Author Topic: The Obama-Iran Treaty/Non-Treaty Debate is going into full retard mode  (Read 2196 times)

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Offline Libertas

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O'fvckface, Black & Blue Harry & Nasty Pelousi and the rest really need to STFD and STFU already!  What utter buffoons!  These same smug psychotic bastards who traveled to kiss Asad's ass, to kiss Andropov's ass, Castro's ass, tHugo's ass, Yassir's ass, etc etc etc are criticising Senators for writing a letter saying they won't approve of any treaty that fvcks us over and gives Iran a green light to nuclear nirvanna?

Fvck them!

And this crap!

"When it says that Congress could actually modify the terms of an agreement at any time is flat wrong," Kerry, who has been negotiating a deal to rein in Iran's nuclear program in exchange for easing sanctions, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "You don't have the right to modify an agreement reached executive to executive between leaders of a country."

Lurch, you are a fraking idiot!  Article II Section 2 states clearly "He (the Executive) shall have Power, by AND WITH the ADVICE and CONSENT of the Senate, to make Treaties, PROVIDED two thirds of the Senators present CONCUR"!

These assholes understand NOT ONE FRICKEN WORD of the Constitution!  That there is grounds for immediate impeachment!  Only an unsane person would argue otherwise!

The fraking idiot keeps opening his ignorant mouth though...

"We have been clear from the beginning, we are not negotiating, a quote, legally binding plan, we are negotiating a plan that will have in it capacity for enforcement," Kerry said. "The letter erroneously asserts this is a legally binding plan. It is not. We don't even have diplomatic relations with Iran."

The shythead admits his plan has NO legal standing and trumpets this as a good thing?!  Hello?  Anbody else out there getting that?!?!

This is stunning!  We've descended into such a state of decay that we allow such obvious fools to manage the affairs of state...affairs that if left to these fvcking fools can literally KILL EVERY LAST MAN WOMAN AND CHILD ON THIS PLANET?!?!?!

Goddamned suicidal psycho's!  There is no other explanation...these people literally want us to die so they can tout their multi-culti commie beta-male kum-bay-yah bullshyt?!?!?!


These people pose a clear and present danger to every American every Jew in every sane person on the globe!!!

Treason doesn't get any more obvious than this...

And what are our so-called leaders doing about it?  What are people nominally on the side of Liberty doing?


We are so totally fvcked it isn't funny...

Just when you think you cannot possibly be more embarassed, more sickened, more enraged...these bastards find a way to generate more...

ETA - How is a treaty that is not a treaty supposed to work if it is "executive to executive" and unenforceable?  If it is "executive to executive" it by definition is a treaty...but if it is not a binding agreement it is is garbage pretending to be a treaty or pretending to be an illegal "executive to executive" agreement in the guise of a treaty...

Any way you cut it, this is moonbat bellping crazy that gives Iran the bomb, period!  Lurch and O'Bongo can call ti whatever they like, but it gives Iran the bomb and if it calls for the lifting of sanctions it is in violation of US law and would require legislation to be passed and signed in order to take effect...that isn't going to happen...

Whatever O'Bongo and the Ayatolloah agree to isn't going to be worth asswipe and should be ignored and any efforts to act on it should be ended immediately...

OK, I threw up a little on that last part...with the Helen Keller Pubbies in charge they'll be no ending anything...except America as we once knew it...

Oh, and lest we forget...

On July 20, 2008, the New York Times headlined: “Nuclear Talks With Iran End in a Deadlock.” What caused the talks to founder? The Times explained:  Iran responded with a written document that failed to address the main issue: international demands that it stop enriching uranium. And Iranian diplomats reiterated before the talks that they considered the issue nonnegotiable.  The Iranians held firm to their position, perhaps because they knew that help was on the way, in the form of a new president. Barack Obama had clinched the Democratic nomination on June 3. At some point either before or after that date, but prior to the election, he secretly let the Iranians know that he would be much easier to bargain with than President Bush. Michael Ledeen reported the story last year:  During his first presidential campaign in 2008, Mr. Obama used a secret back channel to Tehran to assure the mullahs that he was a friend of the Islamic Republic, and that they would be very happy with his policies. The secret channel was Ambassador William G. Miller, who served in Iran during the shah’s rule, as chief of staff for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, and as ambassador to Ukraine. Ambassador Miller has confirmed to me his conversations with Iranian leaders during the 2008 campaign.

THAT, is what TREASON looks like, Kerry!!!
« Last Edit: March 12, 2015, 01:52:25 PM by Libertas »
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Offline Alphabet Soup

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Dude, you need to relax  ::pokeineye::

I've been doing the trench-warfare dealio for the last two days beating the stuffing outta the dhimmis for shouting "traitor". At one point they really had themselves a head of steam but kerry kicked them in the slats better than I ever could have.

He is so oblivious to reality in asserting that Cotton's letter suggested anything about "Congress having the power to modify" it took much of the wind outta their sails. Now they've largely gone quiet while awaiting their next set of stalking points.

Imbeciles, the lot of them.

Offline Libertas

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What's that?

But yeah...suffering imbeciles lightly never has been a virtue...heck tolerating them is no virtue, it's stupid!


I got a bunch of new stogies delivered...I'm gonna light 'em up, wash 'em down with whatever strikes my fancy...pull another book from my stack and that is about as close to relaxing as I can get.

To Hell with Obama et al!

Whattaya know...I had one more in me! 
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Offline AlanS

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Everything this regime has done has been full retard. I hope you're not surprised.
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Offline Libertas

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It sucks always ecpecting the worst in evil treacherous scum...some days more than others...


Meanwhile, Team Evil renews its calls for the Congress to STFD and STFU

I guess wating for a "Bleep you" response it pointless, so we'll end up with
what Bolton calls "unprecedented surrender" anyway.

Everything is Awesome!

« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 07:52:18 AM by Libertas »
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Offline Libertas

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I reckon we would be most accurate in describing the Obama-Iran plan as IranCare, gotta sign it and ratify it to know what horrible naughty surprises are in it!!!
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Offline Libertas

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Congress basically caving in to B.Hussein O's IranCare scam!

No fricken way they ever muster up enough votes to kill this Chamberlianesque atrocity!

B.Hussein O gets his dirty deal, Iran gets nukes and everybody gets to die in a radioactive future!

 ::cussing::  assholes!
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The Senate reversed the terms of the Advise and Consent provision.  Instead of them having to vote yea to proceed with the Treaty, they agreed to have to vote nay to stop it, with a 67 member vote to needed to override Obongo.

They re-wrote the Constitution.  Again.

I get the shakes every time I think about this.
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"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Libertas

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Satan is doing business at the wholesale level, DemonRats and E-GOP assholes make it all to easy, treason comes so easily to them.

Millions, maybe billions of dead may result from this act of wicked cowardice.

If we're lucky we get to punish a lot of them before we all die...
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Offline Libertas

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The retardathon continues...

“The Obama administration has failed to make public separate side deals that have been struck for the ‘inspection’ of one of the most important nuclear sites—the Parchin military complex,” said Representative Mike Pompeo (R., Kan.) in a statement Tuesday. “Not only does this violate the Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act, it is asking Congress to agree to a deal that it cannot review.”

Uhh, yeah.  So?  You jackasses rubberstamp everything this assclown does and let him do whatever the hell he wants to do via EO's and violating federal statutes up and down regarding illegals and everything else, and what?  We're supposed to get all jazzed up because y'all identify another unconstitutional move by this bastard and you expect us to believe y'all will break form and stop it?

What the hell experience does this idiot base that load of excrement on?

Just another fart in the wind...
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Offline Libertas

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Re: The Obama-Iran Treaty/Non-Treaty Debate is going into full retard mode
« Reply #10 on: August 18, 2015, 12:23:43 PM »

Some good news!

B Hussein O calls on Irreverend Al "Shakedown" Sharpton to gin up support for flagging Iran Capitulation Treaty!

Now, that's what I call "pretty damned desperate"!   ::hysterical::   ::rolllaughing::   ::laughonfloor::

And hey, I thought mixing churches and politics was banned?  WTF happened to that made up phoney baloney "separation of Church and State" bullsh*t?!

Only applies to whitey and whoever else Progs want to single out for oppression, eh?

Yeah, well...f**k that noise!  Time to ram that sh*t sandwich down their Hell-spawned faces!!!
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Offline Libertas

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Re: The Obama-Iran Treaty/Non-Treaty Debate is going into full retard mode
« Reply #11 on: August 20, 2015, 10:40:36 AM »

I wish people here would self-inspect the government and then apply the much needed long-overdue remedy!!!

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: The Obama-Iran Treaty/Non-Treaty Debate is going into full retard mode
« Reply #12 on: August 25, 2015, 07:20:58 AM »
More idiotic terms of surrender to Iran -

But remember, according to the Dear Leader...ANYBODY criticizing this deal...are "the crazies"!

Got it?

Yup, up is down, bad is good...welcome to the backasswards world of Obama.

OK, one more time...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: The Obama-Iran Treaty/Non-Treaty Debate is going into full retard mode
« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2015, 08:22:55 AM »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: The Obama-Iran Treaty/Non-Treaty Debate is going into full retard mode
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2015, 11:40:15 AM »
Retard-mode wins again.

The DemonRats who sided with B Hussein O's insane surrender plan to Iran:


Of course both Al (f**k Israel!) Franken and Betty (Where's Iran?) McCollum from Minnestupid voted for this holocaust-ensuring clusterf**k!

And then that horses-ass-faced gigolo John Effn Kerry is classic  style says iran would have attacked us had they not done this deal!

What a fracking fool!  All of them are treasonous duplicitous lying filthy scum who now guarantee nuclear Hell will be unleashed in Israel and yes, they will unleash on us too! 

And in the fetid backwater swamps where brainless proglodytes swim about emoting to this that and whatever...they hail this as some sort of brilliant diplomatic coup!

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

The DemonRat party and their faithful mindless drones are not good people...not by a long shot.

And a comment on this last link nails it with this graphic -

There is absolutely no other choice for Israel.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.