Author Topic: Welcome to Soviet America, American KGB raid President Trump's Mara Lago estate!  (Read 4809 times)

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The part that pisses me off more than anything is Demorats REFUSE to see how corrupt the FBI has become. ::pullhair::
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Online benb61

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The part that pisses me off more than anything is Demorats REFUSE to see how corrupt the FBI has become. ::pullhair::

Because the FBLie is working for them.
Eschew Obfuscation

Offline Libertas

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The part that pisses me off more than anything is Demorats REFUSE to see how corrupt the FBI has become. ::pullhair::

Because the FBLie is working for them.

I think it is more they are working for the DeepState...the DeepState just protects those that feed it more power...both are addicts on a power-trip that can only lead to total death and desolation...
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Reichsführer Garland lied through his demonic teeth...this was partisan, not objective...this was not about the rule of law, this was about abuse of was not about a limited scope WH docs issue, it was an open fishing license snatch everything and anything raid...this was not about equal justice, it is about inequality of justice...everything this piece of socialist filth said was a total lie to the actions both the Obama DOJ and illegitimate JoeFraud DOJ have DONE!

Just a few examples...there are hundreds!!!

Heinrich Wray is likewise full of lies!

And these gutless thugs won't release a damn thing!

...not timely that's for certain...takes time to alter something and try to sneak it through to be gobbled up by corrupt Marxist presstitutes and partisan Congressional co-conspirators.

It's a continuation of the non-stop DeepState/DemoCommie/Cuck conspiracy to deny Trump another term no matter what...and cover for continued efforts to lie, cheat and steal elections and national wealth...period!  Without criminalization of political opposition there can be no one party rule, without one party rule there can be no hope of unchallengeable authority for the DeepState...without unchallengeable authority of the DeepState...there could not be totalitarian control of every soul...there could be no control of their actions, their productivity...their thoughts and beliefs...

That Davidson fella seems way too optimistic to me...


But. with Twitter moving on to permanent political censorship...probably won't be long till they all use the same means, eh?

And I would suggest the muppets at WaPo...

...must like having sh!t blow back in their face...

BTW, those posts by Scott Adams hit like coffin nails!   ::thumbsup::

Still want to see the warrant and the video of the KGB raid so we can see the scope exceeded and note the socialist fervor of the goons conducting it...then wait for Reichsführer Garland and Heinrich Wray dodge accountability yet again...

Oh, and an itemized list of what was seized...though I suspect they are still embellishing it for cartoonish planted dreck...

And they can request and probe all they want...

...but people have had enough of this sh!t...nothing short of ending these despotic bureaucracies, impeaching and removing and prosecuting their leaders and making sure nothing like it or they ever rise again is the only sane option to consider...

I want to increase their fear...

...provoke more naked partisan lawlessness...

...reap the righteous indignation of the people...



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Offline Libertas

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The FBIDEN sh!tshow just gets more and more desperate and absurdly partisan by the second...

As I noted earlier...the Fedcoat raid blessed by Epstein attorney/Obama judge for a despotic DOJ continuing to wage war on political opponents is all about a a fishing expedition...

The KGB agent signing the inventory receipt is a J6 goon...

And just WTF are they pulling with this vague "Box Labeled..." BS?  They just don't want to identify sh*t!

Full warrant and receipt -

Cites these three statutes...

...that Hilary Clinton is more guilty of than anybody!

And since by Presidential order...

...all documents...

...are declassified...and, these Fedgoons would have to amend their warrant...

...think they'll bother, or will they try to plow ahead with an indictment that will blow up in their faces even larger?


...Durham needs to get off his damned ass!  Right now, he's looking like he's been paid off by the DeepState!

This is ALL about political persecution!!!  If this un-American Constitution-shredding weaponized-politicization isn't ended...America ends.

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Offline Libertas

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I called this sh!t right away...

And just WTF are they pulling with this vague "Box Labeled..." BS?  They just don't want to identify sh*t! - Libertas 8/13/22 12:47pm

Fox News reported exclusively on Saturday that records covered by attorney-client privilege and/or executive privilege were among other covered materials seized by agents last Monday. Since then, Trump has taken to his Truth Social platform to demand they be returned.

“Oh great! It has just been learned that the FBI, in its now famous raid of Mar-a-Lago, took boxes of privileged ‘attorney-client’ material, and also ‘executive’ privileged material, which they knowingly should not have taken,” he wrote. “By copy of this TRUTH, I respectfully request that these documents be immediately returned to the location from which they were taken. Thank you!”

Sources familiar with the investigation told Fox News Saturday that the former president’s team was informed that boxes labeled A-14, A-26, A-43, A-13, A-33, and a set of documents—all seen on the final page of the FBI’s property receipt —contained information covered by the attorney-client privilege.

The FBI seized classified records from Trump’s Palm Beach home during its unprecedented Monday morning raid, including some marked as top secret. But the former president is disputing the classification, saying the records have been declassified.

“Sources told Fox News that some records could be covered by executive privilege, which gives the president of the United States and other officials within the executive branch the authority to withhold certain sensitive forms of advice and consultation between the president and senior advisors,”

By not describing contents these despotic goons think they can end run Constitutional protections and Constitutional Executive authority and exceed the parameters of the warrant with premeditation and malice!  Full police-state fishing expedition on the principle political opponent of the current fraudulent WH occupant and the party that is running Congress into Hell hand in hand with the DeepState traitors who nakedly look the other way to Obama's spying on Trump, Obama's politicization and weaponization of the bureaucracy, Obama's running guns to Mexican cartels getting USBP agents and civilians murdered...Clinton's leaking sieve private e-mail server LOADED with the highest classified data and subsequent cover up...and the never-ending assault on Trump just keeps going on and in by these out of control anti-American lawless criminal 100% confirmed!!!

These assholes are transforming America into a totalitarian state before your very eyes!!!

How chummy is Biden's CIA Director with current Chinese communist given his close recent ties with Chinese Communists?  Don't expect DeepState Praetorians to give a damn, he's in-the-club and thus immune from accountability...besides Donald Trump is a mortal threat to the democracy that is a bloody soiled cloak hiding the rising totalitarianism The Club needs to make America 100% theirs.

So, the Amerikan KGB bugged the crap out of Trump's Mar A Lago estate, he's an existential threat to totalitarian-democracy...the majority rule by the mob would never ever bug you, raid you or persecute you in any such have their honorable pledge on that!

Yes, are not in Kansas are not really in the United States of America anymore are in a corrupt criminal/pedophile run kleptocracy, a dying Republic in name only, seeing the last vestiges of Founding Principles systematically destroyed before our eyes...

Only Hell can be reached at the end of this path...and options to avoid it are dwindling to almost none...


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Online paulh

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Ya see Scarnobrains expert guest today---Strzok, can't make it up but they keep trying

Online patentlymn

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 Trump Investigation: The Espionage Act’s Use To SILENCE Politically Inconvenient Figures
6,636 views  Premiered 47 minutes ago  Find Michael Tracey on Substack
Kim Iversen
When the law becomes a ruse, lawlessness becomes legitimate. -unknown

Offline Libertas

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Ya see Scarnobrains expert guest today---Strzok, can't make it up but they keep trying

Only reason to have traitors like that on TV is to broadcast the execution of their sentences for treason...
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Offline Libertas

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 Trump Investigation: The Espionage Act’s Use To SILENCE Politically Inconvenient Figures
6,636 views  Premiered 47 minutes ago  Find Michael Tracey on Substack
Kim Iversen

That BS is DOA. DemoCommie Homie Comey already set the precedent for that by not seriously investigating Hilary Clinton's notoriously insecure private e-mail server loaded with Top Secret + government data and by declaring her intentions innocent with respect to aforementioned espionage act...

So, based on that precedent, there is several thousand degrees less intent on this drummed-up Trump political assassination 5.0 or whatever number we're up to with these assholes...not to mention the hard to get around declassification authority of a President...

Also, Swalwell and his ChiCom honey-trap...Feinstein and her ChiCom hired al along with Clinton pretty much has obliterated any credible application of the Espionage Act...

Heck, Barry and F&F aiding Mexican drug lords with weapons and a porous border...handing piles of taxpayer funds to bribe the Iranian theocrates into a bogus agreement that would have ZERO effect on preventing them from becoming a nuclear power terrorist empire...not to mention a slew of of other nefarious high crimes...

Please, stick the bogus acts, the phony investigations and all this bullsh*t!
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Offline Libertas

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They took passports...

...really, what's their excuse?  Weren't sure what they were?  Uhh, der...we jus goosesteppin' goons, no think, do as ordered....der!

What BS!

Looks like the Fedsurrectionists are cherry-picking the ill-gotten booty.  Miserable totalitarian scrunts!

According to the DOJ, "Disclosure of the government’s affidavit at this stage would also likely chill future cooperation by witnesses whose assistance may be sought as this investigation progresses, as well as in other high-profile investigations."
The DOJ added while confirming that it has no objections to other information related to the warrant being released, "There remain compelling reasons, including to protect the integrity of an ongoing law enforcement investigation that implicates national security, that support keeping the affidavit sealed."
The request to view the information was filed in the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida by various media groups.
Senators Mark Warner (D-VA) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote Avril Haines, the director of National Intelligence, and Attorney General Merrick Garland for more information on the raid.
The decision now returns to the magistrate judge.

Lies, all lies!!!  If they had ANYTHING to pin a legitimate charge to it would have happened immediately, these so-called witnesses (moles] must have nothing but egg on their faces!  There is no legitimate basis for a continued persecution!  It's just more weaponized bureaucratic persecution and oppression!

“The RAID was Politics, the Midterm Elections, and 2024. It’s another form of Election CHEATING - That’s all the Radical Left Democrats know what to do. They use the FBI & DOJ to try and dirty up their opponents, but the people of our Country are wise to them like never before. Be careful what you wish for!” Trump wrote in a statement on his Truth Social platform on Aug. 13.

Eff'n-A!  We need to shine bright lights on these roaches and smoke them out and be on them like white on rice!

Screw these clowns.  Grab 'em by the nose and kick 'em in the ass!

Yeah?  Hold public hearings in a private location and lets hear what they have to say then!!!


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If true, it is the same BS play that kicked off the bogus Russia crap!  NY Slimes being the DOJ/KGB muppets of choice for dissemination of propaganda and disinformation...

Stay on offense!!!

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The question on every good American's mind is: Why is this stunted slime low-life KGB goon and all his treasonous despotic co-conspirators not feeding maggots?


These punks just keep proving the corrupt institutions they belong to are totally out of control, unaccountable and will destroy this nation and Liberty no matter how many how many lives are ruined or murdered!

Their active duty goons are telling you political opposition will not be tolerated...they're just too puking-dog gutless to admit it straight out...

Project Veritas on Tuesday released a leaked DHS bulletin on ‘domestic violent extremists’ in wake of the FBI’s raid of Trump’s Florida residence.

The DHS told its agents that Americans who discuss topics such as “government overreach” and “election fraud” are a threat.
The DHS also warned the agents that the public should not be aware of the information in the new bulletin.
“Information contained in this intelligence bulletin is for official use only. No portion of this bulletin should be released to the media, the general public, or over nonsecure Internet servers. Release of this material could adversely affect or jeopardize investigative activities.”

Here, let me translate their propaganda:

The DHS told its agents that Americans who discuss topics such as “government overreach” and “election fraud” are a threat to all of us in the DeepState and our cooperating allies in the great battle to fundamentally transform America into a totalitarian state of one-party rule with enforceable conformity by all to the state.

Release of this material could adversely affect or jeopardize investigative activities targeting political opponents who infuriatingly cling to Founding Principles and outdated protections in the Constitution, especially the Bill of Rights, and whom stubbornly refuse to be obedient servants to the totalitarian model we and our comrades are striving to achieve.

Their actions literally make more sense when truthful vs the candy-ass BS they peddle!

America...Americans are being railroaded by despots!  The plethora of un-prosecuted legitimate traitors, grifters and frauds in the DemoCommies ranks proves beyond any doubt these operatives are corrupted beyond salvage and are the preeminent clear and present danger to American Liberty and national survival!

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Offline Libertas

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Expecting Marxist judges and weaponized Marxist bureaucrats to be be consistent to the law?  Ha!

Not in an America being forced into a totalitarian state!

 ::outrage::   ::angry::   ::cussing::
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Sure, making the whole thing an illegitimate affaird from the get-go and proof of a political fishing expedition/opportunity to bug and plant crap in Mar A Lago residence.

Open question for the desperate totalitarian scumbags - Do you think there isn't enough on you filthy bastards in private hands sufficient to prosecute all your asses?  You think this stops anything from coming back on y'all?  You have REINVIGORATED Trump and millions of good think you can escape accountability?

Ha haa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!  Fools!!!

Such a life-affirming video!  (sigh)
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Eschew Obfuscation

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Not a coincidence, and a clear abuse of authority up down all around...fraud up down all around...lying up down all around...TOTALLY POLITICALLY-MOTIVATED OPPRESSION AND PERSECUTION!!!

The politicization went nuclear under the treasonous POS between Bush2 and Trump!

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Whatever...this POS just outed himself and everybody in that scum-sucking DemoCommie Party as 100% totalitarians...only a despot claims our country is a is not, The Founders HATED democracies...we have a REPUBLIC!!!

Any DemoCommie, any Cuck...any asshole say we are a democracy needs to be verbally corrected and throat-punched until they get it right!

REPUBLIC, bitch!

Don't be a gutless mindless pawn in their war on anti-Totalitarians!!!
« Last Edit: September 01, 2022, 12:06:32 PM by Libertas »
We are now where The Founders were when they faced despotism.

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Judge Aileen Cannon grants Trump’s request and orders the appointment of a special master to review questions over the materials seized at Mar-a-Lago. She also halts use of the materials for “criminal investigative purposes” pending the special master’s review.

I have zero trust that the corrupt DOJ or the corrupt FBI Amerikan KGB will honor legally in letter or spirit the orders of the judge.

On May 10, 2022, NARA informed Plaintiff that it would proceed with “provid[ing] the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022” [ECF No. 48-1 p. 9].

This is a zillion times more nefarious than ANYTHING Richard Nixon did!!!  This is in-your-face political persecution and an obscene abuse of authority unprecedented in American history!  This entire corrupt regime should be impeached, tried for high crimes and sentenced to the fullest extent possible for treason!!!

The cocksucking muppet got caught in a big fat lie!

August 24, 2022, Joe Biden was questioned about how much notice he had regarding the FBI raid on President Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.

Question: “Mr. President, how much advanced notice did you have of the FBI’s plan to search Mar-a-Lago?“

BIDEN: “I didn’t have any advanced notice. None, zero, not one single bit.”

Materials seized by the FBI in last month’s raid included “medical documents, correspondence related to taxes, and accounting information” according to Judge Cannon.

The corrupt government rejected the immediate Trump request for a Special Master...

...they were all-in on their politically-motivated illegal fishing expedition!  We should be all-in on ENDING THEM!
« Last Edit: September 06, 2022, 12:00:25 PM by Libertas »
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As noted by the Vice-Chair of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), if the Mar-a-Lago document issues were so vital why was the Gang of Eight never briefed?

Because the Gang of Eight doesn't need to authorize politically-motivated illegal already had a UniParty consensus from that Star Chamber to green-light the JoeFraud raid on the preeminent political opposition to the UniParty.

This is what tyranny looks like.
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