Author Topic: Ameriphobia  (Read 858 times)

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Offline Libertas

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« on: September 30, 2016, 08:09:26 AM »
I like this, I think this is on the right track...should become part of the common lexicon.

...fix the Liberal with a steady gaze, point a quivering finger, and declare loudly “you are an Ameriphobe!”

Who are the Ameriphobes, why are they Ameripobic, what’s wrong with them, and where does their Ameriphobia come from?

What do Ameriphobes believe?

Ameriphobes have disdain for American values, and believe the American character to be “racist” and “selfish” rather than tolerant and generous. Ameriphobes dislike our police and military, and are especially uncomfortable in the presence of the American flag. Ameriphobes consider themselves morally superior to those who are not Ameriphobic.

How do Ameriphobes feel about America’s place in the world?

Ameriphobes blame America for most international conflicts. Even for strife in remote regions of the world, their suspicion points to America as the culprit. Ameriphobes believe the U.S. was (and still is) an oppressive colonial power, despite the fact that it was a British colony. Ameriphobes deify globalism, and resent when US allies act independently, as with Britain’s exit from the European Union and Israel defending itself against terrorism.

What do Ameriphobes like?

Ameriphobes admire international organizations, such as the United Nations and the International Criminal Court. They regard U.S. government agencies that highly regulate Americans, such as the EPA, IRS, FEMA, and FDA, with great esteem. Ameriphobes trust government and the elite technocrats over their own judgment, and approve (only) of persons who conform.

Why do Ameriphobes despise their own country?

Ameriphobes compare America to an imaginary Utopia, and when it falls short, conclude that America is evil and must therefore be dismantled in order to build a perfect society. To achieve this, they want a country turned upside down, where truth and lies, and victim and aggressor, are indistinguishable – that’s why they promote blatant falsehoods against police. Ameriphobes believe in open borders because boundaries protect and preserve the hated American character and independent national identity.

How does a person become Ameriphobic?

Ameriphobia can develop through prolonged exposure to US news media, study at US universities, and the viewing of US network TV and Hollywood movies – all of which are controlled by liberals and promote Ameriphobic messages. Persons raised in Ameriphobic families usually become Ameriphobes as adults.

When and where did Ameriphobia start?

Ameriphobia was introduced into the US on orders of the Soviet controlled Communist International (COMINTERN) in the early 1930s through their affiliate, Communist Party USA (CPUSA). Recognizing that their Marxist philosophy of total government control and collectivism was incompatible with American values, free markets, and individual rights, the Communists began a disinformation campaign that claimed the American way of life was oppressive, unjust, and corrupt. Over the years, Ameriphobia permeated the American media, entertainment, and universities, finally making its way into the Democrat party platform. Today, the Democrat party is an Ameriphobic radical socialist party.

How do Ameriphobes feel about Christianity and Islam?

Ameriphobes dislike Christianity because its values are the cultural and moral bedrock that founded and continues to uphold the US Constitutional system. Candidate Barack Obama famously said, “America is not a Christian nation” and he ridiculed Americans as people who “cling to their guns and religion.” Upon becoming President, Obama told an audience in Cairo that he considered it his job as president to defend Islam. Ameriphobes and Islamists are natural allies in their hatred of America and its values, and they share a strong passion for destruction of the existing order.

Are President Obama and Hillary Clinton Ameriphobic?

Yes, Barack Obama is Ameriphobic. He spent his youth and early adult life being radicalized by Ameripobes like his suspected real biological father and Soviet agent Frank Marshall Davis, domestic Marxist terrorist Bill Ayers, and Reverend Jeremiah “God damn America” Wright. In Chicago, Obama was a member of radical Ameriphobic groups like ACORN and the Socialist New Party. Obama spent his entire presidency spreading Ameriphobia at home and abroad. Hillary Clinton also has an Ameriphobic background. In high school, she became a follower of Saul Alinsky, and later wrote her college thesis on his techniques for revolution against capitalism. Hillary was a legal advocate for the Black Panthers while at Yale University, and traveled to Berkeley for a summer internship with a communist law firm. Hillary Clinton is in agreement with all of Barack Obama’s Ameriphobic policies, including ruling by executive order, open borders, and anti-police messages.

Who are some other examples of Ameriphobes?

Ayatollah Khamenei, Michael Moore, Rachael Maddow, George Clooney, Bill DeBlasio, Fidel Castro, Bernie Sanders, Bill Ayers, Barbara Streisand, Al Sharpton, Nancy Pelosi, George Soros, Rosie O’Donnell, Cher, Colin Kaepernick, Elizabeth Warren, Chris Matthews, Louis Farrakhan and Sean Penn are all Ameriphobes, just to name a few…

What are some examples of Ameriphobic organizations?

The Democrat Party, CAIR, Black Lives Matter, the United Nations, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Media Matters, Open Society Foundation, MSNBC, La Raza, the American Federation of Teachers, CPUSA, Occupy Wall Street, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, and SEIU are all Ameriphobic organizations, just to name a few…

What should I do if I think I might be Ameriphobic?

Seek immediate professional help at the Donald Trump Clinic for Ameriphobia!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: Ameriphobia
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2016, 09:35:02 AM »
I am so passing this one around the email chain!

Online Pandora

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Re: Ameriphobia
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2016, 10:40:23 AM »
I am surprised no one coined the phrase before now.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline Libertas

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Re: Ameriphobia
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2016, 11:34:58 AM »
I soon as I started reading it I was like "uhh...yeah".  And a simple term emerges...

Why did that take so long?!   ::bashing::

Well, it is here...and I am running with it and will deploy it like a sledgehammer!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.