Author Topic: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks  (Read 276058 times)

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Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #80 on: November 07, 2018, 10:33:09 AM »
Well whatever...the fate of Latter Day America is unchanged...the inexorable lurch to CWII continues...the matter of when not if not altered one iota...

Yep, bottom line.

 ::pokeineye::   :D

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #81 on: November 07, 2018, 11:33:38 AM »
OK...just a bit more venting...bear with me...

My brother is bemoaning the woman-beating masked-thug-pAntifa-supporting Jew-hating/white-hating/Farrakhan-loving Sharia-pimping Stanic cultist Ellison narrowly getting the AG spot...I told him "eff him" and repeated what I said above, live your own life and piss on that ilk!

Then I read this dreck at Powerline...and yeah before you say anything, I know "why did I go there"...OK, morbid curiosity got me...

In Minnesota Republicans experienced electoral disaster that verges on disgrace if it doesn’t get there. We lost both Senate races by wide margins. We lost the governor’s race by a wide margin. Indeed, we lost every constitutional office. We even elected former hate cult and longtime supporter of cop killers Keith Ellison over Republican Doug Wardlow in the contest for attorney general. Ellison was assisted by the fact that his disgraceful views were held in confidence by the reporters at the Star Tribune. Ellison’s 4-point margin over Wardlow, however, made for the narrowest statewide win last night.

Pardon my blunt and off-color talk...but this is to be expected from someone who is willingly pussy-whipped!  It is no wonder that these genteel ankle-grabbers ended the forum there lo those many years ago...and instead focused on the lightly trafficked but hallowed halls of the high road of political discourse...and fat lot of good it did.

I don't know what is worse...that these mouth-farting fools are shocked that the Red Star (and the local DFL party and everybody else) squashed this story and/or kicked it down the road a spell...or that these cross-eyed dingbats once again gleefully clung to the "it's the big bad biased media's fault" crutch again in order to avoid any unpleasant discussions of a material nature?

Either way, it's because of middling little ass-munches like this why despicable loathsome creatures like Ellison enjoy any position higher than bus-station sh*thouse janitor! 

I have been hearing this "woe me the media isn't fair!" crap belched up for decades like it is something new each time it is witnessed!  IT'S NOT NEW!  Milquetoast Minnesota-Nice (ie-easily manipulated and easier to defeat rubes!) candidates and handlers and CoC and Club for Growth and GOP party leaders et al have been regurgitating this bile FOREVER!  And still, they are too stupid, too meek, too cowardly, too pussified to do what is necessary to overcome it!

Buy/start new media empires...all it takes is money, I hear everybody talk about your money...and many have blown a ton of it on their own races and such and those of their "friends" newspaper companies out of business...many are failing naturally, can't be that hard to push over the hardball, use their rules and tactics against them...get off your goddamned asses and do something sensible!  Every time gutless wonders like this spout off...I want to throttle them, beat their intestines out and strangle them with them!  I don't want to hear this crap any more!

What comes, what has been made inevitable is as much their fault as it is the fault of the progressive statist thugs!  Actions, and the lack thereof...ALL have consequences!  As everyone shall see, wanted or not.

OK, I think the exorcism is complete...
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #82 on: November 07, 2018, 03:41:47 PM »
Well it appears Trump loses nominal House support with poor leadership that seemed more content to lose in order to spite Trump in return for a hostile House promising "civility" out one side of its mouth while out the other much wider side belching "hearings", "investigations" and "impeachments".

Netted 3 seats in the Senate, nice to see all that Hollywood money for Beto the non-Latino go down in flames in TX ...and Kennedy playfem Taylor's ass-clown Bredesen grab ankles.  Scott wins in FL.   Hawley beats low-life McCaskill.  Cramer beats Heitcamp in ND.  Rosendahl holding over Tester in MT (95% counted...whats the hold up?).  Runoff in MS should go to the GOP as the 3rd place finisher was a GOPer as well.  What I don't get is what kind of BS is going on in AZ?!  They have McSally up 2.2% but only 75% of the vote counted?  WTF?  Did those people trying to vote at Queen Creek Library in Maricopa County ever get to have their votes counted?  That is a heavy Republican area so I guess the answer is no and others could be making up the rest of the 25% not counted.

 ::cussing::  MN stays stupid, idiot Smith and POS Klobuchar win.   ::puke:: 

Dumbasses put Mini-Me moron Walz in as Gov too.  Embarrassing...I have to move!   ::unknowncomic::

Can't claim WI any better, those poor bastard put Mobocrats in Senate and Gov!   ::mooning::

That mega pile of socialist bile in GA Gov race Abrams is down 0.9% @ doubt mobocrats and their armed thugs and busy rounding up newly discovered ballots to swing that at the last second...and Fake News outlets will keep that one open as long as they can.  Gollum appears to have fallen to Desantis, which is nice too.

Well whatever...the fate of Latter Day America is unchanged...the inexorable lurch to CWII continues...the matter of when not if not altered one iota...

Be of good cheer and prepare accordingly my friends!

The fault (if any) for these losses lie squarely on the shoulders of never-Trump RINOs. They (house pubbies) had the perfect wind in Trump to fill their sails and make substantial strides. They squandered all of it. Not just paul ryan (although much of the blame is his) but all of the pubbies who didn't oust ryan when they had the chance.

Now we get to live with the results of their incompetence.

I must confess that Trumps presser today almost made it all worth it!

Offline John Florida

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #83 on: November 07, 2018, 06:05:40 PM »
OK...just a bit more venting...bear with me...

My brother is bemoaning the woman-beating masked-thug-pAntifa-supporting Jew-hating/white-hating/Farrakhan-loving Sharia-pimping Stanic cultist Ellison narrowly getting the AG spot...I told him "eff him" and repeated what I said above, live your own life and piss on that ilk!

Then I read this dreck at Powerline...and yeah before you say anything, I know "why did I go there"...OK, morbid curiosity got me...

In Minnesota Republicans experienced electoral disaster that verges on disgrace if it doesn’t get there. We lost both Senate races by wide margins. We lost the governor’s race by a wide margin. Indeed, we lost every constitutional office. We even elected former hate cult and longtime supporter of cop killers Keith Ellison over Republican Doug Wardlow in the contest for attorney general. Ellison was assisted by the fact that his disgraceful views were held in confidence by the reporters at the Star Tribune. Ellison’s 4-point margin over Wardlow, however, made for the narrowest statewide win last night.

Pardon my blunt and off-color talk...but this is to be expected from someone who is willingly pussy-whipped!  It is no wonder that these genteel ankle-grabbers ended the forum there lo those many years ago...and instead focused on the lightly trafficked but hallowed halls of the high road of political discourse...and fat lot of good it did.

I don't know what is worse...that these mouth-farting fools are shocked that the Red Star (and the local DFL party and everybody else) squashed this story and/or kicked it down the road a spell...or that these cross-eyed dingbats once again gleefully clung to the "it's the big bad biased media's fault" crutch again in order to avoid any unpleasant discussions of a material nature?

Either way, it's because of middling little ass-munches like this why despicable loathsome creatures like Ellison enjoy any position higher than bus-station sh*thouse janitor! 

I have been hearing this "woe me the media isn't fair!" crap belched up for decades like it is something new each time it is witnessed!  IT'S NOT NEW!  Milquetoast Minnesota-Nice (ie-easily manipulated and easier to defeat rubes!) candidates and handlers and CoC and Club for Growth and GOP party leaders et al have been regurgitating this bile FOREVER!  And still, they are too stupid, too meek, too cowardly, too pussified to do what is necessary to overcome it!

Buy/start new media empires...all it takes is money, I hear everybody talk about your money...and many have blown a ton of it on their own races and such and those of their "friends" newspaper companies out of business...many are failing naturally, can't be that hard to push over the hardball, use their rules and tactics against them...get off your goddamned asses and do something sensible!  Every time gutless wonders like this spout off...I want to throttle them, beat their intestines out and strangle them with them!  I don't want to hear this crap any more!

What comes, what has been made inevitable is as much their fault as it is the fault of the progressive statist thugs!  Actions, and the lack thereof...ALL have consequences!  As everyone shall see, wanted or not.

OK, I think the exorcism is complete...

  Are you sure? 
All men are created equal"
 Filippo Mazzie

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #84 on: November 08, 2018, 07:39:49 AM »
Well it appears Trump loses nominal House support with poor leadership that seemed more content to lose in order to spite Trump in return for a hostile House promising "civility" out one side of its mouth while out the other much wider side belching "hearings", "investigations" and "impeachments".

Netted 3 seats in the Senate, nice to see all that Hollywood money for Beto the non-Latino go down in flames in TX ...and Kennedy playfem Taylor's ass-clown Bredesen grab ankles.  Scott wins in FL.   Hawley beats low-life McCaskill.  Cramer beats Heitcamp in ND.  Rosendahl holding over Tester in MT (95% counted...whats the hold up?).  Runoff in MS should go to the GOP as the 3rd place finisher was a GOPer as well.  What I don't get is what kind of BS is going on in AZ?!  They have McSally up 2.2% but only 75% of the vote counted?  WTF?  Did those people trying to vote at Queen Creek Library in Maricopa County ever get to have their votes counted?  That is a heavy Republican area so I guess the answer is no and others could be making up the rest of the 25% not counted.

 ::cussing::  MN stays stupid, idiot Smith and POS Klobuchar win.   ::puke:: 

Dumbasses put Mini-Me moron Walz in as Gov too.  Embarrassing...I have to move!   ::unknowncomic::

Can't claim WI any better, those poor bastard put Mobocrats in Senate and Gov!   ::mooning::

That mega pile of socialist bile in GA Gov race Abrams is down 0.9% @ doubt mobocrats and their armed thugs and busy rounding up newly discovered ballots to swing that at the last second...and Fake News outlets will keep that one open as long as they can.  Gollum appears to have fallen to Desantis, which is nice too.

Well whatever...the fate of Latter Day America is unchanged...the inexorable lurch to CWII continues...the matter of when not if not altered one iota...

Be of good cheer and prepare accordingly my friends!

The fault (if any) for these losses lie squarely on the shoulders of never-Trump RINOs. They (house pubbies) had the perfect wind in Trump to fill their sails and make substantial strides. They squandered all of it. Not just paul ryan (although much of the blame is his) but all of the pubbies who didn't oust ryan when they had the chance.

Now we get to live with the results of their incompetence.

I must confess that Trumps presser today almost made it all worth it!

Yes and yes! 

"Mia Love gave me no love" and lost, "sorry Mia".  Change name and repeat often.  They wanted to be apart from Trump, boy, did they get their wish!

My attitude towards #NeverTrump pubbies, RINO's, AINO' no different than my attitude towards Demonazis and DeepState scum...they are all Ameriphobes, they are all enemies of Liberty and Freedom, they are all enemies of Founding Principles!

Deus vult!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #85 on: November 08, 2018, 07:43:52 AM »
OK...just a bit more venting...bear with me...

My brother is bemoaning the woman-beating masked-thug-pAntifa-supporting Jew-hating/white-hating/Farrakhan-loving Sharia-pimping Stanic cultist Ellison narrowly getting the AG spot...I told him "eff him" and repeated what I said above, live your own life and piss on that ilk!

Then I read this dreck at Powerline...and yeah before you say anything, I know "why did I go there"...OK, morbid curiosity got me...

In Minnesota Republicans experienced electoral disaster that verges on disgrace if it doesn’t get there. We lost both Senate races by wide margins. We lost the governor’s race by a wide margin. Indeed, we lost every constitutional office. We even elected former hate cult and longtime supporter of cop killers Keith Ellison over Republican Doug Wardlow in the contest for attorney general. Ellison was assisted by the fact that his disgraceful views were held in confidence by the reporters at the Star Tribune. Ellison’s 4-point margin over Wardlow, however, made for the narrowest statewide win last night.

Pardon my blunt and off-color talk...but this is to be expected from someone who is willingly pussy-whipped!  It is no wonder that these genteel ankle-grabbers ended the forum there lo those many years ago...and instead focused on the lightly trafficked but hallowed halls of the high road of political discourse...and fat lot of good it did.

I don't know what is worse...that these mouth-farting fools are shocked that the Red Star (and the local DFL party and everybody else) squashed this story and/or kicked it down the road a spell...or that these cross-eyed dingbats once again gleefully clung to the "it's the big bad biased media's fault" crutch again in order to avoid any unpleasant discussions of a material nature?

Either way, it's because of middling little ass-munches like this why despicable loathsome creatures like Ellison enjoy any position higher than bus-station sh*thouse janitor! 

I have been hearing this "woe me the media isn't fair!" crap belched up for decades like it is something new each time it is witnessed!  IT'S NOT NEW!  Milquetoast Minnesota-Nice (ie-easily manipulated and easier to defeat rubes!) candidates and handlers and CoC and Club for Growth and GOP party leaders et al have been regurgitating this bile FOREVER!  And still, they are too stupid, too meek, too cowardly, too pussified to do what is necessary to overcome it!

Buy/start new media empires...all it takes is money, I hear everybody talk about your money...and many have blown a ton of it on their own races and such and those of their "friends" newspaper companies out of business...many are failing naturally, can't be that hard to push over the hardball, use their rules and tactics against them...get off your goddamned asses and do something sensible!  Every time gutless wonders like this spout off...I want to throttle them, beat their intestines out and strangle them with them!  I don't want to hear this crap any more!

What comes, what has been made inevitable is as much their fault as it is the fault of the progressive statist thugs!  Actions, and the lack thereof...ALL have consequences!  As everyone shall see, wanted or not.

OK, I think the exorcism is complete...

  Are you sure?

For now...

Until the kinetic festivities commence in full...

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online ToddF

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #86 on: November 08, 2018, 07:56:57 AM »
I saw both Jason Lewis and Erik Paulson lost.  What about the House and Senate?  Did they also flip?

As bad as it was in Iowa, it sucks to be Minnesota after that election.  It looks like you went Full Illinois in every way.

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #87 on: November 08, 2018, 08:22:42 AM »
I saw both Jason Lewis and Erik Paulson lost.  What about the House and Senate?  Did they also flip?

As bad as it was in Iowa, it sucks to be Minnesota after that election.  It looks like you went Full Illinois in every way.

The Two Succubi of the Apocalypse for the Senate seats, Mush-mouth Walz to succeed Mush-mouth "Pills" Dayton, and all the other state constitutional offices to Mobocrats including the Sharia-farting woman-beating Satan-worshiper who is to be the new top legal officer for the Retarded Peoples Public of Minnesota.

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #88 on: November 08, 2018, 11:43:43 AM »

Yup. and he isn't alone...he had willing accomplices as well as capitulating enabling cowards!!!

And this is hilarious...

...the magic toxic negro!




...yeah...Trump gerrymandered state borders, yeah...that's the ticket!

« Last Edit: November 08, 2018, 11:54:57 AM by Libertas »
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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #89 on: November 09, 2018, 07:46:37 AM »
BS!  Being scammed again!  Did I not tell you Biden's so-called warning to Trump about fraud wasn't a was a plea!

...and all in states considered God's Waiting Rooms filled with elderly to exploit, minorities to manipulate and criminals in abundance with experience in electoral crime...

We are on our last box...

...can we get on with it already?

We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online paulh

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #90 on: November 09, 2018, 10:57:54 AM »
He was Gov. had plenty of time to correct this now it's gonna bite him in the a$$

Offline Libertas

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We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online ToddF

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #92 on: November 10, 2018, 07:26:53 AM »
I was talking the Minnesota House and Senate, which flipped to Republican after a few years of DDD governance.  Is Minnesota back to DDD?

At least Iowa it's still RRR. If just my personal US House seat flipped.  And I liked Rod Blum.

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #93 on: November 10, 2018, 06:36:40 PM »
I was talking the Minnesota House and Senate, which flipped to Republican after a few years of DDD governance.  Is Minnesota back to DDD?

At least Iowa it's still RRR. If just my personal US House seat flipped.  And I liked Rod Blum.

All my local candidates' races mysteriously flipped overnight. The guy I campaigned for - whose re-election was practically locked, in just gave his concession speech. Add that to the totalitarian gun control resolution that passed and I have to say that here in Washington we are truly fu*ked.

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #94 on: November 11, 2018, 01:01:50 PM »
I was talking the Minnesota House and Senate, which flipped to Republican after a few years of DDD governance.  Is Minnesota back to DDD?

At least Iowa it's still RRR. If just my personal US House seat flipped.  And I liked Rod Blum.


And like 'Soup says...we are humped.

But hey, be of good cheer!  This just means that more intensive rounds of hate, oppression and vindictiveness towards us normal's is about to kick into a higher gear.  We cannot get to the main event without this bullshyt, so the time to co-escalate the division is upon us!

Look at all the fun mischief going on already!

Ballots still being found and counted in AZ favoring the Mobocrat!

A recount in FL and Gollum and Nelson are in a miff that non-citizen votes (duh?!) should be tossed while Broward and Palm still unload ballots from car trunks...but are just fine to have criminal scum like the Parkland mass-murderer cast a vote!

Heck, the Mobocrats in GA refuse to give up and are magically finding ballots to swing the Gov race!

And it will only get more intense.

Nasty Pelousy will run roughshod in the House, Schiffhead is going to be in danger of passing out from all the oxygen flow leaving is low-oxygen-thriving brain for his under-sized penis at the prospect of endless accusations, hearings, subpoena's and will be in a footrace with that batshyt-crazy Mad Maxi Pad Waters for who issues articles of impeachment first.

The Hive Queen is already giddy with thoughts of socialist (Commie/Fascist,
 same diff!) gun oppression measures dancing through the swiss-cheese tunnels in that lunatic skull!

We're gonna see another spike in NICS checks again...and probably some ammo shortages again.

Plan accordingly.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Online patentlymn

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #95 on: November 11, 2018, 04:09:49 PM »

Someone wrote that the ancient Dems are blocking the way for younger, middle aged Dems.
Hillary, Bernie, Pelosi.
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #96 on: November 11, 2018, 06:44:46 PM »

Someone wrote that the ancient Dems are blocking the way for younger, middle aged Dems.
Hillary, Bernie, Pelosi.

as batty as Shillary, Burnout, and Piglosi are I believe them to be better grounded than most of the loonies that are coming up. Let the transition (AKA bloodletting) begin!

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #97 on: November 12, 2018, 07:39:33 AM »

Someone wrote that the ancient Dems are blocking the way for younger, middle aged Dems.
Hillary, Bernie, Pelosi.

as batty as Shillary, Burnout, and Piglosi are I believe them to be better grounded than most of the loonies that are coming up. Let the transition (AKA bloodletting) begin!

Yes, apparently both the Clinton Succubus and the Crazy-eyed Cortez Succubus are indicating desires to run in '20...should be hilarious!

ETA - This is a fabulous idea!

« Last Edit: November 12, 2018, 09:06:53 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #98 on: November 12, 2018, 08:35:57 AM »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: 2018 and 2020 could have lots of fireworks
« Reply #99 on: November 12, 2018, 12:20:55 PM »
More on FL...

Sorry, Dave.  And no, you are far from alone...treating the absentee ballots of service people has been and will forever remain a staple of Demonazi operatives.  It's what totalitarian communist regimes do, it's what fascist regimes's what banana republics and progressives do.

And just wait, it doesn't end when you die!  It is eternal!

Mobocrats...everything thing they touch is infected...

It will not change...until such people are defeated in a definitive manner.

Yeah, begging/pleading people to stand up for honest and fair elections?

Aren't Republican's cute?  Thinking they live in a functional constitutional republic?!  So precious.

A people who are free and know that Liberty must be defended or all is lost would not be begging or pleading...they would expect right to be done at all times...and crush the first instance of deviancy!

Definitive, good word...look it up!
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.