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Offline Libertas

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Life in Illegitimate post-Republic America
« on: January 17, 2021, 11:22:26 AM »
As we enter America's First Order phase...


...our thoughts naturally turn to immediate personal and family needs, the larger what, how, where, when, why issues get mired down in the fog of confusion and flotsam of fiction thrown up by competing interests and corrupt institutions, as we have seen in recent years outright lies, disinformation and distortions and suppression of opposition is in ascendance and getting much worse by the minute.  But pressing on we must.

Posting some articles I read this morning.

Here we have a case for secession efforts, which I think has its merits.

It's secession or war...

Tying in the collapse angle is worth noting.

Robert included a snippet in a linked article about a gal going by OHMama expressing the universal anger at The Steal that laid bare the greater steal of our piece of Liberty -

"I was raised to be a lady, and ladies don’t curse, but f**k these motherf**kers to hell and back for what they’ve done to me, and mine, and my country. All we Joe Blow Americans ever wanted was a little patch of land to raise a family, a job to pay the bills, and at least some illusion of freedom, and even that was too much for these human parasites. They want it all, mind, body and soul. Damn them. Damn them all."

More on OHMama in a bit.

Robert goes on to the collapse -

We saw the global daisy chain unravel in 2008 and 2009 and the system is daisy-chainier now. If you’re looking for canaries in the coal mine, watch the yields on sovereign debt. Once they really start to climb it’s game over. The devastation will be unprecedented and epic.

Collapse will decimate over-indebted, non-productive governments that have made promises they can’t keep to millions of their citizens. That may be part of a plan to destroy national governments and generate clamor for totalitarian global government. Yet, every tyranny confronts the question: who is going to host its predation and parasitism if the disobedient but productive (there is a correlation) have been imprisoned or executed? Slavery is notoriously unproductive.

Globo-government will be in the same position as the national governments it supersedes—bankrupt, bereft of resources, and unable to produce anything other than fiat debt instruments. Dispensing a steadily depreciating universal basic income will be problematic. Not that it will bother globo-government if billions of its wards die of poverty and starvation. The bigger concern will be securing the resources necessary for surveillance and suppression of the remaining enslaved.

Enfeebled or failed governments of any stripe engender both chaos and opportunity. Collapse and chaos will be huge blows to governments, the perpetual enemies of liberty, but could be a game changer for the liberty-minded, who are well-advised to wait for the bubble to burst.

The last part there is linked to another article, more on that later.

Robert briefly outlines a "to do" -

Chaos will require preparation by those who want to capitalize on the opportunity. Many alternative media sites stress personal preparation and establishing local networks, and offer valuable strategies and advice. Readers are invited to list their favorites in the comments section. No one can prepare for every contingency, but if you haven’t prepared for the most obvious ones—grid down, lack of access to food and water, etc.—now is the time to do so.

Secession et al -

Our opponents have clearly defined goal—absolute power—and they are absolutely committed to subjugating or eliminating anyone who stands in their way. Until recently most of those on our side didn’t even realize we were at war.

Before such a war goes kinetic (the modern term for old-fashioned war where people get killed) and in the hope that it doesn’t, we need a clearly defined goal and a strategy to achieve it. The goal is the fundamental right of every human: the liberty to peaceably live one’s own life and pursue one’s own happiness. The strategy is more complicated.

Peacefully splitting the US into two or more countries when it is so irretrievably and irreconcilably riven is almost breathtaking in its common sense. You go your way and we’ll go ours appeals to both logic and justice. What could be fairer than to give people a choice?

Our side should never stop advocating for a peaceful split and our own territory. This does not mean advocating for insurrection and revolution, which would imply replacing the current government with one of our own. Why would we want to take possession of a cesspool government and rule over so many who hate us? Secession and liberty, not insurrection and revolution, are the goals. Leave the present government to the corruptocrats, their minions, and their dependents.

Most productive people would opt for liberty. Absolute power would have to feed, subjugate, and terrorize masses of subsistence-level slaves. It would be counting on enslaving the productive without reckoning on what replacing incentives with fear and coercion would do to their willingness to produce or their desire to stay. The totalitarians cannot allow a free alternative to coexist just across the border. Unfortunately, peaceful secession is a remote possibility, which means contemplating the alternative.

The government’s many senseless wars have demonstrated the effectiveness of guerrilla warfare against forces superior in every conventional metric: manpower, firepower, and technology. Among tens of millions of potential secessionists, many of them well-armed, there are members or veterans of the military with counterinsurgency experience. They’ve gone to school on guerrillas and their tactics. They’ll likely provide secessionist military leadership once the totalitarians’ war (and they will start it) goes kinetic.

Modern, decentralized technologies and weaponry will be a key component of secessionist strength. The war will be won more with brains and creativity than troop strength or bravado. Teams that can design and assemble weaponized drones and robots, experts in artificial intelligence, remote-control munitions specialists, and computer hackers will be more important military assets than platoons of AR-15 toting commandos.

These technologies will be essential to counter the opposition’s surveillance capabilities, infrastructure, and command and control systems. Secessionists who ignore next-generation technologies, believe they won’t be deployed against them, or fail to realize their offensive potential will be fighting the last war…and they will lose. These technologies are relatively cheap compared to traditional superpower weaponry; their biggest expense is the brainpower they incorporate. It’s a safe bet that among 70 plus million Trump voters and otherwise disaffected that kind of brainpower can be found.

Don’t assume that those within the present power structure, or the emerging globalist one, won’t use every weapon in their arsenal to preserve their hold on power, even at the cost of their own and humanity’s extinction. While the police and military may refuse to fire on their own kin and countrymen, it’s impossible to overestimate the suicidal depravity of the so-called humans issuing their orders. Thus, while conventional armaments, remote technologies, committed secessionists, and guerrilla warfare will be important and essential when kinetic war breaks out, they won’t, in and of themselves, guarantee victory. Too much faith that they will could in fact lead to the opposite outcome.

Along with a straightforward assessment of the opposition’s weaknesses and strengths and a realistic strategy for capitalizing on the former and neutralizing the latter, it’s time to convert current rage into a full-scale political movement. That doesn’t mean the pound-your-head-against-the-wall strategy of trying to win rigged elections. It does mean informing, persuading, and recruiting—the nitty gritty of building a political movement. Much of that building will have to be underground as public dissidence is canceled, corrected, and punished. One of the Viet Cong’s key assets was its political arm, the National Liberation Front, to which they gave much of the credit for their success in the Vietnam war.

Most of the necessary technical brainpower will be found among the young. Right now, the average secessionist is over sixty, voted for Trump, owns plenty of firearms, and has vague notions of a mass movement of the like-minded either miraculously defeating the government or going out in a bolt-hole blaze of glory. That’s not a strategy, it’s a death wish.

It’s easier to carp about snowflakes and SJWs than it is to reach out and educate the open-minded among the young (yes, they are out there) to show them that they will be the primary victims of totalitarianism. The gray curtain is descending over their futures. They have to be inspired by the vision of something far better—their own freedom—if that gray curtain is not to become their gray shroud. You can do worse than give them copies of the Declaration of Independence, The Road to Serfdom, and Atlas Shrugged.

Unfortunately I think Robert missed a critical point about time compression and another about basic human nature.  I could be wrong, but I just do not see where starting from now there is time to build the requisite generational outreach he outlines to build the technical expertise needed to implement, maintain and win the digital warfare theater.  I think it is more likely some of this will happen organically and in pockets.  And human nature dictates looking after ones self and family and close friends more than neighbors, communities or largely linked aggregations.

I think it is important to be able to do a wide range of activities in various groups as a means of disruption of the totalitarians and survive until the full collapse does most of the work, then pick up the pieces and process the perpetrators and abettors.

Mopping up with promised links mentioned above:

OHMama, read it all, it is quite good -

And more on the collapse -

Here’s what I want you to get. The way out of this will not happen quickly. It’s not going to happen with a few more meetings down at the VFW hall. No militia will fix any of it, anywhere. No amount of demonstrating will fix this mess. Friends of mine work very hard to “get the right people elected.” That’s not going to fix anything permanently because the system to which they are elected is 1000% corrupt. Now it might slow the decline, as Trump is an example, and if you are doing this kind of work I applaud your passion. But it’s not the final solution any more than pouring a bottle of bleach into the East River will make it drinkable.

Our country, and our whole world, is going to have to go through a broad bottom before it can rise to greatness again. Our national debt will have to be canceled, most likely through or resulting in war. We’ll have to build another system of wealth creation, not resting on debt based money. People worldwide are going to have to realize that when you sow the seeds of stupidity in any area, personal, financial, cultural, religious, sexual, governmental… you reap destruction.

When I look into your eyes, I see that you understand there is a huge crash coming. They call it the Great Reset, and they would use it for world enslavement. But we call it the Great Opportunity, the chance to reinstitute personal responsibility, and the freedom such responsible people deserve.

We have a big problem, though. Between now and the other side of this crash all the useless eaters government has created are going to have to either 1) develop some character and get a job, or 2) be abducted by aliens, or 3) die. Unfortunately, after a useless eater reaches about age 30, they are untrainable and will do nothing more than eat, uselessly, for life, crossing off option number 1. No self respecting alien civilization would have them, nixing number 2. Mr. Gates and company would choose number 3, but even without the elites’ sterilization programs the useless eaters will tragically starve. Regardless the scenario, they have no future without a nanny state, which is self destructing before our eyes.

It really burns me up seeing the government waste human lives the way they do.

When I look into your eyes, I also see you cannot stand the thought of letting America go under, admitting defeat. Well, the defeat is long past as it went under decades ago. Millions upon millions of the children of God with unlimited potential have already been born to baby mommas in housing projects and have lived meaningless, wasted lives as government slaves, whose only purpose is to vote ‘D’ in exchange for an EBT card. Millions of them have already died. Tens of millions more never even had a chance at a life outside the womb.

The dye was cast before you and I were born. I hate it as much as you do, seeing all the wreckage of socialism and not being able to fix the system. I hate it.

What should you and I do in the mean time, as it might be a few years until the ultimate crash? Well, nothing that you and I do will get rid of the 100 to 150 million being supported by the remaining working people in America. The government is paying these people to live leech lives, on yours and my income, and they are not going to let up. Growing government is all the lot of them know.

No militia group or training maneuver is going to fix this mess. Neither will taking any physical ground in liberal enclaves.

We have to wait.

What for what? Wait for the crash. Even hurry up the crash. Go Galt. Pull your wealth and productivity out of the economy. Go dark. Go underground. Without your productivity, the welfare state dies. Step aside and let the lemmings rush off the cliff. Get out of the cities. Form groups of like minded people, not to take back the government, but to survive and thrive until it has imploded. Remember, even if you succeeded in transforming the government and paying off a hundred trillion in debt and unfunded liabilities, you would still have 100 million useless eaters to feed. Let the crash take care of that for you.

It might be a few years coming, but it might happen even sooner. The bubbles are everywhere and ready to pop. The stock markets are so high they make Hollywood snobs look sober. National debt and the money supply are rising exponentially. China is practically demanding war, and Taiwan will soon be annexed. Christian persecution is sweeping the world. Stupidity is reaching critical ass.

Let it happen. The system and the evil people running things deserve it all. The government dependents are going to be disillusioned, then angry, then violent, and then murderous, when they realize they have been duped and used. When the EBT cards stop working, they will burn every Walmart. When the cell network is turned off, they will burn the phone stores. When gasoline runs out, they will burn every gas station. When the police start shooting them in the streets, they will burn every government building.

When they take down liberal cities and institutions, what’s that to us? We did not build those abominations. None of our business. When the communist Antifa and BLM (who would slit our throats while friends hold their their soy lattes) are fighting the police (who would disarm us without hesitation), just get out of the way. Sit back and watch it burn. I’ll bring the iced tea.

You see, patriot, what you have to do to take down this corrupt, cowardly system is just this: Nothing. It is doomed. Just wait a little while and the Portland stupidity and violence will spread to every bastion of liberal peace and love. Just Imagine there’s no more liberalism because it self destructs in a ball of fire. It’s easy if you try.

I’m not telling you to sit on your hands and do nothing, just that we don’t have to do anything to destroy this evil system. It is self destructing. Martial arts instructors tell us to use the enemy’s momentum against him. That’s the principle.

This self destruction happens in every socialist paradise. Every one.

Sure it will be a huge disaster, and a lot of us will suffer in various ways, hopefully not nuclear. A militia is a good idea to protect your community in the crash. But on the other side, that’s when we fight, when the coals of NYC and DC are still glowing, and the government has killed off its own constituency groups. That’s when we fight. Think about your role in that revolution, to rebuild freedom, because it’s going to take some effort.

Until then, we need to meet and plan, spread the truth, win converts, embrace the big picture, trust that the socialists will reap what they have sowed, and anticipate the world we will give to our grandchildren where they are free. This is the Great Opportunity.

You have angry friends like mine, and maybe you are steaming, too. Talk them down. Who cares who Twitter bans? We need you all to survive to rebuild freedom. Our ultimate future is bright, but we have to endure some hardship in the interim while socialism collapses. This is the Great Opportunity.

Makes a good case to prep and organize, learn skills with an eye to survival and rebuilding IMO.

Once we've emerged from the crucible perhaps the lessons learned about totalitarianism will be heeded as they will have been seared into our blood and bones not just our memories.

Deus Vult.
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Libertas

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Re: Life in Illegitimate post-Republic America
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2021, 08:30:27 AM »
The loyalty tests to Illegitimate power have begun, deeper into the darkness and death of communist Hell we are going...

...and since when does the Amerikan KGB have any authority over the military?  Every real American should be viscerally insulted and angered over such Stalinist and Hitlerian crap and answer each question with a firm "go fvck yourself, comrade!".

Next up, Gosplan healthcare meets big collectivist ag -

Whole Foods CEO John Mackey said Americans would not need healthcare if they ate better and lived healthier lives.

Hey, John "Eat your beets, or else!" Mackey..."go fvck yourself, comrade!".

Can never happen in America, right?  Well, it still is...
« Last Edit: January 18, 2021, 08:39:07 AM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

Offline Alphabet Soup

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Re: Life in Illegitimate post-Republic America
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2021, 07:30:33 AM »
"How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your beets?!"

I bet Roger Waters is salivating over how Stalinist we've become...