Topics > The Police State

St Anthony Cop shoots (not so innocent driver after all) in Falcon Heights

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Sure.  But when did we get to the point that a permit holder announcing he was a permit holder is treated like a cop-killing gang-banger?  I mean if this guy wanted to kill a cop he would have had his gun in his hand ready to fire as soon as the cop got close to the window, but that didn't happen.  I'm not saying everything this guy did was smart, but we are giving the cop way too much latitude if they can be this hair-trigger with a permit holder...if the roles were somewhat reversed we would be talking about intent of the shooter...why are we not talking about the intent of the shooter in this case?  To me this cop had an intent to approach and don't quickly pump 4 rounds into a guy without seeing a weapon without some intent being in play.  Either that or we just make the assumption whenever a cop pulls you over his intent is always going to draw and fire several rounds into you no matter what you do or say and no matter how legal or smart or illegal or stupid you which case you might just as well blow them away before they can blow you away.  Has it come to that?

I have to throw my 2 cents in here. There is a lot we are not seeing here. If the cop had the intent to shoot the guy and get away with it he would have to have sot both of them. Seeing the video you can tell that the cop is freak out. He saw something that we did not. In the same instance we have a girlfriend recording the event right after the incident happened. she is as calm as a golf announcer. Why is that? Everyone raise their had if you would be calm as a cucumber if your loved one was shot right next to you. The sound alone would be deafening.

People are even in an uproar that the woman was handcuffed. Of course she would be. That is what you do. You hand cuff them if they are a participant in something like that. Hell she could have picked up the gun and shot at the cop.

If this was such a cover up by the cops then why did they allow here to have the phone and keep recording. If this whole thing is supposedly true as stated by the woman then these are the dumbest cops in the world. And if they are that dumb, they are too stupid to have made it through law enforcement training.

In my opinion, the man grabbed his gun and was moving it in a fashion that the cop thought was going to endanger his life. Is there part of the recording that I missed. I didn't see anything that was recorded before he was shot. It almost appears the the deceased wanted to get shot.

Now I'll move into conspiracy theory. Acting so weirdly that the cop found it necessary to draw his weapon adn shoot, did something happen to victim that he wanted to get shot and become a martyr. Was he dying and wanted to leave this world with a huge display. Was he part of the BLM and wanted to draw attention to their cause by becoming a martyr. This is just too weird to just jump to a conclusion that the cop wanted to just kill some black guy.

When I first heard this story I thought maybe the cop became overly nervous about a carry permit holder and accidentally pulled the trigger. This kind of went out the window when I found out that the victim was shot 4 times. Kinda hard to accidentally shoot someone four time, if it is true.

The racial crap is definitely throwing crap in the is a total distraction, I don't care if the guy was 14 different colors or opaque...and maybe this clown wanted to get popped and be a martyr, still, it can't be done without a willing participant...when did cops start getting training on dealing with suicide-by-cop situations?  Decades ago.  Did they drop that training?

Plus, since the police have been through their unions and through their lapdop relationship with demonrats, community agitators and the like they've drifted further from us, the good (formerly!) law-abiding people.

This clown may not be a saint and may have an agenda...but I am not so willing anymore to give any cop any benefit of the doubt, they pissed that goodwill away a long time ago...and never bothered trying to repair it.  They made their bed, if their pals helped set it on fire, tough...enjoy the heat.

So, show me proof this guy had a gun in his me that proof and I won't call this an execution.  Burden is on the cop, and so far I see no evidence of that.  If there was the department would waste zero time getting that out.  When the clamp down on information is triggered it is always going to be one direction, if anything even appears unfavorable it will never see the light of day before hand and possibly never.  If there is clear evidence supporting a cops actions it flies out at the speed of light.

In Portland a BLM asshole actually pulled a gun and was just arrested, not pumped with 4 rounds......WTF?  Somebody isn't trained right somewhere!

ETA - Gov "Pills" Dayton - sides with race-centric BLM over cops...

...I'd say I'm sorry for the cops, but...they kiss this ass, too bad for them it rewards them by throwing them under the bus and calls them a bunch of murderous racist bastards.

Yeah, that's a shame...


--- Quote from: Libertas on July 08, 2016, 08:33:28 AM ---This clown may not be a saint and may have an agenda...but I am not so willing anymore to give any cop any benefit of the doubt, they pissed that goodwill away a long time ago...and never bothered trying to repair it.  They made their bed, if their pals helped set it on fire, tough...enjoy the heat.

--- End quote ---

Pretty much where I'm at too.  Did they think they'd be able to continue no-knock raids at the wrong address, killing people's pets, tossing flashbangs into baby cribs, with impunity?

There's a gulf between us and them, and the "Us and Them" thing is something they cultivated.  Somewhere along the way the concept of public servant transformed into this pseudo-knighthood bestowed upon the King's Men.  I'm honestly surprised something like this didn't happen years ago.

I'll make a prediction too: their response to this is only going to make the problem even worse.  We might even see that brand of conservatives who fetishize "law & order" coming out in favor of new gun restrictions.  And I know this may be grim and in poor taste, but I think we also just saw an answer to the whole "what can private citizens do with just a rifle?" line that gets trotted out.


--- Quote from: Glock32 on July 08, 2016, 10:37:43 AM ---
--- Quote from: Libertas on July 08, 2016, 08:33:28 AM ---This clown may not be a saint and may have an agenda...but I am not so willing anymore to give any cop any benefit of the doubt, they pissed that goodwill away a long time ago...and never bothered trying to repair it.  They made their bed, if their pals helped set it on fire, tough...enjoy the heat.

--- End quote ---

Pretty much where I'm at too.  Did they think they'd be able to continue no-knock raids at the wrong address, killing people's pets, tossing flashbangs into baby cribs, with impunity?

There's a gulf between us and them, and the "Us and Them" thing is something they cultivated.  Somewhere along the way the concept of public servant transformed into this pseudo-knighthood bestowed upon the King's Men.  I'm honestly surprised something like this didn't happen years ago.

I'll make a prediction too: their response to this is only going to make the problem even worse.  We might even see that brand of conservatives who fetishize "law & order" coming out in favor of new gun restrictions.  And I know this may be grim and in poor taste, but I think we also just saw an answer to the whole "what can private citizens do with just a rifle?" line that gets trotted out.

--- End quote ---

Oh guaranteed this will get worse.  The police will close ranks and tell everyone to shut up, anybody criticizing them on legitimate grounds will be thrown into the same pile as the rampaging murderous racist scum in the BLM crowd who is offing (mostly) white cops.  The will never fault their active obedience to pc/diversity/multi-culti dogma a contributing factor to their own demise.  They'll put the screws to their masters in the DemonRat party to gin up more anti-gun measures and ram through more expanded police powers...and those gutless cowards in the E-GOP will go for most of it so they can polish their "law-and-order" bona fides in everyones faces this election cycle.

The cheerful dash into more tyranny has just begun.

ETA - See?

Get whatever "powerful" guns you can get your hands on now...otherwise you'll have to pick them up off the fallen...

ETA - I have no idea if this is the same guy or not...who knows, maybe he was wanting to ambush a cop...

How the Hell do you go from respected nice guy school worker permit holder to a gang banger in the space of 48 hours?  Well, I could see school libiots not knowing a worker is a nice guy during the day and a criminal at night...

At least I feel better a permit holder wasn't gunned down in cold blood...slaying a banger I can live's what the cops should be doing.

See what all that ill-will garnered over decades engendered?  I will probably blame the cops first, again nobody be surprised.


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