Author Topic: Last straw for NATO to exist?  (Read 11009 times)

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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #40 on: May 27, 2021, 03:02:57 PM »

They believe they can live on ashes...

anything they touch is ashes and they think that's enough

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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #41 on: June 14, 2021, 02:21:00 PM »
See?  DeepState calling the shots as I said all along...

...another re-branding to keep the unnecessary around for the greater glory of the DeepState and the war and death it craves...
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Offline patentlymn

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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #43 on: June 15, 2021, 02:36:16 PM »

China recently killed 3 million worldwide through their carelessness so Biden will get tough with Putin.
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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #44 on: June 15, 2021, 02:42:40 PM »
He couldn't get tough with a soiled napkin...
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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #45 on: June 15, 2021, 03:00:17 PM »

I was watching The Duran. They said the G7 group failed to be negative on China but were  on Russia. They said Russia is the traditional boogie man and China is far away. This reinforced the Russian idea to allign with China.

This is not covered much. The Ukraine president has been shutting down opposition TV stations and even threw his main political opponent in jail.  The govt has been forcing conversion from Russian to Ukranian language and declared Russians to not be indigenious to Ukraine. Contrary to what we hear in the MSM the Ukrainians start most of their recent troubles.
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown

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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #46 on: June 15, 2021, 03:10:30 PM »

I was watching The Duran. They said the G7 group failed to be negative on China but were  on Russia. They said Russia is the traditional boogie man and China is far away. This reinforced the Russian idea to allign with China.

This is not covered much. The Ukraine president has been shutting down opposition TV stations and even threw his main political opponent in jail.  The govt has been forcing conversion from Russian to Ukranian language and declared Russians to not be indigenious to Ukraine. Contrary to what we hear in the MSM the Ukrainians start most of their recent troubles.

To be did Castro's bastard Trudeau and Putin too.

But Russia is the boogeyman for Marxists, they must think they betrayed Marxism too that economic, moral and totally failed experiment had a chance!  And the like Marxist China and fear them because they are arming up and expanding reach every second while the West grabs itself and pretends the weather, wokism and imaginary white supremacists are their principle threat...

Yeah, Communist China is far away and not an issue...

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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #47 on: August 12, 2021, 08:56:47 AM »
Talked about this in this thread and on the EU collapse thread...IMO it belongs here first because in terms of American priorities (ours, not TeamFraud/DeepState!) getting us the frick out of the unnecessary and too-heavily US taxpayer subsidized NATO comes first!  EU collapse is certain, from a host of issues it is exacerbating simultaneously...while the corrupt compromised DeepState-owned leadership in the US ramps up its coordinated multi-pronged forced mass suicide schemes...if NATO can be let go it may buy some time back here...a little anyway.

Otherwise, adding to the list of suicidal policies is being held hostage to a obsolete agreement that would force us to defend the Eurotards from being gobbled whole by an enemy they collectively surrendered sovereignty to even if they are too stupid to realize or too gutless to admit it.

Issued several warnings it would happen, and it has...and it will happen again, whenever Russia wants to yank the leash on a wayward pet!

Facility this, facility that...blah blah blah...

The message is clear - "Heel, bitch!".

Wouldn't be surprised if a new Euro-led Iranian nuke (raw) deal suddenly appears in the coming weeks...
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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #48 on: September 14, 2021, 09:36:07 AM »

Done deal.

Fine, the Eurotards picked their master, game over. 

There is literally no valid reason for the US to be NATO any more...we have more connection and more pressing issues in the Pacific...screw Europe...bailed their useless asses out twice and get kicked in the balls as thanks...fine...

The Euro's won't end NATO as long as we are in it and stupid enough to keep subsidizing most of it has to be the US to end it...but the demented muppet His Fraudulency is impotent to do anything...State is probably unwilling blow their fellow statists across the pond away and the Pentagon is filled with morons who think it is a valuable battlespace to keep when it no longer is strategically relevant...and the spooks at Langley and their pals in the IC probably fear being cut off from nominal allies...when in fact in this arena there is enough cross-purpose friendly-fire to render to term ally into mush...

Without a full flushing of all of the detritus this useless waste is an anchor around our neck!!!
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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #49 on: September 16, 2021, 08:19:51 AM »
Funny...fellow backstabbing statist bastards accusing each other of their shared sins...

As for the comments by FM Le Drian...Trump was correct to ask you EuroBums to pay your own way...that isn't "backstabbing" you stunted snail, that is 100% truth and the fact that you EuroBums expect to be carried by the US shows what a bunch of useless crybaby losers y'all are! te faire foutre!   ::vafancoul::

ETA - Jack P correctly notes the win to Chi-Com hegemony via TeamFraud....
« Last Edit: September 16, 2021, 09:23:49 AM by Libertas »
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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #50 on: September 21, 2021, 08:06:58 AM »


Yeah, right!  They will suck us dry to the very last drop and probably keep trying after the host dies...
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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #51 on: September 23, 2021, 09:15:59 AM »


Hopefully the Afghanistan humiliation will end this bogus alliance...
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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #52 on: October 01, 2021, 09:28:21 AM »
Between the waste of subsidizing Eurotards with 67.583% of their 2021 defense budget and the twisted gift that is the Pan-Islamist megalomaniac known as Recep Tayyip Erdogan the time is NOW to cut NATO ties off...I mean if the DemCom's and RINO/AINO/#NeverTrumpers really despise Russia then they have to terminate this farce!
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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #53 on: October 14, 2021, 08:37:10 AM »

Man, oil and gas are not weapons...

How do you say that without snickering?


Go ahead, screw the Euromorons...sure wish we could cut 'em loose...

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Offline patentlymn

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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #54 on: October 14, 2021, 11:00:03 AM »
I think the EU blaming Russia is crap and even Merkel said that. Russia wanted long term contracts. Most countries wanted to buy on the spot/current market. They got what they wanted.

Russia is fulfilling all contractual obligations. Germany shut down their nuke plants and relied  on wind power, which is not reliable.  I read that the wind is not blowing much right now.
Now European countries want to buy on the spot market and bitch about the price and expect Russia to sell as much as they want on a moments notice.  Russia wanted to be part of Europe but that upset the US military industrial complex and some politicians in the EU. There were embargoes on trading with Russia, which screwed and will screw Ukraine very, very badly. So Russia buddied up to China and is selling them gas.

In case people forgot, mere months ago, many EU countries and the US tried to stop the Nordstream 2 pipeline from being completed. Now they want an infinite supply of gas and they want it now.

BTW Germany begged Russia to build the new pipeline as they realized that shutting down the nukes made them short on energy.  Then Russia built the pipeline and got a ration of sh*t at the last minute.

Ukraine had the habit of not paying for their nat gas bills and siphoning off gas meant for Europe. They called this 'reverse flow.' Ha! This pissed off the Russians.

Hungary recently bought gas from Russia. This pissed of the EU who is so power mad they want only the EU to buy gas, not individual countries.
Germany demolishes nuclear power plant in a controlled explosion (cooling towers).
Merkel Dismisses Russian Role in Europe’s Energy Price Crisis
By Arne Delfs
October 6, 2021, 9:29 AM CDT

Outgoing German Chancellor Angela Merkel dismissed charges that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is partly to blame for the record spikes in European gas prices.

“To my knowledge, there are no orders where Russia has said we won’t deliver it to you, especially not with regard to the pipeline in Ukraine,” Merkel told reporters Wednesday. “Russia can only deliver gas on the basis of contractual obligations, and not just only like that.”
Don’t Blame Russia if Europe Freezes

Even Angela Merkel has admitted that the European natural gas shortage is not Russia’s fault:

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel has rejected suggestions that the increased price of gas is due to Russian policy. Instead she has pointed the finger at the EU’s own approach asking whether the bloc could have acted differently.
    Speaking on Wednesday, Merkel noted that Russia has never refused to deliver gas and has fulfilled its contractual obligations.

    “That’s why we should ask the question: was enough gas ordered, or is the high price at the moment maybe the reason for not ordering so much?” Merkel asked, according to London’s Financial Times.

    The European Union has sought to move gas trading to the spot market in recent years, whereas Russia has consistently preferred long-term contracts, often as long as 25 years. Russian President Vladimir Putin has pointed at the reluctance of the bloc to sign longer deals as a cause for rising prices.

So, the Europeans didn’t order enough natural gas to meet their needs, shut down their nuclear plants, and chose to rely upon green energy production that has fallen woefully short of requirements. But since Putin refuses to sell them additional gas at contract prices at the same time they are trying to deny Russia’s ability to deliver gas via the new Nordstream 2 pipeline, this is somehow supposed to be all Russia’s fault.

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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #55 on: October 14, 2021, 11:45:24 AM »
Of course it's a Euro problem...they chose poorly - green crap like windmills, ending coal, exiting nuclear...and chose Russia to contract with exclusively...and if the market is pricey well golly, life's hard...

Fine, swell...I as a person don't care...and from a national point of view they made their choice...I just want out of NATO...but with the Marxists and DeepState calling the shots that won't happen...which is also not my problem especially now that the representative republic, voting, laws...are dead...

If I had the Euro's by the short-hairs I would be pulling hairs too if they suck at contracting and excel and mismanaging their economy...

They have the master they deserve...we should bow out...but are captives of our own corrupt illegitimate despots...
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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #56 on: October 14, 2021, 12:35:21 PM »
What I want to know is why the hell does Biden et. al have any say in what pipelines Russia builds -- over there?!
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain

"Let us assume for the moment everything you say about me is true. That just makes your problem bigger, doesn't it?"

Offline patentlymn

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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #57 on: October 14, 2021, 01:46:37 PM »

The EU is power mad. They are telling Poland how to run their courts. Poland caved but recently may have pushed back in general. The EU wants to form their own army.  Now they want only the EU to buy gas from Russia, giving them more power over other countries.

I do not recall the details, but the EU wants to withhold money from Poland and maybe Hungary based on internal politics in those countries and the laws they passed.
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown

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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #58 on: October 14, 2021, 06:21:32 PM »
Yes, Hungary, Poland and the Czechs like their sovereignty in most things...gets EU Grand Wizards pissy an then they try penalizing them to change their laws and they say "go spit", they start threatening some more...

And go ahead, start your own damn continental military WITHOUT THE U.S.!!!  But hey, as like you bullies and Brexit and SOP with former Soviet slaves states...not before you pay us back for decades of carrying your deadbeat asses!!!
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Offline Libertas

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Re: Last straw for NATO to exist?
« Reply #59 on: October 19, 2021, 09:01:22 AM »
I don't need any more proof that the DeepState, Pentagon and DemCom's & DecptiCons cannot see past their Imperial noses...

...nor do I need any more proof these morons cannot see the unsustainability of massive deficit spending to keep the Empire alive...

This is a European concern, they have the means and the proximity to be in charge of their own security and manage their relationships with their neighbors.

Not one of these assholes can provide one legitimate reason why we have to carry these idiots one more second...because the "Russia" thing is dead...they pose no direct threat to us, and if they want to suckle these brats or any other nutcase, who cares?

And redline my far Putin is all bluster no action...if he would put up a little more resistance maybe the idiots would find retreat more appealing...after all its pretty obvious what the JoeFraud junta responds to by now, eh?

As for this...

...this Turkish Russophile is making a simplistic either /or choice...which is BS!  Frankly, I don't give a rats ass what the megalomaniac Pan-Islamic Suleiman-wannabe Erdogan does...he can suckle the Russian Bear too, don't care!  The Kurdish issue totally illustrates the hypocrisy of the Turks & Russians...the Kurds are pro-western (therefor must be opposed in principle by Russians) and they are friendly with Jews and Israel (therefor hated by Turks and Russians)...Syrians hate Kurds because they think they are independent people and not wards of Syria (not much different than Saddam's Sunni Iraq back in the day)...if Russia lived up to its lip-service to self-determination and not a selfish bastard it could check Turkey's hatred and Syria's hostility...but no, they value picking off Turkey from the West (yeah, more Erdogan's direction there, Ivan!) and lazily conceding to Syrian desires for the sake of cash flow over something so trivial as standing on principles.  Goddamned Russians are much promise, so little desire to rise to it...they default back to their base desires...they are the Ferengi's of our world...only the Rules of Acquisition matter.

And this...

Oh goody...more diplomatic temper tantrums...gosh, they never tried that...ahh...umm...for a few months or so...   ::laughonfloor::

Kiska! (Rus derogatory feline term for a female organ...)
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