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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #260 on: October 01, 2019, 12:36:24 PM »
Here's a fun one:

Joe Scarborough Accuses Trump of Calling for 'Civil War, Acts of Violence'

On Sunday, President Trump tweeted a quote from Pastor Robert Jeffress, who on Fox News had said that the removal of Trump from office would "cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation." Jeffress seemed to be envisioning a political "fracture," not an actual civil war.

Joe Scarborough added fuel to the fire on Tuesday's Morning Joe, interpreting Jeffress' statement and Trump's tweet of it in the most inflammatory possible manner. Scarborough alleged that [presumably by citing Jeffress' statement], President Trump was making "calls for civil war." What's more, Scarborough accused Trump of "sending a message" to supporters to "commit acts of violence." Scarborough also seemed to suggest that Trump embraced the violent plans of the pipe bomber and Coast Guardsman, and was encouraging similar actions now.

Get the rest of the story and view the video here:

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #261 on: October 01, 2019, 01:05:53 PM »
Attorney General William P. Barr has held private meetings overseas with foreign intelligence officials seeking their help in a Justice Department inquiry into CIA and FBI activities targeting President Trump and trying to tip the scales in an election.

Dr. Steve Pieczenik, former CIA Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under five different administrations, shared the following in an urgent message to President Trump calling the current events “nothing more than a disguised coup by the CIA“.


Yup, lot's of Red asses loading up diapers, spewing incomprehensible gibberish, throwing spoiled toddler tantrums...lying out all sides of their mouth...threatening people left and right...

"But, I know what was in the call," Pelosi continued, before quickly adding, "I mean, uh, it was in the public domain."

Madam of Flying on the coup conspiracy...burn the treasonous witch!!!

Aussie Ambassador slams the door on NYT's lyin' ass!

The GoebbelsMedia...still keepin' it evil.

Deflecting and projecting...the Hildabeast does it all...even if having a seizure or a face-full of Huma...

Hillary Clinton Defends Joe Biden After Controversy About How He Interacts with Women and Girls: 'Get Over It'

Bill agrees... "get over it"!

Hitlery...   ::)

...about as credible as...well this newly anointed deity by the Satanic Caliphate of Sweeden...

...such open apostasy...

...but let's be clear, once statists are bored with the puppet-du-juor...


And, finally the real Big Game targets in the DeepState conspiracy are drawing a bead...

Report: AG Barr Is Ramping Up His Probe Of CIA, FBI Activities In 2016

Remember this well...the conspirators rely upon a tripod of power to maintain their control: corrupt politicians and their parasites (Media & sundry front groups), financiers and their indentured servants and DeepState oligarchs and their fellow ideological bureaucratic minions...destroy any one of them and they have a problem, destroy any two of them and they are crippled...wipe them all out and you have Liberty the way Our Founder's designed it!

It's why Pedo let slip his palpable fear of arms in the hands of Liberty-loving people (I am coming for your AR!) and why he is now pushing the ridiculous idea that Trump is spoiling for a Civil War because somebody's (plural!) called Schiffhead out (justly and accurately!) for his fraud and lies!

Yes, there is only one reason why socialists want Patriot's unarmed and labeled undesirable by The State...

It's a real bitch trying to get free people to surrender and accept a bullet in the back of the skull!
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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #262 on: October 01, 2019, 01:08:30 PM »
Here's a fun one:

Joe Scarborough Accuses Trump of Calling for 'Civil War, Acts of Violence'

On Sunday, President Trump tweeted a quote from Pastor Robert Jeffress, who on Fox News had said that the removal of Trump from office would "cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation." Jeffress seemed to be envisioning a political "fracture," not an actual civil war.

Joe Scarborough added fuel to the fire on Tuesday's Morning Joe, interpreting Jeffress' statement and Trump's tweet of it in the most inflammatory possible manner. Scarborough alleged that [presumably by citing Jeffress' statement], President Trump was making "calls for civil war." What's more, Scarborough accused Trump of "sending a message" to supporters to "commit acts of violence." Scarborough also seemed to suggest that Trump embraced the violent plans of the pipe bomber and Coast Guardsman, and was encouraging similar actions now.

Get the rest of the story and view the video here:

More projecting.

Come on, I'll be your Huckleberry, intern-slayer Joe!  Or are you only capable of killing little girls?   ::stirpot::   ::pokeineye::   ::evilbat::
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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #263 on: October 02, 2019, 08:24:21 AM »

Yes, it is an illegal impeachment without due process...another in a long endless string of coup attempts...

Remember my Treason Tripod?  Politicians/Parasites, Financiers/Servants & DeepState Oligarchs/Bureaucrats?

President Trump needs help to slay this Cerberus...if the spawn of Hell wants blood...let's give 'em blood they can choke on.

Your move, Cerberus.
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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #264 on: October 02, 2019, 12:37:21 PM »
From Ukrainian Party Girl ((Cough!) PROSTITUTE! (Cough!) Legislative Aid ((Cough!) Quid Pro Quo! (Cough!) under Frau Diktator Pelosi in no time flat!

Full-frontal conspiracy...treason everywhere...and duly-elected President under siege by corrupt criminal scum!!!

I have only one word of advice for us all - BLOAT!!!
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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #265 on: October 03, 2019, 08:37:04 PM »
Postmodernism & the Democrat Party

Postmodernism has numerous misguided entailments. Among them are the notions that the listener, or the reader is in the driver’s seat when it comes to interpreting what a speaker or author is actually saying in their speech, talk or book. This is helpful to the post-modernist who, when confronted with a(n) emotional/political/philosophical difference of opinion to what they’re reading/hearing, can resort to a reinterpretation of the content/context that’s before them.

For example; if I say I support the biblical definition of marriage; the postmodernist will interpret that as narrow-minded, petty and homophobic (and rebrand it as "Hate-Speech") – when all it truly is, is a difference of opinion of truth.

The democrat party has now weaponized postmodern strategy with their interpretation of President Donald Trump’s phone call to the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Schiff offered the feeble excuse that he was trying to describe "the essence" of Trump’s message "shorn of its rambling character and in not so many words." But he, in fact, lied & made up the “essence” of the call and, later, when Rep. Mike Turner, R-Ohio, pointed out that what Schiff said did not match the readout of the call, Schiff said his summary was "meant to be at least part in parody."

One might consider it “parody” in a bar-room, or in the hallways or privacy of your office – but not during congressional testimony.

So, O.K. – it is what it is. The bar has been lowered & the “rules” of engagement have changed.

Live by them . . . and die by them.

From now on, ANYTHING that seeps out of the mouth of Schiff will be interpreted as him offering anal sex to all under-aged boys with whom he comes in contact. The content may be “X”, but the interpretation will be “Y”.

And as for Nancy Pelosi, who has today defended Schiff & denied that his verbal misrepresentation was concocted; whatever she says in front of the cameras will be interpreted as her offering of oral sex to ALL members of the press, fellow politicians and custodial staff) or anyone wandering in off the street for that matter). Fitting: after all - she IS Speaker of the House Whores.

Call it the Postmodern Goose & Gander strategy.

« Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 08:48:31 PM by Pablo de Fleurs »
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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #266 on: October 04, 2019, 07:41:46 AM »
The Volker appearance...

...the result -

100% pure

And Diktator of the House Pelosi...disregarding Founding Principles, the Law and centuries of civilized judicial precedent...after all that is what Diktators do, right?...does not think herself or her fellow henchlings are accountable in the least to the people of America...

But she is just one of many traitors in a party rife with traitors...

...and given her recent extra-legal edicts she is certainly shooting up the ranks of the most vile and dangerous!

The Republican's she denigrates so casually gave her fellow traveler Slick Willie all deference and due process...Diktator Pelosi, what courtesy has she given President Trump?

Make that "anonymous Registered Democrat CIA hearsay leaker who served in the Obama regime"!

Diktator Pelosi's response is one of the most vile and contemptible utterances by a senior government official in living memory by any American and certainly the most slanderous and malicious!

President Trump should not sign any more spending authorizations for this rogue band of terrorists.  He should make it official policy to ignore them.  It's time to treat enemies like enemies and not reward treason and lawlessness.  In short, eff 'em!
« Last Edit: October 04, 2019, 08:07:38 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #267 on: October 04, 2019, 12:16:42 PM »

Wow...when even WaPo says you're full of scat you've really achieved going full-retard!!!


But...I doubt Diktator Pelosi will back off...or the rabid curs in the ranks will be reigned in...their aims remain in place...

Maybe they'll get a few...uhh...umm...good socialist....recruits out of it...

 ::hysterical::   ::rolllaughing::   ::laughonfloor::
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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #268 on: October 06, 2019, 11:33:48 AM »
So sick of these DemoTerrorists and AINO/RINO/-E-GOP terrorist-enablers...

How exactly do you obstruct an illegal unconstitutional impeachment inquiry?  Have articles of impeachment been filed?  No?  The f**k OFF!!!

Mittens truly is a pompous ass...and a willing and eager DemoTerrorist-enabler.  Too bad Mytch the Post-Turtle Bitch cannot kick this garbage to the curb...

Tick/Tock swamprats!!!
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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #269 on: October 06, 2019, 03:36:19 PM »
Here's a good read on the bullsh*t so far:

Anti-Trump Fraternity and NeverTrump Sorority Collude in Impeachment Scam
by Roger Kimball

« Last Edit: October 06, 2019, 04:30:34 PM by Pablo de Fleurs »
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power & of love and of calm, a well-balanced mind, discipline and self-control.

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #270 on: October 07, 2019, 06:47:16 AM »
Diktator Pelosi's edicts and illegal impeachment circus is one long serial case of ideological diarrhea... and they all need to be flushed...permanently.

Be a hammer.


Oh...and this is so spot on -

^That's a lot of hammers.   ::cool::

And then there is this admission that DeepState bureaucrats also have some assassins in their midst -

...which begs the question: what is the most effective way to root out these domestic terrorists - one by one...or all at once?

And yes, I am all for kicking them in their lying faces...

President Trump fights corruption, Obama & Clinton swam in it and the swamprats are not dealing well with being exposed.

Kick them again, and again...and again!!!   ::whoohoo::   ::USA::
« Last Edit: October 07, 2019, 07:03:36 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #271 on: October 07, 2019, 12:42:56 PM »
Wow, it's like extra-double-strength stupid pills by the Demoterrorist ilk today!

Mad Maxi-pad: ‘I Am Disgusted’ With ‘Spineless’ Trump Supporters In Senate

Wow...this much stupidity in one albeit loose and lumpy amazing!

First, "I hate him" and "he is undoing everything we've destroyed" and a never-ending string of "fictitious stories" is not a basis for impeachment...gonna need facts, you know, those things that you run from, lie about and fear almost as much as an armed patriot!

Second, the Senate doesn't have to do sh*t you Constitutionally-impaired moron!  Diktator Pelosi has not filed articles of impeachment, so there is nothing to vote on and send to the Senate to act on one way or the other you ignorant yap-flapping skank!

Third, bitch at your spineless House Demoterrorists for the lack of impeachment, that is where your pointless anger should be directed.

But all of the above would require you to be at least room-temperature I expect you'll continue to make an absolute ass out of yourself.

I've scrapped stuff off my shoe with more intelligence in it than that creature!   ::hysterical::

People getting tired of all this BS too.

Look here, this one would indicate this strategy is going to backfire...

...but many foolishly put into power think they are untouchable...and in a brand sense that may be true in many areas...thing is how does Diktator Pelosi back off on this ans save face and/or not thrown the rabid curs under the DNC bus?


And people are not buying the clowns in the Demoterrist sweepstakes calling for people to back off on attacking poor Slow Joe (and secretly many have to relish another exit from the race) or any of their GoebbelsMedia acolytes calling for the same as legitimate...2:1 say looking into Joe's corruption is legitimate!

Oh, the horror of being held accountable by the people for YOUR actions!   ::popcorn::

Poster at WZ put this out there, pretty good run down:

Yup, it's obvious...without a coup Trump wins re-election and the investigations into the Demoterrorist corruption goes into high gear...can't allow that...Constitution be damned, eh?!

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #272 on: October 07, 2019, 04:10:49 PM »
It's not even that they're accusing Trump of what they did:

  • He's looking into legitimate corruption
  • They're making sh*t up & then accusing him of doing that made up sh*t (or stuff that they themselves did)
2 Timothy 1:7
For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but of power & of love and of calm, a well-balanced mind, discipline and self-control.

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #273 on: October 08, 2019, 06:52:22 AM »
It's not even that they're accusing Trump of what they did:

  • He's looking into legitimate corruption
  • They're making sh*t up & then accusing him of doing that made up sh*t (or stuff that they themselves did)


BITS and Patriot wind-chimes coming to a neighborhood near you.

Menawhile, more tidbits...

After a multi-year investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 US election that resulted in sanctions and a handful of indictments, the fact that Ukraine meddled in the same election been largely ignored.

Veteran Democratic operative Alexandra Chalupa worked directly with the Ukrainian Embassy in the United States, and investigative reporter Michael Isikoff to target Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort, according to a Politico report.

"They were coordinating an investigation with the Hillary team on Paul Manafort with Alexandra Chalupa," said Andrii Telizhenko, who worked in the embassy at the time, adding "the embassy worked very closely with" Chalupa.

"If we can get enough information on Paul [Manafort] or Trump’s involvement with Russia, she can get a hearing in Congress by September," Telizhenko recalls Chalupa saying.

In a leaked email obtained by The Blaze, Chalupa tells the DNC's Louise Miranda:

Hey, a lot coming down the pipe. I spoke to a delegation of 68 investigative journalists from Ukraine last night at the Library of Congress, the Open World Society forum. They put me on the program to speak specifically about Paul Manafort. I invited Michael Isikoff, who I've been working with for the past few weeks, and connected him to the Ukrainians. More offline tomorrow, since there was a big Trump component you and Lauren need to be aware of that will hit in the next few weeks. Something I'm working on that you should be aware of. -Alexandra Chalupa to Louise Miranda

Thanks to Chalupa's outreach on behalf of Clinton and the DNC, Artem Sytnyk, Ukraine's Director of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU - which Joe Biden helped form) and lawmaker Serhiy Leshchenko released a "black ledger" containing off-book payments to Manafort. In December of 2018, a Ukrainian court ruled that Sytnyk and Leshchenko "acted illegally" by releasing Manafort's name, according to the Kiev post (Keep reading for an interesting Biden connection).

As an interesting side-note, Sytnyk leaked Manafort's name to journalist Nataliya Sedletska of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty - which is funded by the US State Department. Unsurprisingly, the Atlantic Council penned an article in her defense.

In short, a DNC operative coordinated Ukrainian election meddling in the 2016 US election - and worked with a US journalist to ensure it would inflict maximum damage to the Trump campaign.

While the ruling against Sytnyk and Leshchenko was later overturned on a technicality, The Blaze obtained and translated recording of Sytnyk bragging about helping Clinton in the 2016 US election.

Translation via The Blaze:

Kolya: Did they, those Russians, help Trump? Your people?

Sytnyk: I think they did. Yeah. I helped him, too. Not him, but Hillary. I helped her.

Kolya: Yeah. Right. Then her position tottered, right?

Sytnyk: Well, this is how they write about it, right.

Ivan: Hillary's humanitarian aid ... [indiscernible.]

Kolya: Well, I'm about ... the commentaries. At the time, we were not [indiscernible.]

Sytnyk: Trump ... his purely inner problem ... issue ... they dominate over the external matters. While Hillary, she is -- how shall I put it? She belongs to the cohort of politicians who comprise the hegemony in the US. Both in the US and the entire world, right? For us, it's ... sort of ... better. For Americans ... what Trump is doing is better for them.

Kolya: Well, we have lots of those American experts here now ... [indiscernible.]

Sytnyk: Well, there, you see why Hillary lost the elections? I was in charge of the investigation of their "black accounting" records. We made the Manafort's data available to general public.

Biden and Ukraine:

On another very interesting note, the Epoch Times's Jeff Carlson documented former Vice President Joe Biden's connections to Ukraine in an April article that has become immensely relevant in recent weeks.

Select excerpts via the Epoch Times:

As Ukraine underwent dramatic changes in 2014, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden played a critical role in the Obama administration’s involvement in the revolution that ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych.

Following the revolution, Biden would use his influence to help force the creation of the troubled National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU). Notably, during the 2016 election campaign, information leaked from NABU about Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort that helped to create the false narrative that Trump colluded with Russia to win the election.


In April (of 2014), Biden would get personally involved, as would his son, Hunter. On April 18, 2014, Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of directors for Burisma–one of the largest natural gas companies in Ukraine.

Four days later, on April 22, 2014, Vice President Biden traveled to Ukraine, offering his political support and $50 million in aid for Yatsenyuk’s shaky new government. Poroshenko, a billionaire politician, was elected as president of Ukraine on May 25, 2014.

Biden became close to both men and helped Ukraine obtain a four-year, $17.5 billion IMF package in March 2015.

In October 2016, Foreign Policy wrote a lengthy article, “What Will Ukraine Do Without Uncle Joe,” which described Biden’s role in the removal of Ukraine’s general prosecutor, Victor Shokin. Shokin, the choice of Poroshenko, was portrayed as fumbling a major corruption case and “hindering an investigation into two high-ranking state prosecutors arrested on corruption charges.”

The part I put in bold above speaks volumes over what this battle is about!!!  Freedom or tyranny, it is that simple!!!

PS - Somebody hand somebody a nut-cracker and get crackin' on this DeepState tool!
« Last Edit: October 08, 2019, 07:21:28 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #274 on: October 08, 2019, 11:59:02 AM »
More proof of DemoTerrorist conspiracy to overthrow the President -

And now the DemoTerrorist's star witness, wait, here's a pic of he/she/it -

- may have to be interviewed by trustworthy DemoTerrorists in an undisclosed secret location sans meddling Republicans who would recognize their illegitimate construct and ruin their latest pathetic coup conspiracy attempt.

And the GoebbelsMedia of course is dutifully praising this idea as legal, brilliant and fair!

Time for Our Founder's Disclaimer...

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #275 on: October 09, 2019, 07:57:35 AM »
This is polite "eff you and your illegal BS"...

Likewise the background discussion is also very polite and factual...

The letter to the coup plotters should be framed, it is quite good...

And hopefully adding another ally to the team is a plus...

And in another head-fake the DemoTerrorists and FakeNews clowns seized upon appears to have been spiked down their throats...

Journalist John Solomon appeared on Fox News with Sean Hannity last night to drop a considerably important revelation. According to Solomon’s reporting the White House has open-sourced evidence that Ukraine re-opened their investigation into Burisma Holdings and Hunter Biden in February 2019; several months before President Trump spoke to President Zelenskyy.

And the pics at TLR/CT say it all!

I enjoy kicking a DemoTerrorist in the ass as much as anybody...but the coup plots go is time for some muscle to accompany the responses being made!

Step One - File suit against the Diktator Pelosi and her merry band of rogues for conducting an illegal unconstitutional inquiry whose sole aim is to slander and libel a sitting President going into an election, period!

Step Two - Release the hounds, drop all leashes...if the DemoTerrorists want a full-blown Constitutional crises, well, they started it...time to engage them by escalating matters rung by rung, step by step.

For example, there should be FLOODS of similar calls in both Federal chambers!
 And there should be uprisings in statehouses and county seats across the nation.  Liberty rallies everywhere!

And, lets not just investigate the Biden's, but Romney and his Bursima ties, Pelosi and how she made a thousand times what her government salary allows...peoples ties to all enemies foreign and domestic...

Time to step on throats!

Step Three - Well, we all know this step...and I'll let someone more skilled and tactful than I to express it...

« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 08:24:45 AM by Libertas »
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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #276 on: October 09, 2019, 10:50:13 AM »
Holy moley!  Is that true, Schiff's sister is married to Soros' son?!
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #277 on: October 09, 2019, 11:43:11 AM »
Holy moley!  Is that true, Schiff's sister is married to Soros' son?!

The Paper of Socialist Record says so...
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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #278 on: October 09, 2019, 04:37:35 PM »
Holy moley!  Is that true, Schiff's sister is married to Soros' son?!

That's like sharing a bathroom with Satan...


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Re: The 116th Congress and the Mobocrat Agenda to Complete the Trump Coup
« Reply #279 on: October 09, 2019, 06:49:01 PM »
  They both must sleep with one eye open. 
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