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Mediterranean Diet May "Protect" Brain From Alzheimer's Disease

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There is an episode of The Good Wife, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot where they lobby govt for one food pyramid vs another. Humorous.
I recall the original USDA food pyramid was influenced by contributions to LBJ.

I just found this. I linked to a one minute segment where he shows 3 slides of what was common wisdom on what caused obesity, carbs. This was until the scientists came up with their food pyramid. The third slide lists foods to avoid. Bread, cereals, potatoes, sugar.

Sugar hard to avoid...bread/cereals I get and could opt away from most...spuds...OK I like spuds...baked, mashed, fried...

I think if one doesn't overdo the potatoes -- every day -- they're not really harmful.  They have other helpful elements in them besides being carbs.

True, most of my "dieting" isn't really "dieting" per se but a portion management discipline...I eat the same stuff I like, just in smaller portions and/or not as frequent a meal....I'm not gaining weight, not losing either just maintaining the same about 2 decades now...but my cholesterol is in check (albeit barely) and the rest of my measurables in-norm...because I do not want medication and all the nasty side-effects they generate.  Spuds can go in spurts, like with steak, meatloaf...a cheeseburger.  What's hard to kick is the nefarious potato chip...lunch is lunch meat sandwich and...yeah.  Kettle chips maybe less nefarious than standard variety I think.  I can do better...and I should.


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