Author Topic: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?  (Read 7828 times)

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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #20 on: July 03, 2023, 01:11:43 PM »

"What are they hiding?"

Obviously...the role of the CIA among others in the assassination...
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Online paulh

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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #21 on: July 03, 2023, 01:15:30 PM »
I think Trump bailed too. Maybe 2nd time around?

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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2023, 12:47:34 PM »
This IMO is clear testimony that implicates the IC community in the coverup for certain...until more information comes to light the actual assassin(s) and who they actually worked for will continue to fester in the realm of speculation...and all they/them have to throw doubt is the missing original film and calling Dino a liar...

Dino Brugioni was used...his work memory-holed and a lie perpetuated for 60 years and counting...

Done in 2014 and I do not recall seeing it before...must be BigTech algorithm shenanigans again...

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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2023, 12:31:34 PM »
Isn't this interesting...more holes in the Warren Commission white-wash...

JKF Secret Service agent Paul Landis -

His memory challenges the theory advanced by the Warren Commission that has been the subject of so much speculation and debate over the years — that one of the bullets fired at the president’s limousine hit not only Kennedy but Gov. John B. Connally Jr. of Texas, who was riding with him, in multiple places.

Mr. Landis’s account, included in a forthcoming memoir, would rewrite the narrative of one of modern American history’s most earth-shattering days in an important way. It may not mean any more than that. But it could also encourage those who have long suspected that there was more than one gunman in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963, adding new grist to one of the nation’s enduring mysteries.

As with all things related to the assassination, of course, his account raises questions of its own. Mr. Landis remained silent for 60 years, which has fueled doubts even for his former Secret Service partner, and memories are tricky even for those sincerely certain of their recollections. A couple elements of his account contradict the official statements he filed with authorities immediately after the shooting, and some of the implications of his version cannot be easily reconciled to the existing record.

But he was there, a firsthand witness, and it is rare for new testimony to emerge six decades after the fact. He has never subscribed to the conspiracy theories and stresses that he is not promoting one now. At age 88, he said, all he wants is to tell what he saw and what he did. He will leave it to everyone else to draw conclusions.

“There’s no goal at this point,” he said in an interview last month in Cleveland, the first time he has talked about this with a reporter in advance of his book, “The Final Witness,” which will be published by Chicago Review Press on Oct. 10. “I just think it had been long enough that I needed to tell my story.”

What it comes down to is a copper-jacketed 6.5-millimeter projectile. The Warren Commission decided that one of the bullets fired that day struck the president from behind, exited from the front of his throat and continued on to hit Mr. Connally, somehow managing to injure his back, chest, wrist and thigh. It seemed incredible that a single bullet could do all that, so skeptics called it the magic bullet theory.

Investigators came to that conclusion partly because the bullet was found on a stretcher believed to have held Mr. Connally at Parkland Memorial Hospital, so they assumed it had exited his body during efforts to save his life. But Mr. Landis, who was never interviewed by the Warren Commission, said that is not what happened.

In fact, he said, he was the one who found the bullet — and he found it not in the hospital near Mr. Connally but in the presidential limousine lodged in the back of the seat behind where Kennedy was sitting.

When he spotted the bullet after the motorcade arrived at the hospital, he said he grabbed it to thwart souvenir hunters. Then, for reasons that still seem fuzzy even to him, he said he entered the hospital and placed it next to Kennedy on the president’s stretcher, assuming it could somehow help doctors figure out what happened. At some point, he now guesses, the stretchers must have been pushed together and the bullet was shaken from one to another.

“There was nobody there to secure the scene, and that was a big, big bother to me,” Mr. Landis said. “All the agents that were there were focused on the president.” A crowd was gathering. “This was all going on so quickly. And I was just afraid that — it was a piece of evidence, that I realized right away. Very important. And I didn’t want it to disappear or get lost. So it was, ‘Paul, you’ve got to make a decision,’ and I grabbed it.’”

Mr. Landis theorizes that the bullet struck Kennedy in the back but for some reason was undercharged and did not penetrate deeply, therefore popping back out before the president’s body was removed from the limousine.

Mr. Landis has been reluctant to speculate on the larger implications. He always believed that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman.

But now? “At this point, I’m beginning to doubt myself,” he said. “Now I begin to wonder.” That is as far as he is willing to go.

The Magic Bullet Theory was one of the most tortured of the Warren Commission conclusions and likely the most infamous...

The two highlighted statements seem contradictory to me...I need someone to explain to me how a bullet can back up back into a seat cushion if in fact it penetrated from the rear?  If it didn't penetrate deeply how does that contradict the official and unofficial wound descriptions?  Can a poorly penetrated bullet be expunged by flesh & blood organically?  Probably need a pathologist to opine on that.

How does Paul's recollection of the fatal shot match Dino's original stills of the previous post?

And, we will never know what Jackie knew...
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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2023, 01:06:15 PM »
Roselli from the sewer, he admitted it and Garcetti screamed it. Mob+CIA= death

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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2023, 08:38:33 AM »
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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2023, 12:39:13 AM »
In fact, he said, he was the one who found the bullet — and he found it not in the hospital near Mr. Connally but in the presidential limousine lodged in the back of the seat behind where Kennedy was sitting.

When he spotted the bullet after the motorcade arrived at the hospital, he said he grabbed it to thwart souvenir hunters. Then, for reasons that still seem fuzzy even to him, he said he entered the hospital and placed it next to Kennedy on the president’s stretcher, assuming it could somehow help doctors figure out what happened. At some point, he now guesses, the stretchers must have been pushed together and the bullet was shaken from one to another.

“There was nobody there to secure the scene, and that was a big, big bother to me,” Mr. Landis said. “All the agents that were there were focused on the president.” A crowd was gathering. “This was all going on so quickly. And I was just afraid that — it was a piece of evidence, that I realized right away. Very important. And I didn’t want it to disappear or get lost. So it was, ‘Paul, you’ve got to make a decision,’ and I grabbed it.’”

Mr. Landis theorizes that the bullet struck Kennedy in the back but for some reason was undercharged and did not penetrate deeply, therefore popping back out before the president’s body was removed from the limousine.

Mr. Landis has been reluctant to speculate on the larger implications. He always believed that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone gunman.

But now? “At this point, I’m beginning to doubt myself,” he said. “Now I begin to wonder.” That is as far as he is willing to go.[/color]

The two highlighted statements seem contradictory to me...I need someone to explain to me how a bullet can back up back into a seat cushion if in fact it penetrated from the rear?  If it didn't penetrate deeply how does that contradict the official and unofficial wound descriptions?  Can a poorly penetrated bullet be expunged by flesh & blood organically?  Probably need a pathologist to opine on that.


Personally,  I think Landis is a lying POS.
---You can view the bullet,  the one found on Connally's stretcher at Parkland Hospital,  in the Warren Commission photo archives--the rifling marks are visibly seen.  Ergo,  even the most idiotic investigator could easily match it to Oswald's rifle.  Did they?   Never heard otherwise,  did you?
--he says the bullet struck Kennedy in the back,  then became dislodged and fell into the back seat where he found it.  So he admits,  to his knowledge,  the shot obviously came from behind.   And just where was Oswald located?  Behind the motorcade.  Then he asserts "this makes him question the possibility of 2 shooters,  not one."  As Dr. Spock would say,  "illogical,  Captain."
--He claims the bullet must have struck Kennedy in the back,  but is there autopsy records showing 2 wounds in his back,  instead of the one made by the disparaging moniker,  the "magic bullet"?  The one he claims being there would have definitely "left a mark" even if only a bruise.  Did it?   Was there two indications of wounding on Kennedy's back?
I don't remember that being in the autopsy report.  Proven otherwise,  I will retract. 
---Only a small portion of Kennedy's back was exposed,  basically only the top 5 or 6 inches of this shoulders.   If the round was undercharged as he claims,  that means the wound it left would be lower than the neck entrance wound,  which i am assuming it was if his allegations are to be believed.  But how much lower?
When a round leaves the muzzle,  there are 2 vectors of forces acting upon it:  the force of the propellant driving it forward,  and the force of gravity pulling it earthward.   The greater the former,  the farther it will travel before dropping to the ground.  The lesser the former,  the sooner it will drop to the ground.  The constant at which ANY object falls due to the force of gravity acting upon it is 32 ft/sec2 .  Given all the known stats involved (if indeed  there was a second,  lower wound),  just exactly how much lower than the magic bullet's wound  would it be,  if traveling a distance of 285 yds.?   Multiple variables plugged int the equation would give a pretty good indication as to what that distance could possible be.  Me?  I doubt it would have even reached Kennedy's back,  IMHO.
--he says he placed the round on Kennedy's stretcher.  But it was found on Connally's.  His (and others') "explanation" is that it must have rolled from one to the other when the gurneys bumped into one another in the hospital.   ::)
Yet the bullet was found,  after transferring Connally from the gurney to to a bed,   UNDER his leg,  and out of direct sight. 

And one more crock put out by conspiracy theorists I'd like to debunk:
Many,  in fact most,  say there is no way possible for Oswald to cycle the bolt and fire the 3 shots in under the 6 second time elapsed for all 3 shots.
What they stupidly fail to realize is that 3 cyclings of the bolt is not necessary.  Oswald would have assumed the firing position already locked and loaded with the first round ready for firing--no bolt cycling needed.  He would have only needed to cycle the bolt 2 times,  not 3.
Go to the wiki page:
Scroll through the pics and see just how it was.
Especially the diagram showing exactly how the so-called "magic bullet" traveled and hit exactly as the Warren Commission proposed. 
Then look at the diagram showing how the critics of the report said it would have had to act in order for it to have hit all it is claimed to have hit in the report. 
When I went to a Mark Lane lecture in 1977,   the latter is exactly how he humorously parodied the bullet's trajectory. 
Lane was an idiotic radical nutjob.  Now whom are you going to believe,  him or your lying eyes?
All evidence thus far points to one shooter and one shooter only:  Oswald.
But as to who put him up to it,  or even allowed him to do it...maybe--yet to be proven or revealed. 

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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #28 on: September 18, 2023, 09:00:51 AM »
Biggest problem I have with Landis is his claim makes less sense if the bullet came from the rear...and without collaboration, other than that Nurse...maybe people get some stuff right and others wrong 2 minutes after or 60 years later...

Anyway, there are holes in the Warren Commission report, the testimony of Dino Brugioni seems very compelling to me, there are conflicting reports of the autopsies, if the kill-shot didn't get doctored to show less brain matter how does that square with a high-velocity rifle shot at close range...the few details in the document trickle out, the refusal of the IC to release all as ordered...there are too many questions unanswered.

Also, how many shot actually fired, how many wounds, why was there a broken windshield in the limo and why was it destroyed?  If Oswald was locked and loaded and spent his first shot as the limo rounded the last turn down Elm (the driver said he had to go slow to turn that big boat) aiming down so steep (and evidence a bullet hit the traffic pole) and triggered the "fireworks" people and agents heard...

Yeah, I have a problem with Oswald alone and I never did many years ago...but there are too many holes in the official narrative...not to mention the altruism of Ruby's actions I find suspect given his associations...

And while not saying the grassy knoll is or is not in play or the single-bullet-theory is wrong, it is possible a flatter easier and straighter rear position in a building along Houston St...

The way the Feds jumped in to deny a local autopsy...

Everything about it just does not pass the smell test IMO...
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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #29 on: September 18, 2023, 01:03:15 PM »
Neither do the conspiracy theorists' claims,  of which there are many and varied, pass the smell test. 

There were only 3 shots fired that day and all came from Oswald's direction based on witness testimony and targets struck.  (Connally testified before the Warren Commission that he remembered hearing only 2.)

Remember this?:

 In its 1979 report, the United States House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) concluded that Kennedy was likely "assassinated as a result of a conspiracy". The HSCA did not identify possible conspirators, but concluded that there was "a high probability that two gunmen fired at [the] President". The HSCA's conclusions were largely based on a police Dictabelt recording later debunked by the U.S. Justice Department.

What was heard on that Dictabelt that caused them to speculate "two gunmen instead of one" was what was thought to be a fourth shot.  I don't think it was the Justice Department that debunked that claim,  and only verified what someone else had discovered and reported.  That Dictabelt recording was put on one of those floppy acetate (?) records (33 1/3) and included in some magazine available to the public. 
If I remember correctly,  it was a witness on scene that brought to light the fact that it was the backfire of a cop's motorbike that was heard and NOT another gunshot. 
Both the CIA and the FBI had files on Oswald,  but the CIA had on record (supposedly) his claiming he would kill Kennedy when Oswald visited the Russian Embassy in Mexico City. 
So,  their involvement is not questionable,  in my mind at least,  but to what extent:  did they recruit him or did they just sit back and let it happen when they could have easily prevented it? 
Maybe release of the remaining unreleased files can answer that question. 

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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2023, 01:19:42 PM »
Damn buddy, you now believe CIA,FBI, Secret(A Clue) Service now. I remember being approached while in Nam by these people, how did they know I was short?

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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2023, 04:21:00 PM »
I do not apply equal weight to the various theories, some raise better questions than others and illuminate better motives that others...

Who left the notebook in room 2422 of the Sheraton-Dallas mentioning Oswald assassination of JFK in one releases CIA doc?

The theory postulated in a novel by Stephen Hunter offered up the Dal-Tx building (a easy straight shot down Elm than the alleged Oswald sniper nest on the 6th floor of the book depository) IIRC has never been looked at by anyone then or since...hey, they had their guy...who fled on foot, hopped a bus, smoked a cop and cowered in a movie smart!  One would think a premeditated assassination of a President would afford a more thoughtful egress from a murder scene than something looking so impromptu and haphazard...

I just do not see the fop Oswald being a mastermind...even when I was young and a lot more naive I thought Oswald a perfect patsy...though I bought a single shooter scenario, just not this idiot...and that sense just got more certain as years rolled on...

Second in the patsy stakes is the low-level mob fop Ruby...what an all-too-easy hothead to wind up and set loose to tie off loose ends...

The hole in the windshield was witnessed...and conveniently the windshield was replaced in an upgrade where it got a hard roof and host of upgrades...two Dallas motorcycle cops said they saw a bullet hole in the front windshield that they could a pencil through...I have not seen that debunked anywhere...

Dovetails with the testimony of Dino Brugioni and the second set of stills created after he completed his work very credible and the CIA photo lab did in fact exists as did the key staff members.  Going to be hard to debunk that...hard to collaborate too unless original stills or original Zapruder pops up out of nowhere...

And the most damning of all is the lame sh*t the CIA spews constantly...

"irreparable harm" if this is released...the Schlessinger memo about the dangers posed by the CIA sent to JFK cannot be released according the the CIA because it will "undermine US security"...

Today we cannot get the Seth Rich data...the Epstein records or little black book...the psycho tranny murderer chick's manifesto still has not been goes on and on... ...see a theme emerging yet?

RFK,Jr is raising heck in the Dem Party...he BLASTED FJB for permanently keeping secrecy on certain JFK assassination records...2 1/2 months later a Fed-plant tries to insert himself into his private security detail...

The CIA is protecting itself...the national security concerns are a ruse for personal security concerns...their institution is rotten, their mission is not the mission of left that far far behind long long ago...and now we have a thoroughly politically-weaponized DOJ and its enforcement goons in FBI, ATF etc...  A shocking outlier?  An all too obvious coincidence that is so coincidental it has to be false?

I'm not torturing or fooling myself...

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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2023, 08:12:27 PM »
Good post.
I never went down the JFK assassination rabbit hole. I would not put it past the CIA to kill JFK.

By rabbit hole I meant spending an obsessive amount of time, as I am wont to do and have done.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2023, 08:41:15 PM by patentlymn »
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown

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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #33 on: September 19, 2023, 01:08:50 AM »
Damn buddy, you now believe CIA,FBI, Secret(A Clue) Service now. I remember being approached while in Nam by these people, how did they know I was short?

No,  what I believe,  and after delving into the thing for quite a while now,  is that Oswald WAS the only gunman and
the CIA may or may not have conspired with,  or recruited him to be "it."Or knowing what they claimed to know about Oswald,   simply ignored his threats and let history take it's course--just as damning,  IMO. 

Whatever part the CIA may have played,  I'm still convinced that Oswald was the lone gunman.  I was as skeptical as anyone about the Warren report,  but after going down all the conspiracy theories rabbit holes for a time,  I finally came to the only logical conclusion--Oswald shot Kennedy.  There's just too much evidence pointing to him and only him.  The theorists got nothing but hearsay and rumor. 

Let me ask you,  did anything come out in the 70% of files already released that changed the conclusion that Oswald was the lone gunman?   Nope.  Otherwise the conspiracy theorists would be screaming "I told you so" to the top of their lungs,  and so far,  nary a peep. 

When searching the sixth floor of the Depository, two deputies found an Italian Carcano M91/38 bolt-action rifle.[106][note 10] Oswald had purchased the used rifle the previous March under the alias "A. Hidell" and had it delivered to his Dallas P.O. box.[108] The FBI found Oswald's partial palm print on the barrel,[109][110][note 11] and fibers on the rifle were consistent with those of Oswald's shirt.[113] A bullet found on Governor Connally's hospital gurney and two fragments found in the limousine were ballistically matched to the Carcano.[114]

As the limousine passed the grassy knoll,[78] Kennedy was struck a second time, by a fatal shot to the head.[79] The Warren Commission made no finding as to whether this was the second or third bullet fired, and concluded—as did the HSCA—that the second shot to strike Kennedy entered the rear of his head. It then passed in fragments through his skull,
Bystander James Tague received a minor wound to the cheek—either from bullet or concrete curb fragments—while standing by the triple underpass.[89] Nine months later, the FBI removed the curb, and spectrographic analysis revealed metallic residue consistent with the lead core in Oswald's ammunition.[90] Tague testified before the Warren Commission and initially stated that he was wounded by either the second or third shot of the three shots that he remembered hearing. When the commission counsel pressed him to be more specific, Tague testified that he was wounded by the second shot.[91] (Considering where he was standing--directly in front of the motorcade--the curb most likely splintered from being hit by one of the fragments from the kill shot round--also proven to be from Oswald's rifle.)

As for Libertas'  "bullet holes through the windshield" narrative,  I have heard that but never seen it proven.  Have also heard that the only thing that was hit involving the windshield was the top of the frame--much more believable,  IMO,  but still not proven (quite possibly from more fragments from the kill shot round as it would be on the same plane).

Did the two cops who "witnessed" the bullet holes testify before the Warren Commission?   The theorists' narrative that the windshield was quickly replaced is really a stretch,  as well.  Why and ordered by whom for what reason?  Was it the same as today,  where windshield replacement and repair technicians will come to you with a readily available windshield for a limousine?   I don't think so.  I call BS on the whole shebang--just too bizarre for any critically thinking skeptic. 

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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #34 on: September 19, 2023, 09:40:58 AM »
The limo actions were ordered by the Secret Service...who gave them the order...? 

As for "the files" why is the CIA dragging it's ass so hard so long on full release?  We used to be a Republic...60 years later who fricken believes there is anything remotely threatening to "national security" in a reasonable man interpretation holding up full disclosure?  Information was withheld from the Warren Commission, the flip-side of your statement is why didn't the Warren Commission interview anybody at the IC Kodak Lab?  The Pelosi Kangaroo Courts didn't interview anybody with exculpatory evidence in the Trump impeachments and the Jan6 political prisoners were also denied exculpatory information...but hey they didn't have testimony or evidence so it doesn't matter, eh?  Why did they not interview the patrolmen?  Just because they didn't know does not mean who they missed were wrong.  It was an incomplete investigation.  LBJ (no uninterested beneficiary of the assassination who IMO cut a deal with the proto-DeepState - he got his enslavement of the permanent underclass crap passed and they got their wars and black budget festivities) hand-picked everyone...including Allen Dulles!

Oswald is a fop, a drifting mentally unspectacular loser.  His actions that day read more like a panicked animal than a criminal mastermind...and none of the evidence produced IMO is conclusive of anything other than he bought an Italian rifle and had prints on it and people saw him with something wrapped he called curtain rods...  Was he there, sure.  Did he actually shoot the shots?  I dunno, nobody ID'd him in the window.  All the people there, all the cameras snapping...not one got even a glance of a shooter.

Same crap today with way better tech...can't ID the pipe bomber (because he is them), can't see what happened to Epstein (in jail!)...but we can get a random pic of MTG vaping in a theater...

Smoke, mirrors and lies...

I came at this from the start thinking lone shooter, it may still be lone shooter...I just do not believe it was the idiot Oswald...

Guess we need to agree to disagree...and thanks to FJB siding with the DeepState the rest of the files will never be learned...

Just another example of what fraud and corruption begets...

Maybe one day the original Zapruder film surfaces...or the original stills from it...

The existing footage is poorly sanitized, has a gap and the so-called kill-shot if indeed from a close range high-powered rifle should look more like a watermelon exploding than a pop-can...
« Last Edit: September 19, 2023, 09:45:04 AM by Libertas »
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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #35 on: November 21, 2023, 11:08:42 AM »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #36 on: November 22, 2023, 09:25:37 AM »

How to raise my hand...  ::thinking::

Oh, I got it...

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Re: JFK Assassination Files - To release or not to release?
« Reply #37 on: March 21, 2024, 01:57:13 PM »

Ron Paul always said the day he learned the Deep State was real came into focus November 22, 1963...hard to argue against it.
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