Author Topic: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies  (Read 3532 times)

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Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« on: June 29, 2020, 08:28:10 AM »

Kick hard, kick often...don't stop till the job is done.

I have no problem if Mossad had something to do with it.  They have more competence than our spooks...who get stuff wrong on purpose and are only interested in perpetuating themselves within the DeepState...

No doubt JoeFraud on orders from the DeepState would provide additional arms to Israel as compensation...but such a disasterous chain of events will have enhanced prospects for war in the region, not peace...peace doesn't make the DeepState wealthy, only war can do that.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2021, 09:47:39 AM by Libertas »
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2021, 09:55:28 AM »

Pretty sure the "list" if in fact it is real was meant as a heads, whatever, fine with me...their primary foe, their primary responsibility...
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2021, 09:45:15 AM »
It's all connected...

...and the Illegitimate corruption filled JoeFraud Regime takes the bait...

Here's JoeFraud executing the DeepState stick to Iran -

Here's JoeFraud executing the DeepState carrot to Iran -,
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2021, 11:00:36 AM »

Snort!  Simpleton's do not understand the Rus psyche...they could give a crap less about people in the long as checkbooks write checks for their military purchases and construction contracts for airfields, bunkers and power plants and whatever...that's one part, the other part is seeing their systems thwarted...and that stings their pride.

All this response will do is help ratchet up the carnage.  Unless Russia and China get Iran and it's proxies to back off Israel the carnage will increase, but there is no profit in peace...there is only profit in carnage.
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2021, 08:55:34 AM »
BBC is reporting a possible rare Israeli airstrike deep inside Iraq targeting pro-Iranian militias at Najaf, Iraq. BBC Middle East correspondent Nafiseh Kohnavard writes that "Iran-backed Imam Ali Brigade says that airstrikes targeted their ammunition depot in Najaf, Iraq."

In addition "Some paramilitary groups-linked channels claim that Israel is behind the attack," according to Kohnavard. "Israel carried out an attack on a PMF base" Iran-backed groups-linked claim in the aftermath of a severe fire that broke out at an ammunition depot in Najaf. Though Israeli involvement is being widely alleged in Iraqi social media, there's as yet been no confirmation from any official side.

Oohhh, so sad too bad!   ::smallestviolin::
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2021, 11:10:06 AM »

Ummm....pretty sure he's dead...and so will all of Israel if they trust any of these Marxist clowns!
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2021, 09:34:19 AM »
Well, whatever preparations have been agreed to with The House of Saud and anybody else better be sewed up and in countdown phase...because the shat is about to hit a big fan...

Raisi has been president of Iran for more than a month but there has not been the slightest effort by the Islamic Republic to restart any talks; in fact, all the while, the regime appears to have accelerated its enrichment of uranium to weapons-grade.
He added that the nuclear talks are "one of the questions on the foreign policy and government agenda... the other party knows full well that a process of two to three months is required for the new government to establish itself and to start taking decisions."

It was 8-10 weeks away from having a bomb over 5 weeks ago, it's more like 3-5 weeks away now.  And the Mahdi Death Cult is lying...they want the talks kicked down the road not to control their program...but to unveil it to the world along with its demands...

“Iran is the world’s number one exporter of terror,” Lapid said. “It threatens us all.

“Israel will not sit quietly by, while Iran builds terror bases on our northern border – or while Iran supplies advanced weapons to terror organizations; weapons intended to be used against us.”

The Israeli diplomat warned that the Jewish State “will maintain our ability to defend ourselves in the face of threats from Syria and elsewhere” and said that he and Lavrov had also discussed the Iranian nuclear program and “the danger it poses to the entire world.”

Lapid noted that the two most recent reports by the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) “are damning.

“They include serious violations,” he said. “Fraud, deception and outright lies. The picture is clear and very worrying.”

The message to Iran must be loud and “it must be clear,” Lapid underlined. “Iran’s march towards a nuclear weapon is not only an Israeli problem, it’s a problem for the entire world. . .And the last thing any of us want is to see nuclear weapons fall into the wrong hands.”

The world needs to stop Iran from achieving nuclear capability, Lapid said, “no matter the price. If the world doesn’t do it, Israel reserves the right to act.

“The Iranians have never hidden the fact that they want to destroy Israel. That is an existential threat for us.

“Israel will not allow Iran to become a nuclear state – or even a nuclear threshold state.”

They'll get nothing from anybody else they haven't already got...JoeFraud is impotent as is Europe...a strongly worded reprimand and useless chest-beating in the Unnecessary Nations is about all either can muster...the Rus care only about the flow of wealth from their clients, they are like mobsters dealing with sociopaths and psychopaths, as long as the wealth flows their way they'll give them whatever they desire...same for the Godless Chi-Com's...

Nope, the forecast calls for pain, and lots of it.

Kinda hard not to see Armageddon happening...nobody wants to stop the crazies if it cuts off their money train or because they want to see enemies destroyed...and Israel has a visceral inability to accept any more enslavement or extermination and is certain to act alone of necessary...

Yeah, POOF!  Seems the region is on an inescapable path. 

Lot's of nasty trajectories around the world appear inescapable these days...

Oh well, Deus Vult.
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2021, 08:38:02 AM »
Some probing I suspect...could be some more of this going on that is not reported...fires being a bit hard to suppress from prying eyes...

Can't say this is necessarily a good thing though - "The United States and Israel share intelligence information, and the cooperation with the United States in this field is only getting stronger. We are working with them in order to establish a Plan B and to demonstrate that if there is no deal, other activities will begin..."

Well, between a rogue CIA on its own agenda and Benedict "The Americans are coming!" Milley at the Pentagon...pretty sure the smart play here is to feed these traitors garbage and suck from them what you can and divulge nothing of your true intentions to these backstabbers!
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2021, 08:26:28 AM »
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Online patentlymn

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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #10 on: October 04, 2021, 06:28:52 PM »
Some probing I suspect...could be some more of this going on that is not reported...fires being a bit hard to suppress from prying eyes...

Can't say this is necessarily a good thing though - "The United States and Israel share intelligence information, and the cooperation with the United States in this field is only getting stronger. We are working with them in order to establish a Plan B and to demonstrate that if there is no deal, other activities will begin..."

Well, between a rogue CIA on its own agenda and Benedict "The Americans are coming!" Milley at the Pentagon...pretty sure the smart play here is to feed these traitors garbage and suck from them what you can and divulge nothing of your true intentions to these backstabbers!

Jewish lightning. Tee hee.
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2021, 09:15:30 AM »
Well, I guess that earlier meeting in Moscow that Israel had produced nothing tangible for peace...

I mean, seriously?  How can the Russians say this is about fighting terrorism when the genocidal Mahdi Cult running Iran that is eagerly rushing to produce a nuclear weapon any day now and who funds and directs every major terrorist organization in the Middle East and be taken as credible?

This is why I find the Russians so fracking infuriating.  They make it all too easy to despise their asses!  Yes, let's cozy up to the batshyt-crazy Mahdi Death Cult, so what if they get nukes, eh?  That's bullish for world peace, right?  WTF?!  They are UNSANE to support this sub-human trash.  But, they don't stop there...

Right after the Chi-Com's and Erdogan kissed Taliwhacker ass, in comes Russia...

As long as Russia continues to prop up the scum of the world and associate with other nefarious clowns like this I can never trust them, period.

And circling back to Israel...they have warned REPEATEDLY they will act alone if necessary to prevent the Mahdi Death Cult from acquiring nuclear weapons which the cultists have promised time and again will be used to annihilate Israel.  It's assholes like Russia propping up these idiots and appeasement-minded Marxists here that are ensuring a strike will be necessary on Iran, ensuring unjustifiable condemnation of Israel for acting to rain down on them...because all of the above are too gutless to admit their role in allowing the Mahdi Death Cult to obtain weapons of mass destruction.

There isn't a sane person alive who can credibly argue why these lunatics can be trusted with such destruction.  Not - a - one!!!


The should act, the will act...and I say hit them as hard as you can as often as you can any way you can.
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #12 on: November 18, 2021, 09:28:52 AM »

Tension, it's always on the up-tick.  The Persians may well do something to provoke it, as it stands now it is between that and the patience level of Israel with the nuclear capability clock of the death-worshipping Mahdi Cult ticking in the background.
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2021, 12:38:15 PM »
CentCom estimates Mahdi Death Cult at 60% purity on enrichment...needs to hit 90%...

...hope this isn't CIA sourced, likely to be wrong...

Bennet wisely telling world it is not bound by anything the imbeciles do with reviving the Obama sellout deal...
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2022, 08:54:13 AM »
Israel can get their bullpen warmed up...,

...get ready for show-time...

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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2022, 09:02:39 AM »

Israel will have to act...crappy Obamao deal or not...US won't do crap...
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #16 on: July 13, 2022, 10:09:19 AM »
Seems rather obvious even to the most dense that this illegitimate occupation government in America is hostile to the Jewish State and is doing everything to financially support Israel's enemies who wish her dead and it makes sense to count the fraudulent American regime as a proxy of Israel's existential enemies...

Interim PM Lapid won't do it...but if it was me...I'd announce Israel and Israeli air space and territorial waters are off-limits to this fraud...and launch a CAP to ensure he stays the eff out!
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2022, 09:43:12 AM »

Any agreement, pledge or statement by a known liar and a total illegitimate fraud and ranking member of a party of Pali-kissing stooges is worth exactly...nothing.





« Last Edit: July 14, 2022, 11:24:33 AM by Libertas »
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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #18 on: July 15, 2022, 12:50:15 PM »
See?  Once a scum-kisser always a scum-kisser...


And, how does a trillion dollars to the Mahdi Death Cult for a hollow deal that does NOTHING to prevent them from developing and deploying nuclear weapons sound to you?

...and, even in the face of this kick in the (numb) nuts JoeFraud fist-pumps the murderous MbS and treats the Crown Prince with much for being a pariah, eh?

Proving time and again what a Marxists says is not nearly as important as what they do...

Still, understanding wtf this jello-headed commie pedo says is always a challenge...

...hopefully that is accurate.

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Re: Israel vs Iran and its Proxies
« Reply #19 on: July 15, 2022, 04:24:26 PM »
I never spent the time to figure out if the Iran nuke deal was a good deal or not.
The MSM was worthless.
Any thoughts on this?
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