Author Topic: I'm sure this Fed Undercover Big Brother stuff the NYT's found is brand new news  (Read 946 times)

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Offline Libertas

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This part is rich!!!

"And in what became a major political scandal for the Obama administration, agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allowed guns to slip into Mexico in 2011 in an undercover operation known as Fast and Furious."

What fricken scandal?  The scandal that the press helped The Regime get away with this scott-free?  The scandal that they belittled as mean-spirited, bigoted and racist anybody wanting it investigatged?  The scandal they they shot down any idea of a special prosecutor to look at this when if there was anybody but a Democrat in office they'd be raising bloody Hell 24/7/365 demanding it?  The scandal that people were killed because of this wrecklessness and in no way can it be laid at the feet of their Dear Leader?  What fricken scandal are these assholes talking about?

Move along, nothing to see here you bloody troublesome peasants!!!  Isn't that their message from the start of the Obama Era?

Why are they bringing this up now?

Oh, this might be key - "In terrorism cases — the area in which the F.B.I. has used undercover stings most aggressively — prosecutors have a perfect record in defeating claims of entrapment. “I challenge you to find one of those cases in which the defendant has been acquitted asserting that defense,” Robert S. Mueller III, a former F.B.I. director, said at an appearance this year."

See, Big Brother works, Big Brother has is here forever.  So, accept your place, serf, comply or else!!!

Yeah, those poor Mom & Pop outfits that mistakenly sell a pack of smokes to an undercover youth really need to be taught a fricken lesson!  And note how they also go after healthcare providers and other deep pockets for fraud, never the thieving locusts thriving on the fraud.  And also note how they go after educators, but I bet only as a measure of bringing them more under the Federal heel than any nebulous bureaucratic rationale.  Comply or else!  Comply or else!  If you refuse us in anything, well, you must be criminal scum and have something to hide!  Anybody notice any libiot pols targeted?  Talk about people with sh*t to hide!!!

And what pray tell do the Poohbahs at the hallowed halls of the Times see as the only real concern here?

“There is a danger to democracy,” he said, “in having police infiltrate protests when there isn’t a reasonable basis to suspect criminality.”

Yeah, I'm guessing these assholes are talking about OWS types, flying monkeys in every moonbat libiot pack under the sun...everybody but groups like the Tea Party, who can be shut down and harassed by the Feds and cornholed repeatedly (even now!) by the IRS!

f**k you, NYT's!  Hope I live long enough to see your halls run red with blood!   ::doublebird::
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.