates in defiance. But because of that defiance, the miracle arrived for them. I declare  Liberty or Death, prepare for that end,  and trust to God that is enough.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 10:24:43 AM by Weisshaupt »

Offline ChrstnHsbndFthr

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #90 on: March 16, 2014, 01:30:01 PM »
Weisshaupt, There are several points to be addressed there. First, I am not now nor will I ever be King.  That was a theoretical discussion in response to what I took purely as a theoretical question.  Elected leaders could not accomplish much of anything from that list. Even winning a majority would not pass laws. It still requires the President to sign, or a two-thirds majority, both of which are equally unlikely.

I do like the quote, which expresses a truth. We have been brought to a time and place and given certain knowledge, and each will decide what to do along the way.  Is it fair to say I want to drag my heels and not go, while at the same time admitting to myself that I will do what must be done when it must be done?  For now, that means voting as best I can. Later it may mean something else. And I will feel that I have no choice, just as you feel you have no choice now. The fact is, we do have choice, we just do not like the choices.

I do think that open revolution, results in many deaths.  I do not want that choice.
I think that continuing on the way we are going results in a totalitarian, all powerful government, which always results in the deaths of millions. I do not want that choice.
Doing nothing perpetuates that and even speeds it in coming. I do not want that choice.
Voting for someone who helps slow the move or stop the move, toward totalitarian government, while preparing all other options, is the best of my bad choices.

I do think repealing the income tax COULD be done if we had enough of a majority. I do not think it will be, but I also do not think it would create civil problems.

I too agree that the economy is headed for collapse. Let us prepare accordingly. 

Your Christianity is unquestioned, at least by me. But, each comes to his own knowledge of Christ and in his own time. Revelation is a letter to the Christians, from John, of the vision he was given by Christ. It describes the coming destruction of Jerusalem which has been fulfilled, and it is a warning to RUN! This vision could rightly be called a was direct intervention by the deity, to preserve His people and punish the wicked. (The Jews who had killed the prophets and even Christ himself.) Many times God has intervened in the lives of men and punished some and protected others. I do not think it foolhardy to hope and pray for that.  The problem is, we may not like the way it comes.  And inevitably, innocent people do die in these upheavals.  God even used the wicked to punish those He loved. My fear is that may be our situation here. We may have become such an evil society, that He will use even more wicked countries or even wicked leaders to punish us. I see no harm in praying for our country, counseling repentance, and hoping for mercy.

And nice to meet you Dick. My late wife's pet name for me was "Asshole!"  (I have gotten a little hard of hearing so I am not sure what my new wife calls me now, usually she just stops talking to me for a couple of hours.) Seriously, I do not consider this conversation to be you as a dick and me as the hero. We are often blunt here. Do not worry about it, just give me your view points. I am here talking to you and others because I WANT to be here and WANT to talk to you.
“My mission today is to go forth and tell people about why I follow Christ and also what the Bible teaches, and part of that teaching is that women and men are meant to be together.

“However, I would never treat anyone with disrespect just because they are different from me. We are all created by the Almighty and like Him, I love all of humanity. We would all be better off if we loved God and loved each other.”
Phil Robertson an elder in the church of Christ

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #91 on: March 16, 2014, 02:23:28 PM »
Case in point: TEA Party "win"; corrupted or co-opted, makes no difference.

Ellmers interview with radio host Laura Ingraham is one of the least effective pro-amnesty performances from a Republican this Congress since the debate took off following the 2012 elections.

Under fire on amnesty from calm but insistent questioning from Ingraham, Ellmers called her host “small minded,” “ignorant,” and claimed to be the author of a ubiquitous immigration talking point, adopting the third person to say “Renee Ellmers thinks for herself.”

In Her Own Words:

"I do not plan on making this my lifelong career. I want to come, be effective, help get things stable and then pass the job to someone else."

Yes, thank you for helping us get rid of Bob Etheridge, but we don't want things stable, i.e. the status quo, so you can look forward to passing the job onto someone else, Miss Amnesty.

BTW, did she run on being pro-amnesty?

She says she's all for repealing Obongocare, but she's taking her taxpayer-supplied subsidy allocated for Congressional medical plans.

Yep.  I actually donated to her campaign.  I donated to a lot of campaigns during the 2010 season, when there was that groundswell of Tea Party revolt.  I guess I stupidly believed the GOP would be on Cloud Nine to have inherited a genuine grassroots phenomenon.  Instead they immediately set about destroying it (after using it to elect their cronies, of course).

She was one of the first to be co-opted.  I am not even sure co-opt is the word for it, because she seemed pretty damned eager to ingratiate herself with the E-GOP.  And no, she didn't run on any of that crap.  How would it be worse to have Etheridge's gin-soaked ass still there?

I'm done with them.  Done like dinner y'all.  I don't even want to hear that my strident attitude will be responsible for empowering Democrats.  No.  I like so many others made a good faith effort to work within the framework of this party for my entire adult life.  The only ones responsible for empowering Democrats will be the GOP for declaring open and total war against its own base.  The only thing I want to hear from GOP pols is the snapping of their necks when the ropes go taut.  How's that for "tone"?

Pretty damn good I'd say.


I'm reading "Common Sense" for the first time in eons...I figure once a good primer for the first justified war for independence, ought to be just as justified for the next.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Weisshaupt

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #92 on: March 16, 2014, 05:51:42 PM »
Voting for someone who helps slow the move or stop the move, toward totalitarian government, while preparing all other options, is the best of my bad choices.

Not if doing so gives the enemy time to solidify his advantage and ensures a stronger hand for him when it is time for that totalitarian government to emerge.. every day the enemy grows stronger, and anyone in office who only slows his advance, but doesn't turn him, is helping him.. and that is the best we can hope for politically.

Each day the population population that remembers freedom grows older. Each Day more children are indoctrinated with Socialism and Police State obedience.  Each day more people grow dependent upon the Federal Teat. If the enemy had the time - just another 10-15 years, just another generation, they would win  without a shot fired.

What is the point?  Fighting now vs. fighting later?

Victory will only be had by pressing the enemy before they are ready .. and due to the nature of Liberalism, their Hubris  will lead to their undoing as they arrogantly press themselves to attack ,  if we simply leave them in power. Slowing them down HELPS them.  It lets them slow boil the frog.. and should that happen, all will be lost, just as all would have been lost if Aragorn remained in Minas Tirith and waited while Sauron licked his wounds. Is not that I discount God's providence,  rather I am depending upon it.  I simply know that delaying the inevitable will not help the cause.  It will be soon  time to ride before the Black Gate, and we must be ready to do so mentally and physically and we won't be if we still hold out hope that we will not have to. Even if you get your wish, and the politicians delay the advance,  then we simply ride 5-15 years hence when the enemy is ready for us.

No. I don't like the choices before me. But The fight is coming no matter what we do to delay it.  We will not be stronger in 10 years - they will be.

And actually  repealing income tax isn't the problem - the problem is that is how our debt is funded. If that goes away or creditors will sell and destroy the dollar. Even if it did not, and we replaced it with a "fair tax" or whatever and limited us to spending only what was collected..   1 Trillion of borrowed money ( i.e. not paid in taxes)  would disappear from GDP overnight.. over 6% - sending the country in to a massive recession ( what you see now is nothing - I am talking 5-+% real unemployment) -- at the same time, Benefits would need to be cut for 47% of the population,  all while this massive recession is going on.  That will almost certainly result in a massive increase in crime and social unrest., and that problem only gets worse with each passing day.

Kick the can as a strategy isn't going to work here.

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #93 on: March 17, 2014, 07:10:45 AM »
To paraphrase Captain Kirk "How on Earth can history let alone the GOP get past people like me?"!
« Last Edit: March 19, 2014, 06:45:23 AM by Libertas »
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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #94 on: March 17, 2014, 11:53:35 AM »

Rick Perry...

...what a fracking dumbass!

We're running low on dunce caps but not dunces!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #95 on: March 19, 2014, 06:52:51 AM »
Here we go...cliaming victory before accepting the inevitable defeat...

RNC Grand Poohbah is predicting a "tsunami" of GOP victories in the mid-term elections this fall, is promoting year-round politicking (WTF we have now?) and thinks Immigration Reform is a swell idea if they define it properly!



Good luck with that LOSER strategy!


There is only one way to defeat the requires purging your own ranks of the decaying filth within first, then putting up candidates against the Dem's that actually a) have principles, b) fight for those principles with actions, not just words, and c) take the fight to the Dem's instead playing rope-a-dope and forgetting about the rope!

Fools!  They are destined for extinction!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #96 on: March 19, 2014, 03:23:08 PM »

There is only one way to defeat the requires purging your own ranks of the decaying filth within first, then putting up candidates against the Dem's that actually a) have principles, b) fight for those principles with actions, not just words, and c) take the fight to the Dem's instead playing rope-a-dope and forgetting about the rope!


York is a modest little city in Southern Pennsylvania not too far from Baltimore and right in the heart of Dutch country. It’s not the sort of place where political revolutions are found.

But Republican state Senate nominee Ron Miller may think differently this morning because he just lost a special election to a write-in Tea Party candidate, Scott Wagner.

“With 100 percent of precincts reporting Tuesday night, write-in votes totaled 10,595, or 47.7 percent, to Miller’s 5,920, or 26.6 percent. Democrat Linda Small of New Freedom nearly edged out Miller with 5,704 votes, for 25.7 percent,” according to the York Dispatch.

Pennsylvania is a place where it can sometimes be difficult to tell the Democrats from the Republicans, at least at the state level.

Wagner, who owns a trash compactor business, ran on a typical Tea Party small-government/fiscal conservativism ticket.

He attributed his win in great part to the relentlessly negative attacks on him by the local and state GOP party establishments.

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #97 on: March 20, 2014, 07:02:41 AM »

There is only one way to defeat the requires purging your own ranks of the decaying filth within first, then putting up candidates against the Dem's that actually a) have principles, b) fight for those principles with actions, not just words, and c) take the fight to the Dem's instead playing rope-a-dope and forgetting about the rope!


York is a modest little city in Southern Pennsylvania not too far from Baltimore and right in the heart of Dutch country. It’s not the sort of place where political revolutions are found.

But Republican state Senate nominee Ron Miller may think differently this morning because he just lost a special election to a write-in Tea Party candidate, Scott Wagner.

“With 100 percent of precincts reporting Tuesday night, write-in votes totaled 10,595, or 47.7 percent, to Miller’s 5,920, or 26.6 percent. Democrat Linda Small of New Freedom nearly edged out Miller with 5,704 votes, for 25.7 percent,” according to the York Dispatch.

Pennsylvania is a place where it can sometimes be difficult to tell the Democrats from the Republicans, at least at the state level.

Wagner, who owns a trash compactor business, ran on a typical Tea Party small-government/fiscal conservativism ticket.

He attributed his win in great part to the relentlessly negative attacks on him by the local and state GOP party establishments.

No shyt?!


You don't say?!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #98 on: March 23, 2014, 02:42:25 PM »
Case in point: TEA Party "win"; corrupted or co-opted, makes no difference.

Ellmers interview with radio host Laura Ingraham is one of the least effective pro-amnesty performances from a Republican this Congress since the debate took off following the 2012 elections.

Under fire on amnesty from calm but insistent questioning from Ingraham, Ellmers called her host “small minded,” “ignorant,” and claimed to be the author of a ubiquitous immigration talking point, adopting the third person to say “Renee Ellmers thinks for herself.”

In Her Own Words:

"I do not plan on making this my lifelong career. I want to come, be effective, help get things stable and then pass the job to someone else."

Yes, thank you for helping us get rid of Bob Etheridge, but we don't want things stable, i.e. the status quo, so you can look forward to passing the job onto someone else, Miss Amnesty.

BTW, did she run on being pro-amnesty?

She says she's all for repealing Obongocare, but she's taking her taxpayer-supplied subsidy allocated for Congressional medical plans.

Here's some more from Ellmers:

Video of Renee Ellmers Berating Anti-Amnesty Constituents

Renee Ellmers claims constituent is stereotyping

Renee Ellmers Turns Away Constituents

Renee Ellmers arguing more....."You don't have any damn facts"

Renee Ellmers Arguing with constituents

From a vaunted "Tea Party" candidate.  NSA must have had some juicy recordings of her.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 02:46:50 PM by Glock32 »
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Re: 2014 Races...if anybody cares...
« Reply #99 on: March 24, 2014, 07:31:21 AM »

Is there a pill people take to be so stupid?  Are Boehner and McConnell handing them out on orientation day?
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.